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Nov 13 2022

Will Business Decisions Be Based on Race?

The US government bases personnel decisions on identity politics. This is the explicit reason the conspicuously unqualified Vice President Kamala Harris and Supreme Court Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson hold their current positions. What if businesses were forced to make decisions on the same basis? In Boston, they already are, as Walgreen’s discovered when it decided to close three locations for financial reasons:

[T]he Boston city council has responded to complaints from local residents by attempting to bully Walgreens into keeping the three locations open, whether they are profitable or not. Two members of the Boston City Council have filed a resolution that would block Walgreens from opening any new locations in the city anywhere unless they halt the closure of these three stores.

This could force Walgreens to keep open zombie stores to be allowed to do business. Given the explosion in shoplifting that has occurred under liberal rule, the shelves of stores that have few customers anyway might be left bare.

As usual, the thuggery is couched in Cultural Marxist rhetoric:

The city council also sent a letter detailing their threats and demands to Walgreens headquarters. In a statement, city council member Tania Fernandes Anderson said, “For too long, corporate businesses have treated Black, Brown and working class communities essentially as though we are second class citizens, and what is occurring here seems to be a present day manifestation of the embedded economic inequality that we still suffer from.”

They are oppressed, so you must do what they say, or else get hurt.

Walgreens making a profit so that it can stay in business is irrelevant. All that matters to the moonbats in charge is race-based politics. If the company goes broke, it can always lobby for a taxpayer bailout, so long as it is in compliance with state ideology.

When “private” businesses are micromanaged by government goons, free market capitalism has been replaced by what we used to call fascism.

On a tip from Mr. Freemarket.


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One Response to “Will Business Decisions Be Based on Race?”

  1. […] where Walgreens locates stores has to be based on race, why not education […]


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