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Nov 10 2023

Central Park 5 Hooligan Joins New York City Council

They say no good deed goes unpunished. With progressives ascendant, it is equally true that no evil deed goes unrewarded.

It would be hard to imagine an eviler deed than the rape of Central Park jogger Trisha Meili, who was beaten so severely that she lost 80% of her blood and went into a coma.

Among those convicted of the horrific crime was a thug named Yusef Salaam. Alarmingly, the conviction was vacated on dubious grounds. Despite having confessed along with the rest of the Central Park 5, the evidently guilty Salaam was not only unleashed on the public but handed a massive settlement; he and the rest of his wolf pack were awarded $41 million of the wealth people like Trisha Meili work to create.

Because Meili is white and her attackers sacred BIPOCs, liberals deified the wolf pack. Salaam even received a Lifetime Achievement Award from Barack Obama.

For the cherry on top, Salaam ran for City Council, campaigning in part on “safe streets.”

Given what moonbattery has reduced New York to, no one will be surprised to hear that Salaam was actually elected. He may well look smug.

Presenting Yusef Salaam’s résumé, which ought to take him at least to Gracie Mansion if not farther as he glides along the blood red carpet of Racial Justice:

On a tip from THOUGHTCRIMINAL2084.

Nov 10 2023

WaPo Pulls Cartoon for Criticizing Hamas Tactics

Sometimes you can see a cartoon that makes a valid point even in liberal establishment publications — like this one that appeared in the Washington Post:

The point is valid if a little overobvious. Islamists have no decency when it comes to inflicting their cult. Their conception of the perfect human being was a brigand and terrorist who became a successful warlord through sheer brutality. Consequently, to this day Muslims use tactics that the civilized world shuns, conspicuously including using women and children as shields and subjecting them to violence for propaganda purposes.

Now for the rest of the story:

The Washington Post is apologizing for publishing an anti-Hamas cartoon that some readers complained was offensive and racist.

The purpose of liberal establishment media outlets like the Washington Post is to provide readers with a bubble of moonbattery within which they can bask in their twisted self-righteousness. Allowing reality to intrude defeats the point. Because Israel reminds progressives of America, Hamas terrorists are cast as the good guys. To challenge the liberal narrative is thoughtcrime — i.e., racist.

One reader complained the cartoon uses “racial stereotypes” that are “offensive and disturbing,” which perpetuate “racism and gender bias, which is wholly unacceptable.” Another reader actually complained that “laying the deaths of Palestinian civilians at the feet of Hamas instead of the people actually killing them is a gross mischaracterization.”

Yet another reader complained it is not “informative, helpful or thought-provoking to look at this conflict through the glasses of 19th-century colonialists.”

That’s why Israeli children deserve to be tortured, mutilated, and murdered while their parents watch. Because Israelis are “colonialists” for living on land liberals would prefer be given to people they regard as having browner skin.

WaPo promptly pulled the cartoon and whimpered for forgiveness

Then, without a single acknowledgment of irony, [opinion editor David] Shipley pledged to “continue to make the [opinion] section home to a range of views and perspectives, including ones that challenge readers.”

If moonbats had any self-awareness, they would choke to death on self-contempt.

Evil is usually a means to an end. For Hamas, the end is the eradication of non-Muslims. For its liberal fellow travelers, the end is the depravity that characterizes all aspects of their ideology.

On a tip from Mr. Freemarket.

Nov 10 2023

Open Thread

Democracy means simply the bludgeoning of the people by the people for the people. - Oscar Wilde

Nov 09 2023

Mob Violence at the Museum of Tolerance

To see what members of the moonbat–Muslim alliance mean when they shriek about tolerance, let’s turn to the Museum of Tolerance in Los Angeles:

“Two groups clash.” That’s one way of putting it. Via Todd Starnes:

A pro-Palestinian mob dressed in black attacked Jews in Los Angeles outside the Museum of Tolerance. How ironic.

Israeli actress Gal Gadot, known for her role as Wonder Woman, had hosted a screening of footage from the October 7 terrorist attack committed by Hamas.

Gadot faced massive backlash from pro-Hamas sympathizers as well as Muslims across the nation. They accused her of supporting genocide.

That last part is even more ironic, considering the openly genocidal objectives of Hamas and its supporters.

The Museum of Tolerance was a fitting location for the violence, considering that “tolerance” means no disinformation will be tolerated. “Disinformation” can be defined as any information that impedes the Agenda.

If the USA rewards October 7 by importing massive numbers of Palestinians, the Museum of Tolerance might soon feature a genuine pogrom.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Nov 09 2023

Vivek Ramaswamy on Fire

Some question the sincerity of Vivek Ramaswamy and wonder what he is up to. But there can be no question that it was refreshing to watch him take the liberal media by the nose and kick it in the pants last night:

It may take Kristen Welker a week to get the frozen rictus off her face and another week before she can sit down without wincing. After that, I’m sure she’ll get right down to the task of explaining how MSM propagandists can expect us to believe anything they say after they lied through their teeth for years on end about Trump being somehow in league with the demonized Russians.

As for the budget-busting money-laundering operation that is our government’s support for Ukraine,

Ramaswamy is correct that the GOP establishment is content to lose. It is controlled opposition, serving an essential purpose for the Democratic Party by instilling a sense that dissent is futile.

On a tip from Varla.

Nov 09 2023

Mark Houck Strikes Back Against Biden Regime

After pro-life activist Mark Houck was not only arrested but terrorized in front of his family by a massive heavily armed FBI goon squad, he was found not guilty of any crime. Now he is fighting back by suing Biden’s tyrannical Department of Injustice over his politically motivated prosecution persecution:

“The government can’t do this to its people,” he added, referring to the Biden administration’s prosecutions of dozens of pro-life activists for purported violations of the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act.

Although Houck himself was acquitted, many other pro-life activists charged with violating the Clinton-era law were convicted and sentenced to prison.

Houck could have gotten 11 years for pushing a pro-abortion thug who was menacing his 12-year-old son. Fortunately, the jury found him not guilty in under an hour.

“It’s against our Constitution,” Houck continued. “We have rights, and they can’t do this in this egregious manner, and with no cause.”

On the contrary, Democrats can and will do it if we don’t push back. The Constitution is just a piece of paper if we don’t stand up for it.

Kudos and best of luck to Mark Houck.

On tips from Brian Brandt and MrRightWingDave.

Nov 09 2023

Liberal Media Reportedly Embedded With Terrorists

The Islamic terror attacks of October 7 didn’t match the body count of September 11, but are unsurpassed in terms of sheer evil, featuring children and their parents tortured, mutilated, and murdered in front of each other for not being Muslims. These horrific atrocities served as successful propaganda, not only rallying Muslims worldwide to jihad against infidels, but enlisting the support of fellow-travelers.

A healthy reaction would be to recoil in horror, then to resolve to eradicate Hamas and defend civilization from Islam. Instead, we see mobs of college students denouncing Israel for fighting back and the US Government scolding us for being Islamophobes as it shovels our money into Gaza.

The secret is in the spin. The October 7 attacks were effective propaganda because Hamas works in concert with the masters — namely, the liberal media establishment, which appears to have been embedded with Hamas terrorists as they committed crimes against humanity:

Photos posted by the news agencies [Associated Press and Reuters] of the surprise terrorist attack on Israel include ones showing terrorists breaking the gates to Kibbutz Kfar Aza, where residents were caught completely off guard and dozens were murdered. Photos also show that photographers were on the scene as terrorists took civilians such as Shani Louk hostage, and attacking Israeli tanks on the other side of the Gaza border.

The photos raise serious questions about whether the news agencies had advance knowledge that the terrorist attacks were taking place. The four individuals credited by the Associated Press for images of the attacks — Hassan Eslaiah, Yousef Masoud, Ali Mahmud, and Hatem Ali — are all photographers based in Gaza, where it was revealed in 2021 that the Associated Press shared office space with the terrorist group.

Look who is bringing you the news:

Eslaiah was on the scene on October 7.

The Biden Regime is on the same side, so don’t expect the truth to be uncovered regarding whether AP had advance knowledge of the attacks.

The comparably odious CNN also works with these photographers — as does the flagship publication of the liberal establishment, the New York Times:

The mainstream media has come under fire for its handling of Israel’s war against Hamas, with outlets such as the New York Times and others treating false claims by Hamas as facts — such as that the Israelis killed hundreds with a strike on a hospital, when in reality it was a terrorist missile that hit the facility.

The termites comprising our ruling class welcome any ally that will help them destroy us.

The New York Times is actively publishing stories from a freelance reporter in Gaza who has proclaimed admiration for Adolf Hitler.

Jews have gone from sacred victims to enemies to be crushed because in the current context they represent Western Civilization. Despite Israel being Jewish land going back long before Islam existed, they have been cast as “colonizers.” As liberals’ Muslim allies would put it, Israel is the Little Satan to America’s Great Satan.

On a tip from Barry A.

Nov 09 2023

Sexually Perverted Felons Benefit From Liberal Rule

One group actually benefits from liberal rule — namely, sexually perverted felons.

In California,

Taxpayers in California have been rolling out the red carpet for prison inmates by splashing out on expensive cosmetic surgeries, that were once exclusive to Hollywood elites, for criminals.

Since 2017, the state has blown $4 million in tax dollars on transgender treatments such as sex changes, cosmetic surgery, and more for prisoners.

California residents even paid for death row prisoners to have expensive transgender surgeries.

The benefits of being a criminal in California include having artificial breasts and vaginas installed at taxpayer expense. The libs running the Land of Fruits and Nuts can find no better use for other people’s money.

No expense is spared when it comes to pandering to felonious perverts:

Two men in the prison system got what were described as “facial feminization surgeries,” totaling $184,141.

Laser hair removal was also given to 69 male inmates, costing $224,000.

Work hard, law-abiding citizens. Someone has to pay for this as the number of transgender convicts shoots through the stratosphere. In California, it has gone from 131 in 2014 to 1,847 this year — and for good reason:

Male inmates who claim to be “female” are often placed in women’s prisons, despite the nature of their crimes.

Meanwhile, up the Left Coast,

The morally depraved are calling the shots. Society’s sickest benefit from this state of affairs, even if no one else does.

On tips from ABC of the ANC and R F.

Nov 09 2023

Open Thread

Bidenomics and You

Compliments of Chuck A.

Nov 08 2023

Ohio Takes Left-Hand Path

Considering what happened to Sodom and Gomorrah, it is surprising Ohio has not yet disappeared beneath a storm of fire and brimstone in the aftermath of this:

Ohio voters approved a ballot measure Tuesday night that will effectively outlaw any restrictions on abortion and other procedures that involve reproduction, including gender-transition surgeries.

If Satan were to propose a ballot measure, Issue 1 would be it. Liberals have granted themselves the “right” to butcher viable babies right up to the moment of birth.

The amendment includes vague language about prohibiting any law that “directly or indirectly” would “burden” or “interfere” with “reproductive decisions.” Opponents of the measure argue it would also outlaw nearly any restrictions on abortion or other reproduction-related procedures, removing requirements for parental-consent and parental notification, as well as protections for people who undergo the procedures, including requirements that a qualified physician perform them.

What’s more, decent people will likely to be forced to finance these atrocities.

The amendment would also pave the way for taxpayer-funded abortion due to the vague language banning laws that would “burden” reproductive decisions, which could extend to one’s inability to pay for an abortion.

Ohioans may pay to have children chemically castrated or even sexually disfigured without their parents’ knowledge because TikTok or their liberal teachers convinced them they are members of the opposite sex.

The amendment was written by the ACLU, which has spent years fighting to remove parental involvement from abortion and gender-transition procedures.

A people that murders and sexually mutilates its own children on behalf of a demonic ideology grounded in sexual degeneracy will not end well.

On a tip from Varla.

Nov 08 2023

Open Thread

Asking a sociologist to solve a problem is like prescribing an enema for diarrhea. - Saul Alinsky

Nov 07 2023

Germans Cancel Anne Frank for Diversity

As a group that has been genuinely victimized by race hate and that leans left politically, Jews have been beloved by progressives. But just as liberals dumped women in favor of more politically fashionable transsexuals, many of them now reject Jews in the aftermath of the most recent Muslim terror atrocity. They are even canceling Anne Frank:

A German kindergarten has said it will drop Anne Frank from its name in favour of a “more diverse” alternative, adding fuel to the national debate over anti-Semitism amid the Israel-Hamas war.

The kindergarten in the village of Tangerhütte, in eastern Germany, said it was rebranding itself “world explorer kindergarten” in order to be more inclusive.

At least they aren’t going to name the school after Ahed Tamimi.

The name change ends half a century of association with the Jewish 15-year-old who died in Bergen-Belsen concentration camp in 1945.

The kindergarten’s director Linda Schichor says it is okay to cancel Anne Frank because…

… immigrant families had “often never heard of her” or her diary about her family’s attempt to remain hidden from the Nazis in occupied Amsterdam.

They certainly will have never heard of her after she has been cast aside and forgotten.

Attempting to assimilate the overwhelmingly Muslim immigrant families by teaching them local history is not on the agenda.

When they reopen Bergen-Belsen, it will be under a star and crescent moon instead of a swastika.

On a tip from Franco.

Nov 07 2023

Biden Moves to Seize Control of Internet

Artificial Intelligence is not all the Biden Regime wants to subordinate to “equity.” The Internet faces the same fate:

Federal Communications Commission Commissioner Brendan Carr is calling the Biden administration’s “digital equity” plan for all internet services and infrastructure an “unlawful power grab.”

Equity can only be imposed by a totalitarian government that controls every aspect of human existence. That’s the point of it.

“President Biden’s plan hands the Administrative State effective control of all Internet services and infrastructure in the country. Never before, in the roughly 40-year history of the public Internet, has the FCC (or any federal agency for that matter) claimed this degree of control over it. Indeed, President Biden’s plan calls for the FCC to apply a far-reaching set of government controls that the agency has not applied to any technology in the modern era, including Title II common carriers,” Carr said in a statement on Monday.

Read websites like this one while you can. Federal bureaucrats are unlikely to find anything to the right of all the way left to be consistent with the principles of equity.

“For the first time ever, those rules would give the federal government a roving mandate to micromanage nearly every aspect of how the Internet functions—from how [internet service providers] allocate capital and where they build, to the services that consumers can purchase; from the profits that ISPs can realize and how they market and advertise services, to the discounts and promotions that consumers can receive. Talk about central planning,” Carr warned.

What do you expect? Today’s Democrats are Marxists. The only difference between them and Bolsheviks is they have not yet gathered the nerve to try to disarm us so they can throw us into gulags.

Cautions Carr:

“The Biden Administration’s plan empowers the FCC to regulate every aspect of the Internet sector for the first time ever. The plan is motivated by an ideology of government control that is not compatible with the fundamental precepts of free market capitalism.”

Traditionally, when thugs seize control in a banana republic, the first thing they take over is the television stations. But Democrats already control those. The Internet is the only platform for meaningful dissent.

“Biden is turning ‘digital discrimination’ into a pretext for regulating everything. For equity,” Phil Kerpen, president of American Commitment, said of the Biden plan for the FCC.

Whether you call it “equity,” “Critical Race Theory,” “Cultural Marxism,” “LGBTism,” or the more general “moonbattery,” the ideology of our degenerate liberal rulers is a totalitarian creed. Every aspect of society will be increasingly oriented toward enforcing it so long as they remain dominant.

Ideological conformity and the authoritarianism required to impose it are symbiotic; each motivates the other.

On a tip from Htos1av.

Nov 07 2023

Audrey Hale Diary Reveals Moonbattery as Motive

No wonder they have suppressed the manifesto of Audrey Hale, the transsexual maniac who shot up a Christian school in Nashville, killing among others three 9-year-olds. She shares with the liberal establishment the ideology that inspired her terror attack.

Like the Democrats in charge, Hale was not a fan of her fellow Caucasians, to judge by released pages of her diary:

“Kill those kids!!! Those crackers going to private fancy schools with those fancy khakis + sports backpacks w/ their daddies mustangs + convertables [sic],” the 28-year-old female shooter wrote in a diary entry dated February 3.

“I wish to shoot you weakass d—ks w/ your mop yellow hair, wanna kill all you little crackers! Bunch of little f—gots w/ your white privileges,” she wrote.

Pour an evil ideology into an unhinged woman who was probably further deranged by cross-sex hormones and the predictable results are tailor-made to exploit for attacking gun rights.

The musings reflect the envy for stable, productive society that is targeted as “dominant” and “privileged” by the Critical Race Theory espoused in many public schools.

Where Hale differs from the liberal establishment is that she wanted her motives known:

[Hale] boasted to a friend before the shooting that she had left plenty of evidence behind making her motives clear. Nashville’s police acknowledged this fact after the shooting.

Nashville Chief of Police John Drake promised last April that her manifesto would be released, but it still hasn’t happened.

The writings may raise questions about why the killing of schoolchildren, apparently based on their race, was not considered a hate crime by the FBI.

The answer:

The shooter, and the children she targeted based on their race, were white.

Now that these diary pages have come to light, the authorities may as well cough up the manifesto at long last — unless it is still more revealing of the effect their toxic ideology has on unstable minds.

On a tip from MrRightWingDave.


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