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Jul 13 2023

Biden Regime Wages War on Air Conditioning

The global warming hoax is bunk, but that doesn’t mean the climate won’t continue to fluctuate the way it always has. If it gets much warmer here in Phoenix, we will just about cook. Sunday’s forecasted high is currently 120°. That kind of heat can kill. Meanwhile, in the name of global warming, the Biden Regime is waging war on air conditioning:

The Biden administration has announced plans to continue its reduction of hydrofluorocarbons, releasing a new rule that aims to cut the United States’ use of the greenhouse gases by almost half starting next year.

Hydrofluorocarbons are used for refrigeration and air-conditioning.

The final rule announced Tuesday by the Environmental Protection Agency will reduce HFC consumption in the United States based on historic levels by 40% between 2024 and 2028.

The reduction will be on top of the 10% drop in HFC consumption that was implemented in 2022 under the bipartisan 2020 American Innovation and Manufacturing Act that sets the goal to reduce the production and consumption of HFCs by 85% by 2036 in an effort to prevent a 0.5 degree Celsius increase in global temperature by the next century.

There is zero chance that suppressing air conditioning will have any measurable effect on global temperatures. However, there is a high likelihood that it will result in the death of senior citizens, who are more vulnerable to extreme heat.

The liberal elite will still have access to air conditioning even after utopia has been imposed. The rest of us will have to suffer, because according to their religion, air conditioning makes it be too warm.

What does it take for people to rebel?

On a tip from R F.

Jul 13 2023

Profiles in Countermoonbattery: Christine Geiger

You don’t need a seat at the table of the liberal establishment to make a difference. You just need the guts to serve as an inspiration to others. You might own a hair salon in Traverse City, Michigan:

“If a human identifies as anything other than a man/woman, please seek services at a local pet groomer,” Christine Geiger wrote disparagingly on a since-deleted Facebook page. “You are not welcome at this salon. Period.”

“This is America; free speech. This small business has the right to refuse services,” she added.

This is America to the extent we stand up for inalienable rights like free speech and freedom of association.

Geiger, who owns Studio 8 Hair Lab, appeared to be responding to a Michigan house bill that would expand the state’s hate-crime law to include harassment or intimidation on the basis of gender identity or sexual orientation.

“Harassment or intimidation” are to be determined by the alleged victims. After the state’s cartoonishly tyrannical Disney witch of a governor signs the bill into law, remarks like Geiger’s will constitute a felony in Michigan, as will literally any statement the Alphabet People regard as unsupportive of their lifestyle and ideology.

Already the fist of Big Government is poised to crash down on her:

Geiger’s comments … were condemned by a spokesman for Michigan attorney general Dana Nessel. “The Attorney General finds the comments to be hateful, reprehensible remarks,” the spokesman told the Independent, adding that Geiger is likely to face legal consequences.

When it comes to suppressing free speech, turn to the experts at the ACLU:

Nathan Triplett, president of the Michigan ACLU, explained on Twitter that Geiger is in violation of the state’s Elliot-Larsen Civil Rights Act, which was recently amended to also prohibit discrimination based on gender identity and sexual orientation.

The same sort of corporate moonbats who thought it was a good idea to put Dylan Mulvaney’s face on Bud Light cans also want to punish her:

On Wednesday, hair product manufacturer Jack Winn Pro withdrew its products from Geiger’s salon, writing in a statement that it “reject[s] hate speech in any form” and that Geiger “no longer has authorization to represent our brand or products.”

The leftist Gorgons on The View have set to work whipping up the mob against her:

Goldberg, 67, said ‘you can’t make fun and say rude stuff about people’ in reference to the controversial comment by salon owner Christine Geiger.

Or at least, you can’t about special people. Not unless you have a lot of nerve — which will be required to prevent the country from continuing to slide into straightforward tyranny.

If you want to know who controls you, look at who you are not allowed to criticize. - Voltaire

On tips from Varla and The Great Cornholio.

Jul 13 2023

Feds Fund Out of State Child Sex Change

The leftist fiends who dominate the US government are not misguided; they are evil:

Boston Children’s Hospital (BCH) has received a $3.3 million grant from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to build a training program and a pro-trans website targeting trans-identifying youth in other states. The grant, which began on September 23, 2021 and will end on August 31, 2023, represents the most direct interaction known to date between a federal agency and the burgeoning industry for pushing gender transition procedures on minors.

Our federal system would allow pockets of sanity where depraved psychopaths are not permitted to surgically deform children in order to enslave them to an ideology straight out of hell. But the federal government is overruling the states — with the help of your tax dollar.

The fungible money is not supposed to directly fund child sex change surgery. Wink wink.

BCH found itself mired in scandal last August when it was revealed the hospital was performing gender transition surgeries on minors. The hospital not only performed gender transition surgeries on minors as young as 13, but it publicly promoted these in a series of videos on its website. Although the hospital tried to remove the evidence once it became a national scandal, a peer-reviewed study published in March 2022 confirmed that BCH had performed 65 gender transition surgeries on minors from January 2017-August 2020, as they formed part of the study’s dataset.

Rep Doug LaMalfa (R-CA) puts it mildly:

“It’s outrageous that our taxpayer dollars are being used to mutilate and sterilize vulnerable children.”

To the extent we are not putting a stop to these crimes against humanity, we are complicit. May God have mercy on us.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

Jul 13 2023

Open Thread

There has never been a communism that worked. They were all dictatorships or oligarchies, every single one. - David Crosby

On a tip from Jester.

Jul 12 2023

Best States for Gun Owners

Lately, it seems the Supreme Court is America’s last defense against tyranny. However, leftists have already broadcast their intention to pack the court with rubberstamp apparatchiks as soon as they have the leverage. In the end, America’s only real defense is the right to bear arms, which cannot be repealed because it is a natural right. However, it can be denied — which it is in some states more than others.

To see where your state stands, check out the gun rights ranking at You can find your state’s ranking at a glance in the graphics, then learn the key details for each of the 25 most gun-friendly states.


• New Hampshire is #1 thanks to its incredibly relaxed gun laws, low crime rates, and lack of state sales tax.

• West Virginia is #2 due to recent legislative actions to remove firearm restrictions and reduce sales tax on firearms and ammunition.

• Arkansas, Montana, and Mississippi are #3, #4, and #5 thanks to their pro-2A governors, stand-your-ground laws, and relaxed carry and conceal requirements.

• Iowa, Utah, and Georgia all dropped in the rankings to #23, #24, and #25 due to enhanced restrictions on lawful gun owners, including taxes and fees.

• Some states ranked better than others due to the current governors’ past and present 2nd Amendment voting history.

There may be some surprises in the top 25, though no one will be shocked not to find blue states with out-of-control gun violence like California, New York, and Illinois among them. Stay tuned for details on the states to be avoided because hostility to gun rights has rendered them unsafe for the law-abiding.

Jul 12 2023

Reparations Payments Are Underway

Plans to pay blacks gargantuan sums of public money explicitly for being black are so insane that people probably assume not even Democrats would go through with them. But nothing is too insane for moonbats to go through with:

A Chicago suburb has become the first city in the nation to begin disbursing reparations payments to black residents over discrimination and limited access to housing, the Wall Street Journal reported Monday.

Approximately 140 residents in Evanston, Illinois, will receive $25,000 from the city by the end of the year, according to the outlet.

In 2019, the city of roughly 75,000 residents approved a $10 million reparations package to be distributed over 10 years. So far, the city has already disbursed reparations payments to sixteen qualified residents, the Evanston Round Table reported.

With government, what starts small expands rapidly to monstrous proportions.

Justin Hansford, the head of the Thurgood Marshall Civil Rights Center at Howard University, said he sees the city’s reparations plan as “a test run for the whole country.”

No doubt Howard University alumnus Kamala “Heartbeat Away” Harris concurs. We can expect her to deliver some enlighteningly esoteric thoughts on the matter, as soon as she feels we have properly digested her revelations about culture.

Already official reparations recommendations have reached $5 million per sacred black person in San Francisco. Thanks to reparations math, the number will soon climb high enough to require new currency with extra zeroes, as in Zimbabwe.

Will they be happy when we bankrupt the country to hand them free money for being black directly instead of through the welfare state? No:

Resident and civil rights activist Bennett Johnson … argued that black residents were still being “discriminated” against and “hurt,” the Evanston Round Table reported. He also contended that the payments were not enough.

“I believe that [Evanston is] doing the same thing that we’ve done in the past, downgrading the ability of Black people to do things for themselves,” Johnson stated. “We could realize that if we don’t let Black people control this, we [are] still doing the same thing that we’ve done in the past.”

Hand them a blank check and let them fill in the amount. That way, they are doing something for themselves.

On a tip from Mr. Freemarket.

Jul 12 2023

The View Moonbats “Turned On” by Biden’s Unhinged Rage

As has been pointed out earlier, Biden’s senility often takes the form of uncontrollable outbursts of rage:

Biden terrifies White House aides with his “quick-trigger temper” and expletive-filled rants, Axios reported on Monday.

• Examples of the president’s foul-mouthed eruptions include: “God dammit, how the f—k don’t you know this?!” “Don’t f—king bulls—t me!” and “Get the f—k out of here!”

• Biden’s temper tantrums are so bad some staff members “try to avoid meeting alone with him.”

What it means: Increased anger and agitation are common symptoms of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease, according to the National Institute on Aging (NIA).

As with even the most alarming of Biden’s many flaws, this is spun by the establishment media as a good thing:

To grasp how pointless it is to try to intellectually engage most Democrat voters, consider that many of them have the slogans that serve them as thoughts installed by these same shrieking harpies.

In fairness, Whoopi Goldberg and Joy Behar are not the only pundits who find Biden’s senile meltdowns curiously arousing. Lisa Kennedy of Fox News does too.

On a tip from Jester.

Jul 12 2023

Now Global Warming Causes Kidney Stones

Under totalitarianism, orthodox ideology is applied to everything imaginable — even kidney stones:

Thirty years ago, kidney stones were considered a disease of the middle-aged white man.

But now,

Kidney stones, hard deposits of minerals and salts that can get caught in the urinary tract, are now occurring in younger people, particularly among teenage girls, emerging data shows.

Here’s how middle-aged white men, the scourge of society, managed to spread their nasty disease to innocent young girls:

Experts aren’t sure why more children and teens are developing the condition, but they speculate that a combination of factors are to blame, including … climate change causing more cases of dehydration.

Seriously: climate change. Here’s proof:

Doctors who spoke to NBC News said they see more kids with kidney stones in the summer than any other season.

As Jane Fonda will be glad to shriek at you, global warming is caused by white men, who should therefore be imprisoned.

Kidney stones are of course racist:

Black adults and children in the study also developed kidney stones at greater rates than whites.

Fortunately, there is an obvious cure for kidney stones. We must allow Big Government to regulate the temperature by seizing more of our money and lowering our standard of living, in accordance with Democrat policy.

On a tip from Lyle.

Jul 12 2023

MSNBC Blames Biden’s Staff for His Dementia

Biden is still sharp enough to run a command-and-control economy from the White House. It’s just finding his way around stages without falling down that requires more cognitive reserve than he managed to store up before his brain began to decay. His fawning enablers at MSNBC blame his staff:

Eighty is older for some people than for others. Mika is right. From now on, Creepy Joe should never appear in public without the Easter Bunny to guide him:

On a tip from Occam’s Stubble.

Jul 12 2023

California to Introduce Race-Based Sentencing

Our racially tiered justice system is becoming official. In California, white convicts will soon be sentenced to longer prison terms than blacks, entirely due to the racial favoritism of our moonbat rulers:

A Democrat-backed bill making its way through the California Legislature would require judges in the state to consider a convicted criminal’s race when determining how long to sentence them to prison.

Assembly Member Reggie Jones-Sawyer, the Democratic chair of the California Assembly’s Public Safety Committee, quietly introduced Bill 852 in February.

Despite equality before the law being a bedrock principle of American civilization, the outrageous legislation passed. The left-wing senate can be expected to move it along to the left-wing governor to sign it into law.

The bill would add a section to the Penal Code of California requiring courts, whenever they have the authority to determine a prison sentence, to “rectify” alleged racial bias in the criminal justice system by taking into account how historically persecuted minorities are affected differently than others.

In other words, less time for blacks, more time for whites, because liberals worship blacks and despise whites. There may have been similar laws for Aryans and Jews under the Third Reich.

What would have been called Apartheid in South Africa is known as “racial justice” in the USA, precisely because it is anything but just. To every injury liberals inflict on us, they feel compelled to add insult with a lie.

Criminals of Color have a friend in Reggie Jones-Sawyer.

On a tip from Franco.

Jul 12 2023

Open Thread

Democracy was the right of the people to choose their own tyrant. - James Madison

Jul 11 2023

Doubling of Deviants at Brown University

According to woke doctrine, we must embrace homosexuality because it is not a behavior but an identity. If you hesitate to endorse unhealthy sex acts that have been regarded as immoral for centuries, you bigotedly hate those who indulge in them. They can’t control what they do, because were born that way. Or maybe they can’t help what they do because they attended a pricey university:

The number of Brown University students identifying as LGBTQ+ has doubled since 2010, according to a new poll from the university’s student paper.

About 38% of students at the Ivy League school identified as either homosexual, bisexual, queer, asexual, pansexual, questioning, or other — more than five times the national rate for adults not identifying as straight.

Ivy League universities like Brown are finishing schools for our nomenklatura. In case you were wondering what students learn for $82,570/year, now you have an idea.

The high-priced social engineers running Brown get results. However, the rest of the liberal establishment gets results too. Its relentless promotion of all things LGBT through the media, public schools, and government has produced a doubling in the percentage of self-identified deviants also among the general population — even if the percentage is lower outside the decadent ruling class:

About 7.2% of American adults identified as being non-heterosexual, according to a 2022 Gallup poll, up from 3.5% in 2012.

Considering the cultural hegemony the Alphabet People already enjoy, imagine if social engineers are able to double the percentage again. Every month will be Pride Month.

On tips from Jack D and Wiggins.

Jul 11 2023

Liberalism Is Now the Opposite of Liberalism

America was created by classical liberals. Now, everywhere you look, you see liberals destroying the great country they bestowed to us. Has liberalism failed? No. It has had its definition switched to its diametric opposite by our Orwellian leftist ruling class.

Gerard Baker considers the grooming of children in public schools. Some might frame it as classical liberalism taken too far:

We have elevated individual choice to the level at which we are told we can actually reject our biological sex, and that this freedom is so expansive that it must be extended to prepubescent children.

But in reality, the last thing the “liberals” pushing LGBTism on small children want is individual choice. No little kid chooses to be a pervert or a freak.

The real objective here isn’t to emancipate children as young as 10 from the shackles of convention, but to remove parents’ freedom to determine what is best for their children. This effort to undermine the institution of the family serves the larger purpose of transferring authority for children away from parents to the state. …

In one of those rare moments of revelatory candor in political debate, Terry McAuliffe, the Democratic candidate for governor of Virginia in 2021, told Glenn Youngkin, his Republican rival: “I don’t think parents should be telling schools what they should teach.”

This “It Takes a Village” idea again frames itself as liberal, but it is in fact classically illiberal. It fits also with the modern orthodoxy that we must be indoctrinated to see ourselves not as individuals with agency over our own lives, but merely as scarcely autonomous component members of some larger identity group.

Illiberal Democrats apply the same authoritarian collectivism to economics:

When Barack Obama memorably told American business leaders “You didn’t build that,” it was a restatement of the subjugation of the idea of individual agency to statist responsibility. This idea is reaching its apotheosis in “Bidenomics,” a new term for a very old idea: The state always knows best how to spend your money.

Classical liberals like the Founding Fathers would never have recognized anything imposed by today’s Democratic Party as liberal. But now that we live in a San Francisco bathhouse version of 1984, freedom is slavery, ignorance is strength, and oligarchical collectivist authoritarianism is liberalism.

On a tip from Varla.

Jul 11 2023

How Russiagate Hoax Killed Mainstream Media

Starting in 2016, hundreds of reporters working for dozens of news organizations worked in concert to sell the lie that Donald Trump colluded with Russia to subvert the election. We now know that the only actual collusion that occurred was between the mainstream media, the Hillary Clinton campaign, the Democratic Party, and the Deep State.

Consequently, if credibility is the lifeblood of journalism, the mainstream media is dead. So says not only investigative journalist Ashley Rindsberg, but also Jeff Gerth of the Columbia Journalism Review, who produced an extensive investigative report on the matter in January. Naturally, the media refused to cover it.

Rindsberg sums up the establishment media nicely: “a morass of malfeasance greased by naked ambition and ideological bias.” It is no longer in the business of informing. As with its ally the Deep State, its purpose is to empower leftists.

The mainstream media is comprised of professional liars who hate regular Americans and despise everything they value. Why would you listen to them?

On a tip from Blackjack. Hat tip: Frontpage Magazine.


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