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Aug 14 2022

Pelosi: Spending Blowout Is to Appease Mother Earth

Already stratospheric, inflation is likely to lurch upward as a result of the $740,000,000,000.00 Inflation Amplification Act spending blowout, which includes laundering hundreds of $billions through green energy boondoggles. But we had no choice but to spend vast amounts of money that we do not have, because otherwise, Mother Earth would be angry with us. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi explains:

We climbed a long way from the days of malevolent rulers throwing sacrificial virgins down volcanoes to the Constitution of the United States. Then we slid back down again. Now, it’s our money they throw into a volcano to placate weather gods.

On a tip from Kevin R.

Aug 14 2022

Kamala Chuckles Over Mar-a-Lago Raid

Like Joe Biden himself, the raid on a former president’s residence by the politicized FBI represents a major milestone in our nation’s decline. Yet Biden has nothing to say about the Mar-a-Lago fishing expedition/theatrical production. The only official word from the White House is that Biden knew nothing about it, which if true would confirm that he is not the acting president.

However, the vice president was willing to weigh in. Characteristically, Kamala Harris was unable to refrain from laughing:

“Well, as a former prosecutor I will tell you I don’t speak about anybody else’s case,” she told reporters with a chuckle. “But I have full confidence that the Department of Justice will do what the facts and the law requires.”

Admittedly, the suggestion that Merrick Garland’s Injustice Department would do what the facts and the law require is a good joke.

Harris then went for more laughs by defending law enforcement. Here, the humor comes from the context. Harris frequently denounces the police, has applauded their defunding, and even raised funds to bail antipolice rioters out of jail. But law enforcement is good so long as it is federally controlled and is raiding the homes of Democrats’ political opponents.

On a tip from Blackjack.

Aug 14 2022

Open Thread

Modern man has so long preached a doctrine of false tolerance; he has so long believed that right and wrong were only differences in a point of view, that now when evil works itself out in practice he is paralyzed to do anything against it. - Fulton J. Sheen

Aug 13 2022

Here Comes Harriet Tubman Day

Eradicating America requires deleting its heroes and holidays. Abolishing them all at once might engender resistance, so they are gradually phased out in favor of new heroes and holidays, which serve to remind us not of America’s greatness but of America’s guilt, because the surest way to destroy a nation is to turn it against itself.

This is why Democrats and their Republican doormats designated “Juneteenth” as a federal holiday, despite no one having heard of it before the Black Lives Matter riots. The point was to set up a rival holiday near the 4th of July, so as to replace it.

Even government workers have to show up for work sometimes. It goes without saying that as woke holidays are invented, traditional holidays will be erased to make room for them on the calendar.

Harriet Tubman, an anti-slavery activist, is already slated to replace the great Andrew Jackson on the $20 bill. But moonbats want to get more mileage out of her. They make the case for Harriet Tubman Day:

The bookstore named after Harriet Tubman misspells her name. No matter; Harriet Tubman Day is sure to become a federal holiday, just as soon as our woke uniparty decides whether it should be positioned to replace Thanksgiving or Easter.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Aug 13 2022

Gays Give Their Dog Monkeypox

Monkeypox is spread almost exclusively through homosexual activity. But as with AIDS, non-gays are put at risk. Children in gay custody, for example. Dogs for another.

From The Lancet:

Two men who have sex with men attended Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital, Paris, France, on June 10, 2022 …

The men are non-exclusive partners living in the same household. … The men had presented with anal ulceration 6 days after sex with other partners. …

12 days after symptom onset, their male Italian greyhound, aged 4 years and with no previous medical disorders, presented with mucocutaneous lesions, including abdomen pustules and a thin anal ulceration… The dog tested positive for monkeypox virus…

The men reported co-sleeping with their dog. …

To the best of our knowledge, the kinetics of symptom onset in both patients and, subsequently, in their dog suggest human-to-dog transmission of monkeypox virus.

The blame for this naturally falls on Big Government for not throwing enough money at behavior that spreads disease.

On a tip from Chris Neilson.

Aug 13 2022

Open Thread

We are fast approaching the stage of the ultimate inversion: the stage where the government is free to do anything it pleases, while the citizens may act only by permission; which is the stage of the darkest periods of human history, the stage of rule by brute force. - Ayn Rand

On a tip from Jack Bauer.

Aug 12 2022

Joan of Arc Was Now Nonbinary

Liberal social engineers cleverly make efficient use of their resources by waging their War on History and War on Women simultaneously. Joan of Arc was no longer who she was. She was no longer a woman. Now she was “nonbinary”:

If Anne Boleyn can be an African, why can’t Joan of Arc be a sexually deranged freakazoid?

The patron saint of France ought to be grateful. By the time moonbats are through bringing Western Civilization into line with woke ideology, the only alternative great historical figures have to transmogrification will be erasure.

George Orwell described how it works:

“Those who control the present, control the past and those who control the past control the future.”

If leftists remain in control of the present, we will have no past and no future.

On a tip from KirklesWorth.

Aug 12 2022

University of Utah Doctoral Program Is Blacks Only

Systemic racism against put-upon blacks has reached such an extreme that a doctoral program at the University of Utah allows no one else to take part:

The program, “provides a scholarly community and educational services for African American doctoral students,” according to the university. The program also provides scholarships to “full-time African American” students who “demonstrate a commitment to understanding Black life, history, and culture in the United States.”

The point of the program is to train clergy in the official religion of our moonbat ruling class, Critical Race Theory.

The school further stated that the initiative “creates a multidisciplinary, critical mass of African American scholars dedicated to the eradication of institutional and systemic racism and oppression by addressing the inequities endured by African American people.”

Among the inequities they are forced to endure are programs established exclusively for their use.

In the unlikely event that a university ever creates a program only for whites, the shrieks of outrage will be audible from outer space.

The liberal agenda calls for disfavoring, marginalizing, excluding, and eventually eradicating Caucasians. Academia promotes this agenda even more aggressively than the federal government.

A [Department of Education] spokesperson confirmed that “there is an open investigation into the University of Utah under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which prohibits discrimination based on race, color, or national origin in programs or activities receiving federal financial assistance from the Department of Education.”

The investigation is likely to peter out after people stop paying attention. Then our tax money can go back to training the CRT clergy.

On a tip from R F.

Aug 12 2022

Twitter Promises to Protect Dems From October Surprises

Democrats face some challenges in the elections this fall, including stratospheric inflation, appallingly incompetent leadership, widespread alarm at their banana republic tactics, and a general sense that American civilization is collapsing under their rule. But at least they don’t have to worry about October surprises. Big Tech has them covered:

Far-left Twitter has declared it will “protect” the midterm elections with a range of policies designed to suppress what the company considers “misinformation,” and deliver Twitter-curated news to users.

2020 was the first American election in which Big Tech companies like Twitter, Facebook, and Google had “election integrity” policies — and they resulted in one of the most consequential stories of that cycle, the New York Post’s reporting on Hunter Biden’s corrupt business dealings, being suppressed just weeks before the election.

The Hunter Biden laptop bombshell proved that Joe Biden has been in the pay of our communist Chinese enemies. Widespread knowledge of this revelation would have spared America the humiliating catastrophe of his handlers taking power. But this information was kept from the public by the liberal media establishment and Big Tech. Twitter was so ham-fisted as to lock the account of the New York Post for having made discoveries unflattering to Biden.

Until recently, Americans would never have tolerated such infringement on free speech. Maybe the country really has been fundamentally transformed.

Twitter enjoys legal protection as a neutral platform. It is anything but:

The emphasis throughout Twitter’s announcement is on the curation and filtering of information from the company down to users, as opposed to the old norm, which was users discovering information that was popular with other users, through trending hashtags and other mechanisms to surface popular content organically. Today, Twitter wants users to receive information from the top down, not the bottom up.

As the Democratic Party consolidates power, “misinformation” will be repressed by Big Tech with increasing aggressiveness.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

Aug 12 2022

IRS Is Obama’s National Security Force

During the 2008 campaign that disastrously resulted in his election, Barack Obama yelped,

“We cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives we’ve set. We’ve got to have a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.”

During his current third term, Obama is finally achieving that goal through the blowout tax-and-spend Inflation Acceleration Act, which will supersize the IRS with $80 billion and 87,000 new employees.

The much-hated IRS will be larger than the Pentagon, State Department, FBI, and Border Patrol combined. Obama’s weaponized IRS is undergoing fundamental transportation into an American Gestapo — or as Obama himself would say, a “national security force.”

Its vastly increased power will not render the IRS more benevolent. Its recruiting efforts have emphasized that new agents must “be willing to use deadly force.” This spring, it spent $700,000 on ammunition to shoot Americans with.

This is the kind of training agents undergo:

In the Internal Revenue Service 2021 annual report, IRS Criminal Investigation special agents can be observed simulating an armed assault on a suburban home at the agency’s National Criminal Investigation Training Academy (NCITA), located within the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center (FLETC) in Brunswick, Georgia.

Keeping the IRS out of your life is not intended to be easy.

According to the report,

“Through frequent use of force training, [IRS agents] maintain their skills and abilities to ensure good judgement and to apply the appropriate degree of force necessary to safely carry out enforcement activities, including issuing search warrants, arrests, surveillance, dignitary protection, undercover activities, and seizures.”

The undercover activities and seizures sound especially ominous. Next time Democrats want to throw a scare into the opposition, they may sic the IRS instead of the FBI on Mar-a-Lago.

Only a tiny fraction of the $80 billion of our money that Democrats are heaping upon the IRS is targeted to improving its infamously awful customer service, whereas $45.6 billion is devoted to “enforcement.”

“Abolish the IRS” would be a winning campaign slogan. Candidates might elaborate by adding, “While We Still Can.”

On tips from Chris Neilson and Chuck A.

Aug 12 2022

Open Thread

I don't make jokes. I just watch the government and report the facts. - Will Rogers

On a tip from 100Bravo.

Aug 11 2022

Episcopal Church Endorses Sex Change for Children

After leftists have infiltrated an institution, they subvert it to advance objectives that may be diametrically opposite its original purpose. For example, churches that have been co-opted by progressives become dedicated not to good but to evil:

The Episcopal Church passed a resolution in support of sex change attempts “at all ages,” calling it a matter of “religious liberty.”

War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength. Blasphemous depravity and the desecration of innocence are religious liberty.

Resolution D066, passed by the 80th General Convention, is titled “Addressing restrictions on access to gender affirming care.” The House of Bishops has concurred with the resolution.

It calls for the Episcopal Church to “advocate for access to gender affirming care in all forms (social, medical, or any other) and at all ages.” It goes on to say that advocating for sex change operations is “part of our Baptismal call to respect the dignity of every human being.”

Nothing respects dignity like irreversible chemical deformation and surgical sexual mutilation on behalf of a wicked political ideology.

It is easier to pressure a child to become a trophy transsexual that it is to get a potentially normal life back that has been sacrificed on the LGBT altar.

Do not let this happen to your church. Keep moonbattery out, or it will soon be subordinated to moonbattery.

On a tip from Feet2Fire.

Aug 11 2022

Germany Green Party Wants to Reestablish Stasi

Under communist occupation, East Germany set a new standard for intrusive totalitarianism with the Stasi, which employed massive numbers of civilian informants to keep the population under the thumb of the police state. Germany’s Green Party wants to revive this tradition:

“If the Greens are so ashamed of Germany, why do they want to govern Germany?” Barack Obama has answered this question. He wanted to govern the USA despite being openly ashamed of it so as to achieve his goal of “fundamentally transforming the United States of America.” That is, he wanted to eradicate America and replace it with a different country. Leftists in Germany are no less treasonous in their intent.

On a tip from KirklesWorth.

Aug 11 2022

Sex Therapist Calls for Normalizing Pedophilia

As we were bullied into pretending that homosexuality is healthy and normal, many of us realized that sex with children would follow. Like a trainwreck that you can see coming miles in advance, the mainstreaming of pedophilia keeps closing in:

Note that the social engineers are pushing a euphemism not for pedophilia, but for pedophiles, whom we are now supposed to call “minor-attracted persons.” The strategy that worked so well with homosexuality is to conflate the behavior with those who engage in it, then accuse anyone who disapproves of the behavior of oppressing a “marginalized” (i.e., politically favored) identity group.

Note also that the concept of free will is rejected out of hand. “They have not chosen their attraction, just as the rest of us have not chosen whatever our attraction is.” All forms of sexual desire are equivalent according to liberal doctrine.

Within the next few years if not months, people will have their careers canceled for allegedly marginalizing pedophiles. It is thoughtcrime to judge people for who they love.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.


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