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Search: Greta Thunberg

Oct 11 2020

The Child Has Spoken

Enviroleftist child oracle Greta Thunberg has spoken. The only way we can prevent bad weather is to elect the corrupt and senile child-groper:

Looks like Greta has been lucky enough to escape Biden’s paws. I doubt if any of the girls in the video above would endorse him.

On a tip from KirklesWorth.

Mar 23 2023

Massachusetts Bill Establishes Islam as Favored Religion

Liberals are vociferously insistent that government must never support religion. Unless the religion in question is climate change. Or Islam:

Focus On Western Islamism (FWI) reported [last] Wednesday that “the Massachusetts state legislature is considering a bill that would promote and privilege the participation of Muslims in state politics.” … The bill, which is entitled “An Act promoting the civil rights and inclusion of American Muslims in the commonwealth,” would “establish a commission charged with promoting the participation of Muslims in the governance of the state.” …

This commission would “identify and recommend qualified American Muslims for appointive positions at all levels of government, including boards and commissions, as the commission considers necessary and appropriate.” No such commissions exist for Jews, Christians, Hindus, Buddhists, atheists, or anyone else.

That’s because Jews, Christians, and the rest are not associated with flying passenger planes full of innocent people into office towers full of more innocent people as a part of a war of eradication against Western Civilization that has been going on for many centuries.

September 11 so won over liberals that favoritism continues to rain down upon Muslims more than 2 decades later. Imagine the privileges Islamists will enjoy if a terror group exploits Biden’s open border to bring in a dirty bomb that kills thousands.

On a tip from seaoh.

Mar 12 2023

Climate Mental Health

Whereas most will agree that the climate fluctuates, belief in the global warming hoax is a psychiatric condition. Kamala “Heartbeat Away” Harris confirms it while jabbering about “climate mental health”:

We can’t count on the kooks at CNBC for investment advice, but moonbattery is their area of expertise, so let’s hear what they say:

It’s called climate anxiety, and it’s a real mental health condition that can take time to address, according to Portland, Oregon-based environmental psychologist Thomas Doherty. At the Aspen Ideas Festival in Aspen, Colorado … Doherty spoke about the “learning curve” it takes to combat the anxiety, or even despair, stemming from climate change.

The guy is getting paid to be an “environmental psychologist.” I was going to say, “Only in Portland and Aspen,” but that would be wishful thinking.

Both the United Nations and the American Psychological Association (APA) have found that humans are increasingly at risk of climate change-induced mental health issues.

The UN and APA are likewise expert in the field of moonbattery.

In 2021, a global study found that 45% of people between the ages of 16 and 25 said climate anxiety was affecting their daily lives.

The percentage of people whose daily lives are affected by climate change itself is more like zero. But those who enjoy wallowing in neurosis can still seize on it to make themselves miserable.

Too bad they make others miserable too. Small children do not know better than to take enviromoonbattery seriously. Inflicting distress by submersing them in politically motivated gloom is not healthy, as we saw when Rep Katie Porter (D-CA) used global warming doctrine to instill in her daughter an affective disorder.

Nonetheless, schools are required by law to indoctrinate children with this toxic ideology in Connecticut and soon Oregon.

On tips from Mr. Freemarket, Ed McAninch, and Jack D.

Jun 05 2021

Biden: Covid Deaths Are Up

The good news is that Covid cases are down. The bad news: Covid deaths are up. At least, that’s what our fearless leader says:

For once, Biden is only half wrong. Both cases and deaths have been falling for a while now, leaving his party in need of a new crisis to justify its power grabs and wasteful deficit spending. Global warming may serve their purposes, even if no one takes it seriously except children and Democrats.

In the meantime, maybe they should try larger print on Biden’s teleprompter.

May 07 2021

New Ant Gets Woke Name

No one escapes from woke totalitarianism — not even insects. Here is how the authorities impose their bizarre gender ideology on ants:

A newly discovered ant is now the first animal species to be given a scientific name ending in “they” to honor gender diversity.

Some might go into the sciences as a way to escape from moonbattery. But there is no escape anywhere. Leftists impose their outlook on everything conceivable.

Researchers named the miniature trap-jaw ant from the luscious tropical forests of Ecuador “Strumigenys ayersthey.”

Typically, when species are named after people, the scientific name ends with -ae (after females) and -i (after males), but this group of researchers wanted to celebrate nonbinary people.

The “ayers” part of the name made me wonder if the ant was named after communist terrorist and Barack Obama mentor Bill Ayers. Actually, it was named after “activist and artist Jeremy Ayers”:

Ayers, who passed away in 2016, was a gay human rights activist who fought for underrepresented communities and nonbinary individuals.

Maybe they will keep Bill Ayers in mind for the next time they find a new species of cockroach.

On tips from Wiggins and Lyle.


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