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Aug 19 2023

Pseudo-Man Is Surrogate for Her Own Pregnancy

It’s not parody. This headline reflects the grotesque nightmare we actually live in:

Pregnant Dad Explains Why He Chose To Be A Surrogate For Himself


Not everyone associates pregnancy with womanhood.

Only sane people do, not our liberal rulers.

Ready? Here we go:

Maxwell (@ledpaintsoup) is already a father of two and carried his children himself. His third pregnancy is no exception, and in a video that has been viewed over 380,000 times, he is shutting down those who are rudely assuming that he cannot carry a pregnancy since he is a man.

It’s the other way around; she can’t be a man because she is pregnant. But you won’t hear that from the media, because objective reality has been canceled in deference to diversity, equity, and inclusion.

“I would first of all like to say, that it [pregnancy] is free for me,” he says. “I feel like I’m doing surrogacy for myself. If I have the parts… I’m gonna get my well-use out of them.” Maxwell also plans on breastfeeding his baby since he is still able to produce milk.

The pregnancy won’t be free for the baby, who is unlikely to benefit from being raised by this woman:

Pregnancy is not a woman thing, we are told.

The severely psychotic have always been among us. The difference is that now the establishment nurtures, promotes, and even mandates their psychosis.

On a tip from Lyle.

Aug 19 2023

Christianity Today Denounces Oliver Anthony

There is an easy way to determine whether a publication is for real or a mouthpiece for the liberal establishment. See what it has to say about Oliver Anthony. Rolling Stone and National Review tip their hands by putting him down. Christianity Today vilifies Oliver Anthony for failing to worship the welfare state — the day after praising the tawdry moonbat goddesses presented to us by the entertainment industry.

Compare these titles:

Revere vapid moonbat pop stars and lap up the idiotic leftist sludge oozing out of Tinseltown. Shun Oliver Anthony. Otherwise you ain’t Christian, as Joe Biden might put it.

The money-changers have taken over the temple. Joel Abbott isn’t liking it:

Christianity Today wants you to know that Taylor Swift – the avatar of the sexually liberated, unmarried, childless modern woman – and the “Barbie” film, with its direct feminist messages of women freeing themselves from the Patriarchy, are “bringing us together.” …

[T]he flagship Christian publication of the Western world (called “Christendom” in olden times) is out here stumping for vain, prideful women who have made sex and beauty their gods and have in turn become godlike symbols for millions of women seeking their own “liberated” selves.

“Liberation” in this sense is a synonym for “shallow self-indulgence.”

Anthony credits God for his success, kicked off his first public performance since his discovery by reading Psalm 37, and rejects greed and egomaniacal narcissism in favor of the humility that makes genuine Christians so much more fun to be around than moonbats.

In contrast, nothing could be less Christian than the liberal establishment, including ostensibly Christian institutions that have been subverted to serve moonbattery.

Real people have reacted differently. That’s why “Rich Men North of Richmond” now tops the iTunes global charts.

Sometimes it feels like you’re living in the aftermath of Invasion of the Body Snatchers, and everyone out there is a soulless pod person. But it isn’t true. Here’s how you know:

Aug 19 2023

Furry Attack on Public Beach

It’s a scene that could only happen in a society that has decayed into a freak show:

A fight broke out at a Furries meet up when a man was caught filming members of the group at a California beach.

Two people in black wolf costumes got into an altercation in Huntington Beach on Saturday after a man who was recording them refused to leave – with some commenters suggesting that he is a scorned ex-lover of one of the participants.

The incident, which was caught on video, happened at a Sunset Beach Bonfire ‘furmeet’ where hundreds of Furries were out in full force.

Furries are degenerates who identify as cartoon animals, usually for purposes of sexual gratification. Be forewarned that anyone who identifies as something other than what they are has mental problems, and people with mental problems can be dangerous.

Looks like it was the guy who got clocked with the bullhorn who was screaming “Oh my God” in falsetto, lending support to the spurned gay lover theory. Where are tsunamis when you need them?

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

Aug 19 2023

Harvard Encourages Students to Use Food Stamps

Vestigial remnants of shame must persist, because the liberal campaign to destigmatize food stamps continues. Now they are trying to get the pampered elitists at Harvard to use them:

The Health Services office sent a flier to graduate students, encouraging them to participate in the SNAP Benefits Sign-Up event in April. The flier read, “Fuel your body & stock your pantry. Did you know that grad students may qualify for assistance paying for food & groceries?”

Harvard University is the wealthiest academic institution globally, boasting an endowment of approximately $53 billion. With such a substantial endowment, Harvard has the means to support a wide array of academic programs, research endeavors, scholarships and initiatives.

But we get to pay for our rulers’ adult children’s snacks.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Aug 19 2023

Open Thread


Compliments of Chuck A.

Aug 18 2023

Alternatives to Abolished Word “Mother”

Moonbats oppose human reproduction, deny there is a difference between men and women, and react to anything wholesome like a vampire to a cross. Consequently, they oppose motherhood, going so far as to delete the word “mother” from the Newspeak Dictionary. Yet until social engineers find a way to abolish them, mothers still exist. What to call them?

Our Historic First Faux-Female Four-Star Admiral Richard “Rachel” Levine probably doesn’t know port from starboard, but he is the go-to guy when it comes to political correctness. Let’s review his recent junket to Alaska to see what we can learn:

Assistant Secretary of Health Dr. Rachel Levine praised the Alaskan gender clinic Identity Alaska during a visit to the facility on Aug. 6…

Identity Alaska does more than transsexualize children and the sexually deranged. It also offers linguistic guidance to those who struggle to keep abreast of politically acceptable vocabulary:

Lesson guides put out by the clinic recommend that the word “mother” not be used, and instead replaced with “gestational parent,” “birth parent,” “egg producer” or “carrier.”

Now that we have been offered alternatives, there can be no excuse for uttering the forbidden M-word. Expect its use to result in cancelation.

On a tip from Tlabia Majora.

Aug 18 2023

Moonbat Bureaucrat Held Back Water From Hawaii Fire

The louder moonbats screeched that the fire in Maui was so devastating because “climate change,” the more obvious it became that the actual problem was moonbattery:

During the inferno that devastated part of the island of Maui, wiping entire towns off the map and possibly killing more than a thousand people (once a full assessment can be made), people on Maui begged state officials to allow West Maui stream water to be diverted to fill up reservoirs for firefighting. That request went to M. Kaleo Manuel, Deputy Director of Hawaii’s Commission on Water Resource Management, and he delayed approval of that water for five hours – five hours in which the once-contained fire exploded. By the time the approval was received, workers were unable to reach the siphon release so that the water could be diverted. Now we’re learning that Manuel, an Obama Foundation Leader for the Asia Pacific Region, is a climate change activist and DEI devotee who’s said, “Like, we can share [water], but it requires true conversations about equity.”

In accordance with his religion (i.e., moonbattery), Manuel takes a “holistic system perspective” on water, which evidently prevents it from being used appropriately against fires.

According to his official government biography,

[O]ver the past 10 years, Kaleo has focused on bringing planning and indigenous knowledge to the fields of water advocacy and management in Hawai‘i.

Applying “indigenous knowledge” means addressing emergencies with the effectiveness of savages.

Put kooks like this in positions of responsibility and there will be consequences:

While Hawaii was burning down and Crazy Mazie Hirono shrieked along with the media about the global warming hoax, this wokester was having “a true conversation about equity” with the voices in his head.

In earlier times, authorities might have addressed the fire by throwing virgins down a volcano to appease the gods. Similarly, our modern response to any problem liberals associate with weather is to double down on green posturing in lieu of taking constructive action.

On tips from Steve D, Mr. Freemarket, and Varla.

Aug 18 2023

Reactions to Rich Men North of Richmond

Both the Rolling Stone and National Review wings of the liberal establishment have told us how to react to Oliver Anthony. But people aren’t following orders:

Anthony had better be ready; the ruling class will try to take him down. He is regarded as a threat for good reason.

On tips from Varla and Anonymous.

Aug 18 2023

San Francisco Doom Loop Walking Tour

When life gives you lemons, make lemonade. These days San Francisco is mostly known for the societal decay that is both the cause and main effect of liberalism. An enterprising soul is capitalizing with a sold-our tour:

The “Doom Loop Walking tour” promises an up close and personal view of “open-air drug markets, the abandoned tech offices, the outposts of the non-profit industrial complex, and the deserted department stores” that make up downtown San Francisco.

The tour guide is anonymous but claims to be a “card-carrying City Commissioner.”

Promising tourists they will find no better expert, the guide assures that patrons will discover the “policy choices that made America’s wealthiest city the nation’s innovative leader of housing crisis, addiction crisis, mental-health crisis, & unrepentant crime crisis.”

Being the center of the tech industry, San Francisco is still extravagantly wealthy. But no amount of money can buy you out of moonbattery.

“How can a city with a $14.6 billion annual budget be a model of urban decay? How can it spend $776.8 million per year on police and have no rule of law to show for it? How can it spend $690 million on homeless services and receive an official United Nations condemnation for its treatment of the homeless (“cruel and inhuman”; “violation of multiple human rights”)?” the tour guide posited.

If you would like a Doom Loop Walking Tour in your own town, all you have to do is vote Democrat. Before long you too can wallow in the depraved filth and squalor that characterize Pelosiland. Or you can just wait until Democrats have finished imposing it nationwide.

On tips from Chris Neilson and Dan G.

Aug 18 2023

Ukraine Strategically Appoints Transgender Spokesperson

Got to hand it to those Ukrainians. They play our moonbat rulers like a Stradivarius.

Biden recently called for another $25 billion+ of our money to be flushed down the Ukrainian corruptocracy, on top of the $113 billion already spent. He may double the demand in light of Ukraine pandering to his party’s ideology with this appointment:

The Armed Forces of Ukraine have named a transgender soldier from the U.S. as one of its English-speaking spokespeople.

The guy calls himself Sarah Ashton-Cirillo.

“Sara [sic] informs the English-speaking audience — she [sic] objectively covers the events of the Russian-Ukrainian war, debunks Russian fakes and propaganda,” said [Deputy Defense Minister Hanna] Malyar, according to the Kyiv Post.

A guy pretending to be a girl will expose “Russian fakes.” That ought to foil Putin.

Speaking of propaganda, Ashton-Cirillo proclaims:

“What [my appointment] means is that in today’s Ukraine being a part of the LGBTQ community is neither a benefit nor hindrance, but simply an accepted part of whom [sic] a person is.”

Russian propaganda is more believable than the suggestion that he was not given the position because he is transsexual.

Background on Ashton-Cirillo:

A self-described “recovering political operative” from Las Vegas, Nevada, [he] was active in Nevada politics from 2020 to 2021, including an abortive run for Las Vegas City Council. …

Ashton-Cirillo drew national media attention in 2021 when [he] released records of conversations from [his] time working with Republican candidates, documenting efforts to recruit members of the Proud Boys, a far-right group, for a planned “Brooks Brothers Riot” (alluding to the 2000 demonstration) as part of efforts to overturn the outcome of the 2020 United States presidential election.

Sounds like the Proud Boys were set up. Democrats’ favorite date 1/6/21 comes to mind.

In 2022, [Ashton-Cirillo] leaked a text exchange with the Republican nominee for Nevada Attorney General, which became a key controversy in that election. …

Ashton-Cirillo described [himself] as a progressive activist and leftist libertarian when [he] was active in Nevada politics…

Taking on a hard-right, Trumpist persona, Ashton-Cirillo developed ties with Nevada Republicans by attending and hosting rallies organized by prominent party figures. [He] commented to the Post that [his] record as a liberal activist was available on the internet, and told the Beast that “these guys were too stupid to look into my progressive politics, because they were so eager to tokenize me”.

Letting yourself be infiltrated so as to prove to liberals how inclusive you are is stupid, to be sure.

Then Ashton-Cirillo went to work for LGBTQ Nation.

Definitely a guy the Ukrainians knew Democrats would like. This should help to keep the money spigot open. Work harder; you’re expected to pay for it.

On a tip from Barry A.

Aug 18 2023

Open Thread

We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. - Edward Bernays

Aug 17 2023

High Density Means Violent Crime and Gun Laws Won’t Help

Liberals envision an America that is densely concentrated and denied the right to bear arms. has collected stats that suggest the effect this will have on violent crime:

The highest violent crime rate in the U.S. occurs in communities with more than 500,000 and less than 1,000,000 residents.

The second highest violent crime rate occurs in communities with a population size between 250,000-499,999 thousand (21.7 per 100,000). The third highest violent crime rate occurs in communities with more than 1,000,000 people (20.0 per 100,000).

As for Democrats’ plan to make us safe by disarming us,

While New Hampshire has relaxed firearms laws, the state’s violent crime rate in 2022 was only 146.38. Washington, D.C., has extensive firearm regulations but a much higher violent crime rate per capita.

DC’s violent crime rate of 999.8 per 100,000 population is the highest in the country.

Of the four counties with the highest homicide rates, three have strict gun laws (Cook Co., IL; Los Angeles Co., CA; Philadelphia Co., PA).

One reason gun laws do not reduce violent crime is that like tyrants, criminals are bolder against an unarmed population. Another is that 89% of firearms used in crimes are obtained illegally.

Liberal utopia will be a dangerous place. Let’s hope that after they pack us into their 15-minute cities, we are never more than 15 minutes from the emergency room.

Aug 17 2023

Disney Show About Teen Impregnated by Satan

Since Disney started out producing cartoons, it makes sense that it is not merely evil but cartoonishly evil — even if Pauline will be a live action show:

Disney has announced a new German original series for Disney+ called “Pauline”, which is about, an 18-year-old teenager, who accidentally becomes pregnant – from a one-night stand. With school stress, the climate crisis and the downfall of society weighing heavily on her mind, something she doesn’t need at all right now is catching feelings, especially not for her one-night stand Lukas, who, as it turns out, is the devil himself.

Effuse the producers:

“For a long time, the series has been and still remains a project very close to our hearts. We’re thrilled that Disney+ loves this coming-of-age story as much as we do and that we’ve now been able to begin filming…”

Children may have to go to the art museum to conjure demons, but Disney offers them the opportunity to celebrate Satan in the comfort of home.

Gasps Jonathon Van Maren:

Disney, which for over half a century has been the undisputed champion of children’s content, will be featuring a show on a young teenage girl who gets pregnant after a one-night stand with Satan. … How did we get to a moment in culture – if that’s still the right word – where a teen girl literally copulating with Satan pitched, written, shot, produced, and then picked up by a company that markets its content to children?

By failing to push back against leftists is how. Our resistance is the only limit to their sickness.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

Aug 17 2023

Tax and Spend Lib Cornel West Owes Half $Million in Taxes

Rich Ivy League professor Cornel West is running for president with the Green Party. It will never fly. Someone this hypocritical could only be a Democrat:

Socialist professor and presidential candidate Cornel West wants “massive investments” including “free college tuition” and “Medicare for All” as part of his presidential campaign.

And yet…

According to the Daily Beast, and confirmed by West, the Union Theological Seminary professor owes over half a million dollars in taxes.

Professor West explains himself:

He explained, when asked [last] Monday by commentator Charlamagne Tha God, that not paying taxes is part of his “gangster proclivities.”

Cornel West has been a political advisor to Al Sharpton. Maybe that’s where Reverend Al got the idea that well-to-do victims of racist oppression don’t have to pay taxes.

Meanwhile, West’s Marxist ideology would in effect impose a 100% tax rate on the rest of us.

On tips from Franco and R F.


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