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Apr 22 2023

Open Thread

Nothing in our Constitution suggests that government is a grantor of rights. Instead, government is a protector of rights. - Walter E. Williams

On a tip from Mr. Freemarket.

Apr 21 2023

Alvin Bragg Doubles Number of Felons Freed Without Bail

Meanwhile, as Soros-appointed Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg strategically attempts to secure the Republican nomination for Donald Trump with deliberately absurd criminal charges, real criminals run free:

The proportion of cases in which the Manhattan DA’s office has not asked for felony suspects to be held on bail has more than doubled since 2018, according to its own data. …

Campaigners have accused officials of ‘a depraved indifference to human life’ and pointed to a spate of recent cases in which suspects have been released without bail before going on to commit heinous crimes.

Small price to pay for social justice, right liberals?

The Trump case hinges on promoting an old alleged misdemeanor to multiple felonies.

Meanwhile, data shows [Bragg] is increasingly downgrading felonies to misdemeanors, contributing to fewer cases being bail eligible.

Not even Kathy Hochul has the belly for Bragg’s level of moonbattery:

[Hochul] has previously blasted Bragg for ‘going soft’ after he released without bail a man who terrorized McDonald’s patrons with an ax.

Just another example of civilization unraveling.

She has also personally intervened in a case to ensure a registered sex offender who sucker-punched a man into a coma would remain in jail despite the Bronx DA’s office initially charging him with only a misdemeanor.

The revolving door criminal justice system barely inconveniences criminals in New York:

Mayor Eric Adams revealed that just ten individual criminals made up for 500 of the arrests in the city over the last two years, and at least six of them are still walking the streets.

Consequently, the USA’s largest city is becoming uninhabitable.

As recently as the 1990s, Democrats understood the necessity of three strikes laws. In those days, Democrats would often side with law-abiding citizens against sociopaths. Things have changed. Hochul had better scramble to keep up.

On a tip from Ed McAninch.

Apr 21 2023

Transsexual Psycho Shanu Varma Joins Women’s Institute

Until we gather the nerve to push back against militant transsexuals, they will bully their way into all areas intended for women. In the UK, Shanu Varma has joined the Women’s Institute.

Move over, Fallon Fox. Varma says he is “a gold medal holder shao’lin kung fu champion,” has “permanently paralysed nine people from the neck down,” is “very violent and cruel,” and has “never lost in 320 fights in 40 years.”

Snarls Varma,

“Be careful who you threaten, I can make one phone call, call a favour in and end of troll.”

Varma announced on social media that he has been working on “a snuff list” of feminists to kill for resisting transsexualism. Negative feedback was turned over to the Greater Manchester Police so that the transphobes responsible could be punished.

Women’s Institute chief executive Melissa Green told The Guardian: ‘For us, transgender women are women and we want to share and celebrate their experience with them.’

Good for you, Melissa. No doubt the crocodiles will eat you last.

You can’t blame people for being afraid of transsexuals. Those who believe themselves to be members of the opposite sex are psychotic by definition. They are characterized by such intense self-hatred that according to the Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 82% consider killing themselves and 40% actually try. Many of them sever parts of their own bodies in a desperate attempt to obliterate their identity. When this self-hatred is projected outward, unimpeded by morality, the results are horrifying, as the ongoing wave of transsexual mass murderers attests.

However, sometimes fear needs to be overcome — if only for the sake of our long-term safety.

On a tip from Bluto.

Apr 21 2023

Boy Scouts May Cancel Nods to Indian Culture

Cultural engineers would like to erase both Indians and the Boy Scouts. This should encourage them on both accounts:

The Boy Scouts of America recently asked members whether it’s time to change century-long traditions and practices that critics say misappropriate Native American culture.

In a recent email survey taken by 35,000 current and former members, the national organization asked a broad range of questions about what changes — if any — should be made to its usage and portrayal of Native American imagery, ceremonies and rituals.

Despite decades of calls for reforms from some scouts and Indigenous advocates, the organization still encourages scouts to don headdresses and imitate Indigenous dances as part of its honor society. Some chapters and camps carry made-up, Indigenous-sounding names. Indigenous advocates have decried the depictions as racist and oppressive.

Minority group crybullies have to take racist oppression where they can find it these days.

The Boy Scouts’ poll comes amid growing, national backlash over the misappropriation of Indigenous culture. In recent years, professional sports teams have retired their Native American mascots. Federal and state governments have renamed parks and monuments. And both the YMCA and Camp Fire stopped using Indigenous names for campsites and chapters in youth development programs.

As noted yesterday, New York State has banned Indian nicknames. Iconic characters like Chief Wahoo, the Land O’Lakes Indian Maiden, and the Crying Indian who rebuked us for littering have been canceled.

Soon Indians will be erased completely. Then no one will be able to offend them anymore.

The Boy Scouts are on the fast track to erasure too. LGBT militants have accomplished this by bullying their way into positions to escort young boys out into the woods. Sex abuse lawsuits will take care it from there. Already Boy Scouts have been compelled to march under the flag of their conquerors:

No aspect of traditional American culture can be left standing if liberals are to construct utopia upon its ruins.

On a tip from Franco.

Apr 21 2023

Biden Campaign Worked With CIA to Lie About Laptop

“No such thing as the Deep State!” bark moonbats. Then we read this:

A retired CIA leader coordinated a letter from former intelligence chiefs claiming that Hunter Biden’s laptop was Russian disinformation because he wanted to help Joe Biden’s presidential campaign.

Mike Morell told the House Judiciary Committee that he was asked by Antony Blinken, the Secretary of State – who at the time was a senior member of the Biden campaign – to help discredit the laptop reporting.

Morell was a former acting CIA director, serving for two months in 2011 and four months from 2012 to 2013.

Political corruption appears to be pervasive in the intelligence community:

The letter was ultimately signed by 51 former intelligence officials, including himself and four other former CIA directors, including John Brennan and Leon Panetta.

This was coordinated with the media:

The headline for Politico’s story, on October 19, 2020, was: ‘Hunter Biden story is Russian disinfo, dozens of former officials say.’

The Hunter laptop story, which came out right before the election, had to be killed not because it confirms Biden’s son is a degenerate, but because it suggests Biden himself has been on the payroll of our Communist Chinese adversaries.

The letter alleged that The New York Post story ‘has all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation.’

It wasn’t global warming, so it must have been the Russians.

By now, no serious person denies that the laptop is legit — as Blinken and the CIA no doubt knew all along.

DC bureaucrats constitute another branch of government — arguably the most powerful — with its own objectives. Unsurprisingly, it is aligned with the Party of Government, if need be against American voters. It will take orders from damp apparatchiks like Antony Blinken to keep the establishment party in power, because there will be no draining of swamps with corrupt Democrats in the White House.

Morell was thanked for his work in coordinating the letter, with Steve Ricchetti, chairman of the Biden campaign, telephoning him after the debate to say thank you.

These same people will tell you that Americans protesting election fraud are enemies of democracy.

I’ll give Blinken credit for this much. He always looks like his conscience is bothering him:

In contrast, Biden has no more conscience than a lizard. That is his primary qualification to serve as the figurehead for the liberal establishment.

On tips from Jester and Ed McAninch.

Apr 21 2023

Open Thread

On a tip from Anonymous.

Apr 20 2023

If Only More People Had Backbone Like This Guy…

…we would not currently find ourselves submersed in depravity:

Via Not the Bee:

This three year old video has been going viral on Instagram, YouTube, and now Twitter because it shows an elderly black man who was invited on to a reality YouTube show and paired up with a drag queen to dance.

Is it really so hard to say no to this disgusting lunacy? Why do guys like Isaac seem so rare?

Let him be an inspiration.

On a tip from Jester.

Apr 20 2023

Biden to Punish Good Credit Scores and Reward Bad Ones

Democrat policies reward bad behavior and punish good behavior. Biden’s handlers push this to the point of parody by effectively fining homebuyers who have earned high credit scores so as to benefit those who don’t pay their bills:

A Biden administration rule is set to take effect that will force good-credit home buyers to pay more for their mortgages to subsidize loans to higher-risk borrowers.

Experts believe that borrowers with a credit score of about 680 would pay around $40 more per month on a $400,000 mortgage under rules from the Federal Housing Finance Agency that go into effect May 1…

Using the money to subsidize those with poor credit ratings will help to get people into houses they cannot afford, so as to reenact the mortgage crisis that swept Barack Obama into power.

The rules come as the housing market has struggled in the wake of multiple interest rate increases by the Federal Reserve.

The interest rate hikes are the inevitable result of crippling inflation, which in turn is the inevitable result of Democrats’ ongoing spending looting spree.

Those who have made sacrifices so as to achieve a high credit score expect to be rewarded for it. Under liberal rule, they will be punished.

You may have thought nothing could be more brazenly unfair than Biden et al. scheming to cancel student debt, so that working class Americans have to pick up the tab for useless moonbats’ gender studies degrees through inflation. However, Democrats will always manage to jab their finger even deeper into your eye.

It would be charitable to give liberals the benefit of the doubt by ascribing their opinions to the relentless indoctrination we are immersed in due to Democrat control of the media and schools. But a basic sense of fairness is innate to human nature. It beggars belief that anyone could be so brainwashed as not to understand that Biden’s policies are morally wrong.

Note that the War on Merit does not mean merely discarding merit in favor of identity politics. Democrats don’t ignore merit; they are actively hostile toward it.

On tips from THOUGHTCRIMINAL2084 and Varla.

Apr 20 2023

Twitter Evokes Rage of Totalitarian Left Part II

Almost as bad as refusing to repress objective reality is Twitter failing to facilitate crimes carried out against conservatives. Supporting the leftist war against the Daily Wire, a criminal calling himself “Doomed” hacked Matt Walsh’s phone, providing access to years of private email correspondence. Appallingly — yet at this point unsurprisingly — senior Wired reporter Dell Cameron solicited and then published some of the stolen information.

Obviously, this got Cameron banned from Twitter. So arrogant is the liberal establishment that rather than disown Cameron, Wired whines that he should not have been banned:

Cameron ultimately got in touch with Doomed and penned a piece for Wired Wednesday, in which he described both his conversation with the hacker and the copies of stolen material that Doomed had shared with him. …

In the piece, Cameron gleefully shared personal information about Walsh gleaned from the hack and quoted from Walsh’s private correspondence.

Twitter policy states:

The use of hacks and hacking to exfiltrate information from private computer systems can be used to manipulate the public conversation, and makes all of us less secure online. We do not condone attempts to compromise or infiltrate computer systems. As such, we don’t permit the use of our services to directly distribute content obtained through hacking by the people or groups associated with a hack.

Cameron posted screened shots of hacked material on Twitter — and yet:

Following Cameron’s suspension, Wired managing editor Hemal Jhaveri issued a statement, claiming, “Neither Dell’s story nor his Twitter feed contained hacked materials. We do not believe his account violated Twitter’s policy.”

Jhaveri added, “We have not received any further explanation from Twitter and our attempts to reach Twitter’s press office were met with the customary poop emoji. We ask that the account be reinstated, and that Twitter provide an explanation.”

Walsh responded to Wired, characterizing the statement as a “flat out lie.”

If there is one thing scarier than everything else about liberal establishmentarians, it is their absence of shame. Because of it, the only limit on their behavior is what we manage to impose on them over their strident objections.

As they consolidate control of all major institutions, there will be no limit at all. Look to the Lubyanka to see how this is likely to play out.

Apr 20 2023

Twitter Evokes Rage of Totalitarian Left

Elon Musk is not exactly a conservative, but he does believe in free speech. Consequently, his stewardship of Twitter continues to enrage liberals. They especially don’t like it that you will no longer get banned from Twitter for referring to people by the proper pronouns, even if they have proclaimed themselves to be transsexual:

The previous policy, enacted in 2018, specifically prohibited users from “targeted misgendering or deadnaming of transgender individuals,” which included using the wrong pronoun or a person’s previous name. As of April 2023, the sentence regarding transgender individuals has been removed from the “Slurs and Tropes” category.

Looks like we can even get away with calling Richard “Rachel” Levine by his original name. Small wins for free speech are important. If leftists can dictate how you are allowed to refer to people, what else will they dictate?

The old policy had been exploited by the thought police to silence both satire…

The Babylon Bee, a satirical news site, was famously locked out of its Twitter account in March 2022 for posting an article that jokingly labeled Dr. Rachel Levine, the transgender Assistant Secretary for Health at the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), the outlet’s “Man of the Year.”

…and factual reporting:

The site then locked the account of Turning Point USA founder Charlie Kirk for accurately pointing out that Levine, a biological male, fathered children and then “transitioned” into being a woman in 2014.

No conservative was immune:

It also locked Republican Indiana Rep. Jim Banks’ account for calling Levine a man.

Fume the childtargeting LGBT militants at GLAAD:

“The practice of targeted misgendering and deadnaming has been identified by the ADL and other civil society groups as a form of hate speech. Social media companies committed to maintaining safe environments for LGBTQ people should be working to improve hate speech policies, not deleting long-standing ones.”

GLAAD boasts that it is part of the #StopToxicTwitter coalition, intended to bully Twitter back into its previous role as leftist thought regulator. No public access to ideologically noncompliant information or opinion will be permitted if liberals prevail.

On tips from Franco and MrRightWingDave.

Apr 20 2023

New York Bans Indian Nicknames

They canceled Chief Wahoo, the iconic Indian Maiden on the Land O’Lakes packaging, and even the Crying Indian who rebuked us for littering. But that was not sufficient. All Indians must be sacrificed on the altar of moonbattery, so that they are no longer part of American culture. New York educrats have spoken:

The Board of Regents, which presides over the state’s education department, voted to phase out Native American-related nicknames as part of a politically correct national effort to scrub racially insensitive imagery from sports teams.

Warriors, Chiefs, Braves — all forbidden.

How honoring Indians by naming sports teams after them could possibly be “insensitive” has yet to be explained. The LSU Tigers have their name because tigers warrant respect. No one would name their team the Wokescolds.

Nearly 60 school districts will be required to “eliminate” all use of Indigenous-related mascots and imagery by the end of the 2024-2025 school year, or risk losing state aide, board members unanimously ruled.

The regents have learned well from the federal government. Anyone who accepts your aid has accepted your leash.

Good-bye, Indians. It was nice having you as part of our heritage — which liberals are systematically erasing.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Apr 20 2023

What Now Passes for a Senator

The good news is that Senator John Fetterman (D-PA) is out of Walter Reed after spending more than a month as a psychiatric inpatient. The bad news is they are actually going through with the farce of pretending he is up to the job. Here he is chairing his first subcommittee hearing yesterday:

Fetterman details his bold new food stamp policy:

“Many SNAP households have had benefits stolen through skimming. Victims face the serious challenges of losing purchasing power. When debit cards are skimmed, there are protections for the card holder, what can, what needs can be done to ensure that families have that same kind of protecting,” Fetterman said.

Eric Adams needn’t feel embarrassed. He isn’t the only political leader barely able to read prepared text. The rejection of merit by Democrats has produced predictable results.

On a tip from seaoh.

Apr 20 2023

Open Thread

Without freedom of the press, there can be no representative government. - Charles Maurice de Talleyrand

Apr 19 2023

Would-Be Prager U Debunker Debunks His Own Ideology

More hope. Former Black Lives Matter sympathizer Xaviaer DuRousseau set out to debunk Prager U videos and ended up debunking his own ideology. Candace Owens was the gateway drug that led to him taking the red pill:

Where minds are open, countermoonbattery comes flooding in. That’s why moonbats tend to keep their minds shut tight, liberal media blinders rigidly in place.

On a tip from Blackjack.


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