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Oct 07 2023

Los Angeles Sides With Airbnb Squatter

As we learned when the CDC surreally decreed that landlords could not insist that rent be paid, we no longer enjoy property rights in the decaying remnants of the USA. Also gone are rule of law and shame. This state of affairs makes it hard to earn money with Airbnbs:

[Sascha] Jovanovic, who owns a dental surgery practice in Santa Monica, rented out his accessory dwelling unit via Airbnb to [Elizabeth] Hirschhorn, whose Airbnb stay ended in April last year, according to the [Los Angeles] Times. She hasn’t paid rent since.

The “accessory dwelling” is in tony Brentwood, Los Angeles. It should be worth $millions.

“When Elizabeth Hirschhorn’s Airbnb stay ended in April 2022, she simply didn’t move out. She’s been living there rent-free ever since, and she refused to budge unless Jovanovic paid her a relocation fee of $100,000,” the Times reports.

Extortion is apparently no longer illegal. But we still have plenty of rules. Welcome to the Kafkaesque world of moonbat bureaucracy:

Because of several [evidently trivial] code violations, the city determined that Jovanovic couldn’t evict Hirschhorn, whom he claims won’t even let him inside to bring it up to code.

According to leftist ideology, landlords are always the bad guys. So Big Government participates in the extortion:

Because she stayed in the unit for six months, Hirschhorn qualified for L.A.’s recently adopted Just Cause Ordinance, which requires a landlord to have a legal reason to evict her, and if there is no legal reason, the landlord is required to pay for relocation assistance for the tenant.

Looks like her refusal to pay and his desire for her to leave his property don’t count as legal reasons.

Pedro Gonzalez, the city investigator, also concluded that the unit is subject to L.A.’s Rent Stabilization Ordinance, giving Hirschhorn much stronger tenant protections.

No doubt the same government that negates property rights and refuses to perform the fundamental service of arresting the trespasser will insist taxes be paid on the property, despite having rendered it useless to its owner.

On a tip from Varla.

Oct 07 2023

Open Thread

Everything you read in newspapers is absolutely true, except for that rare story of which you happen to have first-hand knowledge. - Erwin Knoll

Oct 06 2023

No One Is Safe

In place of thoughts, moonbats have bumper stick slogans that they exploit their control of the media to shriek in your face. A favorite of the Covid era is, “No one is safe until everyone is safe.” Everyone is safe when there is not a single person who hasn’t complied and conformed:

Only time will tell just how much damage the largely unnecessary Covid vaccines have done to public health — although the constant stream of stories about seemingly healthy young people dying unexpectedly, usually of sudden heart issues, is alarming in the extreme.

More alarming still is the absolute conformity demanded by liberal drovers.

At least now we have immunity against believing anything our rulers tell us.

On tips from ABC of the ANC and The Great Cornholio.

Oct 06 2023

Shrillary Calls for “Formal Deprogramming” of Opposition

If Democrats don’t terrify you yet, listen as their 2016 presidential candidate suggests that their opposition should be dragged off to reeducation camps:

“At some point you know maybe there needs to be a formal deprogramming of [Trump supporters]. But something needs to happen.”

That’s how things are done where people like Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, Barack Obama, et al. have achieved total control. There is no reason to expect the USA to be different from North Korea once they have consolidated power.

Having called for “extremists” (i.e., dissidents) to be subjected to mandatory brainwashing, Shrillary went on to call Trump an authoritarian — with a straight face:

On tips from KirklesWorth and Wiggins.

Oct 06 2023

Empty Shelves Have Arrived

No need to wait until Marxists like Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson establish government stores. The empty shelves associated with socialism have already arrived in certain parts of the country, compliments of the crime that the liberals in control egg on and enable:

The only alternative to living like this is the rejection of moonbattery root and branch.

On a tip from Jester.

Oct 06 2023

Legacy of George Floyd Unfolded Quickly

In life, career criminal George Floyd was a no-account loser. In death, with the aggressive support of the liberal establishment, he has become a man of import. The effect he has had on American society through his role in the deification of black criminality has been significant, as was already clear in a Daily Veracity report from 2 years ago:

According to a study out of SJ Quinney College of Law … the recent spikes in homicides have been caused by a “Minneapolis Effect,” similar to the earlier “Ferguson Effect, directly after the 2015 protests.

The Ferguson Effect was caused by leftists like Barack Obama exploiting the justified shooting of black maniac Michael Brown to tear the country apart.

Doing their job can destroy their lives, as with Darren Wilson. It can even get a cop thrown in prison as a human sacrifice to moonbattery, like Derek Chauvin. So some take a hands-off approach to crime, even dragging their feet in response to 911 calls.

Additionally, according to the data, the black share of known homicide offenders rose to a record of almost 60%, with the same demographic committing over 50% of all violent crimes. for the year.

Impressive for a group that comprises only 13% of the population.

The reason black criminality is egged on and enabled by the people in control is that it has been weaponized for political purposes.

Here’s something the mainstream media won’t tell you:

The data also show that black offenders of hate crimes occurred at over twice the rate per 100,000 people than hate crimes committed by white offenders.

Anyone surprised? The liberal establishment strategically demonizes and scapegoats whites the same way Nazis did Jews. The only difference is that few Nazis were Jews themselves, so their ideology was less depraved.

What Black Lives Matter threw into overdrive in the name of George Floyd had already been underway:

In 2018, The Bureau of Justice Statistics released its survey of criminal victimization, breaking down 593,598 interracial violence between blacks and whites. Black Americans committed 537,204 of those interracial felonies or 90 percent, and white Americans committed 56,394 of them, or less than 10 percent.

The collapse of American civilization into violent chaos is by design. George Floyd didn’t come up with the idea. The people who run the universities, the media, and the Democratic Party did. It’s part of a strategy for fundamentally transforming America.

On a tip from Veritas100.

Oct 06 2023

Open Thread

Socialism and federalism are necessarily political opposites, because the former demands that centralized concentration of power which the latter by definition denies. - Felix Morley

Oct 05 2023

Tax Dollar Parasites

Turnabout is fair play. Liberals pervert even natural history to advance their agenda. The Sand Ridge Nature Center in suburban Chicago has a Queerness of Nature Walk in which zoology and botany are subordinated to LGBTism. How about if we do a nature show on Democrats — or as naturalists call them, tax dollar parasites?

On a tip from Mr. Freemarket.

Oct 05 2023

Biden Regime Blows Fortune on Transgender Research

The national debt has skyrocketed past $33 trillion. Inflation is much worse than the authorities admit. Meanwhile, our moonbat rulers waste money on a gargantuan scale to finance their sick agenda:

The Biden administration has awarded over $100 million in federal grants to colleges, universities, and hospitals to fund research into “transgender” medicine, according to a report published by the Capital Research Center on Sept. 12.

Researchers Parker Thayer and Katie Cagle write that the Biden Administration has spent “over $104 million in payments to initiatives mostly or exclusively promoting, subsidizing, or studying transgenderism.”

The Democrats in charge are not just creepy and deranged. They are Satanic:

Several of the grants funded research into transgender treatment specifically for children.

The extravagantly expensive studies have confirmed what common sense would tell us regarding the health hazards of the depraved sexual agenda promoted by the Biden Regime. As Johns Hopkins University College Republicans note,

“It is a gross insult to students and professors, who spend a lot of their time writing grant applications for their scientifically legitimate research, that Johns Hopkins University is receiving $3.5 million dollars to discover something health experts have known since the 1970s: sexual relationships between men increase risk of HIV.”

The Regime will continue to push LGBTism will all its might regardless of what the studies find, rendering them totally pointless.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC. Hat tip: Legal Insurrection.

Oct 05 2023

Subsidized Amtrak Enriches Those Who Run It

You don’t want government running anything it doesn’t have to run, because it is based on coercion rather than performance and is therefore inherently corrupt and inefficient. Bureaucrats can keep a government-owned business alive indefinitely with subsidies, but its only real purpose will be to facilitate the transfer of our wealth to the parasites who rule over us. Consider Amtrak:

The rail company paid its 19,000 employees an average salary of $121,000 for fiscal year 2022, with the exact numbers being hidden by Amtrak through its use of an exemption to the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). The exemption permits the government to withhold information on personal privacy grounds, while top executives whose salaries were reported made between $504,000 and $780,000, according to Open The Books, citing payroll data acquired through FOIA requests.

Since its establishment in 1971, Amtrak has never turned a profit and predicts that it will continue to lose roughly $1 billion per year, leaving taxpayers to cover most of its losses, according to the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure.

From our rulers’ point of view, Amtrak is a booming success. It serves as a firehose that blasts other people’s money at the people who run it, who are too incompetent to operate a business that would survive in the public sector.

On a tip from R F.

Oct 05 2023

Halloween Versus Democrats

It looks like Halloween all month in stores. In the White House, it looks like Halloween all year round, thanks to the creepy plastic surgery disaster Joe Biden:

“That’s above my pay grade” was lifted from the smirking punk whose coattails Biden rode to the White House, Barack Obama. The Moonbat Messiah used the flippant expression to shrug off the question of whether children are people prior to being killed by abortion. After claiming he didn’t know, he continued to advance the radical pro-abortion stance that has become a cornerstone the Democratic Party.

Halloween and Democrats are both creepy, but there’s a big difference. With one, the scariness is shallow, harmless, and fun. With the other, it comes from the core.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Oct 05 2023

Open Thread

The Procrustean bed is not a symbol of equality. It is no less inequality to have equality among unequals. - Felix Frankfurter

Oct 04 2023

Moonbattery Applied to Zoology and Medicine

A totalitarian ideology like moonbattery is applied to everything, even fields that would seem completely unrelated to politics, like zoology and medicine.

The new purpose of studying the animal kingdom is to cherry-pick observations that can be used to support the narrative that sexual perversion is natural. Raquel García-Álvarez is a guide at the Sand Ridge Nature Center in suburban Chicago:

“Wildlife does not live within the context of us assigning them, ‘Oh, you’re gay, you’re straight.’ They show homosocial behavior because they use it to bond. It also just brings them joy,” said García-Álvarez, the policy and sustainability manager at the Forest Preserves of Cook County.

On a sunny September afternoon, about 20 community members embarked on the “Queerness of Nature Walk” at the South Holland nature preserve. Naturalists used plants and animals like geese to teach queer ecology…

Queerness (a.k.a. depravity) is the TOE of the liberal establishment.

Lanie Rambo, a Forest Preserve naturalist, … said there’s evidence that 1,500 animal species, from insects to mammals, engage in same-sex behavior.

If it’s good enough for animals, it’s good enough for us. You’re not an anthropocentrist are you?

These relations weren’t historically recognized largely due to homophobia, she said.

With homophobia vanquished, social engineers are free to subordinate the natural world to their unnatural ideology by asserting false equivalencies between human and animal behavior.

When applied to medicine, moonbattery crosses from absurd to nightmarish:

A society that would allow monsters like this to practice surgery is doomed. But no doubt there is a monkey somewhere with a hermaphroditic birth defect that can be exploited to prove that multiple-genital hybrids are natural.

On tips from Mike B and Anonymous.

Oct 04 2023

Ryan Carson Is Latest Social Justice Warrior Killed

Social justice warriors champion the sociopathic scumbags who have been empowered by the liberal establishment to dominate American streets. They would be wise to do it from a distance. Pava Marie LaPere. Josh Kruger. Now Ryan Carson:

Carson, a social justice advocate who described himself as the “COO [Chief Operating Officer] of Antifa,” was allegedly stabbed to death by a black male suspect in an unprovoked attack on Monday morning in Brooklyn.

Presumably for racial reasons,

The NYPD waited around a day and a half before releasing a photo of the “belligerent suspect,” even though he’s armed and dangerous and on the loose.

Carson once wrote an op-ed for the left-wing Daily News, which has more:

Carson worked as the senior solid waste campaign director at the nonprofit New York Public Interest Research Group. In 2021, separate from his NYPIRG work, he walked 350 miles across New York State to pressure then-Gov. Andrew Cuomo into legalizing safe drug injection sites throughout New York. …

He was waiting with his girlfriend at the B46 bus stop on Malcolm X Blvd. near Lafayette Ave. in Bedford-Stuyvesant after taking the Long Island Rail Road back from a wedding when a belligerent stranger started knocking over scooters parked nearby around 3:50 a.m., cops said.

Malcolm X Boulevard. If this were fiction, it would be too heavy-handed.

“Belligerent stranger” is all the more description of the murderer you get from the Daily Snooze, which did not include a picture of him. The story accurately told does not support The Narrative.

See uncensored video of the social justice here.

On tips from Wiggins, Barry A, and KirklesWorth.


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