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Oct 05 2022

How to Reverse Failure of Environmental Movement

The purpose of the environmental movement is not to preserve the environment, or it would not promote the use of electric cars, which are environmentally devastating. It would not cripple the energy industry through the leftist tool Biden (see here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, etc.), knowing that destroying the US economy will reduce it to a Third World country of the sort that cannot afford the luxury of environmental protection. The actual point is to advance modern leftism. This ideology is built upon a core of cultural Marxism. Yet many environmentalists continue to belong to the hated white race.

Wails Britain’s The Guardian:

The environment sector has failed to act on its ambitions to become more inclusive, suggests new research that finds just one in 20 organisations are enacting plans to increase ethnic diversity.

According to a sector-wide survey, out of 44 environment charities, 84% had considered or were taking action over a lack of inclusion, but only 4% said they had a consistently implemented action plan. …

[W]hile 86% of leaders agreed it should be a top priority for the sector, only 22% felt it actually was. …

[I]n 2021, just 4.8% of environment professionals had an ethnic minority heritage, compared with 12.6% of the workforce overall, according to official figures. Only farming had lower ethnic minority representation.

Only countries populated by whites or Asians are economically successful enough to indulge in environmentalism rather than focus on staving off starvation. Asians don’t seem that interested, and whites are politically unclean.

The current solution to this conundrum is to displace the population of white countries. But as the USA and UK come to resemble Venezuela and Jamaica, they will develop more pressing problems than the imaginary climate crisis.

The LGBT example suggests a more sensible solution. If men can identify as women and vice versa, why can’t the moonbats of the environmental movement identify as members of preferred races? The strategy works for Rachel Dolezal, who has launched a new career as a transracial lingerie model.

Some in the LGBT community identify as nonbinary, meaning that they are neither one sex nor the other. Likewise, environmentalists could identify as nonracial. That way, they could leap ahead to the day when miscegenation blends all races into one. As the ideological homogeneity of college faculties and newsrooms attests, only when we are all the same can we achieve true diversity.

On tips from Steve T and Wiggins.


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