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Jan 26 2024

Biden Succumbs to Senility

Collapse into dementia works the same way as Ernest Hemingway described bankruptcy: gradually and then suddenly. Biden has reached the suddenly phase:

A scary aspect of senility is that, as Biden has demonstrated, it often produces unprovoked bursts of irrational anger:

On a lighter note, senility can also produce wardrobe malfunctions that his staff is evidently too incompetent to correct:

To gauge just how much the degenerate liberal ruling class despises America, consider that it installed this clown in the White House — and has the nerve to run him for reelection.

No reasonable person would vote for Joe Biden. Presumably the ruling cabal is using him like the $5 whore that he is and will dump him at the last moment for a different figurehead who has avoided public scrutiny.

If they do go through with Biden, it will be for the purpose of getting across to us that it makes no difference who we vote for.

On tips from Wiggins, Chris Neilson, KirklesWorth, Steve D, and Varla.

Jan 26 2024

Amphibious Invasion

Never mind containing the ChiComs, who have the largest navy on the planet. Under Democrat rule, the US Navy is too busy promoting sexual depravity, indoctrinating recruits with loony left ideology, revering child-molesting perverts, and punishing sailors for being Caucasian to defend the USA from foreign invasion by dinghy:

On tips from Wiggins and WDS 2.0.

Jan 26 2024

Terrorist NYU Prof Denies Hamas Atrocities

Academia under leftist domination has degenerated from liberal bias to teaching flat out lies:

An adjunct NYU professor denied reports that the terrorist group Hamas beheaded babies and raped women in Israel on October 7, telling a group of students last month: “We know it’s not true.”

On the contrary, we know that the crimes against humanity committed by Hamas are real. October 7 has been called the “most well-documented massacre in history.” Even CNN has reported on these fiends systematically raping women and butchering children.

Amin Husain fed students his pro-terrorist lies at a December 5 teach-in organized by Students for Justice in Palestine at The New School and captured on video.

Husain jokes that his profile on the site Canary Mission, which documents people and groups that promote hatred of the USA, Israel, and Jews, “is one of the best biographies I have.”

October 7 blurred the line between sympathetic embedded journalists and actual terrorists. Likewise the line between terrorists and college professors has been blurred:

[His Canary Mission profile] continues: “Husain has claimed to have participated in the first intifada and personally visited a leader of the terror group Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ). He has also expressed support for the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) terror group and glorified its leaders, promoted other terrorists and spread hatred of Israel.”

“Everything they cite. . . is true,” Husain, 48, says at The New School event, prompting laughter from the crowd. …

Born in the West Bank, Husain has boasted in the past of taking part in the First Intifada, which led to the deaths of at least 1,000 Palestinians and more than 100 Israelis from 1987 to 1993. At a Times Square rally in 2016, he declared, “Living 18 years in Palestine, I was fighting in the first uprising, I was throwing rocks, Molotov cocktails, the like.”

No doubt these are bullet points on the résumé that got him hired by NYU, where he also indoctrinates students on Black Lives Matter and decolonialism, the objective of which is to eradicate Western Civilization.

Husain’s sociopathic activities have not been limited to the Middle East:

Decolonize This Place, the group Husain founded, is famous for its disruptive tactics. In 2020, the group led an assault on the New York City subway system, encouraging followers on social media to “f[***] sh[**] up.” The protests resulted in over $100,000 in damages, including vandalized police stations and turnstiles jammed with honey and glue, according to the New York Post.

Unsurprisingly, Husain took part in Marxist street theater of Occupy Wall Street.

The federal government is not the only swamp that needs a thorough draining if the USA is to be restored to sound health. Washington takes its ideology from academia.

On tips from Jack D and Anonymous.

Jan 26 2024

Democrats Blame Trump for Their Border Chaos

Democrat hypocrisy is truly a marvel to behold. Could anything top vax mandate advocates shrieking “My body my choice!” to justify tearing apart someone else’s body in the womb? Demanding medical records to go into a gym while denouncing voter ID as authoritarian? Tyrannical moonbat judge Peter Cahill scolding his victim Derek Chauvin for abusing a position of trust and authority? Democrats attempting to throw their leading opponent off the ballot while yelping about threats to democracy? No. Yet Democrat Chris Murphy (D-CT) tries valiantly:

“I think over the next 24 to 48 hours, they are going to make a decision as to whether they want to do this, or whether the forces surrounding Donald Trump – who want to keep chaos at the border – win,” Murphy said.

As president, Trump made at least some attempt to get the border under control. Under Biden, federal agents are actually tearing down defenses put up by Texas, so that welfare colonists can continue pouring in by the millions upon millions to irrevocably transform this into a different kind of country. But it is Trump who wants chaos, because he has not endorsed a border deal whereby Democrats are bribed with still more of our money handed over to Ukraine.

Mitt Romney characteristically sides with Democrats:

“I think the border is a very important issue for Donald Trump. And the fact that he would communicate to Republican senators and congresspeople that he doesn’t want us to solve the border problem because he wants to blame Biden for it is … really appalling,” said GOP Sen. Mitt Romney of Utah, who has been an outspoken critic of Trump.

Thanks Mitt!

If the Democratic Party and their allies were not fundamentally treasonous, lucrative payoffs for their foreign friends so as to pass a deal that may or may not have an effect on the border would not be required. The largest invasion in human history would stop immediately, because all would agree that the USA must defend its borders, and the military would be deployed as per its purpose.

On a tip from Lyle.

Jan 26 2024

Open Thread

A nation that cannot control its borders is not a nation. - Ronald Reagan

On a tip from OldSailor.

Jan 25 2024

Mandatory Race Hate at University of Wisconsin

Not since the fall of the Third Reich has a society so aggressively imposed an ideology based on race hate:

A mandatory orientation for first-year University of Wisconsin Law School students denounced “whiteness” and ripped “colorblindness” as a sinister racist tool, according to reports.

Racists are politically unclean and are to be unpersoned. If you don’t agree that everything should be viewed through the Cultural Marxist prism of race, you are a racist.

Students were given preparatory literature beforehand to acquaint them with the session’s imperatives.

One section reminded white students they benefit from racial oppression regardless of their correctional efforts — and that “there are no exceptional white people.”

Don’t waste your admiration on George Washington, James Madison, Alexander the Great, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Leonardo da Vinci, William Shakespeare, Plato, Nikola Tesla, Galileo Galilei, Isaac Newton, Marie Curie, the Wright Brothers, or any other pale people. They benefitted from racial oppression by belonging to the race hated by our liberal overlords. Therefore they were not exceptional.

No white person could be exceptional; to be white is to be racist and therefore a blemish on the planet.

Permitting society to be dominated by people who vociferously hate us for our race will not end well, even if most of them are white themselves.

On tips from R F, Jack D, and Barry A.

Jan 25 2024

Pakistan Shows the Way on Illegal Immigration

To save themselves from increasing violence and eventual obliteration, first Western nations need to defend their borders from the ongoing tsunami of unassimilably numerous foreign invaders. Then they need to repair the damage that has already been inflicted. It can be done. Fed up with Afghan suicide bombers, Pakistan shows the way:

Pakistan has repatriated over half a million foreign nationals who had been living illegally in the country in just three months, the country’s interior ministry has told the Senate.…

The interior ministry estimated around 1.73 million Afghan nationals had no right to reside in Pakistan and warned they would be tracked down, detained, and forcibly removed from its territory should they not comply with the request voluntarily. …

The move was heavily criticized by human rights advocacy groups…

Too bad.

All that is needed is for a country to be run by people who wish it well, rather than wanting it to be “fundamentally transformed” through demographic displacement.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

Jan 25 2024

Gun Crime and Stolen Guns

Democrats bark that we must be deprived of our right to bear arms because guns are used to commit crimes. This ignores that lawfully owned guns are often used to prevent crime. Guns used in crimes tend not to be lawfully owned, as stats from confirm:

• Only 1.3% of criminals used a firearm that was purchased from [a dealer with a Federal Firearms License (FFL)] during the commission of a crime, based on a 2016 survey

• 89% of inmates reported that they possessed a firearm during the commission of a crime that was not obtained at a retailer (FFL Dealer)

• 56% of inmates arrested with a firearm at the time of their crimes stated they had stolen it

Click through for detailed stats and graphics.

Criminals don’t worry about gun laws. They steal their guns or buy them on the black market anyway. There are an estimated 400,000,000 guns in the USA. Criminals will always have access to them.

Gun laws render the law-abiding defenseless against criminals, to whom gun laws do not apply. Yet again we see that Democrats side with criminals against regular Americans.

Jan 25 2024

Open Thread

To achieve world government, it is necessary to remove from the minds of men, their individualism, loyalty to family traditions, national patriotism and religious dogmas. - Brock Chisholm

On a tip from Jester.

Jan 24 2024

World Health Organization Comes After Agriculture

While some globalist moonbats target nonessentials like coffee, others cut to the chase. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, an actual communist and head of the UN’s World Health Organization, declares that our “food systems” offend the climate:

Remember how the World Health Organization handled Covid? Imagine these people taking control of agriculture on a worldwide basis to ensure that it complies with their ideology.

Lefty icon Mao Zedong killed tens of millions of his own people by starvation. The kooks comprising the United Nations would starve billions.

Literally all human activity creates the harmless carbon emissions that are regarded as unclean in the moonbat religion. That’s why CO2 is bad, not because anyone really believes it makes the weather be a problem.

On a tip from Anonymous.

Jan 24 2024

Watch Federal Agents Master Turnstile

You can see why the federal government needs a new FBI headquarters twice the size of the Pentagon. There are a whole lot of federal agents out there. Watch as some attempt to master the turnstile:

On a tip from WDS 2.0.

Jan 24 2024

Interview With a Nikki Haley Voter

How is it possible that a moonbat like Nikki Haley almost came within 10 points of Trump in the New Hampshire Republican primary? Here’s how:

Mark Dice confirms that the soy boy above is no outlier among Haley supporters:

According to a CNN exit poll, about 70% of Nikki Haley voters in New Hampshire were not registered Republicans. Haley ought to take a hint and switch parties.

On tips from Wiggins, KirklesWorth, and ABC of the ANC.

Jan 24 2024

Globalist Moonbats Come After Coffee

At what point will the worm turn against our globalist moonbat ruling class? When they take away our cars? When they take away our beer? Maybe when they take away our coffee.

Swiss banker and World Economic Forum “agenda contributor” Hubert Keller explains why coffee offends the weather gods:

Whatever you value, moonbats will declare it racist or offensive to the climate and take it away from you. Wokeism is a zero tolerance ideology, and what it has zero tolerance for is you.

If we can’t bulldoze the United Nations building into the East River, can we at least put an end to US taxpayer funding of the insane and malevolent World Economic Forum?

On tips from seaoh and ABC of the ANC.

Jan 24 2024

Global Warming Hoax Is Big Money

Those who are not cognitively challenged or pathologically gullible may find it hard to take leftist climate ideology seriously. However, the money involved is plenty serious.

Al Gore has milked the global warming hoax for a fortune:

His wild prediction at Davos that Earth faces ‘rain bombs’ and ‘boiling oceans’ is just his latest in decades of climate alarmism.

At the same time, the former VP has been at the forefront of green technology investment that has seen his wealth balloon to an estimated $330 million.

Four years after losing to George W Bush in 2000, Gore set up Generation Investment Management with former Goldman Sachs Managing Director and close friend David W. Blood.

The mission statement of the investment firm, where Gore collects $2 million in a monthly salary, is to back companies that are making strides towards going green. The firm is worth around $36 billion.

The Goracle’s take is chump change compared to what the left-wing globalist ruling class expects us to pay to indulge their self-serving doctrine that the weather is somehow a problem and they can control it:

As Daily Signal reported last summer,

Lawmakers grilled climate czar John Kerry on Capitol Hill…

Rep. Scott Perry, R-Pa., said that through much of earth’s history there was more carbon in the atmosphere than today and questioned Kerry’s statements about the exact amount of carbon that’s appropriate.

“In December of 2022 you told The Washington Post we need to remove 1.6 trillion tons of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere via direct air capture, the direct cost for that is about $1,000 per ton or $1.6 quadrillion,” Perry said. …

Kerry said he disagreed with the characterization of the issue and asked Perry why so many other countries would sign on to the reduction of carbon emissions.

“Because they are grifting like you are,” Perry said.

The global warming hoax may constitute the biggest grift in the history of the world. Under liberal rule, increasingly massive amounts of wealth created by Americans will be redistributed to other countries in the name of climate reparations.

But don’t worry about the expense. If taxes don’t cover it, Democrats can just print the money.

On tips from R F and WDS 2.0.


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