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Jul 19 2022

Last Vestiges of Public Trust in Media Evaporate

Low as public trust in the media has been for decades, partisanship is driving it lower still. Gallup reports:

Americans’ confidence in two facets of the news media — newspapers and television news — has fallen to all-time low points. Just 16% of U.S. adults now say they have “a great deal” or “quite a lot” of confidence in newspapers and 11% in television news. Both readings are down five percentage points since last year.

It is likely that more people believe Elvis is still alive than in the propaganda spewed by the liberal establishment media.

Unsurprisingly, Democrats are seven times more likely to have confidence in newspapers than Republicans (35% vs. 5%). Note that even among Dems, only one in three take newspaper reporting at face value.

The power of the media depended on its credibility. That was squandered.

Now its only purpose is to generate background noise, making liberal dogma so ubiquitous that it is accepted subliminally, even by people conscious that everything the media tells us is propaganda. This can be countered by poking holes in leftist lies at every opportunity.

On a tip from jas_1985.

Jul 19 2022

LGBT Bullies Attack Archeology

Leftists wage war on history because they want to impose their twisted ideology retroactively, not only on today’s world but also on the past. Their control of education and the media will allow them to accomplish this only after actual history has been discredited and erased. The extension of liberal ideology into the past now extends beyond history, into prehistoric times that we can observe only through archaeology — a field that has drawn the attention of LGBT bullies:

It is possible to determine whether a skeleton is from a biological male or female using objective observations based on the size and shape of the bones. …

But gender activists argue scientists cannot know how an ancient individual identified themselves.

“You might know the argument that the archaeologists who find your bones one day will assign you the same gender as you had at birth, so regardless of whether you transition, you can’t escape your assigned sex,” tweeted Canadian Master’s degree candidate Emma Palladino last week.

Moonbats don’t like being reminded that scientists will be able to dig up Will “Lia” Thomas’s bones 100,000 years from now and know that he was a man, regardless of whether he gets the NCAA Woman of the Year award.

Palladino says that using factual scientific information to assign gender to ancient humans is “bullsh**.”

For an indication of how far leftists have come in replacing history with their ideology, consider that Associate Professor Jennifer Raff of the University of Kansas …

…suggested scientists cannot know the gender of a 9,000 year-old biologically Peruvian hunter because they don’t know whether the hunter identified as male or female – a “duality” concept she says was “imposed by Christian colonizers.”

People that crazy are not just running around loose, evading the butterfly nets of the men in white coats; they are in charge.

Palladino and Raff demonstrate what can pass for science in a society dominated by progressives. As for what can pass for religion, Matt Walsh’s famous question “What is a woman?” made it to Senior Bishop Rt Rev Robert Innes of the Church of England. His answer:

“There is no official definition, which reflects the fact that until fairly recently definitions of this kind were thought to be self-evident, as reflected in the marriage liturgy.”

Fair enough. But then he started quacking about “complexities associated with gender identity.” He called for “additional care” in the use of controversial terms like woman.

Moonbattery is a jealous god. It does not tolerate the existence of anything, in any area of life, that does not comply with political correctness. The totalitarian mentality of our liberal ruling class is reducing civilization to a lunatic asylum without walls.

On tips from seaoh, Varla, Keith W, Franco, and Brian Brandt.

Jul 19 2022

Open Thread

How many legs does a dog have if you call the tail a leg? Four. Calling a tail a leg doesn't make it a leg. - Abraham Lincoln

On a tip from Anonymous.

Jul 18 2022

Transgender Inmate Impregnates Two Women

The New York Post has a story that will surprise no one with an IQ above Joe Biden’s. A male criminal kept in a women’s prison because he is transgender impregnated two fellow inmates.

Demi Minor, 27, was moved last month from the Edna Mahan Correctional Facility for Women to the Garden State Youth Correctional Facility…

Minor, who is serving a 30-year sentence for manslaughter, is in a vulnerable unit in the new facility where she is the only woman, the spokesman said.

That is to say, where there are no women, because experience has demonstrated that if you lock up Minor with women, he will get them pregnant. Note that even now, the supposedly conservative media plays along with the charade that Minor is a woman.

In 2021, New Jersey enacted a policy to allow prisoners to be housed in accordance with their preferred gender identity. The policy, which must be in place for at least a year, was part of a settlement from a civil rights suit brought by a woman forced to live in men’s prisons for 18 months.

They mean that a man was locked up with other men despite claiming to be a member of the opposite sex.

New Jersey Department of Corrections is investigating Minor’s claim that he has been abused. He says he was handled roughly and “was called he and him well over 30 times.” Stand by for another lawsuit.

On tips from Jack D and Mr Freemarket.

Jul 18 2022

Armed Citizen Stops Mass Shooting

As moonbattery causes civilization to come unraveled and mental illness to reach epidemic proportions, it has become essential that law-abiding citizens be armed. Here’s why:

A mass shooter at a mall in Greenwood, Indiana was shot dead on Sunday by an armed civilian after firing into a crowded food court, killing three and wounding two.

If the maniac had not been quickly stopped, the body count might have been high enough to help Democrats ram through more legislation to disarm law-abiding citizens.

According to Greenwood Police Chief Jim Ison, the man entered the mall with a rifle and several magazines and began firing into the crowd at the mall’s food court. Police first responded to shooting at about 6 p.m. The shooter was killed by an as of yet unidentified good guy with a gun.

The liberal narrative is in trouble once again.

Despite the often repeated claim that ‘the good guy with a gun’ is a myth, studies suggest that guns are used defensively in the United States between 500,000- 3 million times per year.

The hero who stopped the killer was violating mall policy:

Last updated in April 2020, Simon Property Group states in its code of conduct that no weapons are allowed at their shopping centers. …

The property group has worked with Greenwood police for several planned security technology upgrades after recent incidents at the mall including two incidents where employees were held at gunpoint in the parking lot. These upgrades include license plate readers installed at mall entrances.

License plate readers will not stop the increasingly numerous violently mentally ill.

When seconds count, the police are minutes away — if you are lucky. If you are not lucky, when the cops do come they are the kind they have in Uvalde, and wait for the killer to run out of ammo.

On tips from Blackjack, Occam’s Stubble, and Varla.

Jul 18 2022

6 Million Barrels From Strategic Reserve to ChiComs

Given what we have in the White House, 18 US Code § 2381 makes for interesting reading:

Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

If selling 950,000 barrels of oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve to our most formidable enemy as prices remain in the stratosphere and the ChiComs prepare to invade our ally Taiwan constitutes treason, what do you call doing the same with 6 million barrels?

The Daily Caller reports:

The Biden administration sold nearly six million barrels of oil from its Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) since July 2021 to a Chinese state-run energy firm, according to a Daily Caller News Foundation review of Department of Energy (DOE) data.

To add insult to injury,

Each barrel was sold on average for roughly $63, or over eight dollars less than the average price of oil per barrel that month.

The ChiComs really are getting their money’s worth out of the asset known as the Big Guy.

Meanwhile, the Biden Administration keeps a boot on the neck of the US energy industry to repress domestic production.

For commentary on the Biden Administration, we turn to Cicero:

A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. - Marcus Tullius Cicero

Jul 18 2022

Why Hispanics Are Leaving the Democratic Party

Hispanics are abandoning the Democratic Party. Over 60% disapprove of its figurehead Joe Biden. This incident metaphorically illustrates why:

Democrats refuse to defend the border or enforce immigration law, conspiring to change America’s demographics so as to secure their grip on power. Ignoring all history that does not support their narrative, they forget that Italians and Irish used to vote Democrat too, until they assimilated and became Americans.

Fortunately for Democrats, excessive immigration and identity politics both impede assimilation, which they need to do if they want Hispanics to identify with looters against business owners.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Jul 18 2022

Ballet Faces Cancelation

Eradication of Western Civilization won’t stop with the cancelation of titans like Shakespeare and Beethoven. Already social engineers have escalated to erasing whole art forms. In England, Oxford University accuses sheet music of “complicity in white supremacy”; basically, “educators” want to ban classical music. Elsewhere in England, the prestigious Northern School of Contemporary Dance has removed ballet from its auditions.

Head of undergraduate studies Francesca McCarthy sniffs from her lofty cultural perch that ballet “is essentially an elitist form.” Worse, it is something white people do:

“It is a very specific form that is built around particular white European ideas and body shapes that are often alienating to young people who do not fit that aesthetic ideal.”

If Lizzo can’t do it, others shouldn’t do it either. That is equity in a nutshell.

Not only is ballet classist and racist, Francesca McCarthy fumes that it distinguishes between men and women:

“Ballet has strongly gendered roots in terms of the movement vocabulary.”

For example:

“Most of our ballet staff were trained at a time where divisions in the teaching of ballet were clear and men lifted women.”

That practice must be abolished, as it has connotations that contradict feminist dogma.

Gender distinctions in terminology such as “ballerina” for women and “danseur” for men – and the everyday use of “men and women” or “girls and boys” in dance classes – were also criticised.

This is offensive to the victim group that rules from the pinnacle of the Cultural Marxist totem pole of oppression. Squawks Francesca McCarthy:

“There was a shift to ladies and gentleman over time but this is still problematic in relation to the inclusion of non-binary and trans dancers.”

You don’t need a snooty dance school to see the future of dance under liberal hegemony. Try the hoods of Chicago police cars:

On a tip from Steve T.

Jul 18 2022

Open Thread

Give us the child for eight years and it will be a Bolshevik forever. - Vladimir Lenin

On a tip from Jester.

Jul 17 2022

Police Save Social Worker From Maniac

You don’t need local police, the moonbats bark. If you encounter a criminal, just call for a social worker. But who do you call if you are a social worker? The police:

A social worker said she was raped and brutalized by a man she was sent to help, and police saved her by shooting him in the head.

The harrowing story unfolded in Boca Raton, Florida, when the unidentified woman visited the home of Tzvi Allswang on July 1.

After persistent prodding from her mother, cops entered the home to find him holding a knife to her throat.

Police said the Allswang didn’t respond to their commands so a 14-year veteran of the force shot him in the head.

The woman said she felt the knife fall away from her neck after hearing the gunshot and she ran towards police.

That may be the story of how the world’s first Republican social worker was created. If only Kristin Benson had survived, she might have held this honor.

Jul 17 2022

MSM Ignores Rising Global Discontent

Firm pushback against moonbattery doesn’t stop in Holland and Sri Lanka. Resistance is as global as the ambitions of what Biden’s people call the Liberal World Order. You just won’t hear about it from the establishment media.

Good thing Beth Whitehead isn’t counting on ABC/CBS/NBC/PBS/CNN/etc. to keep her informed:

According to the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, which records protests worldwide, 11 countries are currently seeing protests of more than 1,000 people in response to the rising cost of living and other economic woes in 2022. As of July 5, Carnegie had recorded protests of more than 120,000 people in France, 100,000 in Spain, 10,000 in Greece, 10,000 in Kazakhstan, 10,000 in Sri Lanka, 10,000 in India, 5,000 in Iran, 5,000 in Peru, 1,000 people in Argentina, 1,000 in Morocco, and 1,000 in the U.K.

How come we have heard so little about this upheaval, other than the president getting the boot in Sir Lanka?

Corporate media won’t talk about the rest of these protests because the countries are struggling from economically disastrous policies akin to President Joe Biden’s. Any show of economic turmoil in EU member states could be traced back to EU sanctions on Russia or green energy failures, which would fly in the face of the corporate media’s agenda. Many of these countries have inflationary monetary policies.

Inflationary is Biden’s middle name.

The media only highlight these world protests when they grow too big to ignore or when the facts can be skewed toward their [preferred] narratives. Cherry-picking which protests to highlight gives media cover to paint them as isolated incidents in non-Western countries instead of a worldwide trend showing the consequences of embracing left-wing policies. After all, Biden is making the same blunders in the United States, and corporate media can’t have Americans connecting those dots.

Yet dots are getting connected, and none too soon.

On a tip from Blackjack.

Jul 17 2022

Man Nominated for NCAA Woman of the Year

One drawback of the Cultural Marxist ideology of our ruling class is that favoring one identity group requires disfavoring the others. The abject worship of transsexual deviants has come at the expense of women, who were once aggressively exploited by leftists, but have now been discarded. The marginalization of women in favor of men pretending to be women is so far over the top that a guy named Will Thomas has been nominated by Ivy League University of Pennsylvania for the NCAA “Woman of the Year” award.

The award is specifically for female athletes. But according to liberal doctrine, Will “Lia” Thomas is female, because he says he is.

Most real female athletes have been cowed into silence by the bullying of LGBT militants and their liberal allies. A welcome exception is Riley Gaines, who swims for University of Kentucky and managed to tie Thomas:

“The majority of us female athletes, or females in general, really, are not okay with this, and they’re not okay with the trajectory of this and how this is going and how it could end up in a few years,” Gaines said on the “Unmuted with Marsha” podcast with Sen. Marsha Blackburn, R-Tenn.

The LGBT agenda is so conspicuously wrong that it would collapse in an instant if we showed some backbone like Riley Gaines. There are only a handful of sickos who aren’t just going along with Democrat ideology but actually believe in it. They can’t cancel all of us.

On tips from Steve T and Heckrules.

Jul 17 2022

Sri Lanka President Toppled Over Green Agenda

The globalist green agenda calls to mind the lunatic utopian ambitions of the Khmer Rouge, which managed to kill as much as 30% of the population of Cambodia. Fortunately, pushback has begun — and not only in the Netherlands. Sri Lanka’s president Gotabaya Rajapaksa has been toppled for inflicting green tyranny:

He campaigned for president in 2019 on a platform that promised a form of technocratic utopia, including the commitment to turn Sri Lankan agriculture completely organic in a decade.

But the relatively educated, middle-income population balked when it got what it voted for, just as the American population is beginning to balk after grasping the implications of Biden’s hostility to the fossil fuels we require to survive.

On April 27, 2021—with no warning, and with no attempt to teach farmers how to cope with the change—he announced a ban on all synthetic fertilizers and pesticides. Henceforth, he decreed, Sri Lankan agriculture would be 100% organic.

The economic consequences were predictably catastrophic.

Food prices soared as a result of scarcity and Sri Lanka’s people, their pockets already hit by the pandemic, began to go hungry. To add to the stench of failure, a shipload of manure from China had to be turned back after samples revealed dangerous levels of bacteria.

Communist manure is more politically correct than fertilizer, but that does not mean it will keep people fed. Turns out, people like to eat more than they like moonbattery.

Having overstepped to the point of being forcibly thrown out of power, green authoritarians will temper their arrogance, right? Of course not:

The U.K.-based Soil Association tweeted this: “Lots of lessons to be learnt from Sri Lanka, but ‘see, organic doesn’t work’ isn’t one of them.”

Sure it is. But the main lesson is that we will starve if we do not pry envirotyrants from power.

On a tip from Varla.

Jul 17 2022

Open Thread

The Left is doing to America what it has done to almost everything it has deeply influenced - the arts, the university, religion, culture, minorities, Europe: ruining it. - Dennis Prager


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