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Category: Big Government

Jan 31 2022

NIH Injects Beagle Puppies With Cocaine

Nothing could be dastardlier than recklessly funding the ChiCom gain-of-function research that probably created Covid, then helping to cover up the origins of the virus. But injecting puppies with cocaine deserves dishonorable mention:

The National Institutes of Health spent over $2.3 million on studies that injected puppies with cocaine.

The experiment, revealed through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request filed by the White Coat Waste Project, follows previously unearthed studies funded by National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease Director Anthony Fauci that “debarked” beagle puppies. …

The year-long experiment, which began in September 2020, was filmed so research could evaluate the puppies’ adverse reactions” to the drugs. …

A second experiment, which ran from March 2020 until March 2021, also injected six beagle puppies with cocaine…

The Director of the NIH at the time was Fauci’s fellow dissent-squelcher Francis Collins. In fairness, he was probably busy strumming his guitar and crooning while underlings approved the experiments.

Allowing waste-prone not to mention morally depraved Big Government to nationalize scientific research by controlling its funding has its downsides.

On a tip from AintYerPa.

Jan 07 2022

Open Thread

The Constitution's framers intended to restrict central authority to the few areas that could not be handled by states. The drafters would be horrified at how the present court misapplies what they designed. - Doug Bandow

Jan 04 2022

Biden Goes After Meat Industry

When Biden’s War on Energy produced skyrocketing energy prices, he astonishingly yet somehow unsurprisingly blamed energy companies and called for government intervention into gas prices. His policies have also caused a dramatic rise in the cost of food, so this will come as no surprise:

Biden promised to “fight for fairer prices” for farmers and consumers Monday as he announced plans to combat the market power of the giant conglomerates that dominate meat and poultry processing.

“Capitalism without competition isn’t capitalism, it’s exploitation,” Biden said. “That’s what we’re seeing in meat and poultry.”

In other words, capitalism isn’t capitalism, socialism is capitalism.

With the word “exploitation,” the Marxist/Leninist foundation of Biden’s ideology peeks through like bright red underwear from behind his unzipped fly.

The inflation driving up food prices was largely caused by excessive government spending. So naturally Biden’s solution includes…

… $1 billion in federal aid to assist expansion of independent processors and new competition regulations under consideration.

When throwing too much free money around causes inflation, throw more free money around. Cranking inflation even higher will make it easier for the government to pay down its debts — as if it planned to anyway.

Eventually, the feds will take over the meat industry. Then we will never again have to worry about high meat prices, because there won’t be any meat — for the same reason that if you put Biden et al. in charge of the Sahara, there would be a shortage of sand.

This dovetails nicely with the progressive agenda on diet. According to liberal doctrine, meat oppresses animals and makes it be too nice outside, so we should eat bugs and weeds instead. Just don’t let Big Government take control of the bug and weed supply, or we won’t have those to eat either.

On a tip from Henry.

Jan 03 2022

Open Thread

When government does more than guard against the initiation of force, inevitably it becomes a means of theft and bamboozlement. - Donald J. Boudreaux

Dec 26 2021

Open Thread

When business accepts help from the government, it can be like going to bed with a hippopotamus. It's nice and warm for the moment, but then your bedmate rolls over and crushes you. - Donald Rumsfeld

Dec 22 2021

Open Thread

I don't see any justification for the federal government owning land, other than the Statue of Liberty and maybe a few parks, maybe a few refuges. But to just own land to do nothing with it I think is a disservice to the Constitution. - Don Young

Dec 18 2021

Open Thread

If taxpayers want to keep more of the money they earn, they must also work to become less dependent on a government check. We look to government too often and to ourselves not enough. - Cal Thomas

Dec 17 2021

Open Thread

More harm was done in the 20th century by faceless bureaucrats than tyrant dictators. - Dennis Prager

Dec 13 2021

Open Thread

I'm a Democrat, and there are an important group of things only the government can do. But let us be clear that for most of the world, what they most need is less government. - Daniel Patrick Moynihan

Dec 07 2021

Open Thread

Nothing is so permanent as a temporary government program. - Milton Friedman

On a tip from Nate.

Dec 01 2021

FDA Approval Process Dramatized

What if a corporation with a seat at the table develops medicinal candy that protects teeth and gums from cooties and climate change? The FDA approval process might look something like this:

With all the political noise about what the science allegedly says regarding Covid, it is hard to know what to believe. At least there is one principle we can be sure of: the bigger Big Government, the more corrupt and tyrannical.

On a tip from Chris Neilson.

Nov 17 2021

Bureaucrats Block Care for Special Needs Kids

Not all senseless bureaucratic tyranny is imposed by the federal government. States do it too. Thirty-nine states have laws requiring certain businesses to prove they are needed before they can open. The main point is to make less work for notoriously lazy bureaucrats, since they will have less to regulate. Another aspect is that people with a Seat at the Table thanks to their political donations don’t want competition.

This suppression of individual aspirations could have even a social worker with a hyphenated name like Ursula Newell-Davis voting against Democrats. For no good reason, she is not permitted to help special needs kids in Louisiana:

If only bureaucrats had to prove they were needed before they could sponge off of taxpayers.

On a tip from KirklesWorth.

Nov 08 2021

Inflation Comes for Pizza

$1 items at Dollar Tree have been a casualty of the inflation that characterizes Biden’s rule. $1 pizza in New York City is another:

“It’s a little bit scary at times,” said Slone Elias, a customer at 2 Bros. Pizza on Eighth Avenue in Chelsea.

When our inflation catches up to Venezuela’s, it will be more than a little bit scary.

Elias savored slices on the sidewalk this week with friends amid a true sign of the times — the shop advertises $1.50 pizza slices on a sidewalk menu board, right beneath its iconic bright red marquee boasting “$1 Pizza.”

There would be no point to correcting the marquee. By the time they finished, they would have to change it to $2 pizza.

Leonardo Giordano, owner of Mona Lisa Pizzeria said the prices of 200 items that he orders for the pizza joint “went up 50 to 200 percent.”

Those businesses that survive will pass on the cost to customers.

Inflation is driven by excessive government spending, Biden’s war on energy, and other manifestations of Big Government that include the labor shortage and the supply chain crisis. It is a tax on everyone — a crippling tax for those who rely on a fixed income or their savings.

On a tip from Henry.

Nov 03 2021

Open Thread

Big government squashes the human spirit - Dennis Prager


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