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Jun 16 2022

Jamaal Bowman Wigs Out as Musk Backs DeSantis

To turn this ship around before it goes completely over the falls, we will need a confirmed countermoonbat with proven leadership and political skills, but with no excess baggage and who is not part of the establishment, someone willing to fight the right people for the right reasons, someone young enough to stay in his prime for a while. We need Ron DeSantis. The world’s most successful entrepreneur agrees:

“I voted for Mayra Flores – first time I ever voted Republican. Massive red wave in 2022,” [Elon] Musk tweeted.

Flores on Tuesday defeated the leading Democratic candidate for an open congressional seat in a historically blue region of South Texas. …

After revealing his vote for Flores, Musk confirmed his plans to vote for Republican hopeful DeSantis.

Democrats are not happy:

Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-NY), who represents parts of the Bronx and Westchester County, tweeted on Wednesday: “Elon Musk is not a leader. He’s just another Republican billionaire who supports white supremacy and authoritarianism because he doesn’t want his workers to unionize or to pay his fair share in taxes.”

Anyone Democrats want to destroy supports “white supremacy,” just as anyone who resists the ham-fisted authoritarianism of the Party of Government is guilty of authoritarianism.

As for his “fair share,” Musk’s tax bill for 2021 comes to $11 billion, said to be the largest single-year tax bill ever for an individual. But he still has a shirt on his back, so he hasn’t paid his fair share.

In contrast, billionaire George Soros must have paid his fair share, because Democrats don’t complain about him, as he installs leftist DAs who have been turning American cities into combat zones.

Bowman added: “The GOP just tried to end democracy and now he’s supporting them.”

He must be referring to the GOP trying to end democracy through institutionalized election fraud. No wait, that was Democrats. Maybe it was the GOP conspiring to pack the Supreme Court, in effect abolishing it. No, Democrats again. Is Bowman referring to plans to abolish the Electoral College? That’s not it. It could only be the guy in the buffalo costume who supposedly almost overthrew the government after being allowed into the People’s House.

DeSantis praised Musk on Wednesday after the world’s richest person indicated on Twitter that he was “leaning” toward voting for the Republican if he ended up as the GOP nominee for president in 2024.

DeSantis held a news conference in the Sunshine State during which he declared that he welcomed support “from African-Americans.”

Consider yourselves trolled, Democrats.

In other Jamaal Bowman news, the congresscritter yelps that there will be another civil war if Republicans take back Congress before Democrats are through destroying the country:

Bowman warned of a stark outcome if Republicans take back power in the November midterm elections — one that would “embolden” far-right extremists and white nationalists who he claims “have been pushing” for “civil war.”

He could be right about the potential for civil war. For Democrats to avoid a blowout will require election fraud so blatant that the media will not be able to cover it up. The political destabilization that began with Obama’s race-based community organizer tactics will reach a crisis point.

On tips from TCS III and Chuck A.

Jun 16 2022

Court Rules BIPOCs Have Different Legal Status

One of the most precious and fundamental aspects of American civilization is equality before the law. It is becoming another casualty of the liberal war on our heritage.

From Legal Insurrection:

The Washington State Supreme Court has issued a sweeping Opinion (pdf.) announcing that whether a person is deemed “seized” by the police must take into account race if the person is “Black, Indigenous, and other People of Color (BIPOC).”

BIPOC status, the court ruled on June 9, 2022, is relevant to whether the person “was not free to leave, to refuse a request, or to otherwise terminate the encounter ….” So two identical factual circumstances of a police encounter maybe result in different judicial results depending on whether the person is BIPOC or not-BIPOC (i.e. white).

BIPOC literally means “any race but white.” Progressives may be ready to drop the pretense that blacks are oppressed by the police. This isn’t about favoritism toward blacks in particular. It is about our woke ruling class’s institutionalized hatred of Caucasians.

How BIPOCs and whites who identify as BIPOCs (Elizabeth Warren, Rachel Dolezal, Shaun King, et al) will prove to the police that they are not Caucasian and therefore warrant special treatment remains to be determined.

On a tip from R F.

Jun 16 2022

Open Thread

A good deal of tyranny goes by the name of protection. - Crystal Eastman

On a tip from cintaroja.

Jun 15 2022

Biden Menaces Energy Industry With “Emergency Powers”

From Day 1, Biden attacked the oil industry, shutting down pipelines and closing vast areas to drilling, thereby driving up the price of energy and consequently of everything else. Now, despite his administration just confirming that it will continue this policy in the name of the global warming hoax, he blames energy companies for what he has done to them. If they won’t magically overcome his restrictions and produce more oil, he will make like the dollar store dictator he is and inflict emergency powers:

Biden may resort to using emergency powers if American oil companies don’t increase output at their refineries, the president told oil CEOs in a series of letters Wednesday.

The Regime does not say when it will impose emergency powers, only that it will be in the “near term.” The kind of government we live under now likes to keep people guessing.

If refineries are not producing enough gasoline, it could be because Biden has severely restricted the drilling and transportation of oil. Here’s another reason:

[T]he last major refinery to be constructed in the U.S. was Marathon Oil’s facility built in Louisiana in 1977. Industry groups and experts blamed the declining capacity and lack of new refineries on environmental regulation and projected fuel demand decline in the future as governments push green energy alternatives.

Yet again we see that you cannot have both green BS and affordable energy.

Leftists take control of a wealthy country and quickly reduce it to a poor one so as to make their power permanent. If this strikes you as familiar, you may be thinking of Venezuela. It was the richest and most stable democracy in Latin America before Biden types took power. Now it is second poorest. It has the world’s largest oil reserves. But that does it no good, because the corrupt and incompetent government seized control of the oil industry, grinding production to a virtual halt. This is likely to be the consequence of Biden’s “emergency powers.”

On a tip from Bluto.

Jun 15 2022

Academics Trained to See Cancel Culture as Good

In the West, we used to enjoy being able to speak our minds. Now we have cancel culture. Unless we share the pernicious and depraved ideology of the ruling class, we either keep our mouths shut or recite lies, lest our lives be destroyed by woke lynch mobs. This is for the best, according to academia:

“Cancel culture” has its benefits, according to an online anti-racism course being taught to over 100 British academics.

“Union Black,” a class being taught by The Open University, teaches professors that “In relation to racial/social justice, cancel culture has been shown to realize benefits.”

What else would you expect of the “Open” University in the land of George Orwell?

These benefits, according to class materials, include “holding people or entities accountable for immoral or unacceptable behavior” and “promoting collective action to achieve social justice and cultural change through social pressure.”

In other words, the benefit is that silencing dissent allows leftists to impose leftism. That is now the purpose of education — which could be why cancel culture is so prevalent on campus:

The College Fix … recently identified nearly 200 cases over the past academic year in which professors, students, mascots, paintings, honorary degrees and the like were either canceled or protested on campus. To date, The Fix’s Campus Cancel Culture Database has collected over 1,500 examples of cancelations or attempted cancelations.

Not even academia is more adamantly opposed to freedom of speech (i.e., freedom of thought) than woke globalist corporations like Santander Corporate & Investment Banking:

The Open University began the course in 2021 and it is now taught in 90 UK universities including schools in Leeds, Liverpool, Bristol, and Imperial College London.

The course is backed with 500,000 pound investment by Santander investment.

We may as well be ruled by the Chinese Communist Party for all the tolerance the liberal establishment has for dissident opinion.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

Jun 15 2022

Democrats Double Down on Driving Up Inflation

Skyrocketing inflation is destroying the American economy. It has two primary causes: massive wasteful spending by the federal government and the suppression of energy production. The situation will continue to deteriorate rapidly so long as Democrats remain in charge.

Speaking before the union thugs he eagerly panders to at the country’s expense, Biden confirmed that not only will he not take steps to reduce skyrocketing inflation, he plans to double down on spending. Astonishingly, Biden blamed Republicans for inflation, implying that they are causing the problem by preventing Democrats from wasting even more money.

Biden growled menacingly:

“Republicans in Congress are doing everything they can to stop my plans to bring down costs on ordinary families. That’s why my plan is not finished and why the results aren’t finished either.”

To “bring down costs” from the viewpoint of this socialist is to print more money to pay for luxuries like “free” childcare, which like “free” college has temporarily stalled due to resistance. The inflationary effect of such policies are so obvious that even Biden or at least his handlers and media enablers must be aware of it. Weimar Republic-style inflation is not a bug; it is a feature. It will destroy the deplorable middle class and allow Democrats to pay down the federal debt with debased currency.

Don’t expect the ruling party to stop driving inflation through its War on Energy. On behalf of the liberal elite, the Climate Czar intones that we little people will have to make do with what is intermittently supplied by moonbat-approved technology like wind and solar:

During remarks last week, Special Presidential Envoy for Climate John Kerry said that “energy security worry is driving” the thinking that there is a need for additional drilling and for going “back to coal” — but he flatly rejected those notions.

Needless to say,

Rapidly rising fuel costs result in higher transportation costs, which can also lead to higher prices for all sorts of goods and services.

With each day that the malevolent kooks comprising the Democratic Party remain in power, your money is worth less.

There is no point at which the situation will get so bad that Democrats will stop deliberately making it worse, any more than Pol Pot was ever going to acknowledge the destructiveness of his ideology and begin to govern responsibly.

On tips from Varla and Mr. Freemarket.

Jun 15 2022

High School Club Discourages Heterosexuality

In the past, extracurricular school activities were wholesome affairs. Then the Long March Through the Institutions claimed public schools on behalf of leftism. Now, students who sign up for a “leadership and diversity club” in an affluent suburb of Phoenix are asked to explain how they know they are not sexual deviants:

The question was part of a program used by the Unitown Club in the Scottsdale Unified School District to discuss sexual orientation with students, according to emails released by the Arizona Daily Independent. The club’s description contains no reference to sexual education.

In government schools these days, it seems everything has reference to sexual “education” — or rather, depraved sexual indoctrination.

The curriculum, which was created by the organization Anytown Learning, lists 16 discussion questions on sexual orientation, including what students think caused their heterosexuality, how they decided they were heterosexual, why heterosexual relationships are unstable, and whether they had considered that heterosexuality was a phase they would grow out of.

Presumably, the word “biology” would not suffice as an explanation as to what caused a student’s heterosexuality. To progressives, not being a pervert is a diseased condition that must have some morbid etiology.

The sexual orientation exercise also asks students: “Considering the menace of overpopulation, how could the human race survive if everyone were heterosexual?”

Embrace sexual depravity because starting a family would be bad. Once kids have imbibed that message, they can go home to their video games, their liberal education having been completed.

Instead of letting moonbats teach children, why not have criminals do it on a work release basis? Morally and intellectually, it would be an improvement.

The curriculum also encourages students to reject what liberals call their “birth-assigned sex” and to place themselves on a creepy “gender spectrum.”

Anytown Learning describes itself as “a human relations organization dedicated to educating, embracing and empowering leaders to promote social change.” The Unitown program is a high school variation of the organization’s social justice summer camp.

Combine government schools with social justice and you have something that would make a whorehouse suitable for children by comparison.

As for unwoke parents who complain,

Scottsdale Unified School District had previously made national headlines after it was revealed that a member of the district’s school board had compiled a “dossier” full of personal information of parent activists who had expressed displeasure at the district’s efforts to incorporate critical race theory and other controversial programs into student instruction.

Watch your step, Mom and Dad. Merrick Garland might sic the FBI on you. Or volunteer enforcers might find ways to wreck your life.

Rather than recoil in horror from it, Scottsdale Unified School District spokeswoman Kristine Harrington defended the Unitown indoctrination program, noting that it has been there since 1989 and that it is voluntary — unlike similar instruction that is no doubt happening in the district’s classrooms.

On tips from Franco and MrRightWingDave.

Jun 15 2022

NBC Enraged at Fox Sports

Nothing could be more obnoxiously woke than sports media. Yet Fox Sports has committed a thought crime, even if by accident. NBC was quick to call it out:

Fox Sports opted against airing “Jeopardy” champion Amy Schneider throwing out a first pitch during the network’s coverage of a baseball game from San Francisco [last] weekend…

Schneider, an Oakland resident who triumphed in 40 consecutive “Jeopardy” contests and is the show’s greatest female player, took the mound ahead of the Giants-Los Angeles Dodgers game on Saturday.

As a cursory glance will tell you, Amy Schneider is not female, except in the Twilight Zone of moonbat ideology. He is a transvestite.

That’s why Fox News had a political duty to show him throwing out the first pitch. Instead, it showed NASCAR’s Kurt Busch throwing out a pitch in a different game so as to promote a nearby NASCAR race it was to televise.

The unexplained snub took on even greater weight since Schneider … had appeared Saturday as part of Pride Day at Oracle Park.

If ever you pass up an opportunity to glorify a guy associated with sexual deviancy, you have committed a snub. This is nearly as bad as uttering a “slur” — which can get the police involved.

The Dodgers and Giants put aside their ancient rivalry and both donned caps with rainbow colors instead of L.A.’s distinctive white and San Francisco’s orange.

In the hyperwoke MLB, it’s not whether you win or lose, it’s how obsequiously you suck up to Black Lives Matter and LGBT activists.

Hats off to the tiny minority of players with enough character to say no to this crap. Too bad there aren’t enough of them to make the game worth watching.

Maybe Fox Sports just wanted to spare the average viewer from having to make a dash for the bathroom, a hand clapped over his mouth, vomit spurting from between his fingers.

On a tip from Steve T.

Jun 15 2022

Open Thread

If we continue to teach about tolerance and intolerance instead of good and evil, we will end up with tolerance of evil. - Dennis Prager

Jun 14 2022

More Evidence That Blacks Live in Terror of Police

If black men have to live in terror of the police, imagine what it is like for black women, who according to the intersectional ideology of our intelligentsia are even more oppressed. The video below provides an indication.

In broad daylight, as we have come to expect:

Welcome to Chicago under the moonbat rule of Lori Lightfoot.

Those with the belly for it can watch the whole scene:

Small wonder if cities where authorities side with criminals against the police have a hard time recruiting officers.

If we are not able to pry liberals out of power and reverse the decay they have caused before the collapse of civilization goes much further, America will inevitably find itself invaded by a healthier society, if only so that our natural resources are not wasted. Whoever our conquerors turn out to be, they will be welcomed as liberators, because at least they won’t be liberals.

On a tip from Wiggins. Hat tip: Citizen Free Press.

Jun 14 2022

Eradicating Excellence to Impose Equity

You can’t have both equity and excellence; they represent opposite poles. Our moonbat rulers demand equity, so they are eradicating excellence. One way they accomplish this is through their direct control of schools:

Like ineradicable fungi spreading across a diseased body devoid of inoculants to fight it off, there is a growing educational malfeasance taking root in many of our nation’s public schools that few seem to have the moral courage to speak out against. Honors Programs are being eliminated or are being considered for elimination on the premise that they discriminate against the non-gifted, most of whom fall into minority groups. The elimination of such programs is being defended in the name of equity…

It is not equitable to allow smart, hard-working students to achieve more than others.

The theory behind the “deleveling” of subjects such as English, social studies, biology, math and science, and history is to give all students the opportunity to engage in rigorous instruction.

However, the slower and less motivated students will not be able to keep pace with a rigorous instruction. That’s why Affirmative Action-based college admissions have been such a pointless disaster. The one-sized-fits-all leftist approach requires that everything be reduced to the lowest common denominator.

In San Diego at the Patrick Henry High School, more than 150 parents protested the school’s decision to eliminate eight advanced and honors courses from its offerings, including advanced English, History and Biology. The school’s principal, Michelle Henry, announced a more equitable program that will be part of a district pilot of “Honors for All.”

If everyone is an honors student, then no one is. Our rulers want it that way. Mediocrities are easier to manage.

Consequently, the potential a few have to achieve greatness is systematically repressed. This is not the least of the many ways in which liberalism is not merely wrong, but evil.

On a tip from Blackjack.

Jun 14 2022

Biden Regime Makes Trump Look Psychic

His birthday is a good time to acknowledge that Donald Trump saw this iceberg before we steered into it. He tried to warn us:

But then, were there any informed, intelligent people who did not predict that placing a corrupt, senile, incompetent fool in power as a figurehead for the radical left would lead to the sort of disaster that is currently unfolding?

On a tip from Mr. Freemarket.

Jun 14 2022

Big Government Subjects Children to Drag Queen Groomers

The psychosexual corruption of small children by perverts dressed as grotesque parodies of women in formerly safe havens for innocence such as schools and libraries is government policy under liberal rule.

Taxpayers have been forced to spend a fortune financing this phenomenon just in New York City:

Last month alone, Drag Story Hour NYC — a nonprofit whose outrageously cross-dressed performers interact with kids as young as 3 — earned $46,000 from city contracts for appearances at public schools, street festivals, and libraries, city records show.

Since January, the group has organized 49 drag programs in 34 public elementary, middle, and high schools, it boasted on its website, with appearances in all five boroughs. …

Since 2018, the group — previously known as Drag Queen Story Hour NYC, before changing its name early this year — has received a total of $207,000 in taxpayer cash.

A variety of degenerate bureauweenies fund this depravity with other people’s money:

The tally includes $50,000 from New York State through its Council on the Arts, along with $157,000 from the city’s Departments of Education, Cultural Affairs, Youth and Community Development, and even the Department of Transportation, city data shows.

It started out with transvestites in hypersexualized outfits being allowed to read stories to children whose parents failed to protect them. As with all things progressive, it has progressed:

In April, the elaborately coiffed Harmonica Sunbeam wore a slinky gown to meet with kindergarteners at STAR Academy in Manhattan and color pages from “The Dragtivity Book,” which encourages kids to choose their pronouns and invent drag names.

With the new name and pronouns comes a new look:

Bella Noche wore a scanty mermaid-like bra getup to travel with 2nd graders from Manhattan’s PS 34 on a May field trip, and Flame taught middle schoolers “of all genders” how to apply drag eye makeup at MS 88 in Park Slope.

If only Corporal Klinger had learned such useful life skills in second grade, he might not look so frumpy in those old MASH episodes.

Drag queens subject children to still worse when their liberal parents drag them into gay bars. The trend of bringing children to drag shows is so certain to sicken any decent person that Libs of TikTok was locked out of Twitter for drawing attention to it. Exposing what children are exposed to allegedly constitutes “abuse and harassment” of the politically sacred LGBT community.

As tempers flare over their focus on corrupting children, ruling Democrats enthusiastically place their stamp of approval on drag queens:

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) made a special appearance on “RuPaul’s Drag Race All Stars 7,” where she heaped high praise on contestants for “the joy and beauty [drag queens] bring to the world.”

Pelosi croaked that drag queens are what “America is all about.”

There are some who have yet to get with the program and embrace the corruption of small children by drag queens. Such people draw the attention of the police. From the moonbats at BuzzFeed:

A group of men described by police as members of the Proud Boys interrupted a Drag Queen Story Hour at a [San Francisco] Bay Area library Saturday, and authorities are now investigating the incident as a potential hate crime.

Drag queen Panda Dulce accused the thought criminals of “yelling anti-trans and anti-gay slurs.” Unlike corrupting the morals of a minor, this is regarded as a crime in the Gay Area.

“We will make sure any future events at the library are safe against hate speech and threats of violence,” the sheriff’s office said. “As we celebrate Pride Month, we will be swift in our response to any incidents where there are threats to harm members of this community.”

Under our system of anarchotyranny, protecting child-grooming perverts from “slurs” is what the police are for, as violent crime rages out of control.

Panda Dulce confirms that his goal is to recruit children into the LGBT lifestyle:

The queen has been doing the readings for five years, and [he] said [he] won’t be stopping.

“I can’t describe the spark in a queer kid’s (and yes, we can tell) eyes when they see you,” [he] said. “It’s like their gender is being acknowledged for the first time.”

According to LGBT dogma, there are sexually depraved freaks locked away inside seemingly innocent children. Kids need drag queens to set their inner perverts free.

The LGBT agenda regarding children is aggressively advanced by our liberal rulers.

On tips from Lyle and Varla.

Jun 14 2022

Open Thread

The power to tax is the power to destroy. - John Marshall

On a tip from Anonymous.


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