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Mar 30 2023

Driving Home the Point After Nashville

A moonbat displays how political terrorism works by putting the desired spin on the Covenant School massacre in Nashville:

The message:

Don’t be mad at the transsexual maniac who murdered six people, apparently for being Christian, including three 9-year-olds. Don’t be mad at the liberal establishment that egged Audrey Hale on in her insanity and probably pumped her full of biologically incongruous testosterone. Don’t be mad at government-funded leftist propaganda outlet NPR for encouraging transsexual militants to take up arms against resistance. Be mad at the government of Tennessee for putting a stop to sex-change procedures inflicted on children and the grooming of children by drag queens. Because if the government doesn’t do their bidding, transsexual terrorists might have to kill more 9-year-olds.

As should have been obvious from the time they started focusing on kids, we are not up against mere depravity, but evil.

On a tip from Jester.

Mar 30 2023

Gender-Affirming Clothes Swap at USF

In olden times, college students participated in wholesome extracurricular activities like sports. Now they are as likely to spend their time at events like the University of South Florida’s Gender-Affirming Clothes Swap.

Campus Reform reports:

[A] student group, called Trans+ Student Union (TSU), announced the event via Instagram in a Mar. 9 post.

In case it was not already clear that this was intended for moonbats:

The announcement also stated that it will be requiring students to wear masks at the clothing swap.

According to Lee Davis of the TSU executive board, the idea was to encourage transvestites to “affirm” their gender by acquiring clothing designed for members of the opposite sex “without feeling uncomfortable.” If only they felt uncomfortable enough to avoid cross-dressing in public, we would all be spared some embarrassment.

Someone at the event was photographed wearing a t-shirt reading,

“Why be racist, sexist, homophobic, or transphobic when you could just be quiet?”

That sums up the prevailing attitude on campus toward the free exchange of opinions. At least the t-shirt refrained from calling for violence to intimidate opposition, which has become a popular stance among transsexual activists.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

Mar 30 2023

Open Thread

In the larger sense, however, the personal ownership of firearms is only secondarily a matter of defense against the criminal. Note the following from Thomas Jefferson: The strongest reason for the people to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against the tyranny of government. That is why our masters in Washington are so anxious to disarm us. They are not afraid of criminals. They are afraid of a populace which cannot be subdued by tyrants. - Jeff Cooper

Mar 29 2023

Moonbats Double Down After Transsexual Terror Attack

Joe Biden and Katie Hobbs spokesmoonbat Josselyn Berry are not the only ones who appear less than devastated by children being executed at a Christian school in Nashville, evidently in the name of transgenderism. On the same day, Madonna made an appalling announcement:

Madonna just announced that she is adding a Nashville stop on her upcoming “Celebration Tour,” set to begin later this year.

The 64-year-old singer made the announcement on Instagram on Monday, stating that she added the Nashville concert at Bridgestone Arena because of new Tennessee laws that severely restrict drag shows and so-called “gender-affirming care” for children.

“Gender-affirming care” is the Orwellian euphemism for grotesque sex change procedures.

Proceeds from the Nashville show will go to transsexual militants.

“The oppression of the LGBTQ+ is … unacceptable and inhumane,” Madonna stated.

No one who hasn’t been living in a cave for the past few years could fail to notice that all things LGBT are catered to obsequiously by the depraved liberal establishment.

Transsexuals occupy the top tier of the cultural Marxist caste system. The ludicrous pretense that they are somehow oppressed will produce more violence, to judge by the reaction of the transsexual community to the Nashville massacre. Via Not the Bee:

After Monday’s mass shooting at the K-6 school at Covenant Presbyterian Church in Nashville, trans activists are doubling down on calls for bloodshed, putting their support behind the murderous woman who took the lives of 6 people.

This follows a rise in threats leading up to this week, which has been branded by activists as a “Trans Week of Visibility.”

This week of protests and violence is supposed to be capped by a “Trans Day of Vengeance” outside the Supreme Court on Saturday.

Even trans militants might have enough taste not to go through with this in light of Nashville. But if Madonna is any indication, the massacre at the Covenant School will cause participation to increase.

Here’s what trans activists want vengeance for:

Much of the trans activist outcry comes around laws that protect kids from genital mutilation or hormone injections as minors, as well as laws that prevent teachers from forcing sexual ideology on children who are too young for such conversations.

Meanwhile, coercively taxpayer-funded NPR has been egging these people on to arm up the way Audrey Hale did.

On tips from KirklesWorth.

Mar 29 2023

More Laughs From Biden Regarding Nashville Massacre

Joe Biden prefaced his predictable anti-Second Amendment response to the transgender terror attack in Nashville that killed three 9-year-olds as well as three adults with lame jokes about how much he likes ice cream. But the laughs didn’t stop there:

Biden laughed off a question from a reporter on Tuesday about whether the transgender shooter at a Christian elementary school in Nashville was targeting people of faith. …

When told that Sen. Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) believed that the attack did target Christian believers, Biden’s response raised eyebrows.

“Well, I probably don’t, then,” Biden said, chuckling after the remark, and then adding, “No, I’m joking. No, I have no idea.”

Yuck yuck!

Hawley, 43, called on the FBI and Department of Homeland Security on Tuesday to investigate Monday’s shooting as a hate crime against Christian believers.

Yeah right. Leftist apparatchiks like Merrick Garland and Alejandro Mayorkas will get right on it, just as soon as they are done snickering over tweets from the staff of Katie Hobbs.

On a tip from JackisBack.

Mar 29 2023

Katie Hobbs Spokeswoman’s Alarming Tweet After Nashville

All school shootings delight moonbats, who eagerly exploit them to attack our right of self-defense. But the transgender terror attack in Nashville on Monday was special. It served as a shot across the bow, warning normal people to passively accept the cesspool of depravity their country is being transformed into. Looks like the staff of leftist Arizona Governor Katie Hobbs has been in no mood to mourn:

Fox News reports:

Hobbs’ press secretary, Josselyn Berry, made headlines after a picture of an armed woman from a Twitter account of the same name appeared to threaten violent action against “transphobes.”

A “transphobe” is anyone who puts up resistance to the transsexual agenda.

“Us when we see transphobes,” Berry’s tweet read, including a GIF of a woman wielding two handguns.

The offending post from Berry, a Democratic operative and spokesperson for Hobbs, has since been removed from Twitter for violating the site’s rules.

The tweet was aimed at fellow liberals like J.K. Rowling who fail to toe the line regarding psychotic transsexual doctrine. Berry denounces them for “bigotry.”

The Arizona Freedom Caucus notes that Berry tweeted this less than 12 hours after the mass murder in Nashville.

Letting these people disarm us would not be wise.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Mar 29 2023

Open Thread

Nations do not die from invasion; they die from internal rottenness. - Abraham Lincoln

Mar 28 2023

Artificial Stupidity

Software engineers have a saying: “Garbage in, garbage out.” That’s why artificial intelligence programs developed by the leftist fever swamp that is the tech industry are no more reliable than the New York Times editorial page on any topic touched upon by moonbattery — and these days, everything is touched upon by moonbattery. Fed a diet of malevolent lies, malevolent lies are what ChatGPT and the rest will regurgitate.

Most alarming for science fiction fans is the motivation global warming propaganda provides artificial intelligence to want to eradicate the human race:

On a tip from Occam’s Stubble.

Mar 28 2023

Transgender Terror Attack in Nashville

“We can disarm you,” liberals smugly assure us. “We have school shootings.”

True enough, school shootings are a trump card for progressives, who know they cannot inflict their agenda on a population capable of defending itself. Each one sends the media into paroxysms of euphoria, because they can be spun into forceful propaganda against our fundamental right of self-defense — even in the case of a terrorist attack, as occurred in Nashville yesterday:

Nashville police revealed that the 28-year-old who shot and killed six people at the Covenant School, including three children, identified as transgender and had a detailed manifesto to attack the Christian academy.

The killer was identified as Audrey Hale.

Mass murderers are not often female. The policy of fostering mental illness by encouraging psychotic transsexual delusions and pumping women full of testosterone so they can pretend to be men is turning out about as well as could be expected.

While Democrats/the media reflexively claim that our right of self-defense is responsible, the actual driver of this atrocity appears to have been Hale’s twisted ideology, as suggested by the existence of a manifesto.

According to Nashville Metropolitan Police Chief John Drake,

Hale was “prepared to do more harm than was actually done,” and that she had drawn up plans to attack another school in the area, but backed out of them because the school was too secure.

No wonder local Democrat authorities do not focus appropriately on increasing school security. Too much of it and there won’t be carnage to exploit for attacking the Second Amendment.

Adding to the media malfeasance this time is the concern for not offending the dead killer by failing to use her preferred pronouns:

The New York Times, CNN, USA Today, and other liberal media outlets have elicited scorn and outrage after they took measures to ensure that they were on the record as not “misgendering” the transsexual who slaughtered children inside a Nashville Christian elementary school on Monday.

Hale demanded that her psychosis be revered through the use of he/him pronouns.

Like liberal journalists, Hale’s mother is a gun control activist. However, the killer herself was probably more focused on transgenderism — speaking of which:

This act of apparent trans-activist terrorism against Christians comes days before a planned “Trans Day of Vengeance” which is scheduled for Saturday.

The “vengeance” sought by transsexuals is in retaliation against normal people for imaginary violence and for legislation that impedes the transsexualization of children, as was passed recently in Tennessee, protecting children from sex change procedures and drag performances.

Transsexualism is based on a fundamental rejection of objective reality. Unsurprisingly, transsexual militants are hardly paragons of mental health. Their current turn toward violent tactics is alarming in the extreme.

Here’s how America’s descent into the maelstrom of moonbattery looks from overseas:

On tips from Bluto, Anonymous, Blackjack, KirklesWorth, Mr. Freemarket, and Chris Neilson.

Mar 28 2023

Deep State Comes for Matt Taibbi

“There is no such thing as the Deep State!” bark moonbats. Tell that to journalist Matt Taibbi.

Taibbi is among the last of the principled liberals, whose numbers also include Glenn Greenwald, Bari Weiss, and Naomi Wolf. Their kind has been driven to the brink of extinction by the Jacobins comprising the Democratic Party, for whom the only principle is power at any price:

Taibbi has provoked the ire of Democrats and other journalists for his role in researching Twitter records and then releasing internal communications from the social-media giant that expose its censorship and its contacts with government officials. This effort has already inspired government bullying, with Chair Lina Khan’s Federal Trade Commission targeting new Twitter owner Elon Musk and demanding the company “identify all journalists” granted access to the Twitter files.

None too soon, House Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan is conducting an investigation into Democrat weaponization of the federal bureaucracy.

Taibbi has told Mr. Jordan’s committee that an IRS agent showed up at his personal residence in New Jersey on March 9. That happens to be the same day Mr. Taibbi testified before the Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government about what he learned about Twitter.

Taibbi learned that his 2018 and 2021 tax returns had been rejected.

Timing is never a coincidence in politics. The timing of this rare personal IRS visit was ham-fisted to ensure no one missed the point. The term for this is “intimidation.”

The fear of many Americans is that, flush with its new $80 billion in funding from Congress, the IRS will unleash its fearsome power against political opponents.

Why do you think Biden felt the need for 87,000 new IRS employees? Why do you think recruiters have been emphasizing the use of deadly force?

Through the magic of inflation, Democrats can steal money directly out of every pocket by printing more of it. They don’t need the IRS to raise funds. They need it to punish perceived threats to their rule. In our soft (for now) tyranny, the IRS plays the same role as the Gestapo.

George Orwell described authoritarian statism as “a boot stamping on a human face.” Who would want to live under such a system? Democrats would, believing that it is their boot, not their face.

A constitutional conservative — or a Christian — would understand that it is everyone’s face under the boot. That’s why even if the Deep State were not intrinsically left-wing, no true conservative would use it to punish political opponents, as Obama pioneered and his morally decrepit understudy Biden is carrying forward.

On tips from Varla and Marty.

Mar 28 2023

Hairdressers to Indoctrinate Clients on Global Warming

Neutral territory does not exist under totalitarianism. There can be no escape anywhere from the ideology of the ruling class. For example, in Australia, hairdressers have been enlisted to indoctrinate a captive audience while cutting their hair:

More than 400 hairdressers have attended workshops as part of a project called A Brush With Climate being driven by Paloma’s owner, Paloma Rose Garcia.

Paloma’s is a hair salon in Sydney.

During the sessions, hairdressers hear the basics of climate science and get to role play how conversations might go. They also take one of the posters back to their own salons.

The posters read, “This salon chats about love, life & climate action.”

Garcia tells a story about one regular client, a mother of two. After having the climate chat and talking about solar power and ethical banking, she left happy.

Solar power means paying more for unreliable electricity generated using hardware made by our communist Chinese adversaries. Ethical banking means entrusting your money to woke banks that invest in green energy boondoggles. The only lesson learned from Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank is that Big Government is there to hand out other people’s money when banks run by leftists fail.

Schemes Paloma Rose Garcia,

“You’re letting someone touch your hair and so you have to like them. That trust allows them to start that conversation.”

That is, you can exploit trust to manipulate clients for political ends.

The pitch has to be hard and relentless to convince people to give up their freedom and their standard of living in the name of an ideology that is farcical on its face. Hairdressers are not known for their scientific acumen, but it is doubtful many truly believe there is anything wrong with the weather that bureaucrats can fix through taxation and hyperregulation.

On a tip from Steve T.

Mar 28 2023

Open Thread

The right of the citizens to keep and bear arms has justly been considered as the palladium of the liberties of a republic. - Joseph Story

Mar 27 2023

Media Praises Transsexuals for Destroying Women’s Sports

For decades, feminism and leftism were in perfect sync. Feminists played a major role in vitiating American society by undermining the family and promoting sexual profligacy. They have served their purpose; cultural engineers are through with them now. To be woke is to despise women. A Disney-owned leftist propaganda outlet that sugar-coats political indoctrination by wrapping it in sports makes this clear:

As part of its Women’s History Month campaign, ESPN ran a minute-long promo Sunday featuring Lia Thomas — a biological male who competed on the women’s swim team at the University of Pennsylvania.

The gag-inducing segment praises Thomas as though bullying his way into the women’s locker room were somehow admirable and “celebrates Thomas’ championship in the women’s 500 freestyle.”

That is, ESPN wipes its messy behind on Women’s History Month by praising a perverted jerk who has helped to destroy women’s sports.

In other news from what’s left of women’s sports,

A former women’s cycling champion angrily quit the sport after losing to a transgender rider…

[Hannah Arensman] said that it “has become increasingly discouraging to train as hard as I do only to have to lose to a man with the unfair advantage of an androgenized body that intrinsically gives him an obvious advantage over me, no matter how hard I train.”

“I feel for young girls learning to compete and who are growing up in a day when they no longer have a fair chance at being the new record holders and champions in cycling,” she wrote.

While Arensman fumes with understandable rage,

[T]rans cyclist Tiffany Thomas, 47, was photographed with her arms aloft in victory at the top of the podium at the Randall’s Island Crit — at least her 20th win since she started racing in 2018

By “her,” they mean “his.” The media’s use of female pronouns to refer to a guy who has been ruining races for legitimate competitors emphasizes that nothing journalist say can be taken at face value.

“Tiffany” says he feels “like a superhero” because of the way defeating women at cycling stokes his ego.

Stay tuned for next year’s Women’s History Month, which is likely to feature ESPN heaping obsequious praise on Tiffany Thomas — assuming anyone remembers there was once such a thing as women’s sports next year.

On tips from Wiggins and Steve T.

Mar 27 2023

65-Year-Old Baby Girl Steals Diapers From Daycare Center

According to the transgender ideology of our ruling class, you are what you identify as, regardless of how absurdly it contradicts reality. This opens new possibilities in the realm of crime. From upstate New York:

An Orleans County man allegedly entered a Clarkson daycare center while it was closed, stole diapers and formula and left notes behind indicating he wanted to pretend to be a baby girl.

Police said they took Daniel Seeler, 65, of Holley, into custody Feb. 18 shortly after he ran out the back door of Inspire! Learning and Childcare…

The director has security video…

…showing a man playing with diapers and piecing them together to make a bigger one. She said the man went into the bathroom, pulled his pants down, put the diaper on and then put his pants over it before running out of the building.

Hold on, Seeler didn’t steal; he paid for those diapers:

The center’s director told police an employee found $120 along with a hand-written note Monday, Jan. 30 asking if the daycare had adult-size diapers and if the staff would “play along.”

Welcome to the year 2023.

The director said the note included sizes for pants, shoes, bras and dresses, with the man indicating he liked to play as a baby girl and called himself “Baby Danielle.”

Authorities play along with female impersonator Dylan Mulvaney to the point of inviting him to the White House and paying him astounding sums to speak at colleges. Mulvaney, before whom the liberal establishment literally kneels, identifies as a 6-year-old girl named Eloise. Why won’t they play along with Daniel Seeler?

This daycare center reeks of transphobia. The bigots must be smoked out and canceled. Otherwise, Seeler won’t feel safe. Trans babies exist!

On a tip from R F.


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