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Apr 14 2023

Liberal Weenie Tries Shooting Gun

Imagine his horror when this moonbat realizes that for now, people are allowed to buy cars that could be used to run other people over:

Are you lefties sure you want to keep boxing the country into another civil war? What if you have to do your own fighting?

On a tip from Anonymous.

Apr 14 2023

Race Scholar Eric Stewart Forced Out of FSU

Some follow-up on Eric Stewart, who presumably exploited the prevailing Affirmative Action mentality to secure a position as Associate Professor at Florida State University, which he in turn exploited to publish fake data to prop up black oppression hogwash. So crude was the fakery that educrats were forced to show him the door:

A Florida State University criminology professor abruptly left his $190,000-a-year position following allegations that he fudged data on racism studies during his 16-year tenure.

You don’t leave a cushy taxpayer-subsidized job like that without someone’s shoeprint on the seat of your pants.

Stewart has had six studies retracted. The first one to draw attention used altered data to support his contention that the public demanded longer sentences for Criminals of Color as black and Hispanic populations grew.

True to type, Steward claimed that he was being “lynched” when repeated complaints about his scholarly fakery compelled educrats to grudgingly look into it.

He may be out $190,000 per year to generate propaganda on behalf of a poisonous ideology, but at least the apparent fabrication of fake racial animosity earns him a place on the Hate Hoax List.

On tips from Jack D and Jim K.

Apr 14 2023

Minneapolis to Feature Muslim Call to Prayer

The city that gave us Black Lives Matter riots continues to lead the campaign to dismantle Western civilization:

Minneapolis on Thursday became the first major American city to permit unfettered broadcast of the Muslim call to prayer, allowing the adhan to be heard over speakers five times a day, year-round.

The Muslim campaign to displace and erase Western civilization made great headway at first, reducing Christians to persecuted minorities throughout the formerly Christian Middle East. It finally stalled at the gates of Vienna. Now it is picking up steam again, thanks to liberal allies facilitating hijrah.

The Minneapolis City Council voted unanimously to amend the city’s noise ordinance, which had prevented some morning and evening calls at certain times of the year because they occurred at times of the day when tighter noise restrictions are in place.

That would be the same city council that unanimously pledged to abolish the police department in response to race riots. When leftists take control locally, move.

The massive Somali colony in Minneapolis ensures left-wing dominance for some time to come.

On a tip from Bluto.

Apr 14 2023

Liberal Hero Justin Jones Was BLM Rioter

Hard left demagogue Justin Jones was kicked out of the Tennessee legislature after he led an insurrection in the state capitol, demanding that citizens be deprived of a key constitutional right, shutting down the proceedings, forcing State Troopers to restore order. Making a mockery of its own January 6 rhetoric, the likeminded White House supported him. The echo chamber media lavished adoration upon him, using religious terms. Appallingly, Jones was reinstated.

Now that leading an unlawful mob against his state legislature has made him a national leader, let’s learn more about Justin Jones. In 2020, he participated in Black Lives Matter riots:

Footage of rioting outside the state Capitol in 2020 first shared by Scoop Nashville appears to show Jones repeatedly hitting the driver of a car with a traffic cone. The video … shows Jones and other activists stopping and surrounding the vehicle before the driver escaped.

Not the sort of lowlife thug you want running government — unless you’re a Democrat.

Jones was charged with assault, assault on an officer, and reckless endangerment, for which he was indicted on two counts after the video was presented to the grand jury in his case. Despite his violent behavior, Jones claimed in June 2021 that he was being “peaceful” and claims to the contrary were a “false narrative.”

Of course it was peaceful. Ask CNN.

Jones alleged that police colluded with prosecutors to “weaponize the law as a form of punishment for the mere fact that we chose to stand up.”

Per Black Lives Matter ideology, police are racist. So are laws. Justin Jones theatrically displays his contempt for both:

In May 2020, Jones reportedly climbed atop a police cruiser along with another radical, Jeneisha Harris, amid an anti-cop protest in which a courthouse was set on fire, reported Fox News Digital.

It is unclear from footage of the incident whether Jones and Harris were attempting to incite the mob or secure a photo op. Charges for reckless endangerment were brought against them over the damage done.

The windows of the police car were broken.

Similar behavior continues to occur, now that the liberal establishment-endorsed Black Lives Matter phenomenon has normalized it:

Cellphone video caught the moment a male and female pounded a car’s windows with a gun, stomped the doors and windshield, and ordered the driver to “get out!” at a Tampa traffic light — and Florida Highway Patrol said all of that was preceded by the driver being shot at.

The attack, which followed a fender-bender, occurred at the intersection of US 301 and Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard. If you find yourself approaching a road named after MLK, Malcolm X, or anyone similar, turn around and go back.

Welcome to the jungle:

Imagine people like this in your state legislature, or worse yet, lionized by the people who run the media and the federal government.

On a tip from Varla.

Apr 14 2023

Open Thread

Political correctness is just tyranny with manners. I wish for you the courage to be unpopular. Popularity is history's pocket change. Courage is history's true currency. - Charlton Heston

On a tip from Jester.

Apr 13 2023

Mulvaney Pushback Has Cost Anheuser-Busch $6 Billion

We do not have to passively accept corporations ramming disgusting moonbattery down our throats. We can push back. The boycott of Bud Light in response to parent company AB InBev shoving the repulsive Dylan Mulvaney in our faces proves it:

Bud Light’s parent company has lost more than $6billion in market capitalization since announcing its partnership with a polarizing transgender internet personality. …

Currently at $125.73billion, the company’s market capitalization six days ago stood at $132.38 billion, as brass continue to stand by their deal with Mulvaney – an outspoken activist who has more than 10million followers on social media.

If anyone deserves a $6 billion kick in the teeth, it is Anheuser-Busch, for despising its own customer base.

Despite suggestions that top brass is unhappy with the Dylan Mulvaney debacle, showcasing the creep appears to be consistent with the prevailing mentality:

Anheuser-Busch’s vice president of communications Jennifer Morris, who locked her Twitter account in recent days, said at an industry event in 2021 that she felt it was important to “leverage our scale and resources to further conversations around DE&I [Diversity, Equity and Inclusion] and help consumers understand the difference they can make as individuals.”

Then there is the gratingly woke Alissa Gordon Heinerscheid, VP of marketing for Bud Light, who wanted to “evolve and elevate” the brand by appealing to a totally different customer base that would not be regarded as icky by Harvard types like herself.

We can’t boycott every corporation run by people who hate us, because these days they all are. But we can teach them respect by making an example of Bud Light — so long as we never back down. Once the boycott ends, it will be back to business as usual.

Already the boycott has forced liberal elitists to retreat into their inner sanctum of willful stupidity:

There is no reason to believe that the child-grooming sexual deviant Chasten Buttigieg is any brighter than his dopey “husband” Pete, but even he probably understands that the point isn’t that perverts drink Bud Light. The point is that perverts do not drink Bud Light, but that’s who Anheuser-Busch markets to anyway, in open contempt for its actual (hopefully former) customers.

Note that “civil rights” now means promoting female impersonators. That is, the term has no meaning at all. Like Bud Light, it has been poisoned by moonbattery and is no longer of any use except to moonbats.

On tips from Chris Neilson, Mr. Freemarket, seaoh, Jester, and Ed McAninch.

Apr 13 2023

Twitter Versus State-Sponsored Media

Liberal establishmentarians became hysterical when the free-thinking Elon Musk took over Twitter because they saw him as a threat to their control of information. They were right to be afraid, as the new relationship between Twitter and state-sponsored media confirms.

State-affiliated propaganda platform NPR huffs that it will boycott Twitter — for correctly stating that it is state-affiliated:

“NPR’s organizational accounts will no longer be active on Twitter because the platform is taking actions that undermine our credibility by falsely implying that we are not editorially independent,” NPR said in a statement Wednesday.

Do not try this home. Only a professional can say “NPR” and “credibility” in the same sentence without bursting into uncontrollable paroxysms of laughter.

No one needs to imply that NPR is not editorially independent. The fact that it is funded by government bureaucrats is common knowledge. Defunct Air America demonstrated what happens when you rely on the free market to fund leftist propaganda on the radio.

Here’s what set off the liberal weenies at NPR:

Last week, Twitter labeled NPR’s main account as “state-affiliated media” on the social media site, a label also used to identify media outlets that are controlled or heavily influenced by authoritarian governments. Twitter later changed the label to “government-funded media” and gave it to at least one other public news organization, the BBC.

State-affiliated/government-funded is a distinction without a difference. As Democratic Party leader George Soros illustrates, he who pays the piper calls the tune.

Speaking of the comparably far-left state-affiliated propaganda platform laughingly referred to as Auntie Beeb,

Elon Musk has gone viral after he sat down for an interview with BBC reporter James Clayton…

Clayton asserted that he had “personally” noticed a rise in hateful content on Twitter since Musk’s takeover. When Musk pressed him for an example of such “hateful” content, Clayton demurred and spoke generally about comments that could be considered “slightly racist or slightly sexist.” When Musk then asked for a specific example of hate speech that should be censored on Twitter, Clayton came up empty.

Musk then observed that Clayton was lying by claiming there was a rise in hate speech resulting from lifting some of the leftist censorship that infamously characterized Twitter before Musk took ownership.

Clayton was eager to change the topic. But that didn’t work out for him:

Clayton then wanted to talk about Twitter removing warnings about possible misinformation about COVID, but Musk fired back immediately: “Has BBC changed its COVID misinformation?”

After a brief silence, Clayton retorted that the “BBC does not set the rules upon Twitter, so I’m asking you,” but Musk refused to restrict his answers to fit Clayton’s framing.

Follow Musk’s example next time you find yourself debating a moonbat. Because their ideology is insane, they cannot win an argument without framing the discussion to their advantage. Don’t let them.

“Does the BBC hold itself at all responsible for misinformation regarding masking and side effects of vaccinations and not reporting on that at all?” Musk asked.

When Clayton made no reply, Musk pressed on: “And what about the fact that the BBC was put under pressure by the British government to change [its] editorial policy?”

Clayton then responded hesitatingly, “This isn’t an interview about the BBC,” to which Musk immediately quipped, “Oh, you thought it wasn’t?”

Clayton won’t sit down for a week. Listen and laugh:

On tips from Steve T, Lyle, Anonymous, and Mr. Freemarket.

Apr 13 2023

Profiles in Countermoonbattery: Nick Cave

Back in the day, The Birthday Party was the most over-the-top alternative rock band out there. Singer Nick Cave pushed the envelope straight off the table. He’s still pushing it. But being a grown-up now, he is pushing it in a more constructive direction.

Rebelliousness might have been a fashionable pose when Junkyard came out in 1982. But nowadays Cave is definitely a rebel for real:

Punk rock icon Nick Cave said the way to “f***” with people in 2023 is to “go to church and be a conservative.”

The Australian musician, best known as the frontman of “Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds,” has opened up about his journey back to his faith…

The Bad Seeds is a more restrained follow-up to The Birthday Party.

“There may now be a conservative edge to things, but that word I would use cautiously,” Cave said about his more recent creativity. “Certainly these days I still get similar delight, which I got in the early days, in sort of f***ing with people to some degree. There is something about living outside the expectations of other people that is energizing.”

Cave regards the self-censorship of political correctness as a “wet blanket [that] has been thrown over art in general.”

“What is the wet blanket?” the 65-year-old continued. “Well, a squeamish, censorious, merciless idea that there are certain things that you can get away with saying and certain things that you can’t get away with saying.”

Cave isn’t the only rock rebel from the punk era who has aged well. Johnny Rotten (a.k.a. John Lydon) of the Sex Pistols turned out to be a stand-up countermoonbat.

Unfortunately, the entertainment industry is no place for rebels anymore.

On a tip from KirklesWorth.

Apr 13 2023

Ballet on Moonbattery

Whatever moonbattery touches, it defiles and destroys. It reduced Western art to random smears of paint, education to indoctrination, athletes from role models to pampered cowards kneeling in obeisance to Black Lives Matter rioters, American leadership from George Washington to Joe Biden. You can probably guess which of these is a graduate of Britain’s Royal Academy of Dance:

“All the grace of a giraffe on roller skates,” observes Ian Miles Cheong.

Talented girls try and fail to get into the Royal Academy of Dance. Admission is easier if you are a lumbering 6’3″” middle-aged guy with two left feet who proclaims himself to be a girl.

On a tip from Jester.

Apr 13 2023

When Is a Hate Crime Not a Hate Crime?

A hate crime is not a hate crime when the culprit hates who he is supposed to hate. It helps if he is the kind of guy our rulers love, like the moonbat who vandalized St. Louise Catholic Church in Bellevue, Washington:

“Transgender” suspect Maeve Nota, a man who claims to be a woman, attacked the church building on June 28, 2022, smashing the glass doors, destroying a statue of the Blessed Mother, and spray-painting profane messages such as “F*** Catholics,” “kid groomers,” “woman haters,” and “rot in your fake hell.” Damage was estimated to be $30,000.

The “kid groomers” accusation coming from a transsexual in the age of drag queen story hours is an example of the jaw-droppingly hypocritical projection that typifies leftists.

Thirty-one-year-old Nota also assaulted a church employee and resisted arrest, according to FOX News.

But it was all justified, because the motive was that Nota did not agree with Roe v. Wade finally getting overturned. Consequently, Biden’s Department of Injustice charged him with a misdemeanor and recommended no jail, 3-year probation.

The concept of “hate crimes” is useful because it is subjective enough to allow authorities to crush people they don’t like while greenlighting violence against other people they don’t like.

The DOJ website indicates: “At the federal level, hate crime laws include crimes motivated by bias” against a victim’s perceived “race, color, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, or disability.” Washington state has adopted all of these categories under its own hate crime laws as well.

But since hate crime is thought crime, this only applies when the liberal ruling class does not approve of the imputed thoughts. By “religion,” they mean Islam. They sure don’t mean Catholicism.

On tips from DCGere, MrRightWingDave, THOUGHTCRIMINAL2084, and Jack D.

Apr 13 2023

Open Thread

A new report shows that, in Virginia, gun violence has fallen as the sale of firearms has soared to a new record. In other news, a recent study shows that most criminals don't like getting shot at. - Fred Thompson

Apr 12 2023

Transsexual Maniac Butchers Taxi Driver

The wave of transsexual violence continues:

A 30-year-old male transsexual has been charged with fatally stabbing a taxi driver in Portland on Easter Sunday.

The driver was butchered just a few minutes into a fare.

It was “vicious, senseless and brutal,” said [Radio Cab spokesman Darin] Campbell. “There was no conversation. No altercation. Nothing.”

Moses Lopez has been arrested for the murder. As with most violence under moonbat rule, he should have been behind bars but had been allowed to run amok.

Just days before the murder, on April 3, Lopez had been arrested and charged with menacing two people with a dangerous weapon in Coos County, but was subsequently cut loose without having to post bail.

Lopez is an LGBTQ+ activist. He claims to be a woman.

The suspect’s Facebook page has pictures of him posing in blue nail polish with LGBT symbols, with one rainbow-crowded image captioned, “Love wins pride.”

It’s too dark to be the Babylon Bee; it must be real news.

Lopez appears to have begun masquerading as a woman around 2018, having previously identified as a gay man.

Homosexuality is the gateway drug to transsexualism, which in turn leads to still more disturbing depths of depravity. A society that incentivizes insanity reaps as it sows.

Criminal maniacs like Lopez have a suitable home in ultraliberal Portland:

Portland has a score of 1 (the lowest possible, with 100 being safest) on Neighborhood Scout’s crime index.

Although Lopez fortunately fell short of mass murder, let’s be inclusive and put him on the list of transmaniacs, along with William Whitworth, Maya McKinney, Snochia Moseley, Anderson Lee Aldrich, and of course Audrey Hale.

On a tip from Mr. Freemarket.

Apr 12 2023

2023’s Answer to Rosa Parks Gets Punched at Target

Stop the presses — a black person has been oppressed:

The ugly incident happened in October at the [Target] megastore in Blue Ash, Ohio, and began when Karen Ivery asked a cashier for their manager regarding the bill and reparations, according to the police report reviewed by The Post.

The suits at obnoxiously woke Target probably thought the crocodile would eat them last. As usual with those who pander to leftism, they were wrong.

When speaking with the manager, the customer first asked for reparations and grew angry as she walked “aggressively” toward the manager, according to the report.

Lunacy spawned in the leftist fever swamps of California and New York soon finds its way to places like Blue Ash, an inner suburb of Cincinnati.

“Ivery kept berating her about reparations and her privileged life,” the report alleges as the patron kept walking toward the manager.

Entitlement is not an easy beast to get back in its cage.

Security officer Zach Cotter tried to get Ivery to calm down and leave…

But she allegedly began screaming at Cotter and followed him to his office.

When he tried to shut the door, Ivery allegedly forced her way in and Cotter threw a punch, according to the report.

The respective races add up to oppression — and yet:

After reviewing footage of the incident, authorities wrote that they determined Ivery was the “aggressor” and she was placed under arrest.

Black Lives Matter tried to warn us that police are racist. You can see why they must be defunded and abolished.

“Ivery was confrontational with officers on the scene and didn’t want to explain her actions,” the report states.

Grunts Ivery:

“This is my Rosa Parks moment.”

We have come a long way since Rosa Parks.

Ivery was charged with disorderly conduct. We’ll see if that counts for or against her when she brings her lawsuit demanding $millions.

On tips from Franco and ABC of the ANC.

Apr 12 2023

Democrats Are Progressively Taking Away Our Cars

The Democratic Party is an alliance between the liberal ruling class and the urban poor, which the former breeds for votes the way farmers breed chickens for eggs. The urban poor don’t care about cars. The rich can afford economically absurd electric vehicles. As for the rest of us, we are screwed:

The New York Times reported that the Biden administration will abuse EPA regulations to eliminate most real car sales by 2030.

The unelected bureaucracy — a.k.a. the Deep State — allows Democrats to inflict tyranny they could never get through Congress.

Even the cheapest electric cars, which are still far more expensive than their real car counterparts and are just one battery problem away from turning into mostly unusable junk, are out of the price range of the majority of Americans who need an income of $80,000 to make an EV auto loan work. That’s fine in Washington D.C. where the median income of $83,567 is the highest in the nation, but will entirely price much of the country out of the new car market.

Getting to work won’t be easy for those politically incorrect enough not to live in a city.

This isn’t class warfare: it’s class genocide. The Biden administration is moving to reserve car ownership privileges for the Tesla class while eliminating working class ownership and the social mobility and the economic possibilities that come with it under the guise of environmentalism.

Socialism means the people at the top pulling up the ladder so that others can’t join them. This has never been more obvious than under the current ruling class, with its demonic hatred of “deplorables” it wants to “exterminate.”

Steadily raising emissions standards has pushed the price of a new car toward $50,000.

But Democrats have only started.

By the 2030s, the plan is that the vast majority of America will not own cars, they will pay money to access them until they aren’t even allowed to do that. The electric cars will consume a growing portion of monthly earnings and will have very limited range. A younger generation may view a time when Americans owned their own cars the way we look back at the days when people could buy guns in hardware stores…

By then car ownership will be mostly pointless anyway. Some will try to keep used cars going, but insurance regulations and clean air standards will force them off the road. The Biden ‘infrastructure’ bill already has the government monitoring where you drive and included a measure to allow it to turn off your car. California’s failed experiment in solar and wind has led to brownouts and bans on charging cars.

Less mobility is less freedom. Does anyone still think this is about the weather?

On a tip from Blackjack.


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