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Sep 15 2023

Self-Awareness From Nancy Pelosi

The hypocrisy and projection that characterize moonbats make it seem they have no self-awareness. However, prominent San Francisco Democrat Nancy Pelosi is plenty self-aware. Hear what she has to say about herself during a discussion of the Dobbs decision, as a result of which abortion is no longer imposed federally by extraconstitutional judicial decree:

Since Roe v. Wade, which Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization finally overturned, over 63 million American children have been killed by abortion. But that’s no concern to cold-blooded reptiles.

Hat tip: Not the Bee.

Sep 15 2023

Property Rights Hang on Bureaucrats’ Whims

Possibly the most appalling example of Covid tyranny occurred when a federal agency arbitrarily did what the USSR’s Red Army could not do: terminate our property rights.

From the Federal Register, dated September 4, 2020:

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), located within the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announces the issuance of an Order under Section 361 of the Public Health Service Act to temporarily halt residential evictions to prevent the further spread of COVID-19.

With this agency order, the deed to every rental property in the United States passed from its previous owner to the federal government. The former owners are still responsible for upkeep, but are only allowed to collect rent in accordance with the vagaries of bureaucrats.

Despite recent attempts to revive it, the last of Covid hysteria is petering out. The decree above is no longer in force for the time being, even at the local level in liberal enclaves. But once the fundamental right to own property has been determined to be contingent on government whims, it will remain under relentless assault:

A group of renters in the expensive California suburb Berkeley stormed an event where landlords were celebrating the end of a COVID-era ban on evictions, plunging the event into violence and sparking a brawl that saw an elderly landlord get punched in the face.

You can’t make a socialist omelet without breaking some eggs — or faces.

The bayside city was among the last in Alameda County to abolish the protection that landlords claim was being used as cover for widespread rent avoidance.

Landlords claim? Allowing people to live on someone else’s property on an involuntary basis without paying rent is the sole purpose of an eviction moratorium.

The unemployment rate in Berkeley is 3.8 percent – on par with the national average – and the median rent is $3,800. It is known to be a wealthy enclave with a deeply academic community thanks to its eponymous college. …

Median household income in the Frisco suburb tops $97,000 according to the US Census.

Some of the useless moonbats infesting Berserkeley lived effectively as squatters, costing the rightful owners of their homes tens of thousands of dollars over the past several years.

The Berkeley Property Owners Association, naively hoping the nightmare to be over, held a celebration in a bar.

But more than 100 angry renters crashed the soiree, calling it ‘deeply cruel’.

The moonbats countered this cruelty with one of their mostly peaceful protests.

‘I went around and told our members to remain quiet, and peaceful and not engage, and they didn’t,’ BPOA President Krista Gulbransen told Berkeleyside.

The “Let’s Be Grownups” approach does not work with the woke.

Gulbransen herself was shoved to the ground as ‘multiple fights’ broke out after a group of protesters decided to enter the venue an hour into the party.

Predictably, the Berserkeley police refused to remove the moonbats, who in effect issue their orders. The mayor is Jesse Arreguin:

The self-described ‘unapologetic progressive’ previously sat on the city’s Rent Stabilization Board and has made it his mission to ‘restore Berkeley to the forefront of progressive leadership on the environment and social justice’.

“Social justice” means somebody else pays for everything.

Liberals are infamous for projecting their flaws onto their adversaries, but this is over the top; according to BPOA spokeswoman Becky Warren,

‘Their protest planning included language celebrating mass killing of landlords, celebrations by guillotine, and references to landlords as parasites.’

You read that correctly. The freeloading tapeworms regard the people whose property they demand to live on for free as “parasites.” This surreal inversion of reality accords with the twisted ideology Berkeley is infamous for.

How soon can we expect another national ban on evicting tenants who choose not to pay their rent? That all depends on who Mandy Cohen has been chatting with on the phone:

The fundamental rights that allow civilization to function took many centuries to develop. We are flushing away even the most basic (e.g., property ownership, assembly, and self-defense) by allowing people of this caliber to rule on an absolutist basis in the name of “public health.”

On tips from the Great Cornholio and Ed McAninch.

Sep 15 2023

Open Thread

Extremism in defense of Liberty is no vice and moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue. - Barry Goldwater

On a tip from therealguyfaux.

Sep 14 2023

Biden: Blacks and Hispanics Don’t Make It Through K-12

It would be racist to care whether a white guy has a job, but Biden says that thanks to Democrats driving up inflation by throwing $trillions that we don’t have to the four winds (i.e., Bidenomics), there are lots of jobs for blacks and Hispanics — that is, the workers who didn’t make it through high school:

Even if they don’t have high school educations, poor kids are just as bright and talented as white kids, as Lunchbox Joe has informed us:

Good thing for Democrats that some people have a high tolerance for condescension.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Sep 14 2023

What They Mean by “Extreme”

Democrats howl in rage when their agenda is impeded by what they call “extremists.” We are left with no doubt that extremists constitute a dire threat to Our Democracy and must be neutralized by whatever means prove effective. What exactly is an extremist?

The most obvious example is those who protested against election fraud on January 6, 2021, some of whom behaved foolishly and unlawfully. That tiny handful of people soon found their way into solitary confinement. But there are more recent examples of extremism.

One is those who want Joe Biden investigated for the flagrant corruption that has characterized his political career:

The White House blasted Speaker Kevin McCarthy’s (R-Calif.) move Tuesday to direct House committees to open a formal impeachment inquiry into President Biden, calling it “extreme politics” of the worst kind.

Another is those who would honor their oath by upholding the US Constitution:

On Tuesday’s broadcast of “CNN Primetime,” Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) refused to say whether or not New Mexico Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham (D) can use a public health emergency declaration to unilaterally change the state’s gun laws, but said “mayors and our governors have the hardest job in the world right now when it comes to gun violence” because “an extremist United States Supreme Court” has prevented them from enacting good policies like completely banning carrying guns.

In contrast, Michelle Lujan Grisham is not an extremist, despite having committed a federal crime that it is important she be prosecuted for by depriving her constituents of their constitutional rights — or at least, she is no more an extremist than her Democrat colleagues, who will impose the same tyranny on a federal basis the moment they think they can pull it off without too much Lexington & Concord-style bloodshed.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Sep 14 2023

Biden Calls on Media to Defend Him From Impeachment

Everyone understands that the establishment media and the Democratic Party are two heads on the same hydra. But apparently not everyone understands that it is bad form to admit that out loud, because it exposes what the liberal establishment calls Our Democracy as a corrupt farce. Or maybe the Biden Regime is just desperate:

Ian Sams, a White House spokesman, issued a memo to editorial leadership at U.S. news organizations that insisted the time has come for the “media to ramp up its scrutiny of House Republicans for opening an impeachment inquiry based on lies.”

The job of the media is not to investigate whether Biden is a criminal, but to smear those who bring his crimes to light. After all, the media is overwhelmingly comprised of Democrats.

As for Democrats who operate in the government wing of the liberal establishment,

Democrats in Congress quickly rallied behind the president after the impeachment inquiry got announced.

House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) grunted that Democrats “will defend President Biden until the very end.”

Don’t expect any curiosity as to whether Biden is guilty of influence peddling. Everyone knows the answer to that. The only question is whether he will continue to get away with it.

Read the White House memo here.

On tips from Ed McAninch, KirklesWorth, and Anonymous.

Sep 14 2023

Sister of Perpetual Indulgence Public Masturbation

The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence are a San Francisco-based cult of homosexuals who ram blasphemy down the public throat by dressing up as surreal parodies of nuns. They recently came to public attention when the Los Angeles Dodgers poked a finger in the eye of their Christian fans by conducting a ceremony honoring these creeps, and when a Biden official associated with them kept getting arrested for stealing women’s luggage so he could wear their clothes. They are in the news again, one of them having been arrested for publicly masturbating:

Clinton Monroe Ellis-Gilmore, the alleged public masturbator, had been active in the local Eureka, California, chapter of the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence for years, even attending a drag reading at the public school with the group back in 2018. …

Ellis-Gilmore was arrested after multiple witnesses said he was sitting with no pants on and truck door open at Table Bluff County Park, with one leg out the vehicle and the other up on the dashboard while masturbating. One witness told The Daily Wire it was clear Ellis-Gilmore wanted “everyone to see what he’s doing.”

As Matt Walsh notes, Ellis-Gilmore reportedly kept this up for an hour, “at a public beachside park that Google lists as ‘good for kids’ and ‘kid-friendly hikes’” on a Saturday in broad daylight:

“This isn’t about one person,” Walsh concluded. “[Ellis-Gilmore] represents a perverse, anti-Catholic worldview that every power center on the left promotes. We need to stop honoring these degenerates and start exposing them for what they are.”

It took a month for the perv’s arrest to make it through the mainstream media’s selective disinterest, but the exposure is underway — not that Ellis-Gilmore hasn’t already exposed himself more than enough:

On tips from Franco, MrRightWingDave, ABC of the ANC, and Chris Neilson.

Sep 14 2023

CNN Lists a Few Biden Lies

As we were reminded when Biden marked the anniversary of September 11 by falsely claiming to have been at Ground Zero the next day and to have witnessed the attack on the Pentagon, he is not merely a liar but a compulsive liar, who lies brazenly and constantly, with no consideration for how easily his lies are debunked. This is a manifestation of mental illness; either Biden literally cannot stop himself from lying due to a severe personality disorder, or he is psychotic and cannot distinguish reality from his self-aggrandizing fantasies. Even the regime stenographers at CNN are getting sick of it:

While this guy did not have time to list more than a tiny fraction of Biden’s lies, he skipped some true doozies, like Biden being Catholic, having attended a black church, having gone to a black college, being the first in his family to attend college, having done well in college, having taught constitutional law for over 20 years, having cured cancer, and even having been arrested in South Africa for trying to meet with liberal demigod Nelson Mandela.

The Washington Post maintained a database of alleged lies told by Donald Trump, but declined to do so for Biden, possibly due to insufficient capacity to deal with the sheer volume.

Back in 1988, when we still had standards, Biden’s run for president collapsed amid gales of laughter in part due to his absurd lies. Senility may aggravate Biden’s compulsive lying, but it isn’t the original cause.

That CNN would effectively admit Biden is a pathological liar with mental problems confirms that the liberal establishment is planning to install a new figurehead prior to the 2024 election.

Hat tip: Not the Bee.

Sep 14 2023

What Drove the Libyan Death Toll?

Flash floods are caused by weather, which is caused by climate, which is caused by our failure to grant absolute power to our moonbat rulers. That means liberals score a big propaganda coup from the flood in Derna, Libya that has reportedly killed over 5,100.

“Bodies are everywhere, inside houses, in the streets, at sea. Wherever you go, you find dead men, women, and children,” Emad al-Falah, an aid worker from Benghazi, said over the phone from Derna. “Entire families were lost.”

If we would just let Democrats mandate dysfunctional electric cars, all of this could have been avoided.

Hold on:

Mediterranean storm Daniel caused deadly flooding Sunday in many towns of eastern Libya, but the worst-hit was Derna. Two dams in the mountains above the city collapsed, sending floodwaters roaring down the Wadi Derna river and through the city center, sweeping away entire city blocks.

This isn’t about the climate’s revenge because someone used the wrong light bulb. It is an infrastructure issue.

No wonder sane people have been warning that if we really are concerned with the effects of the climate’s inevitable continuing fluctuation, we ought to focus not on corrupt green energy boondoggles but on infrastructure — for example, dams.

[Libya] is divided by rival governments, one in the east, the other in the west, and the result has been neglect of infrastructure in many areas.

You could expect the problem to be especially acute in Derna.

Derna was once a hub for extremist groups in the years of chaos that followed the NATO-backed uprising that toppled and killed longtime dictator Moammar Gadhafi in 2011.

Gadhafi was once an enemy of the USA. But after Ronald Reagan scared him onto the straight and narrow, he became an effective ally against Islamic terrorists. Then Barack Obama came to power. The vicious idiot who served as his Secretary of State comments on our government plunging Libya into chaos by getting Gadhafi killed, setting the stage for the Benghazi debacle:

Elections have consequences that spread far and wide. But that won’t stop the media from blaming the death toll in Libya on the imaginary climate crisis.

On a tip from Lyle.

Sep 14 2023

Open Thread

All political power comes from the barrel of a gun. The communist party must command all the guns, that way, no guns can ever be used to command the party. - Mao Zedong

On a tip from Anonymous.

Sep 13 2023

Dems Fundraise on Exposure of Prostitute Candidate

Democrats have a brand. A primary characteristic of this brand is its distinctive moral quality. That’s why Democrat candidate Susanna Gibson can be expected to go far in the party:

Gibson, who is running for a seat in the narrowly divided Virginia statehouse, was as recently as last year posting as “HotWifeExperience” on the website Chaturbate, where men could pay tokens to get her to perform specific sex acts. In one video recorded shortly after she launched her campaign last year, she told her husband, “I’ll let you f— me in the a– doggy style in a private room if someone wants to pay. That’s the deal.”

In another video, she appears to say that for the right price, viewers could watch her urinate. “Y’all can watch me pee if you tip me and some tokens,” she said.

In a third video, she chirps:

“I like being choked. I like being hit. I do.”

Merriam-Webster defines “prostitution” as “the act or practice of engaging in sexual relations for money.”

Susanna Gibson is a prostitute. If voters choose her for the Virginia House of Delegates, she should fit right in with a party that has been going downhill since Bill “I Did Not Have Sex With That Woman” Clinton.

Her response to the revelations:

“My political opponents and their Republican allies have proven they’re willing to commit a sex crime to attack me and my family because there’s no line they won’t cross to silence women when they speak up.”

Revealing the existence of videos that she posted online to her nearly 6,000 followers on Chaturbate is a sex crime, by her reckoning. Worse yet, it is an attack on her family. Here’s a glimpse of her family life:

She can be heard in the videos saying “he doesn’t like sharing” her with other men, with [her husband lawyer David] Gibson saying, “Sometimes I have to though. She makes me.”

They do have two young children.

Slick Willy himself might turn away in disgust. On second thought, he would probably shower her with tokens.

Rather than shun Gibson in shame, Democrats are exploiting the scandal to fundraise. Democrat Louise Lucas is President Pro Tempore of the Virginia Senate:

If we leave these reprobates in power, they will drag America straight down to hell.

On tips from Wiggins, Barry A, ABC of the ANC, and Eddie_Valiant.

Sep 13 2023

Look Who Is Teaching Preschool

National decay has reached the point where no one will be surprised that this visibly dysfunctional, mentally ill wreck of a self-pitying narcissistic moonbat has been entrusted with the care of preschoolers. LANGUAGE ALERT — stand by to be subjected to what kids are probably hearing in the classroom:

The Parental Rights in Education (or as liberals call it, “Don’t Say Gay”) law was an encouraging start, but clearly more decisive action must be taken to protect children from proselytizing perverts in Florida and nationwide.

On tips from Wiggins and ABC of the ANC.

Sep 13 2023

Patriotic Nine Line Ad Nixed by CBS

All you need to know about the moonbats running CBS is that they won’t let this patriotic Nine Line ad run during the Super Bowl:

But if Nike wants to run an ad featuring Colin Kaepernick urinating on an American flag, that should be no problem.

Nine Line Apparel CEO Tom Merritt responds:

“Let’s call this what it is: a blatant attempt to censor a message that their politically correct executives find offensive. We urge Americans who believe it’s important to show respect for our flag and national anthem to join us in calling out this offensive bias. It’s time to give a penalty flag to CBS.”

The purpose of shelling out big money for advertising is for a business to get its name out there in a positive context. Hopefully this story spreads, so that Nine Line can get what it wanted without having to give money to the anti-American moonbats at CBS.

On a tip from Anonymous.

Sep 13 2023

More Pushback on Suspension of Constitution in New Mexico

Pushback continues against New Mexico Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham’s full frontal assault on the US Constitution. Her absurd “emergency” decree canceling gun rights in the name of public health has provoked numerous lawsuits. State Attorney General Raul Torrez refuses to defend her in court:

“Though I recognize my statutory obligation as New Mexico’s chief legal officer to defend state officials when they are sued in their official capacity, my duty to uphold and defend the constitutional rights of every citizen takes precedence,” his letter continued. “Simply put, I do not believe that the Emergency Order will have any meaningful impact on public safety but, more importantly, I do not believe it passes constitutional muster.”

That is putting it mildly. The decree’s only purpose is to attack the Constitution. As many have observed, it would be unlikely to reduce gun violence.

Torrez takes the tyrant to the woodshed:

“I encourage you to engage in a more thoughtful and deliberative process with members of the New Mexico Legislature rather than taking unilateral action that infringes on the constitutional rights of law-abiding citizens while having little if any discernible impact on the underlying dynamics driving gun violence in our community.”

Just the response you would expect of an American patriot. However, Torrez is a Democrat — and he isn’t alone:

Albuquerque Mayor Tim Keller, also a Democrat, said in a statement to social media that the city’s police force would not be responsible for enforcing the governor’s order. Bernalillo County Sheriff John Allen announced on Monday that he would not enforce the order either, calling it unconstitutional.

The Southwest’s answer to Gretchen Whitmer remains defiant:

Lujan Grisham responded to Allen in a statement to the NM Political Report, saying that her administration had “given you the tools, Sheriff Allen — now stop being squeamish about using them.”

Law enforcement had better not be squeamish with leftists in charge.

Lujan Grisham said in an interview on CNN: “It’s not for police to tell me what’s constitutional or not.”

What the police need to tell her is that depriving Americans of their constitutional rights is a violation of federal law punishable by up to 10 years in prison. They need to tell her this as they escort her out of her office in handcuffs.

Looks like Democrats overstepped in their eagerness to disarm us and now have to backpedal. That would be why lunatic leftists Ted Lieu and David Hogg both suddenly discovered a love of the Constitution and denounced Lujan Grisham for attacking it, using identical language in a clear indication that orders had come down from on high to strategically step back for now.

It also looks like a schism could be developing within the party between those who are truly evil and those who ended up Democrats by some horrible mistake, and who actually believe in freedom and America. Hopefully the latter group is large enough to cause the party to collapse when they bolt from it.

On a tip from Varla.


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