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Jul 16 2023

Open Thread


Compliments of Chuck A.

Jul 15 2023

Kamal Harris Promises to Reduce Population

Democrats lie so incessantly, the only way to know what they are thinking is to wait for gaffes. Here’s one from Kamala “Heartbeat Away” Harris:

The White House says she meant to say “pollution” rather than “population.”

Via The Daily Fetched:

The political gaffe was defined by Michael Kinsley as “A gaffe is when a politician tells the truth–some obvious truth he isn’t supposed to say.” …

What was even more frightening is that Harris received raucous cheers and applause for her gaffe.

The Party of Death believes human life is a bad thing. It must be reduced to propitiate the climate gods. I have been informed by a liberal that homosexuality is good because it prevents human reproduction.

Imposing reliance on green energy will certainly reduce the population. When the economy collapses, starvation will bring it down dramatically. This should prove much more effective than promoting homosexuality and abortion.

On tips from Mr. Freemarket, ABC of the ANC, and Varla.

Jul 15 2023

Global Warming Attacks From Below

Some of us think of the almighty climate as an angry god that inhabits the air. But this liberal deity lives everywhere, even in the ground beneath our feet — as the Washington Post reveals:

Beneath the high rises in downtown Chicago, the ground has been heating up significantly for decades. In some locations, the excessive heat is causing deformations in the land and destabilizing buildings, according to a study released Tuesday.

Scientists are calling this subsurface heating “underground climate change,” the counterpart of what people experience above ground. Except this subterranean warming is much more intense than above the surface, especially in densely built cities.

That’s because cities generate heat. Who knew?

Over the past 70 years, ground beneath the Chicago Loop in the city’s downtown has warmed by 5.6 degrees Fahrenheit on average, according to the study author.

Farther down, the article admits that the warming rate has slowed dramatically. But that’s no reason not to panic.

Climate scientist Hugo Beltrami, who was not involved in the study, was not surprised to see intense warming over the past few decades in Chicago. He said these underground temperatures have been warming mostly since the postindustrial revolution because of climate change.

Opines Beltrami, a research chair in climate dynamics at St. Francis Xavier University in Nova Scotia:

“It’s difficult to say what is coming from the … climate itself changing and what is coming from the actual activities of the city.”

I’ll go out on a limb and propose that if the ground is warmer underneath Chicago, it’s because there is a city there, not because of global warming. But support for the nonexistent climate crisis must come from wherever the media can find it.

On a tip from Steve D.

Jul 15 2023

Man Aspires to Get Abortion

The ideology of our degenerate ruling class is so sick that decent people cannot get their heads around it. If you would like to try, watch this guy announce his plans to have a uterus implanted so he can pretend to be a woman — and get an abortion:

What a historic first it would be. Transsexualism is the one thing almost as sacred to liberals as abortion. If he could have the baby killed on January 6 — the most important day on the calendar to moonbats — it would be a Democrat trifecta.

On a tip from Brian Brandt.

Jul 15 2023

Disney’s Snow Nonwhite and the Six Nondwarves

To erase American society, moonbats pervert cultural landmarks, turning everything upside down and inside out until it is unrecognizable. For example, the social engineers running Disney are remaking Snow White and the Seven Dwarves. In the new version, Snow White isn’t white and only one of the dwarves is a dwarf:

If only Disney would stop reinforcing the stereotype of the entertainment industry as relentlessly, insufferably, suffocatingly woke.

Despite all the pointless remakes, not everything out of Disney is a sneering deconstruction of something created by better people in a better time. Here’s some new fiction from the most fantastic reaches of Never-Never Land:

Bet you never heard that from Walt Disney.

It is Bob Iger’s lie that is not only inaccurate but preposterous, or he wouldn’t have to tell it. Not the Bee has the receipts.

More receipts:

Disney Announces LGBT Clothing Line for Children

Disney Embraces Evil

Disney Employees Busted for Child Molestation

Disney’s Degenerate Business Model

Gay Teen Animated Movie Strange World Is Bombing

More Child-Grooming Sickness From Disney

Woke Disney Bomb “Asked Too Much of the Audience”

Wokefied Disney’s Conception of a Fairy Godmother

If you value children’s innocence, do not let them near anything excreted recently by Disney. These people are sick:

On tips from Occam’s Stubble, Mr. Freemarket, and Wiggins.

Jul 15 2023

Open Thread

Democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover they can vote themselves largesse out of the public treasure. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidate promising the most benefit from the public treasury, with the result that democracy always collapses over a loose fiscal policy, always to be followed by a dictatorship, and then a monarchy. - Alexander Fraser Tytler

On a tip from Jester.

Jul 14 2023

Biden Defies Supreme Court, Steals $39 Billion

Never mind that the Supreme Court just ruled it unconstitutional. Creepy Joe is forcing everyone else to pay for other people’s student loans anyway. Since laws can be struck down, he is imposing the decree through the bureaucracy:

Biden will forgive $39 billion in student debt for 804,000 Americans – two weeks after the Supreme Court struck down his $430 billion relief plan because it was unconstitutional.

Meanwhile, Democrats accuse their opponents of being threats to the American system of government.

In a move called a ‘slap in the face’ to taxpayers, borrowers who have been making payments for between 20 and 25 years will have their debts wiped due to ‘fixes’ in the system that calculates repayment plans.

Basically, Biden just presented a middle finger to the Supreme Court and then stole $billions from working people to purchase the votes of soft pink moonbats who went into debt to stave off adulthood by buying absurdly overpriced degrees in largely unconstructive subjects.

On tips from Blackjack, ABC of the ANC, KirklesWorth, and Wiggins.

Jul 14 2023

Looks Like Costco Won’t Restock Bud Light

Just a few months ago, Bud Light was the top-selling beer in the USA. Then, after many years of ramming LGBTism down customers’ throats, Anheuser-Busch added the straw that broke the camel’s back by plastering Dylan Mulvaney’s creepy face on cans. The resulting boycott has cost them $billions. Bud Light is not even in the top 10 anymore. If rumors that Costco will stop stocking it turn out to be true, the brand has entered a death spiral:

Multiple sleuths on social media have uncovered the infamous “star of death” on Bud Light cases at several Costco locations. If you’re not aware of how Costco does business, their star of death (also known as the “death star”) normally means that item will not be restocked once it sells out.

Bud Light has been marked for death.

This indicates not only that regular Americans are capable of pushing back against our contemptuous moonbat overlords with sustained boycotts, but that people who are not political are sick of being force-fed LGBT depravity by the degenerate ruling class.

Even those who do not associate Bud Light with LGBTism won’t buy it if it isn’t on the shelf. Bye-bye Bud Light.

Since corporate moonbats are probably too arrogant to learn from this lesson, more scalps will need to be taken.

On tips from Franco and ABC of the ANC.

Jul 14 2023

Creepy Weirdo Molests Little Girl

The girl is obviously frightened and repulsed. Yet it looks like both her parents are right there, and neither makes any visible attempt to defend her. Maybe that’s because the creep nibbling and snuffling her is rumored to be the most powerful man in the world:

By now his handlers must have told him many times that his repeated public molestation of children does not play well with the public, even in this day and age. He is either too senile to understand or too arrogant to care.

On a tip from Varla.

Jul 14 2023

Ilham Omar Calls for Muslim-LGBT Solidarity

Since Ilhan Omar likes Islam so much that she trivialized the terror atrocities of September 11, why did she come to the USA instead of an Islamic theocracy like Iran? Because in Iran, instead of being a powerful member of the nomenklatura, she would likely find herself dangling from a construction crane along with the sexual eccentrics she promotes:

Democrat Rep. Ilhan Omar of Minnesota wants American Muslims to practice “solidarity” with homosexuals and gender-confused people…

Omar (one of four female minority Democrats in Congress collectively known as “the Squad” for their leftist solidarity) suggested that, because Muslims and people who identify as LGBT are both supposedly “marginalized communit[ies]” in the United States, the former should not “punch down” against the latter.

Considering that LGBT militants sit atop the power structure, it would be impossible for anyone to “punch down” at them — except that Omar is speaking Liberalese, an Orwellian dialect in which everything is called the diametric opposite of what it is. For example, murdering babies before they are born is called “reproductive healthcare.” Gender-denying sex change procedures are called “gender-affirming care.” Resistance to LBGT bullying is “punching down.”

The American Left has anointed itself an “ally” of both Muslims and LGBTs, as part of their claims to a monopoly on representing the interests of all racial, religious, and sexual minorities in a society supposedly rigged against them.

This defines Cultural Marxism, the leftist strategy of destroying American society by inflaming identity groups and playing them off against the core population. The glue that holds the Cultural Marxist coalition together is hatred of normal Americans. It is not sticky enough to adhere Muslims to the Alphabet People.

Islam teaches that homosexuality is a grave sin punishable by death, and to this day, majority-Muslim countries in the Middle East subject homosexuals to criminal penalties, violence, and alleged abuse unheard of in America…

You can only worship one god. The Church of England proves that you cannot be both a Christian and a moonbat. You can’t be both a Muslim and a moonbat either. However, Omar should hang onto the headscarf, because it enhances her popularity among liberals.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

Jul 14 2023

Open Thread

Such as it is, the press has become the greatest power within the Western World, more powerful than the legislature, the executive and judiciary. One would like to ask; by whom has it been elected and to whom is it responsible? - Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

Jul 13 2023

Illinois Will Force Landlords to Rent to Illegal Aliens

Those who have been allowed to invade our country in contravention of our laws in order to displace us do not enjoy the same privileges as American citizens; they enjoy better ones. As on Orwell’s Animal Farm, all animals are equal, but some are more equal than others. Like preferred racial groups and the sexually insane, illegal aliens are more equal than you, because they are favored by our liberal rulers. They are “protected.”

That means landlords will be forced to rent to them, even if they have qualms about turning over their property to criminals who break the law just by being here:

A new Illinois law will require landlords to rent or sell property to undocumented migrants, adding immigration status to the list of protected classes in the Illinois Human Rights Act.

SB1817 was signed into law by Governor J.B. Pritzker (D-Ill.) last month and is set to go into effect at the beginning of 2024. The law will add “protections in the Illinois Human Rights Act for housing regarding immigration status protection.”

As we learned when CDC bureaurats exploited Covid hysteria to impose an eviction moratorium, it isn’t the landlord’s property; it is the government’s property. By extension, it is illegal aliens’ property, because so long as the government is run by Democrats, it can be counted on to side with illegal aliens against Americans.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Jul 13 2023

Comic Relief From RFK Jr. Campaign

By now we could all use some comic relief, so let’s turn to the Robert F. Kennedy Jr. campaign. At an event held Tuesday night at Tony’s on New York’s Upper East Side, a guest asked the enviromoonbatty RFK about the environment. The New York Post takes it from there:

[I]t seems that the mere inquiry was enough to set off apparently drunk gossip columnist-turned-flack Doug Dechert, the host of the event, who became enraged and screamed at the top of his lungs: “The climate hoax!”

Meanwhile, octogenarian art critic Anthony Haden-Guest, who appeared to have been sleeping happily for most of the dinner, was roused by the abrupt rumpus.

Anthony Haden-Hyphen-Guest has written for Rolling Stone and Vanity Fair

He suddenly opened his eyes and denounced his longtime pal Dechert, calling him a “miserable blob.”

The situation escalated, with Dechert pooh-poohing the global warming hoax and Hyphen-Guest croaking insults in response, until…

…Dechert sensed the need for a new rhetorical tack, and let rip a loud, prolonged fart while yelling, as if to underscore his point, “I’m farting!”

The room, which included a handful of journalists as well as Kennedy’s campaign manager, former Rep. Dennis Kucinich, was stunned, seemingly unsure about whether Dechert was farting at Haden-Guest personally or at the very notion of global warming.

If the latter, you can’t fault Dechert for the sentiment.

Don’t get the idea he isn’t a gentleman:

When asked to comment about his, er, outburst the next day, Dechert told us: “I apologize for using my flatulence as a medium of public commentary in your presence.”

Unfortunately, there is not much chance that a President RFK Jr. would give Dechert John Kerry’s job.

On a tip from Stormfax.

Jul 13 2023

John Kerry Says Ukraine War Is Offensive to Climate

The Biden Regime has a regret regarding wasting well over $100 billion of our money to keep the war in Ukraine going. Never mind all the death and destruction; if our rulers cared about that, they would not commit an acknowledged war crime by sending cluster bombs. Never mind the possibility of stumbling into a nuclear war. Biden’s Climate Czar reveals a more serious concern: septic tanks have been damaged, thereby releasing greenhouse gases that are offensive to the climate:

“But when you have bombs going off, and you have damage to septic tanks or to power centers, etc., you have an enormous release of greenhouse gas, of methane, you know, all of the family of greenhouse gases,” he continued.

“And the result is it’s adding to the problem,” Kerry said on how the Ukraine war is affecting climate change.

Does that mean instead of showering no-strings money on Zelensky we should pressure him to negotiate an end to the war, even if he loses some territory that is populated by Russians? Of course not:

“I’m not, you know, believe me, that’s eh, the fight in Ukraine is a fight that we have to make, that the world has to make,” he said.

We can just make it up to the climate by waging war on air conditioning.

On tips from Barry A and Varla.


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