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Mar 06 2023

Schools Trans Kids Behind Parents’ Backs Throughout USA

“It takes a village,” shrieks Shrillary. Former MSNBC propagandist Melissa Harris-Perry lisps that “we have to break through our kind of private idea that kids belong to their parents, or kids belong to their families, and recognize that kids belong to whole communities.” That is to say, children belong to our moonbat rulers. They exert their control through public schools, where kids are indoctrinated in their depraved agenda throughout the country.

In Colorado:

Laurel Elementary School Assistant Principal, Amanda Pawelski, and Poudre School District Chief Equity Officer, Marlena Gross-Taylor, were caught in leaked emails discussing going behind a parent’s back to instruct an elementary school student by their preferred pronouns.

The parents had made explicit that they do not want their child to be groomed for transsexualism. The aforementioned educrats agreed to use the kid’s real name and pronouns in front of the parents to avoid legal problems, but not otherwise.

Marlena also referred Amanda to the district’s new LGBTQIA+ Coordinator, Shayna Seitchik, who also reiterated to Marlena that her and Darcie Votipka, the Director of Student Services for the district, agreed with using the student’s chosen pronouns and names while the parents were not present.

Cockroaches rule the kitchen in the darkness, even if they strategically retreat when they sense light.

In Virginia:

The parents of a 14-year-old girl who was allowed to secretly change gender at school have accused teachers of making a huge mistake by keeping them in the dark after she was bullied, assaulted in the boys’ restroom – and ultimately ran away and into the hands of an abusive online groomer.

Michele and Roger Blair told that their daughter, Sage, was allowed to change her name to Draco and use the boys’ restrooms at Appomattox County High School in central Virginia without their permission.

The couple said teachers effectively sidelined them from supporting their daughter, who suffered from depression, during her at-school transition. Ultimately, they only discovered she was trans after finding a hall pass in Draco’s name.

A generation is being raised to be sexually depraved and mentally ill by design, in the belief that it will help our degenerate ruling class to consolidate power.

In Florida:

A Florida mother has sued her daughter’s school after teachers launched a ‘transgender support plan’ without asking for parental consent, reports say. …

[January] Littlejohn revealed school bosses had spoken to [her 13-year-old daughter] about changing her name and which bathroom she wanted to use. …

Aghast by the discussion the school had had with her daughter without parental consent, Littlejohn called them immediately and asked them about it.

She was told by the school guidance councilor and vice-principal that they could not disclose what had been talked about in the meeting, and that Littlejohn’s daughter needed to give consent by-law for her parents to be informed about or be present for future discussions.

Parents have been marginalized.

In Washington:

In a January “leadership memo,” South Kitsap School District Assistant Principal Tom Edwards provided guidance to teachers that advises them to ask a student, before talking to parents, if their family knows about their gender change, according to an email obtained by the [Daily Caller News Foundation]. …

Teachers are also provided additional step-by-step guidance on how to change student’s records to reflect their gender change and how to hide said changes from parents, the email showed. Educators were told to spread the document “widely” to inform others.

It was spread a little too widely, falling into the hands of conservatives.

The Biden Administration has made it obvious that no reasonable person should entrust the government to Democrats. Why would you entrust your children to them? Public schools must be abolished, and private schools monitored closely for signs of liberal indoctrination.

On a tip from Sad Hill.

Mar 06 2023

Profiles in Race Hate: Superintendent Marion Wilson

The vicious savages who beat white children and force them to kneel and pledge fealty to Black Lives Matter on the playground do not get their ideology straight from Ivy League faculty, or from the mainstream media propagandists who do. It reaches them through the schools themselves. Consider Staten Island Superintendent Marion Wilson, some of whose texts recently became public:

“No more white principals on my watch!” says one text under Wilson’s name.

“I need to clean up this island,” another text reads. “White folks need to recognize this is not the boys club anymore. A strong black woman runs this bitch now, and they can either get on board or get out. If they don’t get out, I’m going to take them out one by one. They’re not gonna know what hit them. Gonna be fun.”

You can guess who will replace those driven out of their jobs for being white.

Wilson has spoken openly about seeking to hire more “BIPOC” – black, indigenous, and people of color – to work in Staten Island schools, [a] parent said.

Consistent with our state religion under Democrat rule, Wilson sees to it that hiring is done on the basis of race. Racial preference is no doubt how she attained her own position of power at the expense of someone more qualified.

Local black educators were honored at a Black History event last month at the College of Staten Island hosted by City Councilmember Kamillah Hanks and state Assembly Assistant Majority Leader Charles D. Fall.

“I wanted you to understand how incredible it is, through the leadership of Superintendent Dr. Marion Wilson and our Chancellor David C. Banks, that we are now looking at 14 black principals on Staten Island,” Hanks said.

A Brooklyn principal cited complaints by colleagues: “Many assistant principals and principals have voiced comments made by the District 31 superintendent about hiring only black administrators for vacancies. Many administrators with tenure who live in Staten Island have left for other districts.”

When the people running the schools are openly hostile to whites, it should surprise no one that some students are too.

Whites still comprise over 40% of the students in Staten Island. But not for long.

Meanwhile, blacks comprise less than 13%, similar to the percentage of the American population. But our leftist ruling class has decided they are the 13% that matters.

On a tip from THOUGHTCRIMINAL2084.

Mar 06 2023

Sweden Tries Bribing Migrants to Go Home

Sweden is finally making at least a token attempt to preserve its existence by paying the Third World colonists inundating the country to go home:

Currently, a family with a residence permit and protection status who wants to return to their country, if all conditions are met, can receive a “travel” grant of up to 40,000 Swedish kronor (€3,500). The government is now looking to substantially increase this amount to encourage more migrants to sign up.

Sounds like a bargain, when you consider what New York City is spending:

The mind-blowing cost of the [open border] crisis was revealed Friday afternoon after city Emergency Management Commissioner Zach Iscol told a City Council panel that Gotham’s Department of Homeless Services and Health & Hospitals each spend an average of $363 daily to provide food and shelter for just a single migrant.

Most if not all of them are “asylum seekers” — i.e., illegal aliens gaming the system by pretending to seek asylum as Democrats have encouraged them to do.

Given that there are more than 30,000 migrants currently being housed in city taxpayer-funded facilities, that would amount to a daily staggering bill of $10.89 million.

The state and federal governments, also run by liberal Democrats, have provided minimal support.

Considering the extravagant welfare benefits colonists can expect in either Sweden or the USA, taxpayers will have to cough up a pretty penny to bribe many to go back to their dysfunctional hellholes.

More affordable would be the time-tested strategy of defending the border from foreign invasion. But of course, that would require a sane, competent government that means the country well, so it is not an option in the USA for now.

On tips from ABC of the ANC.

Mar 06 2023

Open Thread

The bigger the State, the smaller the citizen - Dennis Prager

On a tip from Talos4.

Mar 05 2023

Feds Refuse to Punish Illegal Aliens for Killing Eagle

Here’s a story that sums up the relationship between illegal aliens, Democrats, and America. Federal authorities refuse to punish illegal aliens for deliberately killing a bald eagle, symbol of the country they are despoiling:

Two suspected illegal immigrants shot and killed a bald eagle with the intention of cooking it for dinner, and the town’s sheriff whose department arrested them says federal authorities, who could keep them behind bars, won’t return his calls.

Federal authorities are on the side of the invaders, whom they exploit to displace the American population in hopes of achieving permanent power.

The incident has left Stanton County, Neb., residents “disturbed” and “offended,” county sheriff Mike Unger told the Washington Free Beacon. And as of right now, the two suspects are allowed to roam the country freely.

Not their own country, which is Honduras, but ours.

Everyone knows that eagles are admirable animals. That’s why they were chosen as national symbol by our admirable ancestors. But it is hard to grasp just how remarkable eagles are until you have observed them up close. Watch a live webcam to see for yourself:

The live feed above covers two juvenile eagles who are being raised by their father. The mother vanished — not likely of her own accord. She may have come across one of the wind turbines that Democrats construct as monuments to their religion and to launder our money to pay off campaign donors.

Killing a bald eagle is a violation of the 1940 Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act, a federal law that carries a punishment of up to one year in prison. Federal authorities must bring those charges—in this case the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. But Unger says he’s reached out repeatedly to the agency and has gotten only silence. A spokeswoman for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service did not respond to a request for comment.

You don’t need a spokeswoman to tell you that illegal aliens are special. It’s okay with the feds who let them in by the millions if they kill our eagles. After all, the feds kill eagles themselves:

The Biden administration proposed a new rule last September that would ease restrictions over wind turbines killing bald eagles. In 2021 the federal government authorized companies to kill more than 600 eagles.

Biden’s extravagant green energy boondoggles are expected to kill as many as 20,000 golden eagles over the next decade.

If Americans ever regain control of the US government, it would be tempting to let a few wind turbines stand, so that Democrat pols and bureaucrats could be strapped to the blades and left to spin round and round as they look down upon the country they tried to ruin — except that it would be criminally irresponsible to risk killing eagles.

On tips from Wiggins and Varla.

Mar 05 2023

Snowless California

In an attempt to gin up global warming hysteria, liberals have been shrieking for years that soon there will be no snow in California because carbon emissions. Meanwhile, snowpack in California has been setting all-time record highs.

Ellen DeGenerate has tried to spin all the precipitation in California as proof that primitive weather gods are angry with us for not kneeling at the altar of the global warming hoax. Leftist propaganda outlets like CNN and the US Government don’t even try to spin it; they just pretend it isn’t happening. There is still a drought in California, buried along with people’s houses beneath the white drifts.

Tony Heller dumps a shovel load of snow atop the dead credibility of the liberal establishment:

As soon as the snow melts California will be back in a drought emergency, thanks to moonbat rule, which in the name of minnows prevents the state from constructing sufficient reservoirs to store the water before it trickles wasted out into the ocean. We will be told that the endless drought is caused by our failure to drive electric cars.

On a tip from Lyle.

Mar 05 2023

Cricket-Flavored Ice Cream

Some of the simple pleasures of life will still be permitted even if liberals succeed in imposing utopia. For example, we will still have ice cream. So as to save the planet, it will be cricket flavored:

Eiscafé Rino in the southern city of Rottenburg [Germany] introduced cricket-flavored ice cream topped with the dried insects themselves [last] week.

Perfect name for a town suffering from moonbattery.

Owner Thomas Micolin created the delicacy, and proudly posed with it on Instagram.

The point is not to provide ice cream that tastes good, but to posture politically:

“It’s a small message for the food that could be the future,” Micolino said.

Woke social engineers want us to eat bugs because agriculture is haram in their religion. They demand we believe there is something wrong with the prevailing weather and that replacing food with insects will improve it.

No doubt moonbats will buy the disgusting ice cream so they can boast that they helped stave off global warming until such a time as the United Nations can save us all by blotting out the sun.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Mar 05 2023

United Nations Plots Global Doom

The zany ideology of our moonbat rulers stops being funny when they superimpose it on the real world. For example, in the name of their imaginary climate crisis, the kooks comprising the United Nations are planning measures that could disrupt the planet’s ability to sustain life:

The United Nations published an in-depth document outlining possible “Solar Radiation Modification” programs, otherwise describing a series of methods to cool the earth’s temperature in emergency situations.

According to devotees of the global warming hoax, we are already in an emergency situation and always will be so long as the climate fluctuates or there is weather.

UN bureauweenies admit there is “little information on the risks of SRM,” but they have experts to resolve the issue. Similar experts in the UN’s World Health Organization resolved how to deal with Covid.

The first suggested method involves stratospheric aerosol injections, or “SAI,” which involve “injecting highly reflective sub-micron-size particles into the stratosphere,” requiring aircrafts that can release the particles at an altitude of 20-25 kilometers.

Any country that tries to do this should be nuked immediately before it makes the planet unlivable for the rest of us.

The idea was theorized around 2017 and then subsequently experimented with by Bill Gates and Harvard University in 2018.

If it is sinister enough for Bill Gates and his fellow liberal elitists at Harvard, it’s surprising James Bond never had to stop SPECTRE from doing it.

Another method is known as “marine cloud brightening,” which “would be achieved by introducing sea salt aerosols to produce a larger number of smaller cloud droplets, thus ‘brightening’ clouds.”

Again the objective would be to reflect sunlight back into space, because according to liberal ideology, the sunlight that sustains all life on earth is bad.

A third method involves simulating the effects of a volcanic eruption that blocks out the sun’s rays.

Remember when we were warned of the “nuclear winter” that could threaten the existence of the human race following WWIII? Progressives want to bring this about on purpose by polluting the air with sulfur dioxide.

Sulfur dioxide is described as “a toxic gas responsible for the odor of burnt matches. It is released naturally by volcanic activity and is produced as a by-product of copper extraction and the burning of sulfur-bearing fossil fuels.”

The smell of this poisonous gas has been associated with hell and Satan for good reason. As we should have learned from the 100 million killed by their own communist governments, letting leftists take control means creating hell on earth.

Other suggestions include “whitening the roofs of urban buildings” with paint to make them more reflective, genetically modifying the color of crops to make them reflect sunlight, and of course “space mirrors.”

The latter options for rejecting the sun’s life-giving rays are where they will probably start: gigantic futile gestures that will cost $trillions and accomplish nothing whatsoever. But when these fail to eradicate weather, the UN will have to fall back on the more extreme measures — unless we wise up by then and call in an air strike on UN headquarters.

On tips from Feet2Fire and Mr. Freemarket.

Mar 05 2023

Open Thread

If our nation is ever taken over, it will be taken over from within. - James Madison

Mar 04 2023

Watch Critical Race Theory Implemented on the Playground

Teachers are not the only ones to implement black supremacist ideology in public schools. Critical Race Theory has filtered down from the Ivy League to the playground, as confirmed by video of a recent incident in Springfield, Ohio showing white students beaten and forced to kneel and pledge submission to Black Lives Matter:

As the New York Post describes it,

Footage obtained by WKEF showed a tall student grabbing a much smaller one around the back of the head and marching him across the Springfield playground, with another joining to hold the struggling victim. …

Minutes later, a group of five people marched to the same spot, this time with a child hoisted over the shoulder of the ringleader — who then tosses the pupil to the ground.

A third attack appears to show the group knocking down another student and dragging him or her along the ground.

The children were forced to recite the words “Black Lives Matter.”

The principal of Kenwood Elementary told cops that some of those who refused were “chased down and escorted, dragged or carried” to the area near the swings, as caught on the surveillance footage.

At least one of the victims was punched in the head, the police report said of the racially motivated attack.

The Blaze provides context:

BLM, the identitarian leftist group the Springfield aggressors allegedly forced their victims to pledge fealty to, was associated with the 2020 riots that did at least $1 billion in damage. Of the 8,700 BLM-related events at the time, 574 reportedly involved violent acts in over 140 cities, including shootings, arson, looting, vehicular crimes, and explosions.

RealClear Investigations reported that between six and 20 persons were killed in the BLM riots. One police officer was killed, and 2,037 officers were assaulted or injured; 16,241 arrests were made.

Extra to its links to violence, destruction, and transsexual activism, BLM calls for police to be defunded, for the disruption of the nuclear family, and for “a queer-affirming network.”

In short, Black Lives Matter represents unadulterated evil, which children entrusted to their school were forced to kneel before and pledge allegiance to.

Not to absolve the nasty little savages on the playground, but the blame lies mainly with the schools, the media, and the rest of the liberal establishment for egging on Black Lives Matter violence and extolling its ideology. The playground bullies are underaged foot soldiers for an evil that transcends race, which is only a tool for progressives.

On a tip from Chris Neilson.

Mar 04 2023

Get Woke, Go Broke: Private School Edition

The truism “Get broke, go broke” is not just for corporations like Disney that lose $billions by succumbing to moonbattery. It also applies to private schools, like one in Kansas City that has been forced to close:

Urban Christian Academy is a private, K-8 school with an enrollment of 100 that describes itself as providing “a tuition-free, high-quality, Christ-centered education for low-income students.”

Not always so Christ-centered. Last year, it added this to its website:

“We are an affirming school. We stand with the LGBTQIA+ community and believe in their holiness. We celebrate the diversity of God’s creation in all its varied and beautiful forms.”

The liberal educrats in charge regard perverted sexual activities as a manifestation of God’s creation that should be promoted to children.

According to the school, that update prompted donors to stop contributing, many of them citing their interpretation of Christianity as the reason. Now, UCA has announced it will close at the end of the school year due to the loss of financial support.

Their “interpretation of Christianity” probably includes reference to the Bible, throughout which homosexuality is strictly proscribed, not to mention Luke 17:2.

Just as the main point of a Christian church is to provide moral mooring in a culture rotted through with degenerate moonbattery, the point of private school is to provide an alternative to the depraved filth taught in public schools. Why would anyone donate to Urban Christian Academy or any other “Christian” school that subjects children to LGBT indoctrination?

Kalie Callaway-George, UCA’s executive director and co-founder, said this new language “is kind of what started the backlash from our donor base, which we anticipated. It was just that we anticipated a 50% loss in funding and made adjustments for that. We had an 80% loss in funding and that was too much to overcome.”

They were willing to present the middle finger to half of their donor base on behalf of the liberal agenda. But they thought the other half were corrupt or apathetic enough to go along. God bless the former donors for proving them wrong.

While Callaway-George bleats politically correctly about “conversations around injustice and looking at marginalized communities,” those who follow a religion other than wokeism have provided feedback like the following:

“Do not call yourself a Christian school if you are affirming sin. Jesus died to set us free from sin, not so we can die in it. You abuse kids by telling them sin is good. You are wicked.”

People still get it.

On a tip from Steve T.

Mar 04 2023

Chuck Schumer Calls for Federal Control of Fox News

Even Chuck Schumer has a redeeming quality. He performs a public service by being so conspicuously malevolent that no one can pretend they don’t know what they are voting for when they vote for Democrats. Similarly, CNN has the redeeming quality that it eliminates any temptation to take the “mainstream” liberal establishment media at face value. The following exchange sums up both.

CNN apparatchik: “Fox needs to reckon with the lies it has spread. … But is it the role of government officials to demand that media organizations say things or tell media organizations what to put on their airwaves?”

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY): “I think we not only have a right to tell Rupert Murdoch and Fox what to do but an obligation.”

They aren’t beating around the bush anymore. The Democratic Party/MSM axis of evil is openly working toward an anti-America in which the media can only say what it is told to say in the name of “our democracy”:

Again we are reminded that the phrase “our democracy” means nothing other than single-party Democrat rule. Auxiliary organizations like CNN are eager to impose it by any means necessary.

If CNN were in the journalism business, it would have a critical interest in defending free speech from government control. Clearly it is in a very different business.

That these creeps regard it as threatening is a ringing endorsement of Fox News. So long as Tucker Carlson is on the air rather than in an FBI interrogation room having his fingernails removed, Democrats haven’t won yet.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

Mar 04 2023

Open Thread

Let our children grow tall and some taller than others if they have it in them to do so. - Margaret Thatcher

On a tip from Bill589.

Mar 03 2023

Crybully Sues University of Bristol for Microaggressions

If it is true that some hesitate to hire members of allegedly oppressed identity groups, it could be because no one wants to deal with the crap Christabelle Peters put the University of Bristol through:

A black university lecturer sued the faculty for race discrimination because her nameplate on her door didn’t have her ‘Dr’ title on it.

Other microaggressions Peters claims to have been subjected to include that her office furniture wasn’t delivered fast enough, that like coworkers she didn’t always get her pay slips in her pigeonhole, that someone expressed lack of interest in Africa, and that educrats racistly pushed her to take ill health retirement after she suffered a disabling stroke.

Even now, sanity sometimes prevails, even in academia:

The lecturer, who is black British of Guyanese origin, has lost all her claims at an employment tribunal.

This followed a week-long spectacle at which she denounced everyone around her as a racist.

As for the nameplate,

The tribunal found the nameplate issue was an ‘admin error’, that another lecturer had the same problem happen to him, and that the nameplates are often prepared by junior workers who don’t even know what they look like.

Regardless of her qualifications — which thanks to Affirmative Action could be nonexistent — would you want Christabelle Peters working for you?

Peters practices what she preaches: cultural Marxist moonbattery.

On a tip from Lyle.


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