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Sep 03 2023

Open Thread

America, it is said, is suffering from intolerance - it is not. It is suffering from tolerance. Tolerance of right and wrong, truth and error, virtue and evil, Christ and chaos. Our country is not nearly so overrun with the bigoted as it is overrun with the broadminded. - Fulton J. Sheen

Sep 02 2023

NYC to Use Drones to Spy on Labor Day Barbecues

Utopia may not be well governed, but it will be well monitored. In case your phone isn’t keeping close enough tabs on you, our moonbat rulers also have drones:

Those attending outdoor parties or barbecues in New York City this weekend may notice an uninvited guest looming over their festivities: a police surveillance drone.

The New York City police department plans to pilot the unmanned aircrafts in response to complaints about large gatherings, including private events, over Labor Day weekend, officials announced Thursday.

Large gatherings are frowned upon by authorities, unless they are Black Lives Matter riots, in which case they are lavishly rewarded.

Mayor Eric Adams, a former police captain, has said he wants to see police further embrace the “endless” potential of drones…

Their potential for gathering information is obvious, and knowledge is power. Also, the increasing presence of drones can help habituate us to totalitarian rule as it consolidates. As J.D. Rucker notes,

They want us to expect Big Brother to be there, just barely out of reach, so even the most freedom-loving among us start to accept that we’re always being watched. Just as many patriotic Americans masked up on their way to get jabbed even though they didn’t really want to do either, so too will many Americans reluctantly accept this type of surveillance if they’re exposed to it enough.

Mind this is taking place in the anarchotyrannical dystopia of New York City, where actual crime has largely been effectively legalized. Once again, public safety is not the motive.

On tips from Wiggins and Chris Neilson.

Sep 02 2023

Drag Queen Arrested for Child Porn Becomes Principal

The teaching profession has attracted some of the best among us. But as education is repurposed by liberal social engineers, it is beginning to attract the worse. As noted earlier,

Once an institution has been infiltrated by moonbats it is soon subverted. This has entailed the perverted sexualization of primary education. As Christopher Rufo has documented, this now features drag performances and hardcore pornography. This has done wonders to advance the LGBT aspect of the liberal agenda, with transsexual identification among children up by as much as 582% in 2 years. The resulting climate has led to an explosion in sex crimes against children by school personnel.

What do you expect when even in Oklahoma, far from the corrupted coasts, drag queens who have been arrested for possessing kiddy porn are chosen to be principals?

Shane Brent Murnan is the newest elementary school principal within Oklahoma’s Western Heights public school district. Murnan, a 52-year-old man whose drag persona is very publicly known as Ms. Shantel Mandalay, now has total authority over more than 400 students from pre-K through fourth grade at John Glenn Elementary School in southwest Oklahoma City.

Regarding Murnan/Mandalay’s qualifications to oversee elementary school education in a society dominated by liberals,

In August of 2001, Murnan, then a 30-year-old, fifth-grade teacher at Will Rogers Elementary School in Stillwater, Oklahoma, was arrested for possessing both child pornography and drugs. Two weeks prior to his arrest, Murnan’s electronic devices were confiscated by police. Despite the teacher’s efforts to delete images, the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation (OSBI) was able to recover at least four images of children engaged in sex acts.

A judge dismissed the child porn charge on the grounds that prosecutors couldn’t prove the age of the kids involved.

Murnan/Mandalay has direct experience grooming children on behalf of the LGBT agenda:

In 2018, Murnan and two others formed and founded Oklahoma City Drag Queen Story Hour, Inc. to promote events throughout the state. By the time the lockdowns started, the organization was teamed with the Oklahoma City Metropolitan Library System, and Murnan, in drag, was reading age-targeted indoctrination to small children online through the library’s Facebook events (link to video).

A society succumbing to moonbattery is no place to be a child.

On a tip from Barry A.

Sep 02 2023

No Proof of Vaccination Needed for Alien Students in NYC

As we have learned from watching the Biden Crime Family avoid consequences, the rules the rest of us live under do not apply to powerful Democrats. These rules also do not apply to groups Democrats regard as “oppressed,” like the foreign invaders who have been unlawfully imported to displace us from our country. For example:

Close to 20,000 migrant children will have been absorbed by New York City’s public schools when the school year starts on Sept. 7. None will be required to show proof of vaccinations when they enroll, as is required for the children of New Yorkers.

Deadly diseases don’t care whether its vectors are in the country legally. Nor do our rulers care about these spreading through our schools, or they wouldn’t leave the border open.

It’s not as if Democrats don’t understand the effects of their policies:

In April, New York City Health Commissioner Ashwin Vasan warned New Yorkers that they could be exposed to viruses and diseases that have been eradicated from the United States due to illegal immigration.

Tuberculosis and polio will make comebacks in fundamentally transformed America.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Sep 02 2023

Australian Kids Taught to Wallow in Self-Hatred

Even in the era of wokeness, some children may grow up taking pride in their country. This will cause problems later if they resist its eradication. They may even respect themselves. Only those who despise themselves are fit subjects for leftist rule. Australian educrats are on top of the situation, instilling shame of themselves and their country by forcing children as young as 10 to write letters in school apologizing to the aborigines who sparsely populated the continent before its discovery for supposedly “taking their land”:

The letters, written by primary school children, were put together on pieces of paper shaped in the form of a megaphone with words referencing the nation’s colonial past.

‘We are sorry for everything that we have done,’ one letter reads.

Sorry for bringing civilization to barefoot savages. Sorry for existing.

Another said: ‘We are sorry to Aboriginals. We took your land and we have now we feel sad of what we have done.’

If the kids grow up loathing themselves and their country sufficiently, they can be counted on to vote for the Australian Labor Party.

On a tip from R F.

Sep 02 2023

Open Thread

The purpose of Compulsory Education is to deprive the common people of their commonsense. - Gilbert K. Chesterton

On a tip from therealguyfaux.

Sep 01 2023

Genuine American Culture at Starbucks Japan

This Starbucks Japan features genuine American culture of the current age, complete with an oppressed person. Here’s what happens when you ask him to stop driving customers away with his noise (language alert):

The term “ugly American” is taking on a whole new meaning as our society succumbs to moonbattery.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Sep 01 2023

Laughable Gaslighting on Maui Response

By now we are used to gaslighting from Democrats, but this is ridiculous:

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre now claims Joe Biden reacted to the Hawaii Wildfire in “record time” despite him enjoying two vacations during the national emergency.

Say what?

Maybe it really was record time. It might have been a record for the slowest response to a national emergency by a sitting so-called president:

When Biden toured the devastation in Hawaii nearly two weeks after the city of Lahaina burned to the ground, locals were caught on video chanting “f*** Joe Biden” as he walked down a street. “Here he comes after 13 days,” one person said as the president passed by. Another commented: “Wow, he’s finally here. Wow, yeah, thanks for nothing.”

Biden then proceeded to insult those affected by comparing the disaster to a minor kitchen fire and dishonestly attempting to exploit it to promote the global warming hoax.

On tips from Blackjack and MrRightWingDave.

Sep 01 2023

Islamic Law Threatens Denmark

Muslims have a way to go to achieve majority status in Denmark, but they may already have achieved hegemony:

Amid growing pressure and threats of terrorist retaliation, officials in Denmark have caved and called for burning the Quran to be made a crime after such acts sparked protests domestically and around the Muslim world.

For centuries, Europeans fought to achieve and defend fundamental rights like free speech. A single generation of cowards could undo their accomplishment.

Free speech is guaranteed by the Danish constitution — and yet:

According to Justice Minister Peter Hummelgaard, the new law would be written into existing legislation banning the desecration of other nations’ flags, and would “prohibit the inappropriate treatment of objects of significant religious importance to a religious community.”

He added that the primary purpose of the legislation was to target those who publicly disrespect such objects, and that anyone who violates the law could face up to two years in prison, or a fine.

Sniffs Hummelgaard:

“I fundamentally believe there are more civilized ways to express one’s views than burning things.”

Yet Hummelgaard is participating in the dismantling of civilization by allowing a backward alien culture to deny Europeans their rights.

On a tip from Occam’s Stubble.

Sep 01 2023

Tucker Carlson Book Arrives Defaced From Amazon

Until it has achieved total monopoly, Amazon will still sell books it disapproves of. But don’t be too fussy about the condition they arrive in:

Glenn Dobbs was shocked when he opened an Amazon box containing the new biography “Tucker,” by Chadwick Moore, to find the cover had been defaced with a Hitler-style mustache drawn on Tucker Carlson’s face.

A Hitler mustache is appropriate on Tucker because everyone leftists don’t like is Hitler.

The customer said he immediately wrote a review on Amazon, only to have the company inform him his review would not be published, because it violated company rules.

What do you expect? This is the company that used its dominance in web services to take Parler offline because conservatives were using it to communicate free of liberal establishment censorship.

The box came from the Amazon fulfillment center in Troutdale, Oregon, just outside of Portland.

Again, what do you expect? Portland is a hostile foreign country.

If this story sounds familiar,

Coming to depend on Amazon is not going to end well.

On a tip from Blackjack.

Sep 01 2023

ACLU Demands Free Sex Change for Baby Killer

Despite its leftist roots, the ACLU once defended American liberty. Now it is more interested in defending the “right” to force us to pay for a sex change operation for a guy convicted of murdering a baby less than a year old.

From Indiana:

House Bill 1569, which took effect July 1, bans the spending of state or federal dollars on sexual reassignment surgery for inmates.

According to the complaint, the ACLU is accusing the state of “deliberate indifference to a serious medical need,” arguing that “gender affirming surgeries” are a “medical necessity” for some inmates.

Liberal doctrine dictates that nightmarish sexual mutilation intended to reinforce a psychotic delusion is medical care, just like abortion.

The ACLU brought the case against the state on behalf of a transgender inmate currently serving a 55-year sentence for the horrific murder of his stepdaughter.

Autumn Cordellioné, also known as Jonathan C. Richardson, was arrested in 2001 after his 11-month-old stepdaughter died in his care while her mother was at work.

Reasons to execute murderers rather than providing them with free room and board for a while continue to accrue.

An autopsy subsequently found that the baby had died of asphyxiation by manual strangulation.

Richardson was booked awaiting a court hearing, and would later tell a prison official “all I know is I killed the little f[***]ing bitch.”

In 2020, he decided to be transsexual, presumably due to the obvious benefits, one of which is getting the powerful ACLU in his corner.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

Sep 01 2023

Open Thread

Children are nowhere taught, in any systematic way, to distinguish true from false, or meaningful from meaningless, statements. Why is this so? Because their elders, even in the democratic countries, do not want them to be given this kind of education. - Aldous Huxley

Aug 31 2023

Canada Issues LGBT Travel Advisory for USA

As it swirls down the drain into moonbattery, Canada does not produce a lot of good news. Here’s a welcome exception:

Canada has updated its international travel advisories to warn members of the LGBTQ+ community that they may face discrimination if they travel to some places in the United States.

The Alphabet People are conspicuously the most privileged group in America, topping even blacks in the favoritism they are granted by the liberal establishment. The very foundations of civilization, including marriage and the right of parents to protect their children from sexual predators, have been compromised to comply with LGBT demands. How could even the kooks running Canada justify pretending they are oppressed?

The move comes after at least 18 U.S. states passed laws that limit or ban certain things relevant to the community, including gender-affirming medical care for minors and teaching about sexual orientation in schools.

Capitulation to the LGBT agenda must be absolute and universal. This entails the total absence of opposition to the ideologically driven surgical mutilation and depraved sexual indoctrination of children.

Evidence accrues that if America turns back from leftism, the Trudeau Regime will not be friendly. But if the absurd travel advisory prevents a few LGBT militants from crossing the northern border in the wrong direction, Canada deserves our thanks.

On a tip from Franco.

Aug 31 2023

Denver to Pay Black Lives Matter Rioters $4.7 Million

The showering of free money upon Black Lives Matter vermin as a reward for rioting isn’t limited to festering hellholes like Philadelphia and the New York. Denver joins in:

Denver will hand over nearly $5 million to protesters who participated in 2020 demonstrations after the death of George Floyd after settling a class-action lawsuit on Aug. 23 that alleged they were selectively targeted for violating curfew, according to the court document.

You want selectively targeted? Try the January 6 protesters who watched leftists riot throughout the country for months on end with minimal consequences, but then were thrown into solitary confinement for trespassing in the People’s House, their crime being protesting against election fraud rather than whiteness.

The lawsuit, filed in November 2021 by seven protesters, alleged that more than 300 people were arrested for violating the curfew. The settlement awarded over $4.7 million to the protesters and promised that the city would not enforce future curfews against persons engaging in First Amendment activity.

Note that the rioters are explicitly rewarded for breaking the law. The money comes from the pockets of the law-abiding.

Don’t expect this to apply if there is another Covid crackdown and people want to protest lockdowns and mask mandates.

Not even the most cretinous sociopath could fail to notice the bright green light. The objective of going out their way to encourage, facilitate, justify, and now financially reward rioters is obvious: our rulers want more riots. They need an army ready for strategic deployment, because next year is the big election — the one that decides whether we turn back from the path Barack Obama and Joe Biden put us on, or plunge over the cliff into national fragmentation and dysfunctional left-wing authoritarianism.

On a tip from MrRightWingDave.


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