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May 05 2024

Open Thread

Democracy is the art and science of running the circus from the monkey cage. - H. L. Mencken

May 04 2024

Open Thread

Compliments of Chuck A.

May 03 2024

Spoor of the Moonbat

Those who took part in Tea Party rallies may recall that grounds were left spotless. In contrast, this is what the aftermath of campus pro-Hamas infestations looks like:

Liberalism can be judged by what it leaves in its wake.

On a tip from Tlabia Majora.

May 03 2024

Open Thread

The generation now coming out of Western schools is unable to distinguish good from bad. Even those words are unacceptable. This results in impaired thinking ability. - Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

May 02 2024

Looks Like Assistant AG Kristen Clarke Lied Under Oath

Does an ultraleft, rabidly racist black woman have to meet any standards at all? The answer is no if Assistant Attorney General Kristen Clarke keeps her job, now that it appears she lied under oath during her confirmation hearing:

Clarke was allegedly involved in a violent domestic dispute, according to court documents, records, and text messages—an incident that ended in her arrest and was ultimately expunged. During her Senate confirmation, Clarke specifically denied ever having been arrested for or accused of committing a violent crime.

She heads the Injustice Department’s Civil Rights Division, one of the most vehemently malevolent nodes of the federal government.

During her confirmation, Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark., asked then-nominee Clarke: “Since becoming a legal adult, have you ever been arrested for or accused of committing a violent crime against any person?”

“No,” she responded, according to responses she submitted under oath to “Questions for the Record” from U.S. senators.

For us little people, lying under oath is a crime. But I doubt it will turn out to be one for a powerful oppressed person like Kristen Clarke.

Clarke was arrested for attacking her husband with a knife, slicing his finger to the bone. Imagine the damage she can inflict on people she really has it in for, now that she wields a far more destructive weapon — the Civil Rights Division.

She is especially hostile to pro-lifers:

Clarke, who oversees investigations into violations of the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act, has used FACE to charge dozens of pro-life individuals since the overturn of Roe v. Wade. This includes Mark Houck, a Catholic father of seven arrested at gunpoint by the FBI and charged with violating FACE in September 2022 (a jury found Houck was not guilty in January 2023, and the DOJ has not commented on this verdict publicly).

The FBI falls under the direct control of the DOJ. Read more on the Gestapo tactics it used against Mark Houck here and here.

The FACE act would ostensibly apply to prolife clinics and churches, not just abortion abattoirs. But that’s not how it works with people like Clarke in charge:

The DOJ has charged only five pro-abortion individuals with violating the FACE Act when they attacked pro-life pregnancy centers, even though hundreds of pregnancy centers and Catholic churches have been attacked since May 2022, when the Supreme Court’s draft opinion in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization was leaked, indicating Roe v. Wade would soon be overturned.

DOJ’s Civil Rights Division has charged zero individuals with FACE for attacking Catholic churches…

The USA currently has two systems of justice. One for people liberals like, the other for those they don’t. Lucky for Clarke she is in the former camp.

On a tip from MrRightWingDave.

May 01 2024

Porn Queen Paid to Propagandize for Democrats

Democrats know how to reach their base. For example, they paid social media influencer/OnlyFans porn queen Farha Khalidi to promote the Biden regime:

“I was doing full-on political propaganda,” the social media personality said during a recent podcast interview with commentator Richard Hanania. …

“I was taking ads by the time I graduated college from, like, the Biden administration, Planned Parenthood and, like, dating apps and stuff. So it was, like, fully financially sustaining me,” Khalidi said.

Characteristically, Democrats were dishonest about it:

“The funny thing is they’re, like, ‘Do not disclose this as an ad’ because they [were], like, ‘Technically, it’s not a product, so you don’t have to disclose it’s an ad.’ Because I think they just wanted, like, some edgy girl of color to just tell people — like when they nominated Ketanji Brown Jackson, they’re, like, ‘Can you say “as a person of color,” you know, that you feel “reflected”?’”

Uh oh. This attitude could throw a wrench into Democrat machinery:

She went on to say that she ultimately pushed back against the “script” because it was a white woman from the media company telling her what to say.

“And I’m, like, ‘No,’ and she’s like, ‘Please,’ and I’m like, ‘No.’ I’ll talk about the news of it, but I’m not gonna be like — I’m not gonna have a white person tell me to be, like, ‘This is how I feel as a person of color.’ It’s just so — I think that black-pilled me slightly on political propaganda,” Khalidi said.

The brighter Persons of Color will get sick of serving as sock puppets for white liberals. Trillions of dollars’ worth of “reparations” may be required to keep them on board.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

May 01 2024

Open Thread

If we go on as we are, we will destroy in the next century everything that the poets have been singing about for the past two thousand years. - Fred Bodsworth

Apr 30 2024

Open Thread

The history of this country was made largely by people who wanted to be left alone. Those who could not thrive when left to themselves never felt at ease in America. - Eric Hoffer

Apr 29 2024

James Carville: First Sore Loser Democrat of 2024?

The arrogance of the Biden Regime had me thinking that sufficient fraud had been arranged so that voters would not be a factor in November. But maybe we will have something resembling a fair election after all. An early sore loser Democrat has already emerged from his crevice, blinking at the daylight, sputtering obscenities. Watch the obnoxious Clintonista James Carville rave bitterly that unless the party of the decadent establishment maintains its grip on power, there will be no government left and furthermore the government will be a theocracy — all because youth are disobediently failing to embrace leftist priorities:

To watch Carville sobbing on November 6 would be wonderful. Let’s make it happen.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Apr 29 2024

Open Thread

Compliments of Chuck A.

Apr 28 2024

Open Thread

The press must grow day in and day out - it is our Party's sharpest and most powerful weapon. - Joseph Stalin

On a tip from Jester.

Apr 27 2024

Profiles in Moonbattery: Crackhead Barney

Quintessential liberal activist Crackhead Barney managed to make even Alec Baldwin look reasonable. Let’s see if she can do it for Piers Morgan:

“Crackhead Barney” appeared on “Piers Morgan Uncensored” to discuss her recent viral video confronting Baldwin in a coffee shop Monday, demanding that he say “free Palestine.” As the show began, the activist could be seen with sporadic white paint over her body with a neck brace on and what appeared to be a makeshift cast on her right arm. …

Morgan pushed back against the activist’s claims that Baldwin had “maimed” her, sending “Crackhead Barney” into a spiral as she yelled that her body was hurt by the celebrity.

PARENTAL WARNING: maybe Piers Morgan Uncensored could use some censoring in the interest of good taste:

The heart bleeds when confronted with the pain evil white men have inflicted on this poor victim.

No wonder liberals want Democrat apparatchik Sonia Sotomayor to step down while Biden can pick her replacement. They have the perfect candidate.

On tips from seaoh and WDS 2.0.

Apr 27 2024

Open Thread

Compliments of Chuck A.

Apr 25 2024

Arizona AG Launches Lawfare Attack on Trump Allies

Only recently, Arizona was a bastion of Americanism, home of the great Barry Goldwater. Then came colonization by California. Currently, the state is ruled by the likes of Attorney General Kris Mayes, who like her New York equivalent Letitia James is plunging the state into banana republic territory and trying to take the rest of the country with it by criminalizing opposition to Democrats in the runup to the November elections:

An Arizona grand jury indicted several important allies of former President Donald Trump — including former Trump attorney and former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani, former Arizona Republican Chair Kelli Ward, and former White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows — for their roles in disputing the results of the 2020 presidential election. …

Meadows, Giuliani, [former Trump attorney Jenna] Ellis, and [former Trump campaign adviser Boris] Epshteyn are among those who were indicted for allegedly attempting to help Trump receive Arizona’s electoral votes in the 2020 presidential election, which was more than three years ago.

They are being indicted now because a major fork in the road is approaching:

The indictment of several Trump allies and members of Arizona’s Republican Party comes as a Bloomberg News/Morning Consult poll conducted between April 8 and 15, found that President Joe Biden is trailing Trump in several key swing states such as Arizona…

If you are going to work on the Trump campaign, make sure you win. Otherwise, you might land in prison.

Typically of Democrats, Mayes takes the Orwellian approach of claiming that she is snuffing out democracy because she “will not allow American democracy to be undermined.”

If Democrats win after using these tactics, they will only become more arrogant. The last resistance to authoritarian single-party rule will be quickly extinguished. The coming election is a referendum on whether this will be America or a very different kind of country.

On tips from Varla and Wiggins.


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