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Jun 13 2023

Pushback: Hide the Pride

The revolt has begun. Countermoonbats are passing out torches and pitchforks. A useful resource for parents who will no longer tolerate their children being groomed and indoctrinated is Hide the Pride:

Answering the recent cries of concerned parents throughout the country, CatholicVote is launching “Hide the Pride,” a parent-led movement to empty local taxpayer-funded libraries of progressive sex- and gender-related content aimed at children. …

A growing number of American moms and dads have sent a powerful message in recent polls: they do not want their children exposed to sexual and “trans” content as part of their education.

CatholicVote’s Hide the Pride parental resource page includes step-by-step instructions and tips for parents who want to send that message to their local library board.

Protective parents can find it here.

On a tip from MrRightWingDave.

Jun 13 2023

Teachers Show Zero Tolerance for LGBT Resistance

Pushback will get pushback, especially at the front lines of the Culture War — e.g., in the schools liberals use to indoctrinate. When these high school kids respond with natural revulsion to having homosexual propaganda rammed down their throats in math class, the teacher threatens to sentence them to Saturday school:

“Why are you showing this to kids?” a kid asks. Not a bad question.

Ideological intransigence is not tolerated in college either:

A gender studies professor has proudly boasted of failing students who do not adhere to her hyper-woke beliefs, after a student complained of receiving a zero grade for a paper that used the term ‘biological women’.

Melanie Rose Nipper, a 28 year-old adjunct professor of sexuality studies at the University of Cincinnati, vehemently stood by her grading practices Thursday.

She did so after student Olivia Krolczyk complained about being failed for using the previously uncontroversial term ‘biological women’, now branded offensive over claims it excludes trans women.

True enough, the term “biological women” does exclude men who demand we pretend they are women.

Miss Krolczyk reports from behind enemy lines in academia:

This is what George Orwell meant about curtailing thought by curtailing the permissible vocabulary.

If so much as using the term “biological women” brings the liberal hammer down, you might as well go the whole hog and tell moonbats what you think of their repugnant ideology as commit the slightest infraction against political correctness.

On tips from Barry A and Ed McAninch.

Jun 13 2023

Pushback Begins

As is documented here daily, the ideology currently presented as “liberalism” is not merely wrong but deranged, depraved, demonic, and disgusting. Liberals have given up attempting to persuade, content to browbeat and terrorize. They are banking on the societal decay they have induced to have so corroded our morale and self-respect that we won’t fight back, even now that LGBTism has made it beyond obvious that their rule is intolerable. In their arrogance, they target our children. But as Shakespeare wrote,

The smallest worm will turn being trodden on,
And doves will peck in safeguard of their brood.

Meaningful pushback is on the horizon. It will go far beyond refraining from shopping at Target or drinking Bud Light.

As Paul Joseph Watson remarks,

Strange isn’t how the more everything is festooned with occupation flags, the more people begin to resent and question the whole thing.

He can feel the ground beginning to rumble:

On tips from Lyle.

Jun 13 2023

Union Jack Gets the Old Glory Treatment

The Stars and Stripes isn’t the only flag that deserves reverence but instead is treated with contempt in favor of our rulers’ Progress Pride flag, which explicitly represents sexual perversion, transsexualism, and antiwhite racism. Behold how they treat the British flag in London:

Descendants of the heroes who withstood the Blitz barely more than 80 years ago tolerate this out of fear. It doesn’t take many generations for liberal corrosion to destroy a great people.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Jun 13 2023

Telling Parents Their Kids Are Being Transed Is “Far Right”

As you know if you have attempted political discussion with moonbats, anything to the right of all the way left is “far right.” This includes the concept of parental rights in the context of resisting the grooming and transsexualization of their children, as Justin Trudeau has explicitly confirmed:

Trudeau’s divisive language comes in the wake of the government of New Brunswick Premier Blaine Higgs making controversial changes to gender rules in the province’s schools.

One major change is that parental consent would be required for trans or nonbinary students under the age of 16 to change their names or pronouns in school. Higgs, who is facing a revolt from some of his own members about the policy, has defended it as “taking a strong position for families.”

Trudeau takes a strong position against them:

“Far-right political actors are trying to outdo themselves with the types of cruelty and isolation they can inflict on these already vulnerable people,” the prime minister said last Thursday as he targeted Higgs’ new policy.

In the grotesque inversion of reality that is the liberal narrative, children who have been bullied into transsexualism are victims not of their groomers, but of those who try to protect them, including their parents.

The inversion continues:

“Right now, trans kids in New Brunswick are being told they don’t have the right to be their true selves, that they need to ask permission. Well, trans kids need to feel safe, not targeted by politicians.”

Children have been targeted by leftist politicians like Trudeau for transsexualization through government schools. The bizarre objective is to get them to reject their true selves and pretend to be members of the opposite sex. Those who want children to be safe from this psychological abuse are portrayed as threats to their safety.

Trudeau objects to parents being told when their own child is undergoing transsexualization and is being treated as a member of the opposite sex at school, placing the kid on track for an unhealthy and unhappy life. Wanting parents to be aware of what is being done to their children is “far right.”

True enough, from where liberals like Trudeau stand, decency and sanity are far to the right.

On a tip from Rob A.

Jun 13 2023

Democrats Desecrate White House With Topless Transsexual

Would you allow a sounder of swine into a church to squirt goo in the pews, knock over the tabernacle, and snarf the Communion hosts? Then why would you allow Democrats into the White House? They don’t treat it any more respectfully than they treat our flag.

Presenting a simulacrum of a woman who calls himself Rose Montoya (WARNING: formal activities taking place on the White House lawn are no longer necessarily family friendly):

At the event, Creepy Joe gave a speech praising perverts like Montoya as “some of the bravest and most inspiring people” he has “ever known.”

Erratum on an earlier post: “A healthy society has heroes; in their place, we have celebrities” should have read, “A healthy society has heroes; in their place, we have a freak show.”

On tips from Wiggins, DCGere, and Jack D.

Jun 13 2023

No Garth, You’re the A-hole

Garth Brooks has somehow managed to sell a lot of records to country fans. Whether he continues to after calling his own fan base “a**holes” is doubtful:

Brooks, the second-best selling musical artist of all time, told Billboard he hoped Friends In Low Places Bar & Honky Tonk, which is set to open in the South Broadway District of Nashville, would be “the Chick-fil-A of honky-tonks.”

Considering how Chick-fil-A has begged for the Bud Light treatment, his hopes might be realized.

Brooks rolls up the welcome mat in response to regular Americans fed to the teeth with LGBTism who are boycotting Bud Light:

“And yes, we’re going to serve every brand of beer. We just are. It’s not our decision to make. Our thing is this: if you [are let] into this house, love one another. If you’re an asshole, there are plenty of other places on lower Broadway.”

There are also plenty of other places to find countrified pop.

Insulting its own customers is how Bud Light managed to lose $27 billion and counting.

On a tip from Anonymous.

Jun 13 2023

Open Thread

He that would make his own liberty secure, must guard even his enemy from oppression; for if he violates this duty, he establishes a precedent that will reach to himself. - Thomas Paine

On a tip from Bill589.

Jun 12 2023

Progress Pride Shoves Aside Old Glory at White House

Wednesday is Flag Day, which commemorates the adoption of Old Glory as the flag of the USA on June 14, 1777. Democrats have been celebrating early by theatrically displacing the flag that represents American heritage, the American nation, and traditional American values with one that represents their own values:

Biden celebrated the LGBT community in a post Saturday, revealing a set of flags hanging from the White House that faced the South Lawn. The display includes a rainbow-colored Pride flag flanked by two American flags. …

“To advance revolutionary transgender agenda targeting children, Biden violates basic tenet of US Flag Code and disrespects every American service member buried under its colors,” wrote Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton.

Fitton went on to cite U.S. Flag Code §7. (e), which reads, “The flag of the United States of America should be at the center and at the highest point of the group when a number of flags of States or localities or pennants of societies are grouped and displayed from staffs.”

Note that the flag the Biden Regime places in a position of dominance is not the standard rainbow flag representing sexual perversion, but the Pride Progress flag, which incorporates transsexualism and antiwhite racism:

Here’s what Fitton means about targeting children:

The White House on Thursday announced a new effort to combat “book bans” as part of several actions designed to protect LGBTQI+ Americans unveiled during Pride month.

In this context, “protect” means “pander to obsequiously at everyone else’s expense.”

This move by the Biden administration is a counter to parents and activists who have complained about sexually explicit and graphic LGBTQI+ content in school and public libraries and sought to remove those materials.

Not to shove explicit homosexual pornography down children’s throats at school is to oppress the ruling LGBTetc community. Just ask Chelsea Clinton. As any moonbat could tell you, “Kids and kink can coexist at pride.”

Liberty and the Democrat agenda cannot coexist. That’s why the Stars and Stripes have been shoved aside for Progress Pride.

On tips from Franco, MrRightWingDave, ABC of the ANC, Barry A, and Ed McAninch.

Jun 12 2023

Dems and RINOs Plot Backdoor Carbon Tax

The economy has been stumbling under the burden of inflation, excessive taxation, massive wasteful spending, and suffocating regulation. But it could be worse — and probably will be soon:

Fresh from the looming trainwreck that is the deal to increase the debt limit, four Republican senators recently signed onto legislation that would require the Biden administration to study the feasibility of . . . a national tax on energy that would be collected at the gas pump and in electricity and heating bills.

The four Republicans — Senator Cramer (R-ND), Senator Cassidy (R-LA), Senator Graham (R-SC), and Senator Murkowski (R-AK) — joined five Democrats in asking Team Biden to determine the amount of energy used — and carbon dioxide emitted — by various countries in the production of essentially everything that makes modern life possible (aluminum, iron, steel, plastic, crude oil, batteries, etc.).

Eventually, the information would be used to impose tariffs on those countries who — in the view of the Biden crew — emitted too much carbon dioxide while creating those products.

That is, it would be a carbon tax, which would inevitably open the door to more carbon taxes.

Here’s why they are going at it furtively, first attacking imports:

[A] recent nationwide survey specifically found that voters by a wide margin (44 percentage points) oppose the federal government imposing a tax on carbon dioxide emissions collected at the gas pump and in heating and utility bills.

There is zero chance of more taxes improving the weather, not that there is anything wrong with the weather anyway. But since harmless carbon emissions are a byproduct of literally all human activity, inexorably greedy Democrats and their RINO collaborators cannot resist taxing them, regardless of the consequences for our economic well-being.

On a tip from R F.

Jun 12 2023

California Making It Illegal Not to Help Transsexualize Kids

Where depravity meets tyranny, there you will find the liberals who rule California.

A recently amended California bill would add “affirming” the sexual transition of a child to the state’s standard for parental responsibility and child welfare—making any parent who doesn’t affirm transgenderism for their child guilty of abuse under California state law.

California’s latest outrage against freedom and sanity is entitled AB957.

Assembly Member Lori Wilson, D-Suisun City, wrote the bill and introduced it on Feb. 14. State Sen. Scott Wiener, D-San Francisco, co-sponsored it.

A tweet from State Senator Wiener clarifies the caliber of people who are imposing these laws. Wiener is the one who forgot to dress for the occasion:

To transsexualize a child is abuse. It causes lasting psychological damage even in the absence of the permanent physical damage often inflicted in the form of chemically castrating hormone treatments and even sex change surgery. It sets kids on the fast track to a ruined life.

State Senator Wilson is transsexualizing her own child, presumably for political purposes.

In the inverted world of our degenerate ruling class, not to abuse your child is to abuse your child.

AB 957 post-amendment “would include a parent’s affirmation of the child’s gender identity as part of the health, safety, and welfare of the child,” altering the definition and application of the entire California Family Code.

California courts would be given complete authority under Section 3011 of California’s Family Code to remove a child from his or her parents’ home if parents disapprove of LGBTQ+ ideology.

“We’re coming for your children,” taunted the militant gays. They weren’t kidding.

Careful whose toes you step on:

California’s courts would now be able to accept reports of gender “abuse” from progressive activist organizations…

The tyranny applies not only to parents:

By changing the definition of what constitutes the “health, safety, and welfare of [a] child,” schools, churches, hospitals, and other organizations interacting with children would be required to affirm “gender transitions” in minors by default—or risk charges of child abuse.

California is no longer a safe place to raise children or even for a child to set foot.

Incredibly, the bill provides no definition whatsoever of what would qualify as “nonaffirming” to a child’s gender.

The vaguer the law, the more flexibility liberals have when wielding it.

On tips from Franco, Blackjack, Ed McAninch, Bluto, and ABC of the ANC.

Jun 12 2023

Open Thread

Welfare states on both sides of the Atlantic have discovered that largesse to losers does not reduce their hostility to society, but only increases it. Far from producing gratitude, generosity is seen as an admission of guilt, and the reparations as inadequate compensations for injustices - leading to worsening behavior by the recipients. - Thomas Sowell

On a tip from Jack Bauer.

Jun 11 2023

Governor General of Canada Praises Anti-Queen Vandalism

The Governor General of Canada is the federal viceregal representative of the Canadian monarch — i.e., the British monarch, as Canada is part of the British Commonwealth. Currently, this supposedly apolitical position is held by Mary Simon. Here’s what she has to say about a statue of Queen Elizabeth II being defaced with the words “colonizer” and “killer”:

“I think it’s really important for Indigenous people to express themselves in whichever form they want, but it’s also very important for us to recognize that the effects of colonization and residential schools have had such a devastating impact on the cultures and identity of Indigenous people, that there is frustrations. There’s anger.

“And they will, from time to time, express that anger and the frustrations. For me, as a representative of the King, my role is to help understand what’s going on. So in a way, I can’t say whether it’s right or wrong. It’s right for the people maybe who are doing it but wrong for the people that want the history to continue as it was.”

Moonbats do not have moral values in any meaningful sense, but they do have moral relativism.

You might wonder about this moron’s qualifications to represent the British monarchy. Wikipedia produces the only credentials she needs:

Simon is Inuk, making her the first Indigenous person to hold the office.

A culture that appoints people who openly hate it to serve as its representatives is living on borrowed time.

On a tip from ABC of ANC.

Jun 11 2023

2023 Condensed Into 25 Seconds

If you think you can stomach America in the year 2023 condensed into a 25-second video clip, go ahead and click View. Not for children or those with weak hearts:

If only she had been brandishing a Pride Progress flag, and the Prius had featured a Coexist bumper sticker, this would have been perfect.

On a tip from Wiggins.


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