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Jul 05 2022

Moonbats Invent New Word: Heteropessimism

Normally, revisions to the Newspeak Dictionary entail erasing words that we are no longer allowed to use, on the principle that by restricting our vocabulary, social engineers can restrict our thoughts. Sometimes, however, our moonbat rulers add new words — like “heteropessimism.”

Via Salon:

Heteropessimism is a new word for an intuitive, possibly very old, concept in white Western culture. Coined in 2019 by writer Asa Seresin, heteropessimism is an attitude of disappointment, embarrassment or despair at the state of heterosexual relations – specifically about being in one.

Seresin’s definition is useful because this pessimism is accompanied by the paradoxical practice of sticking with heterosexuality in its current forms, even as it is judged to be “irredeemable.”

The proposed solution is for us to abandon normal, natural, healthy relationships and embrace alternative sexuality.

This will stop us from reproducing, so that our carbon emissions will no longer threaten to inconvenience the polar bears. As we wait to go extinct, we can enjoy the many exotic diseases that are spread through the homosexual lifestyle, now including monkeypox.

If there is despair in sexual relations, it is because feminism, degeneracy, and other aspects of the leftist mindset have poisoned them. To enable stable and fulfilling relationships, reject moonbattery and embrace the traditional values that served us so well for millennia.

On a tip from Dragon’s Lair.

Jul 05 2022

Open Thread

One of the ordinary modes, by which tyrants accomplish their purposes without resistance, is, by disarming the people, and making it an offense to keep arms. - Joseph Story

Jul 04 2022

Reagan and Biden on America

It would be great to have a great president to remind us why this is a great day — like Ronaldus Magnus:

Our current president has something to say about America too:

From Reagan to Biden in only 4 decades. Moonbattery acts fast. We have a lot of work to do to reverse the damage.

On tips from Wiggins and Eddie_Valiant.

Jul 04 2022

Orlando Apologizes for Denouncing Fourth of July

The moonbats running Orlando denounced our national holiday by tweeting this:

“A lot of people probably don’t want to celebrate our nation right now, and we can’t blame them. When there is so much division, hate and unrest, why on earth would you want to have a party celebrating it?”

“Hate” is Liberalese for “resistance to moonbattery.”

Some of this resistance came from the Fraternal Order of Police Orlando Lodge #25, which denounced the denunciation as “inflammatory and in poor taste.”

Even now, leftists will often back down when confronted with pushback, if only due to the spinelessness that characterizes bureaucrats. But then there was pushback to backing down to the pushback:

Anna Eskamani is a State Rep from Orlando. Like Orlando’s mayor Buddy Dyer, she is a Democrat.

At least they were right about there being division. Fortunately, the Founders blessed us with a system of government that allows us to work it out peacefully.

On a tip from Steve T.

Jul 04 2022

WWII Vet Not Liking the Fundamental Transformation

The Fourth of July is the perfect time to resolve to pry moonbats’ claws loose from Lady Liberty’s throat and restore the country this gent fought for:

On tips from Anonymous and seaoh.

Jul 04 2022


The Fourth of July is all about pushing back against tyrants. In that spirit, FJB. Or to be more explicit,

At least we don’t have to worry about how awful it will be when the liberal establishment imposes President Kamala or President AOC. Not even they could be any worse than Biden. No one could.

Actually though, it is not true that nobody likes Joe Biden. Due to his energy policy and Marxist rhetoric, his ChiCom paymasters love him:

On tips from Anonymous and the War Planner.

Jul 04 2022

Happy Fourth of July From Kid Rock

Kid Rock is the exception that proves the rule when it comes to the entertainment industry:

Moonbats can’t complain. They just had a whole month. Americans get one day. Make the most of it.

On a tip from Anonymous.

Jul 04 2022

Open Thread

The date will be the most memorable epoch in the history of America. I am apt to believe that it will be celebrated by succeeding generations as the great anniversary festival. It ought to be commemorated as the day of deliverance, by solemn acts of devotion to God Almighty. It ought to be solemnized with pomp and parade, with shows, games, sports, guns, bells, bonfires, and illuminations, from one end of this continent to the other, from this time forward forever more. - John Adams

Jul 03 2022

Elderly San Franciscans Forbidden to Park at Own Home

Absolute moonbattery means absolute government. That means being at the mercy of the sort of arrogant a-hole bureauweenies who run ultraliberal San Francisco.

It isn’t easy to find a place to park in San Francisco. Fortunately for Ed and Judy Craine, they have a car pad, where they had been parking for the past 36 years — until:

Out of the blue, the couple got a ticket for parking in their own driveway. …

It came with an enormous fine: $1,542 dollars, plus another $250 per day if they didn’t get the car off their carpad.

The city’s Planning Department said maybe they could get a waiver and be allowed to use their own property — provided they could “prove that parking was a historic use on the lot.”

The couple dug up and submitted various photographic evidence that cars had been parked there since at least 1938. But bureaucrats sniffed that the proof was unsatisfactory.

Why was this elderly couple suddenly forbidden to park their car at their own home?

Planning Chief Dan Sider … said someone made an anonymous complaint to the city.

Two types benefit from government hypertrophy: petty tyrants and rats.

In their condescending benevolence, SF’s pencil-pushing overlords deigned to let the fine slide — so long as the Craines never park on their car pad again.

No American should have to live like this.

On a tip from R F.

Jul 03 2022

Biden Regime to Kill New Offshore Drilling

The Biden Regime having already hamstrung the energy industry, shutting down the Permian Basis will be devastating. But that’s not all our rulers have in store for us. For the next step in their incremental strangulation of the energy industry, they plan to prevent new offshore drilling in either sea or shining sea:

The proposed plan will give the administration the ability to hold no new lease sales at all, according to the Interior Department. The plan could allow a maximum of 11 oil lease sales for offshore drilling, ten in the Gulf of Mexico and one in the Cook Inlet off of the south-central Alaska coast over the course of the next five years.

That leaves nothing for the Atlantic and Pacific coasts. Massive quantities of oil will lay wasted beneath the ocean floor.

The Interior Department is run by a leftist kook who was given the position because she is an Indian (do not say squaw) who evidently wants to get even with the pale faces for the injustices of centuries past.

Whoops Deb Haaland:

“From Day One, President Biden and I have made clear our commitment to transition to a clean energy economy.”

True enough. On his first day in office, Biden committed economic sabotage by killing the Keystone XL pipeline.

“Transitioning to clean energy” is Euphemese for deliberately destroying the US economy in order to fundamentally transform this into a very different country with a much lower standard of living and still lower population. It means genocide.

No serious person believes that green energy boondoggles can provide more than a tiny fraction of the power required to sustain the economy. The objective is economic collapse. Tens of millions of us will die of starvation — by design.

The tactic isn’t new. Genocide by starvation tightened the grip on power of communist dictators Stalin and Mao. That’s how both of them managed to dwarf Hitler’s body count.

The “transition” will be good for the climate, according to the doctrine of our ruling class. More importantly, it will leave those of us who survive more susceptible to totalitarian rule.

Americans could have no worse enemy than the leftists comprising the liberal establishment.

Meanwhile, Biden attempts to dupe idiots into going along with this by denouncing gas stations for the higher prices they must charge due to his policies:

Stand by for nationalization of gas stations. That will be the time to get a good pair of walking shoes — if you can still afford them.

It bears repeating that Biden promised in advance to abolish the fossil fuels that keep us alive. The effect of this on the economy is the same as the effect exsanguination has on a body:

When people promise to do evil, do not give them power.

On tips from Varla, Anonymous, and Wiggins.

Jul 03 2022

CNN Anchor: Taliban Won’t Respect Us on Women’s Rights

At first it seemed wonderful that the Supreme Court confirmed the Constitution says what it says, not what left-wing activists would like it to say. The repeal of Roe v. Wade will preserve not only our system of government but many thousands of innocent lives, despite leaving abortion alone in the parts of the country that want it. But then British-Iranian propagandist Christiane Amanpour revealed that the Taliban might not respect this alleged encroachment on women’s rights:

“And let us just not forget that I’ve covered repressive regimes who have set back women’s rights throughout my career, never in the history of women’s rights in America have we seen such a reversal in a developed country. It just hasn’t happened, and the rest of the world is watching this very, very closely as America talks about, you know, shoring up democracy abroad, it really has to happen at home as well. Particularly for women’s rights,” she lamented.

Never mind that abortion will still be more restricted in Europe than in most of the USA, Roe or no Roe. Only six other countries in the world allow abortion after 20 weeks of pregnancy. Half of them are communist regimes where neither women nor anyone else has rights: China, North Korea, and Vietnam.

Amanpour expanded upon her emotional plea by arguing the Taliban wouldn’t even respect the United States’ commitment to women’s rights anymore.

“Again, I would also say that as a conclusion, American democracy and the state of American women’s rights are being really looked at, not just by the rest of the West, as these meetings are happening, but by the rest of the world. You think the Taliban are going to actually say, ‘Oh, yeah, we’re going to adhere to what you tell us for recognition based on what, you know, on what we do about women’?” she expressed skeptically.

The Taliban is infamous for repressing women, whom they will not allow to become educated or even to show their faces in public. Christiane Amanpour is infamous for making absurdly inappropriate comparisons in inept attempts to prop up her ideology.

After the 2020 presidential election, she said on CNN that the Trump presidency reminded her of the Holocaust.

Fortunately, she works for CNN, so few people will be disoriented by her pernicious blathering.

On a tip from Steve T.

Jul 03 2022

Open Thread

Either you will control your government, or government will control you. - Ronald Reagan

Jul 02 2022

Moonbats Sulk While Patriots Celebrate America

America is currently bedridden with a disease called moonbattery, but its greatness hasn’t died. This weekend, patriots celebrate the USA and its proud heritage. Moonbats sulk because their attempts to ruin this country have not yet succeeded:

A miserable ideology attracts miserable people. Why be miserable? Love America, fight to restore it, and have a great Fourth of July weekend.

On tips from Wiggins, seaoh, and Anonymous.

Jul 02 2022

Twitter Okays Death Threats but Bans Jordan Peterson

Jordan Peterson has been banned from Twitter for refusing to delete the following:

Remember when Pride was a sin? And Ellen Page just had her breasts removed by a criminal physician.

The reference is to a mentally ill actress who had herself surgically mutilated by a scoundrel in the delusional belief this would transform her into a man.

Why was this tweet such a serious thought crime that Twitter would rather further discredit itself by banning a major intellectual figure than let it stand? Why would Peterson rather die than delete it? Read his explanation here or watch him explain below:

Meanwhile, as intellectual giants are banned for observing that women are not men, Twitter has no problem with calls to assassinate a Supreme Court justice for doing his job by defending the Constitution from politicization:

Shortly after Roe v. Wade was overturned, a Twitter user with the handle @redfrnn, who has since deleted his or her or xis account, tweeted: “i’m going to assassinate supreme court justice Clarence Thomas.” The same Twitter user had just before that tweeted a photo of a gun, saying: “im considering buying a mac mini.” Twitter, however, did not find this murderous psychopath to be in violation of their rules, despite the fact that those rules say, “You may not threaten violence against an individual or a group of people.”

Thomas is a conservative, so he doesn’t count as a person from the viewpoint of the radical leftists running Twitter. Neither does Donald Trump:

On New Year’s Day 2022, Iran’s Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, tweeted, “Martyr Soleimani is an eternal reality that will live on forever. His assassins – including Trump & the like – will go down in history’s garbage bin, but of course after receiving retribution in this world for the crime they committed.” That “retribution in this world” bit was a clear threat, but Twitter did nothing to restrict Khamenei’s account.

Qasem Soleimani was a top terrorist taken out on Trump’s orders.

Nor did Twitter do anything to the account of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps when it tweeted nine days later, “The Islamic Republic of Iran considers vengeance against those responsible for the Baghdad crime to be the right of all believers; whether they are drops in the ocean or bits of sand in the desert they’ll seek vengeance next to the criminals’ homes.”

This was a call to all Muslims worldwide to assassinate a former US President — whom Twitter had permanently banned on a bogus charge of encouraging violence.

Imagine a ballgame where the referees are avid fans of one team, vehemently hate the other team, and don’t even pretend to be fair. That’s the situation we are in with liberals controlling the information infrastructure.

On tips from Blackjack and ABC of the ANC.


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