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Category: Black Oppression

Jul 19 2024

Never Too Young to Be Punished for Thoughtcrime

Some children come out of public schools unable to read and write; others don’t get through the first grade without learning about totalitarianism:

A California 7-year-old was banned from drawing pictures at school and forced to sit out recess for two weeks for adding “any life” below Black Lives Matter on a picture she drew and gave to a Black friend, punishments that led to a federal lawsuit.

No one disputes what happened at Viejo Elementary School in Orange County:

The student, identified as B.B., drew the picture, which also included four colored-in ovals representing herself and three friends, after a lesson on Martin Luther King, Jr., and gave it to her friend, M.C., who took it home, where her mother saw it.

It is considered racist to suggest that all lives matter. M.C.’s mother complained to authorities.

The principal confronted B.B. and told her the drawing was “inappropriate” and “racist” and that she couldn’t draw at school anymore and had to apologize to her friend. When she returned to class, her teachers told her she was not allowed to play at recess for two weeks.

B.B.’s mother sued.

U.S. Central District Court Judge David Carter acknowledged that M.C.’s parents didn’t want B.B. punished and that neither student understood why B.B. was apologizing.

“Undoubtedly, B.B.’s intentions were innocent,” Carter said in ruling for the district. “B.B. testified that she gifted the Drawing to M.C. to make her feel comfortable after her class learned about Martin Luther King Jr.”

Yet Carter came down on the side of the thought police, on the grounds that “an elementary school … is not a marketplace of ideas.”

On a tip from Ed McAninch.

Jul 14 2024

Know Them by Their Heroes

A healthy society requires heroes to reinforce self-respect and serve as inspirational models. The Founding Fathers are ideal examples. To systematically destroy a society, social engineers replace heroes with the lowest scum they can find. This erodes self-respect and discourages constructive behavior.

If you would like to have a street named after you in a jurisdiction that has succumbed to moonbattery, start with a strongarm robbery of a convenience store, attract the attention of police by walking down the middle of the street, and then get yourself shot by attacking a police officer and trying to take his gun — like liberal demigod Michael Brown:

A new St. Louis board bill calls to rename part of a street near City Hall after Michael Brown Jr., nearly a decade since his death in Ferguson, Missouri.

Alderman Rasheen Aldridge formally introduced Board Bill 69 on Friday, which would create an honorary street name of “Michael O.D. Brown Way.”

The idea is to encourage more behavior like Michael Brown’s. He counts as an unarmed black man shot by a white police office, making him a rare and precious asset to those struggling to prop up the liberal narrative.

On a tip from Steve T.

Jul 13 2024

Open Thread

When people get used to preferential treatment, equal treatment seems like discrimination. - Thomas Sowell

On a tip from WDS 2.0.

Jun 21 2024

Racism Causes Cancer

Cancer is not caused by global warming or homophobia. That leaves racism:

NBC’s medical drama New Amsterdam has been ripped to shreds for a woke episode in which a patient develops a tumor from ‘internalized racism.’

The episode is from 2020, but apparently only liberals watched the show, because it has just now come to light as a fit subject for ridicule.

Tragically, a teen is diagnosed with tumors. A psychiatrist explains why the imaginary oppression of non-Caucasians is to blame:

‘Your son feels threatened on a daily basis, like everything he’s earned can be taken away. He’s disenfranchised,’ the psychiatrist says.

‘But because his life is seemingly free from all this, because he can’t name it, he’s internalizing it.’

When the mother seems confused, the psychiatrist says: ‘Racism – I think your son’s tumor was caused by racism.’

Mainstream entertainment is almost becoming entertaining again — but only if you enjoy laughing at liberals:

Regarding the UNREST test mentioned by the moonbat shrink:

The episode appeared to be referencing an actual questionnaire by the group UNREST, which developed a ‘social resistance framework.’

It ‘suggests that power relations within society may encourage members of non-dominant minority groups to actively engage in acts of everyday resistance, which may include risky and unhealthy behaviors.’

Academia elaborates on how pseudo-oppression is relevant to medicine:

A 2019 study from scientists from the University of Southern California and University of California at Los Angeles also determined that African-Americans had higher levels of inflammatory molecules than their white counterparts.

Presenting the study’s summary:

Researchers have long known that racism is linked to health problems, but now results from a small study using RNA tests show that racism appears to increase chronic inflammation among African Americans.

It isn’t just the tedious rubbish on TV. Everything the liberal establishment tries to feed us is crap.

On tips from KirklesWorth, Ed McAninch, and Wiggins.

Jun 12 2024

Open Thread

There is another class of coloured people who make a business of keeping the troubles, the wrongs, and the hardships of the Negro race before the public. Having learned that they are able to make a living out of their troubles, they have grown into the settled habit of advertising their wrongs — partly because they want sympathy and partly because it pays. Some of these people do not want the Negro to lose his grievances, because they do not want to lose their jobs. - Booker T. Washington

Jun 08 2024

Another Noose Hoax

Turns out you don’t have to go a few weeks without taking a shower to climb aboard the jackpot justice gravy train. Just tie a noose:

A major Midlands [South Carolina] gun manufacturer is facing accusations of racial discrimination after a Black employee says a noose was left on his work station.

A liberal jury will especially enjoy looting a gun maker. Too bad the disgruntled former employee can’t get the case tried in New York.

Tremell Washington worked as an armorer for the Lexington County-based firearm manufacturer from November 2021 to September 2022. Washington claims several individuals at Palmetto State Armory, including supervisors, used the “n-word” in his presence while he worked there, according to the lawsuit.

That allegation alone could be worth a few $million. But the noose will rope in the big bucks. According to the Afrocentric religion of our moonbat overlords, nooses have only ever been used to oppress sacred blacks. Consequently, they are blasphemous.

On Aug. 30, 2022, Washington said he found an air-hose at his work station tied into a noose. When he brought the noose to the attention of the plant manager, the manager “laughed,” the lawsuit claims.

Some probably had the same reaction when Bubba Wallace whimpered that his garage door pull was a noose — and when Nikki Haley shrilly believed him.

Washington says he found another noose soon afterward. A coworker allegedly snickered that he should wear an “I can’t breathe” shirt — a reference to dubious claims of oppression by crybullies of color.

The racism escalated still further:

Washington said his supervisor “began to intensely criticize and scrutinize” his work…

This unwelcome scrutiny evidently resulted in Washington getting fired.

A cash bonanza isn’t enough. Washington demands that his enemies crawl before him:

He asks for damages, attorney’s fees, reinstatement and a written apology.

It is conceivable if unlikely that mischievous coworkers really did needle Washington with a noose. Even so, the lawsuit would still place him on the Hate Hoax List, because pretending that teasing constitutes oppression constitutes a hoax.

On a tip from WDS 2.0.

Jun 03 2024

Blacks File Suit After Stinking Up Airplane

Among the many special privileges afforded to those of preferred pigmentation, we may soon add the right to stink up airplanes:

Three Black men filed a federal lawsuit Wednesday against American Airlines, claiming they were racially discriminated against when they were allegedly pulled off a plane over a body odor complaint.

Even the plaintiffs are racists. Evidently they associate being black with stinking:

[Plaintiffs Alvin] Jackson and [Emmanuel] Jean-Joseph said they felt singled out for being Black and were humiliated by the episode.

Emotional trauma on this scale warrants lucrative jackpot justice:

Jean-Joseph said the men were made to look like criminals as they walked down the aisle of the plane. He said he has not flown since the incident and that he broke down as he relived it Wednesday, when the lawsuit was filed.

And yet:

All eight men [only three of whom are suing] reboarded the flight about an hour later, after complaining about discrimination and after the airline could not book them on a later flight, according to the lawsuit, which was filed in the Eastern District of New York.

Let’s hope the other passengers used their time on the tarmac to reflect on their stink-free privilege.

The incident happened in Phoenix not New York. However, as the recent Trump trial has made obvious, the merits of a case are less important than where you bring it.

The plaintiffs are seeking awards of compensatory damages to be determined in a jury trial.

The potentially expensive lesson: let blacks do whatever they want, including stink up airplanes, even if it makes everyone else miserable. Otherwise, you will get looted, I mean sued.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

May 24 2024

Biscuits and Gravy Are Now Racist and Offensive

Ever since George Floyd took too much fentanyl, the liberal establishment has been shrieking that criminals ought to be allowed to run riot because local police are racists. At last there is proof. From the People’s Republic of New York:

A veteran Westchester County corrections sergeant is under investigation for a “racist and offensive” social media post ridiculing Georgia jail guards, officials told The Post.

Behold the thoughtcrime of Sgt. Michael Bourhill:

Look out, Sergeant. Here come the crybully thugs with their clubs:

A Westchester County black corrections officer group took even more umbrage, calling the post racist.

“The Westchester Correction Association strongly condemns the racist and offensive social media post shared by a Westchester Correction Sergeant,” the group said on Facebook.

This lynch mob has demanded that “immediate steps” be taken against Bourhill. They will of course get their way.

“Posting or reposting inappropriate images is a violation of Westchester County employee policy,” [county communications director Catherine] Cioffi said. “Employees who violate this policy will be subject to formal disciplinary charges.”

As leftists become increasingly desperate to find racism against allegedly oppressed blacks, ever more anodyne terms become forbidden. Punishment is retroactive; just because everyone used to say “biscuits and gravy” doesn’t mean the last person to say it before it was struck from the Newspeak Dictionary won’t get canceled. So how are you supposed to know what speech is permitted?

Here’s a rule of thumb: if you are the sort of guy liberals wouldn’t like, whatever you say is racist and offensive, so don’t say anything. Fade away and stop existing. You are a speed bump on the road to moonbat utopia.

On a tip from Wiggins.

May 23 2024

Rule by Racists: Racial Justice Act

Under moonbat rule, everything is rigged to favor blacks at the expense of whites — including fundamental aspects of government like criminal justice. Once again, California leads the way into insanity:

The Racial Justice Act, passed in 2020 without meaningful public review, turns long-standing academic tropes about implicit bias and white privilege into potent legal tools. And the floodgates are about to open. Starting this year, the RJA allows anyone serving time in a California prison or jail for a felony to challenge his conviction and sentencing retroactively on the ground of systemic racial bias.

War is peace. Freedom is slavery. The system is biased not in favor of blacks but against them:

The Racial Justice Act operationalizes the proposition that every aspect of the criminal-justice system is biased against blacks. But according to the act’s legislative authors, it’s too hard to prove such bias in the case of individual arrests and prosecutions. Therefore, the act does away with the concept of individual fault and individual proof.

Mark Twain listed three kinds of lies in escalating order of their perniciousness: lies, damned lies, and statistics:

From now on in California, statistics purporting to show a pattern of bias in the past are enough to invalidate a current arrest, criminal charge, or judicial sentence.

Effectively this means that since blacks are more likely to commit crimes, they cannot be punished, because that would have a disparate impact.

Big Government’s thumb is heavy upon the scales of justice:

The California legislature gave the Office of the State Public Defender over $5 million in 2023 to litigate RJA claims. No money was allocated to district attorneys’ offices to defend against those claims.

Blacks are 17 times as likely as whites to be murdered in Los Angeles. That figure will rise as ever more black criminals are unleashed upon their communities, since they are the ones doing the killing. Liberals will happily seize on this as further evidence that blacks are oppressed and deserve even more favoritism.

On a tip from R F.

Apr 30 2024

Democrats May Bank on 21st Century Slavery

The Democrat strategy is to confiscate money from whites and use it to buy votes from nonwhites. Don’t take my word for it. Prominent Democrats are basically stating it out loud:

Reparations activists want President Joe Biden to launch a commission on payouts for slavery-era abuses, saying it would drive the turnout of black voters in the swing states he needs to secure reelection in November.

No one who would be forced to pay the estimated $14 trillion (for now) ever owned a slave. No one who would receive the free money ever was a slave. The purpose is to inflict an updated form of slavery, under which whites create wealth so that the government can bestow it upon blacks in exchange for political support.

Texas congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, a reparations stalwart, and others say Biden should bypass Congress and use his executive powers to create a slavery payouts panel to put him over the line against rival Donald Trump.

Democrats don’t seem to have faith that refraining from banning menthol cigarettes (for now) will inspire blacks to turn out and vote.

They point to polling, which shows that in toss-up Michigan, nearly 60 percent of black voters who don’t regularly vote would be more likely to show up for Biden if he created a reparations commission. …

Researchers said a reparations commission could deliver Biden similar numbers of black voters in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and other 2024 tossups.

However, the degree of self-hatred and suicidal stupidity required for whites to vote for their own enslavement and the bankrupting of their country would be prodigious even by liberal standards. Despite the impression created by the entertainment and advertising industries, blacks comprise only 13% of the population.

Democrats would be wiser to bank on massive election fraud. But low intelligence and lack of impulse control might allow greed to get the better of them.

On a tip from WDS 2.0.

Apr 23 2024

Sheetz Set Upon by Feds for Not Hiring Criminals

Running a business? Prefer not to hire criminals? Hire them anyway — or our Democrat rulers will smash your kneecaps with the racism club:

Sheetz Inc., which operates more than 700 stores in six states, discriminated against Black, Native American and multiracial job seekers by automatically weeding out applicants whom the company deemed to have failed a criminal background check, according to U.S. officials.

That’s the beauty of the “disparate impact” ploy. Since blacks are more likely to commit crimes, you have to hire criminals or you are discriminating against blacks.

Criminals may be the only identity group more likely than blacks to support Democrats. That’s why they get special treatment at everyone else’s expense.

The feds aren’t going to haul you into court for hiring someone who isn’t a criminal. So play it safe and hire the guy with a record. When the crook cleans out the till, chalk it up to the price of doing business in a country ruled by liberals.

The Feds explicitly do not allege that Sheetz has committed racial animus. They just cite the disparate impact.

They are going to make this hurt:

The EEOC, an independent agency that enforces federal laws against workplace discrimination, is seeking to force Sheetz to offer jobs to applicants who were unlawfully denied employment and to provide back pay, retroactive seniority and other benefits.

Some coincidence:

The lawsuit was filed in federal court on Wednesday, the day Biden stopped at a Sheetz market on a western Pennsylvania campaign swing, buying snacks, posing for photos and chatting up patrons and employees.

The absurdly hypermanaged Biden evoked facepalms at this event, which invited comparisons to Trump that did not favor Creepy Joe:

[T]he overall response to his presence seemed incredibly tame for a sitting president only a few months away from his re-election bid.


On Tuesday evening, Trump had visited a bodega in Harlem, New York, where he was met with cheering, energetic crowds.

It makes quite the contrast:

At least he managed to refrain from sniffing the little girls. The sunglasses indoors are a reminder that he needs to be heavily drugged even to shuffle across a floor; behind them, his eyes probably look like spinning pinwheels.

Then there is Trump, behind enemy lines in deep blue New York:

This underscores that Trump represents the American people, whereas Biden personifies the hostile liberal establishment.

Maybe the bodega will be accused of civil rights violations by the federal bureaucracy too. A worker there has already been prosecuted persecuted by Soros stooge Alvin Bragg for defending himself from a criminal.

On tips from Franco, KirklesWorth, and Heckrules.

Apr 11 2024

Media Floats Dexter Reed as 2024’s George Floyd

There is a big election coming, and for obvious reasons, the Democrat establishment is vulnerable. Time to intimidate the public with massive race riots like in 2020.

Did the police kill Dexter Reed just to be racist? Actually no; the scumbag had opened fire on them, wounding an officer. But that’s not how the mainstream media presents it. Via Breitbart:

• The Incredible Shrinking Washington Post: Police fire 96 shots in 41 seconds, killing [b]lack man during traffic stop

USA Today: Seat belt violation ends with [b]lack man dead on Chicago street after cops fired nearly 100 bullets

CBS News: Why did traffic stop, shootout with Chicago Police killed Dexter Reed escalate so rapidly?

The Independent: Black man’s family demand answers after bodycam shows Chicago police firing 96 times in deadly shooting

Associated Press: Deadly Chicago traffic stop where police fired 96 shots raises serious questions about use of force

Chicago Sun-Times: Killing of Dexter Reed raises questions about Chicago police reform. ‘The message is, go in guns blazing.’

The liberals in charge had good reason to bestow large monetary rewards upon Black Lives Matter rioters in places like Philadelphia, New York, and Denver. They wanted to be sure their weaponized mob could be relied on when needed.

Even if hyping Dexter Reed gets insufficient traction because it is too obvious that the police did nothing wrong, it will at least help prime the pump for the inevitable next incident.

On tips from Wiggins and KirklesWorth.

Mar 18 2024

Tennessee State Senator Calls for Race Riots

Meanwhile, as tourists from Iowa sit in prison for committing “insurrection” by wandering into the People’s House on January 6, Tennessee State Senator Charlane Oliver remains at large:

Oliver (D) recently expressed outrage over the passage of a bill that would prevent local officials from introducing policies or ordinances that limit the ability of police to properly fulfill their duties.

Oliver is not only a lawmaker but cofounder of the identitarian activist group Equity Alliance. When you see the word “equity,” take cover; you are under attack.

“Yeah, we gonna fight,” said Oliver. “Dr. King said that the riots are the language of the unheard. You ain’t see nothing yet. If you keep silencing us like this, what you think our district’s gonna do?”

Incitement to riot would be a crime, except that laws don’t apply to left-wing black women, because they are intersectionally oppressed.

The lunatic moonbattery comes atop earlier lunatic moonbattery:

Facing pressure from activists over the fatal beating of Tyre Nichols by five black police officers last year, Memphis City Council passed an ordinance in April 2023 preventing police from conducting pretextual traffic stops.

You can see how Memphis came to be the USA’s most dangerous city. The Democrat-dominated diverse dung heap is safer than 0% of other American cities.

State Sen. Brent Taylor filed a bill in January that would effectively override the Memphis ordinance by barring “a local governmental entity or official from adopting or enacting a resolution, ordinance, or policy that prohibits or limits the ability of a law enforcement agency to conduct traffic stops based on observation of or reasonable suspicion that the operator or a passenger in a vehicle has violated a local ordinance of state or federal law.”

Taylor’s bill passed along party lines. Democrats reacted with hebephrenic rage.

Presenting Charlane Oliver:

Welcome to Haiti.

On tips from WDS 2.0, Anonymous, and the Great Cornholio.

Mar 15 2024

Advil Introduces Pain Equity

The Bud Light implosion taught them nothing. Corporations continue to double down on ramming moonbattery down the public’s throat, alienating at least half their customer base by prioritizing leftist posturing over selling their products. Now Advil tells us to buy their ibuprofen because pain is racist:

Pain equity. Liberalism is beyond parody. It will stop being funny when Democrats force Caucasians to keep ground glass in their shoes so as to feel as much pain as blacks are egged on to proclaim they experience.

Blacks showing some self-respect instead of whining on command would put a stop to this.

On a tip from Franco.


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