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Category: Biden

Nov 20 2023

Creepy Joe Flirts With Another 6-Year-Old

Again and again, we find ourselves gasping in astonishment at Joe Biden’s appalling habit of oozing creepiness upon little girls in public:

In the latest example, he employs his trademark chilling whisper to flirt with a 6-year-old:

Let’s hope for Biden’s sake his fellow liberals don’t find it homophobic that he doesn’t do this to little boys.

Either Biden is so senile that he has no idea that he is creeping everyone out or he is so arrogantly contemptuous of his subjects that he doesn’t care. Hard to say which would be worse.

On tips from Wiggins, WDS 2.0, and MrRightWingDave.

Nov 16 2023

Biden Regime Schemes Against Netanyahu

Since the 1,400-year-old war between Islam and civilization flared up again with the terror atrocities of October 7, the Biden Regime has attempted to play both sides. Officially, it supports Israel. Yet it shovels massive amounts of our money at Hamas, has launched a pro-Islam propaganda campaign, and is attempting to overthrow the Israeli government so as to replace Netanyahu with someone weaker.

Biden’s handlers’ idea of a solution is to move control of Gaza from Hamas terrorists to PLO terrorists. Being no fool, Netanyahu is not on board. So he must be removed:

Sensing that Netanyahu is being hamstrung by his far-right coalition allies, the US has begun to ask about the possibility of a more moderate government being shuffled in, according to a former official.

“The diplomatic umbrella the US and other Western countries are providing Israel to continue operating in Gaza constricts, as civilian casualties mount,” a Biden administration official said on condition of anonymity. “Refusal to cooperate with — and even inhibiting — [our] efforts constrict that umbrella even more.”

Daniel Greenfield aptly describes this as…

…a fancy way of describing threatening to withdraw support from Israel unless Netanyahu rejects the results of a democratic election and forms a coalition with leftists with the aim of appeasing terrorists.

As Afghanistan learned, with friends like the Democrat-controlled USA, you don’t need enemies.

On a tip from WDS 2.0.

Nov 11 2023

Vets Insulted on Veterans Day

What greater insult to veterans than to present this senile husk of a left-wing corruptocrat…

…as Commander in Chief?

From the New York Post:

Biden needed stage directions from a military member during the solemn wreath-laying ceremony at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier during Veterans Day observances at Arlington National Cemetery Saturday. …

The military member pointed a gloved hand back toward Vice President Kamala Harris, who was standing several feet away, and the president returned to his mark beside her.

Harris and Denis McDonough, Biden’s Secretary for Veterans Affairs, both appeared to be suppressing grins as the president dithered.

Compounding the insult, Biden scolded the military for not always having been devoted to sexual perversion:

“We have doubled down on our efforts to ensure … that no veteran is denied the honor they earn because there was discharged for being LBTQ plus,” he mumbled.

Admittedly, keeping the acronym straight isn’t easy, with social engineers constantly adding in new forms of sexual derangement for us to revere.

Why not appoint Rashida Tlaib Commander in Chief? She can hawk up a gob of spit and let fly at the Tomb. It wouldn’t be much worse than this

On tips from Wiggins and Jack D.

Nov 02 2023

Biden Announces Pro-Islam Propaganda Campaign

If you doubted for a moment that the Biden Regime is not merely foolish but evil, consider that it has responded to a Muslim terror atrocity that entailed torturing, mutilating, and murdering children in front of their parents by giving $100 million to Hamas and launching a propaganda campaign on its behalf in the name of combating Islamophobia:

The White House announced the first-ever national strategy to counter Islamophobia on Wednesday in the wake of the Israel-Hamas conflict and amid a spike in antisemitism.

The announcement follows growing calls from Muslim groups and Democrats to show more support for the community and the civilians in Gaza [who are represented by Hamas] as war rages in the Middle East.

Democrats have a natural ally in people who have been waging a war of extermination against Western Civilization for 1,400 years.

Islamic terrorists don’t kill Jews because they are Jews, but because they are not Muslims. The Middle East used to be largely Christian. One day they may say the same of North America.

Imagine responding to Pearl Harbor by bleating that Americans are mean to the Japanese.

“I am proud to announce the Biden-Harris administration will develop our nation’s first National Strategy to Counter Islamophobia,” [Kamala “Heartbeat Away”] Harris said Wednesday. “This strategy will be a comprehensive and detailed plan to protect Muslims and those perceived to be Muslim from hate, bigotry and violence. And to address the concern that some government policies may discriminate against Muslims.”

As a reward for the October 7 atrocities, Muslims will now enjoy the privileged treatment normally reserved for blacks and transsexuals.

In our country, to bestow cherished victim status is to confer power.

The Biden Regime says it also opposes anti-Semitism. This farcical stance is like reacting to the liberation of Auschwitz with moral equivalence duckspeak.

It isn’t enough to side with our enemies. Democrats have to rub their depraved sense of self-righteous in our faces by pretending Hamas and its supporters are victims and therefore holy.

On a tip from Varla.

Oct 31 2023

A Very Biden Halloween

Run a country? Joe Biden has trouble handing out Halloween candy:

Then again, if you want your Halloween extra creepy, it would be hard to top this compulsive child-sniffer:

Too bad it isn’t a different holiday. There would be someone more commanding on hand to chaperone Biden:

On tips from Chris Neilson, Wiggins, and WDS 2.0.

Oct 30 2023

Trump’s Biden Impersonation Hits Home

If the 2024 election doesn’t work out, Trump could launch a new career in standup comedy. The Joe Biden impersonation he performed in Las Vegas Saturday was spot on:

Oct 13 2023

Open Thread


Compliments of Chuck A.

Oct 08 2023

Biden Helps Finance 600 Dead Israelis

This year the Biden Administration commemorated the Islamic terror atrocities of September 11 by choosing that date to hand $6 billion to our enemies in Iran as a reward for kidnapping Americans, knowing as well as everyone else that the money would be used to finance terrorism:

More than 600 Israelis have been confirmed dead, and at least 2,000 have been injured following the attacks from Hamas, a Palestinian Islamic terrorist organization.

Thousands of rockets have been fired at civilians.

Simultaneously, the terrorists used drones to drop bombs on Israeli defenses on the border, rendering them inoperable as terrorists used explosives and bulldozers to smash through Israel’s border wall. More than 1,000 terrorists then flooded into the country on paragliders, boats, motorcycles, trucks, and by foot as they hunted down innocent civilians door to door to slaughter or kidnap them.

Over 100 have been reported kidnapped. Word must have gotten around about the $6 billion ransom.

Speaking of which,

A spokesperson for Hamas told the BBC that it received support from Iran and others, although he declined to say who else provided support.

The same media that effectively installed Biden in power unsurprisingly sides with Hamas:

MSNBC host Ali Velshi and a Palestinian activist argued that people are not keeping in mind the “inhumane treatment” Israel has shown towards Palestinians in the context of the recent attacks perpetrated by terror group Hamas against Israel.

The sort of people who would watch MSNBC nodded smugly along as they were assured that the terror blitzkrieg is Israel’s fault:

The MSNBC “Velshi” host brought the Palestinian analyst Nour Odeh to discuss the deadly attack against Israel and asserting how Hamas militants’ attack didn’t just come “out of the blue,” but was the result of tensions created by Israelis “harassing” Palestinians.

The two projectile vomited accusations at Israel. Concluded MSNBC’s “analyst”:

“And to think that all of that wouldn’t have consequences, or wouldn’t have a reaction from the Palestinians, all Palestinians, was delusional.”

It would be nice to think there will be a reaction from decent people against Islamic terrorists, the Biden Regime, and the media that supports them both.

After smoke clears from the Israeli counterattack, the media will step up its propaganda war on behalf of Hamas, scouring the rubble for dead Arab children.

Hamas terrorists and their Iranian bankrollers are hardcore Muslims. They throw the sort of degenerates who characterize the Democratic Party and the liberal establishment media off rooftops or hang them from construction cranes. But they are allies of convenience because they share a common goal of eradicating the lone outpost of Western Civilization in the Middle East.

After Israel has been wiped off the map, attention will zero in on erasing the USA. The deliberately undefended border will continue to be useful in this regard.

On tips from Varla, Bluto, Anonymous, and Chuck A. Hat tip: Flopping Aces.

Oct 08 2023

Watch Joe Biden Kick His Dog

In 2020, the media managed to pass off Joe Biden as a kindly old man, despite this conspicuously vicious rattlesnake having been in the public eye for decades. The grotesque mischaracterization held up throughout the campaign, even as Biden repeatedly lashed out at voters. We’ll see if it still holds after the nasty old moonbat has been recorded kicking his dog:

Biden’s dog Commander was recently banished from the White House after numerous biting incidents. One victim ended up in the hospital:

Although there have been 11 recorded incidents of Commander biting White House or Secret Service staff, CNN reported “the real number is higher and includes executive residence staff and other White House workers.”

Commander isn’t alone:

Biden’s younger dog, Major, was banished to a Delaware property due to his aggressive behavior and biting issues.

You might go psycho too if subjected to Creepy Joe’s abuse. This could be happening to the country as a whole.

On tips from Varla and Jester.

Sep 29 2023

Biden Croaks That Opposition Is Threat to Democracy

Dark Brandon is back:

Biden on Thursday called his once-and-perhaps-future opponent Donald Trump a direct threat to American democracy in the most forceful condemnation of the former president and the MAGA movement he has delivered since he took office.


Trump, a heavy favorite to win the 2024 Republican presidential nomination, faces federal and state indictments accusing him of using various levers of power to try to overturn his loss in the 2020 election.

The charges are conspicuously lame and constitute criminalization of political opposition.

Democrats are well known for projecting their sins onto their opponents. Denouncing them as “threats to democracy” is a case in point. Their control of the powerful media makes the threat they pose truly alarming.

On a tip from Lyle.

Sep 26 2023

Rule by the Cognitively Disabled

Senator John Fetterman cannot watch television without a special app to process the English for him. But that’s no big deal. The President of the United States cannot even read an acronym off a sheet of paper:

Apparently there are letters of the alphabet with which Joe Biden is not familiar.

On a tip from seaoh.

Sep 24 2023

CBC Applauds as Joe Biden Calls Rapper “Boy”

Abandon all hope of Joe Biden being held accountable for corruption. As the Clinton clan can confirm, laws do not apply to the most powerful Democrats. Imagine thinking Biden might land in Leavenworth where he belongs for influence peddling when he can get away with crimes that are considered far more serious in our culture, like calling a rapper “boy” — right to the face of the congressional black supremacist contingent:

LL Cool J, whose birth name is James Todd Smith, and MC Lyte received Phoenix Award for their musical contributions at the annual awards dinner in Washington D.C. during the CBC’s 52nd Annual Legislative Conference.

“Two of the great artists of our time representing the groundbreaking legacy of hip hop in America , LL Jay Cool J, uhhh…” he said as the crowd laughed at the gaffe.

“By the way that boy — that man’s got biceps bigger than my thighs,” Biden added.

The Congressional Black Caucus applauded. Hey, it was just a gaffe. So long as the racial favoritism continues, everything is copacetic. However, if Biden were a Republican this would have resulted in impeachment.

Biden even called Maryland’s Historic First Black Governor “boy” earlier this year without repercussion. With the Democratic Party, membership has privileges.

On a tip from Jack D.

Sep 18 2023

Open Thread


Compliments of Chuck A.

Sep 14 2023

Biden: Blacks and Hispanics Don’t Make It Through K-12

It would be racist to care whether a white guy has a job, but Biden says that thanks to Democrats driving up inflation by throwing $trillions that we don’t have to the four winds (i.e., Bidenomics), there are lots of jobs for blacks and Hispanics — that is, the workers who didn’t make it through high school:

Even if they don’t have high school educations, poor kids are just as bright and talented as white kids, as Lunchbox Joe has informed us:

Good thing for Democrats that some people have a high tolerance for condescension.

On a tip from Wiggins.


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