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Category: Biden

Sep 02 2022

Dark Brandon

America under Democrat occupation is a cross between a banana republic and a cheap horror movie. The senile figurehead for the liberal establishment followed up his Gestapo-style raid on the home of the leading opposition figure with a speech last night otherizing the majority of Americans who disapprove of his rule. The optics alone were enough to raise eyebrows all the way across the ocean:

By “mainstream Republicans,” Brandon must be referring exclusively to backstabbers Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger, both of whom will be gone next year. Everyone else is regarded as resistance to be demonized, marginalized, and eradicated.

A recent poll by left-leaning Reuters places Biden’s approval at 38%. He would be in single digits by now if he did not represent the liberal establishment that controls much of public opinion through the media and Big Tech.

Biden has long personified the Swamp at its worse — vicious, flagrantly corrupt, irresponsible, incompetent, devoid of decency and morality, and hostile to the country he supposedly leads. Letting him or rather his radical leftist handlers take charge of the country is not working out.

It isn’t hard to see where this is heading. Either we pry Democrats out of power decisively and soon, or we will have to get used to the idea of dissidents losing their fingernails in the basement of FBI headquarters.

On a tip from KirklesWorth.

Sep 01 2022

What Biden Means by “Unity”

Joe Biden croaks about “unity.” The belligerent rhetoric barked by his main spokesmoonbat provides some insight into what he means by the term:

Never mind runaway inflation, communist China on the march, and impending economic ruin due to the incompetence and irresponsibility that characterize Democrat rule (or as Democrats call it, “Our Democracy”). We have a bigger problem. Half the population of the USA is a threat that must be subdued, marginalized, and presumably eradicated if we are ever to achieve unity.

Maybe the strategy is to kick the hornet’s nest until they get a response, which they will exploit with the help of the media to demonize opposition, as with January 6. Or maybe they are serious and plan to eradicate resistance so they can have unity under Their Democracy.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Aug 31 2022

Biden: You Will Need F-15s to Defend Constitution From Us

Chump of the ChiComs Eric Swalwell says the AR-15s that Democrats intend to confiscate won’t defend us against tyranny anyway, because the tyrants can use nuclear weapons on us. Joe Biden isn’t as drastic. He will settle for wiping us out with F-15s:

Biden inventively informs us that “The bullet out of an AR-15 travels five times as rapidly as a bullet shot out of any other gun.” But even so, America’s rifle is no match for fighter jets, so we may as well let Big Government take them.

Do the clowns who got their clocks cleaned by Taliban savages in sandals really fail to understand how asymmetrical warfare works? No. If they did not see rifles in the hands of regular Americans who believe in the Constitution as a threat to their agenda, they would not risk backlash by coming after them. The necessity of the Second Amendment is once again confirmed.

On tips from Wiggins and Chris Neilson.

Aug 28 2022

And the Winner of the Redacted Affidavit Meme Contest Is…

By now we are past expecting transparency from our hostile and insolent moonbat rulers. Even so, the redactions to the Mar-a-Lago affidavit have raised not only eyebrows but guffaws:

The Department of Justice (DOJ) released a heavily-redacted copy of its affidavit used to justify an FBI raid on former President Donald Trump’s residence on Friday, eliciting mockery online for its lack of information.

Very little new information can be gleaned from the affidavit because of the extent of the blacked-out portions. In the 32-page affidavit, 11 pages are essentially completely redacted. Heavy and partial redactions cover more pages. …

In addition to the affidavit, the court also unsealed a government memo explaining its reasons for the affidavit’s redactions. That memo also drew mockery for its heavy redactions.

This has unleashed a deluge of memes. Not the Bee has collected some good ones, including:

Honorable mention:

On a tip from Varla.

Aug 28 2022

Killer Ad on Biden’s Bailout for Rich Kids

Biden’s unlawful bailout of the student loan racket is not only economically insane but morally obscene. Most anyone with even a rudimentary sense of fairness will recognize that it is wrong. If Republicans are going to put themselves in a position to stop the insanity, they need to leave the 2020 election in the past and run ads like this:

Future ads might note that it isn’t only federal taxpayers who have been forced to finance extravagantly expensive and often worthless college degrees. By driving inflation even higher, Biden is looting everyone on earth who holds US currency on behalf of his leftist Big Education bankrollers. Retired people who rely on the savings they spent their lives working to acquire will be hit especially hard.

The situation is already intolerable; if Democrats remain in power, it will get even worse.

On a tip from Chuck A.

Aug 26 2022

Biden Promises No More Stolen Elections

A gaffe has been defined as a politician accidentally telling the truth. Joe Biden commits more of them than other swamp creatures, due to a low IQ exacerbated by senile dementia. In the video below, he admits that someone has been stealing elections:

If Democrats are able to ram through their election reforms, they will never need to steal another election, since the winners will be preordained.

On a tip from Occam’s Stubble.

Aug 24 2022

Biden Forces Country to Pay Other People’s Student Loans

If the so-called “Inflation Reduction Act” didn’t convince you that Democrats are driving up inflation on purpose so as to apply Vladimir Lenin’s strategy of crushing the middle class “between the millstones of taxation and inflation,” maybe this will do the job:

Biden is set to “forgive” up to $10,000 in federal student debt for those making under $125,000 annually, and $20,000 for Pell grant recipients, transferring the cost of the loans to the American public, the White House announced Wednesday.

The effect this will have on inflation — which is already stratospheric due to Democrats’ massive wasteful spending and war on energy — is so obvious that this move qualifies as economic sabotage. It serves no benign economic purpose.

Politically, it will help Democrats by turning out the vote among people who want others to pay their debts. But it will alienate everyone else with its staggering injustice. Why should members of the working class, who get jobs and raise families instead of goofing around, have to pay to prolong the adolescence of rich kids who would rather marinate in moonbattery that spend their time productively? Note that useless not to mention pernicious liberal arts programs — which these days consist mostly of lunatic left political indoctrination — are to be coercively financed by the public at large.

In a free country, it would not be up to a single man — a corrupt and senile man in this case — to determine whether people are responsible for the debts they willingly incur. In the USSA, we have centralized authority under our system of omnipotent, omnipresent Big Government.

However, even fellow Democrat Nancy Pelosi balks at Biden’s use of executive orders to assume the power of a dictator:

Congress, not the president, is the only body that can cancel student debt, Pelosi said in July of 2021, arguing that “the president can’t do it.”

Even Biden’s own executive branch agrees:

The Department of Education came to the same decision, arguing that the executive branch “does not have the statutory authority to cancel, compromise, discharge, or forgive, on a blanket or mass basis, principal balances of student loans, and/or to materially modify the repayment amounts or terms thereof.”

It would be wonderful if people in Washington were to remember that this is supposed to be America, not the banana republic it is becoming under Biden.


Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer told Biden to provide as much relief as possible in a phone call Tuesday night, according to Politico, saying its “the right thing to do morally and economically.”

As usual with Schumer, this is a shocking inversion of the truth. Morally, student loan “forgiveness” represents grand larceny and the enslavement of working people to the liberal elite. Economically, it represents sheer malice:

The total estimated cost for Biden’s one-time cancellation is $300 billion, according to a study released Tuesday by the Wharton School of business at the University of Pennsylvania.

That $300 billion comes atop the Inflation Reduction Act’s $740 billion of brazenly wasteful spending on crap like eagle-killing wind turbines and lavish subsidies for the electric moonbatmobiles favored by rich leftists.

We have the same quality of leadership as Venezuela. Consequently, we will soon have the same level of inflation.

On a tip from Varla.

Aug 11 2022

Biden Claims There Is Zero Inflation

Too bad we can’t all live in the never-never land inhabited by Joe Biden. True, it’s always foggy there, but inflation is 0%.

From yesterday:

“Today, we received news that our economy had 0% inflation in the month of July — 0%,” Biden said. “Here’s what that means: while the price of some things go up — went up last month, the price of other things went down by the same amount. The result? Zero inflation last month.”

He made this preposterous claim only hours after federal Consumer Price Index data came out revealing that inflation driven by his policies remains at a crippling 8.5%.

This may represent a new extreme in contemptuous gaslighting, the faceless leftists who program his teleprompter having concluded that if we believe Joe Biden is fit to be president, we will believe anything. Or maybe the Regime has made an absolute break from reality and has convinced itself that the house is not on fire.

In either case, this is a clear indication that Democrats will not relent on the two main policies that are driving inflation: gargantuan wasteful spending and repression of domestic energy production. The situation will continue to deteriorate until Democrats are removed from power.

Then Biden got so confused, he accidently told the truth:

Biden then proceeded to accidentally step on his own message by urging Congress to pass the Senate-approved Inflation Reduction Act, which he said would keep inflation “from getting better,” a view advanced by Republicans, before correcting himself to say “from getting worse.”

By wasting $750 billion dollars, the Inflation Amplification Act constitutes proof that Democrats are devaluating our savings on purpose.

On a tip from Bluto.

Aug 10 2022

Biden Campaign Ad

In the interests of fairness, let’s watch a campaign ad promoting Joe Biden’s reelection in 2024:

Joe Biden personifies what the degenerate liberal ruling class is reducing our country to. Patriotic Americans should take it personally.

On a tip from Jack Bauer.

Aug 09 2022

Biden’s Short-Term Memory Down to a Few Seconds

Watch how long it takes after shaking Chuck Schumer’s claw for the figurehead of the liberal establishment to forget that he just shook it:

Five seconds? That’s too generous. It was more like 3 seconds before Creepy Joe stuck out his hand to be shook again.

Poor Biden. He thinks he got shunned again, like with Obama.

No way this vegetable finishes his term. If he wasn’t at the incontinent stage of senility earlier, he is now or will be soon.

On a tip from Jester.

Aug 08 2022

Elder Abuse

Meanwhile, as his handlers dispatch a squad to toss the Mar-a-Lago home of his political opponent banana republic style, our supposed leader tries and fails to get his clothes on without help:

Someone should sic Adult Protective Services on “Dr” Jill and get Creepy Joe into a home for mentally disabled corruptocrats where he can drool on himself in peace. At this point in our descent into tyranny, we need to see the faces of whoever is really in charge.

On a tip from Wiggins, Varla, seaoh, Dragon’s Lair, Anonymous, and Blackjack.

Aug 02 2022

Fake but Accurate

Not all fact checking by the liberal establishment consists of lies. For example, Joe Biden did not really wander away in the middle of a speech because he heard music from an ice cream truck, as implied in the video below:

That liberal apparatchiks at both Twitter and Reuters felt it necessary to inform us that this is a joke says quite a lot about the figurehead they are attempting to prop up.

To use the terminology of disgraced propagandist Dan Rather, the video is “fake but accurate.”

Hat tip: Not the Bee.

Jul 29 2022

Biden Wonders Whether He Is Making Sense

Lest the American people wonder what the hell is being done to their country, Biden went off teleprompter to explain his economic philosophy. It consists of senile gibberish:

The last part sums it up:

“Does that make any sense to anybody? Or is it just me?”

Unfortunately, it isn’t just him. The entire Democratic Party is economically insane. The scariest part is that their insanity has a purpose.

On a tip from Blackjack.

Jul 28 2022

Dems Confirm Inflation Is Intentional

Democrats have created crippling inflation through massive wasteful spending and phony climate change fanaticism. Now they impose a blowout bill to throw both into overdrive. The effect this will have on inflation would be obvious to a child. In the spirit of the Democrat instruction manual 1984, they call the bill the Inflation Reduction Act.

In the same spirit, they named a bill designed to further desecrate marriage the “Respect for Marriage Act.”

The Daily Signal observes the obvious:

With inflation hitting 9.1% in June, this is a stagflationary economy. Inflation-adjusted wages for the average American worker have fallen by nearly $3,400 since President Joe Biden took office. …

The government’s policies over the last two years have been a perfect recipe for the highest inflation in four decades: trillions of dollars in government spending financed by the Federal Reserve’s printing presses coupled with lockdowns, new regulations, a war on energy, and anti-work programs that drove down supply. …

The so-called Inflation Reduction Act of 2022, in reality, only would add to the inflationary pain families are already feeling thanks to hundreds of billions in new government spending and job-destroying tax hikes.

Democrats tell us to look at the bright side: raising our taxes will supposedly counteract the inflationary spending.

Unfortunately, the Inflation Reduction Act doubles down on the same irresponsible fiscal policy that has caused inflation: All of the new government spending is upfront, while the deficit-reducing revenues are backloaded.

The result would be higher short-term deficits and higher inflation.

In the long term, the taxes will prevent economic recovery. The inevitable effect is too obvious not to be intentional. Poor people are easier to rule.

The Inflation Reduction Act would even advance the radical Green New Deal agenda, spending an astonishing $369 billion in the name of “decarbonizing all sectors of the economy.” Biden’s anti-fossil fuel policies have already cost us dearly, driving up prices.

Fossil fuels are the lifeblood of any modern economy. Without them, everything will stop and we will starve. Liberals cannot “decarbonize” the economy without provoking the violent overthrow of the government. However, they can waste enough money to drive inflation into the stratosphere. Debasing American currency makes it easier to make payments on the debt they are running up.

Because American currency was relatively sound before the likes of Joe Biden took control of the federal government, the dollar is the world’s reserve currency. Inflation forces people throughout the world to pay for Democrat spending, so long as they hold American currency — which they won’t do for long.

Calling a bill that will obviously push inflation to new heights the “Inflation Reduction Act” goes beyond Orwellian. It is a finger in the eye of regular Americans. They may as well call it the “We Are Destroying Your Lousy Country on Purpose and You Can’t Stop Us Act.”

There is no climate crisis.

On tips from Varla and Occam’s Stubble.


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