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Category: Animal Rights

Sep 29 2021

Wanted: Loving Homes for Hundreds of Diseased Rats

The principles of moonbattery can be applied to anything, even pest control. In the Phoenix suburb Peoria, a woman in her 60s with a severe hoarding issue lived alone with several dozen pet snakes. She raised rats to feed the snakes. Then she died. The rats got loose and set about breeding the way vermin will do, creating an infestation worthy of New York or Chicago.

Via Fox 10 Phoenix:

“Some rats got out and started their own population, mostly likely have consumed all the available food in the house and most likely the deceased, now they’re getting out because there’s no food left,” said Mike Boyle with Burns Pest Elimination.

The decedent’s legacy is not popular in the neighborhood.

“Hundreds if not thousands of rats up and down our street, in our backyards, in our garages,” said [neighbor Justin] Grubb. “It’s disgusting. It is. It’s absolutely disgusting.”

Worse still, moonbats have gotten involved. As you might expect, they side with the rats.

[The Arizona Humane Society], along with members of the “Any Rat Rescue” group, were out at the house, trying to round up and catch as many rats as possible, so that they can treat them and eventually adopt them out as pets.

The do-gooders have even put food out for the rats. Their view is that because the rats are descended from feeders purchased at the pet store, they will make fine pets, despite being feral.

“They are kind, sweet animals, like a cross between a cat and a dog,” said Jenna Lillibridge with Any Rat Rescue. “Least likely to bite, also least likely to spread disease.”

Speaking of disease…

“Right now, the ones I’ve seen have a lot of hair loss,” said [Tracy] Miller [of the Arizona Humane Society]. “It could be from hoarding and living conditions. Could be mange, could be ringworm, could be a variety of things.”

Won’t you please volunteer to give some of them a home?

The moonbat concept of equity dictates that everything must be forced into equivalence with everything else. But despite the heartfelt convictions of Jenna Lillibridge, rats will never be equal to cats or dogs.

Next, moonbats will start rescuing cockroaches. Laws will be passed to prevent us from stepping on them.

On a tip from Varla.

Jul 31 2021

California Moonbats Come After Bacon

If it is worth having, liberals will take it away from us. This includes even bacon. To see the future under moonbat rule, look to California:

At the beginning of next year, California will begin enforcing an animal welfare proposition approved overwhelmingly by voters in 2018 that requires more space for breeding pigs, egg-laying chickens and veal calves. National veal and egg producers are optimistic they can meet the new standards, but only 4% of hog operations now comply with the new rules. Unless the courts intervene or the state temporarily allows non-compliant meat to be sold in the state, California will lose almost all of its pork supply, much of which comes from Iowa, and pork producers will face higher costs to regain a key market.

This could mean many restaurants that somehow survived the tyrannical Covid lockdowns will be put out of business by restrictions on what food is considered politically correct. Who wants to go to a diner for bacon and eggs when bacon has been forbidden?

Due to its massive population, California is often able to boss the rest of the country around. This time, other states will find it hard to comply:

With little time left to build new facilities, inseminate sows and process the offspring by January, it’s hard to see how the pork industry can adequately supply California, which consumes roughly 15% of all pork produced in the country.

In the end, the country may bow to California’s will:

Eventually, California’s new rules could become a national standard because processors can’t afford to ignore the market in such a large state.

Food prices in general are going up due to the inflation caused by Democrats’ irresponsible spending. If bacon goes up even faster, thank the erstwhile Golden State.

In Iowa, which raises about one-third of the nation’s hogs, farmer Dwight Mogler estimates the changes would cost him $3 million and allow room for 250 pigs in a space that now holds 300.

Some farmers will go out of business; others will be forced to charge more for the food they supply. All so that California moonbats can sanctimoniously lord it over the rest of us.

Too much regulation is never enough to suit progressives. If they can inflict this, they will inflict worse:

“The question to us is, if we do these changes, what is the next change going to be in the rules two years, three years, five years ahead?” Mogler asked.

Will we wait until Democrats ban bacon before we start pushing back? What will they ban next after that?

On a tip from Dragon’s Lair.

Jul 12 2021

Oregon May Make Producing Meat Illegal

If you want to see the future under Democrat rule, look to the Left Coast, where liberals are solidifying control. In Oregon, an impending ballot initiative may make providing for a normal human diet into a crime.

IP 13 will be on the ballot next fall. It eliminates exceptions to animal cruelty laws that are required for any number of activities that have been key aspects of human existence since before recorded history, including animal husbandry, hunting, and fishing. According to John M. Simpson of the law firm Duane Morris LLP, it would make any injury to an animal that results from the following activities a criminal offense:

• Treatment of livestock transported by owner or common carrier.

• Rodeos or similar exhibitions.

• Commercially grown poultry.

• Use of good animal husbandry practices.

• Slaughtering of livestock in compliance with state law.

• Fishing, hunting and trapping otherwise lawful under state law.

• Wildlife management practices under color of law.

• Lawful scientific or agricultural research or teaching that involves the use of animals.

• Reasonable measures to control of vermin or pests.

• Reasonable handling and training techniques.

The only exceptions allowed to animal cruelty laws would be for self-defense or veterinary practices.

Even producing leather may soon be illegal in Oregon, unless the hide comes from an animal that has died of natural causes.

After they have made meat illegal while shrieking about “animal cruelty,” and energy illegal while shrieking about “global warming” — and we are left to subsist on vegan diets while we freeze in the dark — leftists will come for the rest of our food. Already, farming is said to offend the weather gods believed in by liberals.

On a tip from Dragon’s Lair.

May 20 2021

PETA Sides With Mice Against Australian Farmers

After mosquitos, the worst enemy of the human race is rodents. Both spread terrible diseases. In Chicago, America’s most rat-infested city, over a thousand feral cats have been released to keep them under control. Rodents are a rural menace as well:

The ongoing rodent infestation across eastern Australia is on track to cause up to $100 million worth of damage and has already worsened a mental health crisis in the regions.

Some farmers have lost as much as $300,000 each in ruined crops as the mice chew through anything they can get their teeth in.

Worsening a mental health crisis could cause a vicious cycle, because deranged moonbats have weighed in — on behalf of the rodents:

PETA is urging rural residents to consider the welfare of the mice and avoid killing them with poison, instead suggesting the mice be gently caught and released unharmed.

Even PETA activists could figure out that this solution is untenable. They don’t care. Since treason is their most fundamental instinct, leftists always side with the other. Here, they side with vermin against humans.

Mice can start reproducing at 6 weeks of age, and crank out 10 baby mice every 20 days. Their numbers quickly become unmanageable. They have been spreading potentially lethal leptospirosis in Australia.

“These bright, curious animals are just looking for food to survive,” PETA spokeswoman Aleesha Naxakis told NCA NewsWire.

Humans like food too. But applying the postmodern ideology that is the basis of all modern liberalism reveals that humans are oppressors and mice are oppressed. The oppressed are always right. Therefore, mice should get the crops farmers raise.

Squeaks Aleesha:

“They shouldn’t be robbed of that right because of the dangerous notion of human supremacy.”

Maybe she has a point about human supremacy. An Australian farmer would probably agree that one feral cat is worth any number of moonbats.

On a tip from Steve T.

Apr 22 2021

Spain Gives Human Rights to Animals

Animals are people too. At least they are in the traditional home of the bullfight:

Domestic animals will be considered “living beings” under Spanish law instead of mere objects as has been the case until now.

This will mean that dogs or cats must be considered in the same way as children in divorce hearings or when inheritance or debts cases have to be settled by the courts.

Do not die in debt in Spain. Your dog will be left to pay it off.

Shared custody of the pet will be an option open to judges in divorce hearings… [M]istreatment of pets will also be regarded as a crime as if the owner had abused another person.

If you find a stray animal, your legal obligations will be the same as if you had found a lost child.

As with most lunacy, this has been imposed by leftists:

The pet law change was introduced by the Socialists and the far-left Unidas Podemos party and was backed by all other parties, except the far-right Vox party.

In European politics, “far right” means “not far left.”

Most will agree that mistreating animals is bad. But conflating animals with humans is worse. The devaluation of human life is inherent to leftist politics and leads to catastrophic consequences.

On a tip from Dragon’s Lair.

Mar 09 2021

What They Will Let Us Eat Instead of Meat

When reading the Wall Street Journal, be careful not to stray too far from the editorial page, or you may find yourself neck deep in moonbattery. Check out this headline:

Real Meat That Vegetarians Can Eat

If it is real meat, why can vegetarians eat it? Because it is not real. The very first word of the headline is a lie. This is a hallmark of liberal journalism.

The WSJ story was written by a guy who decided at age 11 that it is “wrong to kill animals for food.” He extols the delightful taste of synthetic chicken nuggets he ate in Singapore.

So far, supply is limited to a private social club that offers a dish of cultured chicken nuggets for $23 and has served it to around 200 people so far. The chicken is supplied by Eat Just Inc., a San Francisco food-tech company that set up a growing facility here and won regulatory approval.

Why would anyone eat synthetic chicken? Because according to moonbat ideology, meat is morally wrong.

For vegetarians like me, lab-grown meat’s greatest attribute is that it doesn’t require raising animals for slaughter. Peter Singer, a philosophy professor at Princeton whose 1975 book “Animal Liberation” popularized the term speciesism to describe human beings’ disregard for animals, has said that although he’s been a vegetarian for 50 years, he would be open to trying cultured meat when it becomes available.

Peter Singer believes that a human life is worth no more than an animal’s. He advocates aborting children up to 28 days after they have been born. Killing chickens so that people can eat is wrong though. Among liberals, Singer is a moral arbiter.

Once they have the power, progressives will make real meat illegal because it is speciesist. However, even fake meat is ideologically problematic. For one thing, Eat Just pseudo-chicken is fabricated using bovine serum. For another:

Some worry that cultured meat will end up reinforcing the idea that humans need and deserve meat.

Our liberal ruling class believes that we don’t need or deserve anything except political correctness. But absolute political correctness can never quite be achieved. There is always another aspect of existence to condemn, cancel, and ban.

On a tip from Varla.

Jan 26 2021

Now Monkeys Are Oppressed

Cultural Marxism requires that progressives constantly find new identity groups to designate as oppressed. When every last human who is not a native-born able-bodied white male heterosexual Christian has been granted precious victim status, they will have to turn to the animal kingdom. It will start with monkeys:

Target will no longer sell coconut milk made by the Thai company Chaokoh after an investigation alleged the drink is tied to forced monkey labor, the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals announced Monday.

Major corporations used to prioritize pleasing their customers. Now they seem primarily motivated by an obsessive desire to earn pats on the head from left-wing activist groups.

“By dropping Chaokoh, Target is joining thousands of stores that refuse to profit from chained monkeys’ misery,” PETA Executive Vice President Tracy Reiman wrote in a statement.

Chaokoh has been canceled. Too bad for the Thais who were relying on it for income.

They should have made the monkeys join a union. Then leftists might have left them alone.

According to PETA, monkeys have been forced to pick coconuts in Thailand and even to wear chains around their necks. Sell your PetSmart stock before PETA finds out it sells leashes.

On a tip from Wiggins.


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