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Jan 08 2024

Pentagon: Troops Are Not Extremist but Beware Vets

Shortly after taking power, Biden’s elusive Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin ordered a military stand-down so that the armed forces could be purged of “extremists.” Looks like the purge was a success — even if veterans remain a growing menace.

From the Military Times:

Service members don’t participate in violent extremism at higher rates than the rest of the U.S. population, but former troops do — and their involvement is growing, according to research published at the end of December.

Austin’s DoD commissioned the politically driven research.

“[The] review found no evidence that the number of violent extremists in the military is disproportionate to the number of violent extremists in the United States as a whole,” the research says. “Extremism in the veterans’ community has peaks and valleys over recent decades, and currently appears to be on the increase.”

While the study found there were not more violent extremists in the military than in the overall population, researchers did highlight racism and sexism as ongoing problems in the Armed Forces.

The work of social engineers is never finished. But leftists worried that troops might not be willing to fire on fellow Americans can rest assured that the Biden Regime has been working diligently to produce soldiers like these:

On tips from Lyle, WDS 2.0, Woodlandcamo, and Varla.


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