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Nov 17 2023

NYC Subway Rider Bathes

Though you wouldn’t know it from the smell down there, some New York City subway riders actually bathe:

Where moonbattery reigns supreme, it is the only propriety.

As noted earlier,

The New York City subway gives virtual tourists a glimpse of what life will be like after progressives have collapsed civilization into their anarchotyrannical conception of utopia.

More NYC subway fun can be had here, here, here, here, here, and here. Just don’t try defending other passengers from dangerous maniacs; the consequences won’t be fun at all, as Daniel Penny and John Rote can attest.

On a tip from Wiggins.


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4 Responses to “NYC Subway Rider Bathes”

  1. Jester says:

    Wow. So basically, NYC is the new Dehli, which is exactly what our progressive overlords have wanted for decades. Bravo.

  2. MicahStone says:

    When DISQUS returns to this site, I’ll return —but NOT BEFORE THAT !!!
    Until then, it’s “Hasta la vista, baby”

  3. Gringoman says:

    I agree with Dr. Micah Stone. And will sorely miss his memes.

  4. Tamaa the Drongo Bird says:

    New York slowly becoming a City of Thieves and with more people leaving


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