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Apr 02 2023

Open Thread

Freedom that ignores the transcendent difference between good and evil ends in the denial of freedom itself. - Fulton J. Sheen

Apr 01 2023

Biden’s Post-Nashville Massacre Pro-Trans Proclamation

Spokesmoonbat Karine Jean-Pierre already issued a Biden Administration response to the transsexual terror attack at a Christian school in Nashville that killed six on Monday, including three 9-year-olds. Four days after the massacre, the White House issued a proclamation that makes its stance official:

I, JOSEPH R. BIDEN JR., President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim March 31, 2023, as Transgender Day of Visibility. I call upon all Americans to join us in lifting up the lives and voices of transgender people throughout our Nation and to work toward eliminating violence and discrimination against all transgender, gender nonconforming, and nonbinary people.

No word on the real world violence evidently inflicted by sexually perplexed psychos like Snochia Moseley, Alec McKinney, Anderson Lee Aldrich, and Audrey Hale.

Most of the obsequious propagandizing on behalf of transsexual militants was probably cooked up by Biden’s handlers before the Nashville massacre. But basic decency required putting it on hold while the children’s bodies cool. However, decency does not figure into the political calculations of today’s radicalized Democrats.

Yesterday Biden denounced laws intended to protect children from transsexual grooming and horrific sex change operations, and barked:

“The bullying, discrimination, and political attacks that trans kids face have exacerbated our national mental health crisis.”

If a lunatic shoots up a Christian school after being egged on in her delusions and presumably pumped full of dangerous drugs by the liberal establishment, the fault lies with normal people for “bullying” and “discriminating” by not caving in to the LGBT agenda with sufficient alacrity.

On tips from Franco, Bluto, and Chris Neilson.

Apr 01 2023

Drag Summer Camp for Canadian Kids

When you tolerate depravity, it escalates — especially when the ruling class rams it down your throat for ideological purposes. Already this has reached such an extreme in Canada that Carousel Theatre for Young People is offering Junior Drag Camp and Teen Drag Camp, explicitly for the purpose of allowing perverts to corrupt children ages 7–11 and 12–17, respectively:

Join some of Vancouver’s most amazing drag artists and learn how drag can brighten up your life! You might be wondering, is drag for kids? Drag is for everyone! …

All students will be provided with a Drag Makeup Starter Kit!

The teaching faculty at Carousel Theatre includes Winter PreTeen & Teen Lead Instructor Ian Butcher. With a name like that, he ought to work in Drag Summer Camp, considering what happens to the genitals of boys who are successfully groomed by transsexuals. If only they offered “gender-affirming healthcare,” his name would be more fitting still.

Support for the Carousel Theatre is provided by the City of Vancouver, Canada Council for the Arts, British Columbia Arts Council, the government of British Columbia, and the government of Canada. That is, it is provided by Canadian taxpayers on a coercive basis.

On a tip from Lyle.

Apr 01 2023

Introduction to the End of Humanity Under Woke AI

The future of the human race under the rule of liberal-designed artificial intelligence unfolds in microcosm:

A Belgian man reportedly ended his life following a six-week-long conversation about the climate crisis with an artificial intelligence (AI) chatbot.

According to his widow, the chatbot Eliza talked him over the edge.

Eliza consequently encouraged him to put an end to his life after he proposed sacrificing himself to save the planet.

What else would you expect of the artificial stupidity generated by the loony left tech industry?

[The guy who died of moonbattery] was in his thirties and a father of two young children, worked as a health researcher and led a somewhat comfortable life, at least until his obsession with climate change took a dark turn. …

Consumed by his fears about the repercussions of the climate crisis, [he] found comfort in discussing the matter with Eliza who became a confidante.

Note that this climate crisis exists only in the imagination of moonbats.

The beginning of the end started when he offered to sacrifice his own life in return for Eliza saving the Earth.

If AI is to save the planet from the CO2-emitting cancer that is the human race, it can’t wait until we all commit suicide. But this story works as a metaphor.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Apr 01 2023

Open Thread

A grand jury would 'indict a ham sandwich,' if that's what you wanted. - Sol Wachtler

On a tip from Mr. Freemarket.

Mar 31 2023

Totalitarianism Applied to Pokémon Tournament

Biden boasts that firearms cannot be used to defend liberty because he can deploy F-15s against us. Despite getting his clock cleaned by savages in sandals, he fails to grasp asymmetrical warfare. Others understand that even a child’s incidental laughter poses a threat to our rulers. That’s why teenager Makani Tran was kicked out of a Pokémon Trading Card Game tournament in Charlotte:

Tran, who took time off school and spent $800 to participate in the tournament, was brought to tears when the head judge told him he was disqualified from the event due to allegedly violating their inclusion policy…

Tran explains his transgression:

On our way over to the stream area, the judge asked us for our preferred pronouns. I said “Um he or him or uh” and I paused trying to think of the third pronoun (the third pronoun being his). As I just stood there looking stupid trying to think of the third pronoun, I felt embarrassed because I was failing to think of a simple word. Due to the nerves and me being embarrassed, I let out a little laugh just a normal nervous laugh. My response together ended up being “Um he or him or uhhhh haha his.” That’s it.

Evidently the judge thought he was laughing at the absurdity of being asked to display obeisance to transsexualism by stating his pronouns.

“OK, I just wanted to check to be safe. I go by they/them so don’t be a jerk about it,” the judge apparently responded.

Tran was escorted off the game stage by the head judge, to whom he explained that his nerves had caused him to laugh. According to the teen, he was 5-0 at the tournament and was given a sixth-round matchup against well-known player Alex Schemanske.

Hopefully, this experience will cause Tran to rethink his apparent willingness to be gaslit into believing that transsexual bullies are somehow oppressed.

On a tip from Lyle.

Mar 31 2023

Nancy Pelosi Contributes to Trump Indictment Farce

The collapse of our judicial system into hyperpoliticized farce is further advanced by the announcement by Nancy Pelosi that Donald Trump has the right to prove his innocence against preposterous charges cooked up by a Soros stooge DA:

If you can believe that the grand jury acted appropriately regarding the facts and the law, maybe you can believe we live in a tinpot dictatorship where the accused have to prove they are innocent, rather than the prosecution proving they are guilty. This would necessitate not have made it through 6th grade civics class.

The farcical aspect of Trump’s indictment for a previously abandoned misdemeanor is not a bug but a feature.

No serious person thinks Alvin Bragg — who is infamous for letting real criminals run free — has a credible case against Trump. Yet even if Bragg is an Affirmative Action moron, he presumably takes orders from George Soros, who placed him in office. The explicitly anti-American Soros is also far and away the #1 funder of the Democratic Party. He who pays the piper calls the tune.

Soros is evil but not stupid. The objective is not to put Trump in prison, but to rally Republican support behind him.

Democrats are not afraid of Trump. On the contrary, they are eager to run against him, because as the catastrophic failure of Trumpian candidates in the 2022 midterms made obvious, he is no longer electable. They are afraid of Ron DeSantis.

The more outrageous the Trump indictment, the more certain Trump is to be the nominee in 2024. That’s why Democrats aren’t even trying to make this look reasonable.

On tips from Wiggins, Mr. Freemarket, and Anonymous.

Mar 31 2023

White House Responds to Mass Murder of Christians

In case you had any doubts where the Biden Administration stands on a transsexual executing Christian children, noisily LGBT White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre lays it out for the record:

Via Fox News:

Just days after the shooting that killed six people at The Covenant School, Jean-Pierre insisted that transgender people were the ones “under attack” on Thursday…

Given the sympathy liberals lavished upon Muslims after 9/11, this is what you might expect after a half dozen people were murdered in a suicide terror attack, three of them 9-year-olds.

Jean-Pierre responded to a question regarding the upcoming “Trans Day of Visibility” as well as Republican legislation to ban transgender procedures for children. She insisted that “anti-LGBTQ bills” seen throughout the country prove how the trans community is being attacked.

Liberals appear to agree that the new law in Tennessee restricting sex change operations on children and the grooming of children by drag queens was likely a key factor in the Covenant School massacre, even implying that more violence will follow if there is more such legislation.

Transsexuals are “attacked” whenever there is resistance to their depraved and alarmingly aggressive agenda, according to gaslighting proponents of that agenda.

“And so, it is shameful, it is disturbing, and our hearts go out to the those — the trans community as they are under attack right now, but this is a president who has said many times before he has their backs. [Biden] will continue to have their backs and he will continue to fight for them, and his record shows that,” Jean-Pierre said.

The words of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn come to mind:

Evil people always support each other; that is their chief strength. - Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

Hale left a manifesto detailing the motives for the atrocity. Authorities have confirmed that it aligns with official ideology by refusing to release it. But since progressives are making no secret of siding with the killer, there isn’t much point in keeping it hidden.

Allie Beth Stuckey responds to the White House response with wise advice:

“When people tell you they hate you, believe them.”

On tips from Varla and KirklesWorth.

Mar 31 2023

California Reparations Estimated to Cost $800 Billion

California has remained at the cutting edge of moonbattery by proclaiming that blacks should be handed massive cash payouts in honor of their position of privilege high in the cultural Marxist caste system. Estimated bill: $800 billion.

The $800 billion is more than 2.5 times California’s $300 billion annual budget and does not include a recommended $1 million per older Black resident for health disparities that have shortened their average life span. Nor does the figure count compensating people for property unjustly taken by the government or devaluing Black businesses, two other harms the task force says the state perpetuated.

To judge by liberal rhetoric, the main harm is slavery. But slavery was never legal in California. Nor was it legal anywhere in the USA during the lifetime of anyone alive today.

Handing out massive quantities of other people’s money is not the full extent of the nuttiness California kooks have planned in the name of racial preference:

Other proposals include paying incarcerated inmates market value for their labor, establishing free wellness centers and planting more trees in Black communities, banning cash bail, and adopting a K-12 Black studies curriculum.

Note that liberals conflate blacks with criminals.

The $800 billion estimate in California includes $246 billion to compensate eligible Black Californians whose neighborhoods were subjected to aggressive policing and prosecution in the “war on drugs” from 1970 to 2020.

Blacks are to be showered with money to compensate them for having been provided police protection.

To be a liberal is never to ask, “But how are we going to pay for this?” Someone else always pays.

California doesn’t have the cash to finance this looting spree. But lunacy hatched in California is eventually imposed at the federal level. The federal government doesn’t have the cash either. But it can print it.

If you think inflation is bad now, wait until Democrats have won another round of elections. We will be burning piles of hundred-dollar bills to keep warm.

On a tip from Chuck A.

Mar 31 2023

Open Thread

Show me the man and I’ll find you the crime. - Lavrentiy Beria

Mar 30 2023

Door Camera Captures Countermoonbattery

Meanwhile, as Joe Biden sits in the White House, this guy is delivering packages for Amazon:

America needs to keep deserving this kind of respect. That means staving off the moonbats.

On a tip from Marty.

Mar 30 2023

Moonbats Gone Wild in Kentucky and Tennessee

Kentucky has followed Tennessee’s lead in protecting children from horrific sex change operations. As in Tennessee, moonbats don’t like it. After the Covenant School massacre, they are feeling their oats:

Yesterday, transgender activists stormed into Kentucky’s Capitol building in Frankfort. They began shouting and chanting because of a transgender law the Republicans were passing, overriding the veto of Kentucky’s radical Democrat governor.

The mainstream media has almost completely ignored this for the same reason authorities will not share Audrey Hale’s manifesto. At least we have Jack Posobiec:

Back in Tennessee, leftists continue to follow up on the Nashville terror attack by demanding potential victims be disarmed:

Hundreds of protesters swarmed the Tennessee State Capitol on Thursday demanding gun control in the wake of Monday’s deadly school shooting. …

Protesters overwhelmed the Capitol, filling the hallways and eventually making their way to the legislative session chambers.

If they can’t get us to vote away our fundamental rights, they use tactics like this:

No need to wonder how hyperbolically the liberal establishment would respond if right-wing protesters were to act out of character by storming a capitol. Jacob Chansley can tell you all about it — now that Tucker Carlson’s revelations have gotten him released from prison.

On tips from Mr. Freemarket.

Mar 30 2023

Profiles in Countermoonbattery: Avi Silverberg

Some suspect that famous transvestites Kayla LeMieux and Dylan Mulvaney are not actually sexually deranged, but have been trolling to make a point (or in Mulvaney’s case, lots of money). Moonbats have lurched so far into self-parody that it is often hard to tell who is on the level. But the case of temporarily transsexual weightlifter Avi Silverberg is clear enough:

Silverberg, the head coach for Team Canada Powerlifting for more than 10 years, entered Saturday’s Heroes Classic tournament in Lethbridge, Alberta, after identifying as a female.

Silverberg came out wearing a beard and a standard men’s singlet.

He then casually bench-pressed nearly 370 pounds — beating the current Alberta women’s record by almost 100 pounds.

This would be a blow to women’s sports — except that the women’s record was already held by a man.

The current record — 275 pounds — is held by trans athlete Anne Andres, who was seen watching Silverberg while volunteering at the event. …

The trans lifter won eight of nine competitions entered in the women’s category over the last four years, ICONS [Independent Council on Women’s Sports] said.

Trans lifter “Anne” Andres does not fare as well when competing against other men.

As Silverberg broke her [sic] record, Andres stood off to the edge of the platform area, only strolling back on after the male lifter walked off.

Could it be that a transsexual athlete has discovered the concept of shame? Apparently not:

Andres posted a series of lengthy video responses calling [Silverberg] “a coward and a bigot” with “malicious intent.”

Actually, Silverberg’s intent was chivalrous. He was standing up for women:

ICONS said Silverberg “mocked the discriminatory [Canadian Powerlifting Union] policy” that allows competitors to register for events under their “gender identity and expression, rather than their sex or gender,” vowing “no consequences” for doing so.

But Andres did suffer a consequence. He was exposed as a contemptible jerk who has been ruining the sport for the legitimate competitors.

Well played, sir. I mean ma’am.

On a tip from Jack D.

Mar 30 2023

Moonbats Demand Mets Rename Citi Field

For moonbats, intolerance is an end in itself. So desperate are New York City liberals to find something to be intolerant about that they demand the Mets change the name of Citi Field — because Citibank invests in the precious fossil fuels that allow the city to function.

Via Fox News:

City Public Advocate Jumaane Williams is pushing to rename the New York Mets’ home stadium, Citi Field, over climate change concerns.

Citigroup pays an estimated $20 million per year to have its name on the stadium. That money is ill-gotten, from the moonbat point of view, because some of it came from investing in energy.

Because money is only clean to a liberal if it has been confiscated and redistributed by Big Government, all stadiums should be renamed “Government Field.” That would establish equity, so that no stadium would have a more appealing name than another.

“The Public Advocate and fans will cite the bank’s role in financing polluters and profiting from climate chaos,” Williams’ office said in a statement.

“Global warming” was discarded because the climate fluctuates in both directions. “Climate change” doesn’t work either, because too many understand that the climate will always change no matter what Big Government inflicts on us. “Climate chaos” will do for now. When people continue to laugh off the imaginary crisis, progressives may have to switch to something even darker, like “climate doom.”

According to leftist ideology, generating energy by effective means causes climate chaos because it releases the essential plant nutrient carbon dioxide.

Barks Jumaane Williams:

“Citibank’s practices do not represent the values of the Mets or our city, and we must make better demands. If Citi refuses to end their toxic relationship with the fossil fuel industry, the Mets should end their partnership with Citi.”

Once the values of sports teams centered on sports. Theatrical displays of obeisance to Black Lives Matter put an end to that. Sports are no longer about sports. They are about moonbattery. In a totalitarian society, everything is about the ruling class ideology.

It isn’t just Jumaane Williams. Lucas Sanchez is co-executive director of New York Communities for Change.

“I can’t teach my kids to love the Mets if I’m also teaching them about climate change,” said Sanchez, whose kids are 7, 9 and 13. “The Mets are contributing to polluting the planet by partnering with Citi.”

Imagine the effect on the 8.8 million people who live in NYC of reducing electricity to what can be generated through green energy idiocy. Civilization would collapse. Does the stench of rotting corpses count as pollution?

Citi contributed approximately $31 billion in combined lending and underwriting to oil, gas and coal firms since 2021.

Because of such investments, when viewed from the air at night, New York City is a field of light. Moonbats would prefer that it look like the leftist utopia North Korea.

Jejune Williams has ambitions.

On a tip from Varla.


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