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Dec 23 2023

EV Mandates Loom With Power Grid Under Siege

Sometimes storms have silver linings:

A top Maine state environmental agency delayed a highly-anticipated vote to approve a sweeping electric vehicle (EV) mandate amid a storm that caused widespread power outages.

The Maine Board of Environmental Protection…

…voted in late October to approve the Advanced Clear Car Program, which would mimic regulations in California mandating that more than 40% of new car purchases in the state be electric by 2027 and 82% be electric by 2032. The agency was expected to finalize that mandate during the meeting on Thursday.

After they have the lights back on, leftist tyrants like Democrat Governor Janet Mills will go right back to making transportation dependent on the increasingly undependable power grid — speaking of which:

Natural gas power generation has become increasingly crucial as more unreliable wind and solar have been added to U.S. power grids. Yet, the EPA seems even more determined to destabilize U.S. power grids by imposing severe restrictions on U.S. natural gas production through methane reduction rules that could shut down a significant portion of U.S. natural gas production.

At the same time, the EPA is also coming after coal with regulations intended to prevent its use.

Coal retirements are increasing the prospect of an electric reliability crisis. Already, utilities have announced plans to retire some 81,000 megawatts (MW) of coal-fired generation (almost half the existing coal fleet) within the next six years.

The two-pronged attack will have a devastating attack on our electricity supply.

Alarm bells that U.S. power grids have become increasingly destabilized have been sounding for years. [The North American Electric Reliability Corporation] has repeatedly stated that U.S. grid instability has already reached dangerous levels. Yet, EPA has ignored the warnings and continued to march forward with rules that will cause U.S. power grids to fail.

Back in Maine, Rep Jared Golden observes the obvious:

“Forcing Mainers to purchase cars and trucks powered by electricity when our grid is insufficient, charging stations are few and far between, and a storm like yesterday’s would render 80% of cars useless is, to say the least, ill-advised.”

Unless the objective is to immobilize the population.

Mobility is freedom. The Soviet Union used internal passports to prevent it. Democrats use the global warming hoax.

On tips from Chuck A, R F, and ABC of the ANC.

Dec 23 2023

Gay Teacher Fired for Opposing Transsexual Agenda

Some teachers are not on board with indoctrinating children into all things LGBT. Such teachers are driven out — even if they are homosexual themselves, like Ray Shelton:

Shelton, a 25-year veteran teacher, spoke at a Glendale Unified school board meeting amid concerns over the district’s promotion of LGBTQ+ curriculums to elementary students, including by an administrator stating that all children were naturally “socialist” and “queer,” The Daily Signal reported.

The district controls 25,000 students in Los Angeles County.

Shelton, who taught at Mark Keppel Elementary School, was named the Glendale school district’s “Teacher of the Year” twice, and earlier this year won the PTA’s Golden Oak Award.

But then he said this at the school board meeting:

Two plus two equals four. The world is not flat. Boys have penises; girls have vaginas. Gender is binary and cannot be changed. Biology is not bigotry. Heterosexuality is not hate. Gender confusion and gender delusion are deep psychological disorders.

No caring professional or loving parent would ever support the chemical poisoning or surgical mutilation of a child’s genitalia.

Transgender ideology is anti-gay, it is anti-woman, and it is anti-human. It wants to take away women’s sports, women’s rights, women’s achievements. It is misogyny writ large.

And I can also say this as a gay man, the gay people …

That’s where they killed his mic. Such observations are not permitted in American schools under liberal rule.

Shelton was prevented from returning to his classroom and told not to set foot on school property unless accompanied by someone from human resources. He was of course fired.

Now here’s a guy who is a smoother fit with our education system:

On tips from Barry A and ABC of the ANC.

Dec 23 2023

Parents Sue Over Transsexualization of Autistic Daughter

The thrill they get from corrupting innocence is not the only reason moonbats target kids for LGBTification. Children are vulnerable to indoctrination that adults would know enough to laugh off. Autistic children are the most vulnerable of all.

From Michigan:

Dan and Jennifer Mead filed a lawsuit Monday against the Rockford Public School District and its board of education, claiming the district’s policies violated their First and Fourteenth Amendment rights when it didn’t notify and concealed that it was treating their daughter like a male, according to the lawsuit shared by the law firm Alliance Defending Freedom.

Their daughter, now 14, has been diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, and major depressive disorder, making her easy prey.

The district’s policy, practice, usage and custom is to refer to students by names and pronouns associated with the opposite sex without notifying their parents or seeking parental consent and to conceal these actions from their parents.

Kids graduate without being able to read, write, or do math because schools are controlled by the government and consequently have been repurposed. The objective is now social engineering, not education. Children are encouraged to embrace sexual psychosis in hopes of locking them in as lifelong Democrats. Parents are kept out of the picture, lest they pull their kids back from the abyss.

The Meads pulled their daughter out of public school and began homeschooling on Oct. 24, 2022.

Best not to wait until they begin transsexualizing your kids before taking this wise step.

On a tip from Franco.

Dec 23 2023

Open Thread

Compliments of Chuck A.

Dec 22 2023

What “Love Is Love” Means

The moonbat credo “Love Is Love” refers not so much to who as to how. Only a bigot would think judgmental thoughts about this guy because of how he loves:

A trans-identified male has appeared in court after being accused of dumping soiled adult diapers outside a children’s nursery and stealing clinical waste bags. Abbi Taylor, born Martin Tarling, was also accused of hiding in a public bin with soiled diapers, smearing excrement on children’s milk bottles and removing items from a waste receptacle outside a nursery.

So long as he was motivated by perverse sexual gratification, Tarling/Taylor qualifies as a victim of discrimination. Before progressives have finished progressing, his behavior will be first protected, then legitimized, then normalized.

For now, psychos like this are still sometimes locked up, but authorities made sure to pander to his depravity:

Although court listings used the name Martin Tarling, the Chair of the Bench, John Lee, asked Taylor if he preferred to be addressed by his “feminine” name and the defendant agreed. …

Though he attended his hearing at the South Tyneside Magistrates Court donning a full beard, Taylor was later described in the media as a “transgender woman.”

In a social media profile believed to be his,

Taylor describes himself as an “intersex female and an “ABDL little.” The acronym “ABDL” refers to the “Adult Baby Diaper Lifestyle” or “Adult Baby Diaper Lover” fetish, wherein adults are sexually aroused by acting or dressing as babies. The fetish is more formally known as paraphilic infantilism or “autonepiophilia.”

There is a noticeable overlap between men with autonepiophilia and men who identify as women, with a number of disturbing incidents involving gender confused males with diaper fetishes making headlines over the past year.

Actual children have been forced to participate in the fetishes.

As noted recently, sexual sickness is fungible. It is to be equated with healthy romantic affection. That’s what “Love Is Love” means.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

Dec 22 2023

Satanic Christmas Display at Michigan Capitol

Michael Cassidy destroyed the Satanic yuletide display at the state capitol in Iowa. But given the gale force cultural winds they have at their backs, Satanists were not about to stop there:

The Satanic Temple (TST) unveiled a new display at the Michigan State Capitol Monday, just days after its statue in Iowa was torn down, according to a post on X.

TST’s display of Baphomet in the Iowa State Capitol building was destroyed after a Christian veteran beheaded the statue, claiming that he would not stand by as Christians continue to “submissively accept the legitimization of Satan.”

The X post:

If they would let Gretchen Whitmer be Governor, why not put Satanists in charge of the Christmas decorations?

Satanists have also put their stamp on Christmas decor in Wisconsin and Illinois.

Note this is not in depraved cesspools of degeneracy like New York and the Left Coast, but in the Midwest heartland. The rot is deep.

Meanwhile, those who put up legitimate Christmas decorations risk the wrath of liberal authorities.

On tips from Htos1av and Chris Neilson.

Dec 22 2023

Malarkey: Joe Biden Western

Some churches aspire to maintain relevance in modern times by replacing Christianity with moonbattery. A similar approach has been applied to keep the Western genre alive. In Malarkey, the hero’s lines consist of quotes from our leader Joe Biden:

If only Biden had gravitated to Tinseltown instead of the Swamp.

Hat tip: Liberty Daily.

Dec 22 2023

The Purpose of the Department of the Interior

Despite appearances, federal departments all serve a purpose. The primary purpose of each is the same: to push leftist ideology. Among the most prominent aspects of this ideology is the glorification of sexual deviancy. Consequently, at the Department of the Interior,

According to documents published on X by the Heritage Foundation’s Oversight Project, the department sent out guidelines establishing “gender identity” as a protected class under its federal policy. “Gender identity,” according to the Interior Department, is defined as “an individual’s internal sense of being male, female, another gender, no gender, of multiple genders, or fluid in gender.” …

The transgender policy deployed by Interior leadership in September urges employees to “use gender-neutral language in broad communications to avoid assumptions about gender identity.” Examples of “pronouns,” according to the policy, are “they, them, theirs, ze/hir/hirs, ze/zir/zirs, xe/xem/xyrs.” Bathroom use is up to personal discretion, it says, and those who refuse to abide by departmental policies are warned of retribution for “unlawful discrimination.”

That is, women had better not object to cross-dressing men invading their restroom.

Rejecting objective reality as required to support liberal ideology is mandatory:

“Repeated, intentional refusal to use the employee’s affirming name/gender/pronouns, and/or repeated reference to the employee’s dead name/gender/pronouns by supervisors/managers, or coworkers is contrary to the goal of treating all employees with dignity and respect,” the policy states. “Such intentional conduct could constitute unlawful discrimination.”

Skilled bureauweenies are able to keep a straight face while applying terms like “dignity and respect” to men who show up for work dressed up as grotesque parodies of women.

Regulations that do not promote the agenda are vestigial remnants of a time when the government could be said to represent the American people rather than the liberal establishment. Such regulations are ignored:

Employees with the National Park Service (NPS) apparently violated the agency dress code during an LGBT “pride” celebration this summer when staff held a parade at Yosemite National Park featuring celebrity environmentalist drag queen Pattie Gonia. While the NPS uniform code expressly prohibits employee participation in demonstrations or public events “wherein the wearing of the uniform could be construed as agency support for a particular issue, position, or political party,” staff draped their uniforms in activist apparel anyway.

In the interests of efficiency, the federal government could consolidate all it myriad departments into three: the Department of Sexual Depravity, the Department of the Global Warming Hoax, and the Department of Punishing Thoughtcrime. However, for Democrats, inefficiency is not a bug but a feature; it justifies more government spending.

On a tip from Barry A.

Dec 22 2023

Open Thread

The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal. - Aristotle

On a tip from Brian Brandt.

Dec 21 2023

Normalization of BDSM Is Underway

“Love is love!” according to the slogan. This means all forms of sexual gratification are equal in their supreme importance. From this, it follows that fetishes like sadomasochism are as sacred to the liberal establishment as sodomy. Sure enough:

In a new study published in the Journal of Sex Research, researchers have mapped the intricate journey of individuals engaging in Bondage/Discipline, Domination/Submission, and Sadism/Masochism (BDSM), highlighting the diverse paths and motivations behind these practices. …

There has been a growing awareness and acceptance of BDSM as a non-pathological part of social and cultural activities, but there’s been a lack of detailed understanding of the motivations, experiences, and demographics of those involved in these practices. By conducting this study, researchers aimed to provide insights into the prevalence and nature of BDSM participation, breaking down stereotypes and misconceptions.

As we learned during the top-down normalization of homosexuality, this process is called “destigmatization.”

“While depictions within popular culture have reduced stigma experienced by those who engage in BDSM, it is still often looked at as taboo and even criminal in some regions of the world,” said study author Bryce Westlake, an associate professor at San Jose State University.

Your tax dollar helps erase this taboo via publicly funded universities like Westlake’s. When utopia has been achieved, only moral decency will be taboo.

He makes his mission clear:

“My interest comes from a desire to provide a more well-rounded depiction of BDSM to help further reduce stigma and describe BDSM beyond sex.”

As with LGBTism, there is a whole lifestyle to be promoted.

The erudite scholars…

…took extra steps to ensure that the language used in the survey was inclusive and sensitive to various cultural, racial, gender, and sexual identities.

The inclusive and sensitive survey yielded unsurprising results:

A notable portion of participants … viewed BDSM as an essential part of their identity.

This means if you don’t affirm their warped activities, you are a bigot who hates them for who they are. It also means they will soon have official protected status, like homosexuals, pedophiles, morbidly obese people, and potheads.

The study also unsurprisingly found…

…transgender individuals often beginning private BDSM participation earlier.

Sexual sickness is fungible. Love is love, after all.

As an Expert in a position to tell us what we should regard as normal, Westlake explains why mixing violence, coercion, and humiliation with sex is healthy and good:

“BDSM also functions to help build stronger connections between romantic partners, including increased trust, intimacy, communication, and needs/wants fulfillment.”

The study opens the door to further taxpayer-subsidized research. Squeals Westlake:

“[W]e have plenty of additional questions that we will be exploring over the next couple of months. One is the role of pornography in initially learning about BDSM…”

If universities don’t offer degrees in pornography yet, it is only a matter of time.

The main purpose, in keeping with the broader liberal agenda, is to prove that depravity is good:

“Another [aspect to explore] is the benefits participants experience engaging in BDSM, including relief from chronic pain, coping with mental health difficulties, processing prior trauma, and self-growth/esteem/confidence.”

BDSM is so good for you, it ought to be mandatory. At the very least, bondage gear, torture devices, and sessions with a dominatrix should be covered by ObamaCare.

As demonstrated recently, the US federal government is a clogged toilet overdue to be flushed. The same holds for academia.

On a tip from Mike B.

Dec 21 2023

Democrat Bill Would Force Chick-fil-A to Open on Sabbath

Imagine a theocracy where the religion of the ruling class is godless nihilism. Instead of honoring the sabbath being mandatory as in Biblical times, it would be forbidden:

A new bill filed in the New York State Assembly aims to force some Chick-fil-A locations to operate seven days a week, threatening the fast food chain’s longstanding policy of keeping its restaurants closed on Sundays.

The legislation proposed last week would require all food vendors operating at rest stops owned by the New York State Thruway Authority to open every day, and names Chick-fil-A as the reason behind the move.

Although it is as left-wing as most other corporations (and CEO Dan Cathy’s over-the-top moonbattery is too much for those with sensitive stomachs), Chick-fil-A is still at least nominally a Christian company, which is why it stays closed on the sabbath.

Barks Democrat Assemblymoonbat Tony Simone of NYC,

“I think it’s ridiculous that you’re able to close on Sunday-one of the busiest travel days of the week.”

Regarding the Thruway,

The $450 million project having been built with no toll or tax dollars certainly makes it difficult to force a business to abide by government-mandated operating hours.

Maybe not so difficult in New York, where the Party of Government enjoys single-party rule.

In a free country, it would be inconceivable for Big Government to determine when junk food must be served.

On tips from Wiggins and seaoh.

Dec 21 2023

Pennsylvania Educrats Ban Christmas Spirit

Sometimes, the War on Christmas is theatrical, as when nativity scenes are torched or beheaded by Islamic colonists and Christmas trees are spray-painted by climate kooks in Germany. More often, the Christmas spirit is quietly snuffed out behind the scenes by bureaucrats and educrats, so that future generations will never know that it once existed:

A Keystone State school board is banning school bus drivers from putting up Christmas decorations. On Friday, just over a week before Christmas, the Wallingford-Swarthmore school district in Delaware County, Pennsylvania, issued a memo to school bus drivers saying, “If you have decorated your bus with anything specific to the Christmas Holiday or any other decorations relating to a specific religion, please remove them immediately.”

Clothing that reminds people of Christmas was also banned.

A note adds that the policy is not specific to school bus drivers but “APPLIES TO ALL DISTRICT EMPLOYEES.”

Failing to exclude people who celebrate Christmas would not be “inclusive,” per liberal ideology.

The ultimate objective is to eradicate not only Christmas and not only Christianity but our entire culture, so that it may be replaced with unmitigated moonbattery. The War on Christmas is part of a broader campaign of cultural genocide.

According to Fox 29 Philadelphia, the school district clarified Friday night that their intent was “not clear” and reversed the ban on holiday decorations and clothing, emphasizing instead a need for bus drivers to create “an inclusive environment.”

Though American society lies largely in ruins, the war isn’t over. Pushback still sometimes works.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

Dec 21 2023

German Climate Kooks Defile Christmas Trees

The Muslim colonists who torch and behead nativity scenes aren’t the only ones in Germany lacking the Christmas spirit. There are also the climate kooks:

German climate protesters defiled Christmas trees in seven different cities [last] Wednesday, spraying them orange in the name of climate activism.

Thou shalt have no gods before the global warming hoax, shriek the deranged moonbats:

“Amidst the flashing lights, shiny jewelry and festive atmosphere, it’s easy to forget: We’re racing full speed towards catastrophe and our governments are failing miserably to pull the emergency brake in Dubai,” a woman proclaimed in German in a video.

The reference is to COP28, to which globalists flew in private jets from every corner of the world to discuss how to impose authoritarianism and radically reduce our standard of living in the name of the supposedly imperiled climate.

The level of malice and psychosis presented by the climate cult is alarming. The scariest part is that a likeminded kook was in Dubai representing the US government.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

Dec 21 2023

Open Thread

Compliments of Chuck A.


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