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Jun 16 2023

Privileged Go Around and Out the Revolving Door

The reason Jordan Neely was running loose, terrorizing subway passengers after 42 arrests in the past 10 years, is that we have a revolving door system of justice. At least it works that way for those with preferred characteristics, like Florida’s Frederick Howard:

Since 1986, the 58-year-old has spent nearly 36 years in and out of prison for various crimes including aggravated assault, armed robbery, battery on a first responder and more.

His latest charge is attempted sexual battery at the Stayable Suites along Orange Blossom Trail. Investigators said that’s where he tried to rape an 18-year-old in her hotel room on Monday.

Howard was released from jail a week ago after he spent 33 days in jail for a carjacking but was released because the Orange County State Attorney failed to file formal charges in the case. …

By law, if the State Attorney doesn’t file charges 30 days after an arrest, that person is entitled to be released.

The State Attorney in question is Monique Worrell, a young Woman of Color who took power with help from George Soros — like Alvin Bragg (New York) George Gascon (Los Angeles), Kim Foxx (Chicago), Larry Krasner (Philadelphia), Chesa Boudin (San Francisco), Kim Gardner (St Louis), Marilyn Mosby (Baltimore), et al.

Any questions on why charges weren’t filed?

It isn’t a revolving door for everybody. Hero Marine Daniel Penny, who was indicted for being white, won’t get loose from the jaws of the System soon.

The liberals who have been methodically destroying American civilization often bark about “privilege.” Here’s what privilege actually looks like in what’s left of our society:

On a tip from Lyle.

Jun 16 2023

Open Thread

Governments will always misuse the machinery of the law as far as the state of public opinion permits. - Emile Capouya

Jun 15 2023

Biden Announces Plan to Build Rail Line Across Indian Ocean

If the election strategy of indicting Trump succeeds, stand by for still higher taxation and inflation. Biden has big plans for your money, including “one of the largest solar plants in the world” for Angola and even a rail line across the 4,700-mile-wide Indian Ocean, starting from the Pacific Ocean. Our ruler explains:

Radically left-wing, profligate, authoritarian, corrupt, and senile. What’s not to like about Joe Biden?

On tips from seaoh, Chris Neilson, Jester, and Wiggins.

Jun 15 2023

Johns Hopkins Erases Women

Liberals cannot define what a woman is because according to their current dogma there can be no such creature. Consequently, the liberal establishment is erasing them:

The prestigious Johns Hopkins University has erased the word ‘women’ from a newly produced ‘inclusive language guide’ in its definition of the term ‘lesbian’.

The Baltimore-based university is known for its excellence in education and research, particularly in the field of medicine and recognized as one of the top medical institutions in the world.

It remains to be seen how long this reputation can be maintained by an institution that denies biological reality at a level so fundamental as to be understood by infants.

[T]he current definition of ‘lesbian’ describes it as ‘a non-man attracted to non-men’.

This is on the level:

Where once there were women, now there are “non-men.” Update your Newspeak Dictionary accordingly.

On a tip from Franco.

Jun 15 2023

Rise of Trantifa

Transsexuals are mentally ill by definition and characterized by a propensity for violence (e.g., Maya McKinney, Snochia Moseley, Anderson Lee Aldrich, Audrey Hale, Moses Lopez, William Whitworth, Shanu Varma, “Lara,” Zion William Teasley). Violence is the whole point of Antifa. Both are products of moonbattery. Put them together and you get Trantifa:

The term has been coined on social media to represent the strong transgender presence within the Antifa movement.

These freaks alarm even the United Nations:

Reem Alsalem, a UN investigator and Special Rapporteur on violence against women and girls since August 2021, is among the experts expressing concerns over the escalating aggression. Alsalem pointed to attacks on activist Riley Gaines, who opposes the participation of biological men in women’s sports, as a concerning example.

Riley Gaines was set upon by a violent transsexual mob in the anarchotyrannical hellhole San Francisco. It laid siege to her as she holed up in a safe room for 3 hours while the police pointedly did nothing. She is lucky she wasn’t killed.

No act of evil is too extreme — not even executing 9-year-olds for being Christian:

One notable incident involved a trans-identified individual, Audrey Hale, who carried out a mass shooting at a Christian elementary school in Nashville. In response, the Trans Resistance Network suggested Hale had no other way to be seen than by “taking the life of others.”

This attitude is reflected by Democrat officeholders:

A top Wyoming Democrat shared a meme on Facebook featuring a person in transgender flag attire holding an assault rifle, with the caption, “Auntie Fa says protect trans folks against fascists [and] bigots.”

The reference is to State Rep Karlee Provenza, the minority whip, who responded to the Nashville Covenant School massacre with this:

Fascists and bigots can be defined as “people liberals want to hurt.”

This was tweeted by a spokeswoman for Arizona’s leftist Governor Katie Hobbs less than 12 hours after the transgender terror attack in Nashville:

Considering the darkly comical tendency of leftists to accuse their opponents of what they themselves are doing or plan to do, their use of the word “genocide” is not only absurd but also concerning:

‘Trans activists gravitate towards these very far-left groups, because they share their anarcho-communist type ideology,’ [countermoonbat journalist Julio] Rosas told

‘They view the US as systemically racist, that it’s subjugated queer people, and that states passing laws against child mutilations is part of a trans genocide.’

Trans activists are serious about killing people. They did not hesitate to make this clear in the aftermath of Nashville.

As with Hitler’s Brownshirts, Trantifa freaks serve as a cat’s paw for a malevolent political party — the party that already controls almost every major institution.

On tips from ABC of the ANC and Anonymous.

Jun 15 2023

Subverted Church Is Hit by Lightning and Burns Down

Some of the pushback against LGBTism could be divine:

Rumors are false that a blasphemous homosexual “wedding” ceremony was taking place at the time lightning struck the First Congregational United Church in Spencer, Massachusetts earlier this month, but the subverted church did promote sin and insidiously conflate it with love:

There is still hope; the ruins were reconsecrated:

After the flames had charred the wood black, one beam fell across a chimney that remained standing, forming a cross.

Someone could be trying to get a message across.

Hopefully our deafness won’t require the message to get louder. How could Sodom and Gomorrah have done more to invite God’s wrath than America under effective LGBT rule, where even the largest Catholic healthcare system in the country inflicts sex change surgery on innocent children?

On tips from Ed McAninch and Chris Neilson.

Jun 15 2023

Amazon Echo Shuts Down House Over False Thought Crime

If you can’t wait to see what the near future will be like under totalitarian liberalism after privacy has been abolished completely, jump ahead a year or two by buying an Amazon Echo:

Amazon reportedly shut down a customer’s smart home after the delivery driver claimed he heard a racial slur coming through the doorbell, even though no one was home.

Brandon Jackson, of Baltimore, Maryland, came home on May 25 to find that he had been locked out of his Amazon Echo, which many devices, including his lights, are connected to.

It took 6 days for him to regain access to his account.

The doorbell had given the automatic replay “Excuse me, can I help you?” This was apparently misheard by the delivery driver, who was wearing headphones at the time. Maybe he was listening the rap, which is known for incessant use of the forbidden (to some) n-word.

Jackson is black, and therefore incapable of committing racism per liberal doctrine. But delivery drivers can make mistakes. That’s why we need AI.

Drones might also come into play, in case thought criminals escape to a place where their houses can’t reach them.

On tips from Wiggins, Ed McAninch, and demRAT NEPO PlG.

Jun 15 2023

Open Thread

On a tip from Jester.

Jun 14 2023

Pushback: Kids Revolt

The major emphasis of the LGBT agenda is to corrupt children. But kids are pushing back — and not only in Huntington Beach.

Hats off to the countermoonbat kids at Marshall Simonds Middle School in Burlington, Massachusetts, a suburb of ultraliberal Boston:

Educrats don’t like resistance any more than the local media does:

Principal Cari Perchase also apologized to the parents and students, saying the Pride event turned into a “day of intolerance.” She added that the school would likely implement a program to teach students about tolerance and acceptance.

Failure to swallow LGBT indoctrination will result in more aggressive force-feeding. The browbeating will continue until morale improves.

Good thing healthy kids have enough of a rebellious streak to stand up to authorities who are obviously morally wrong.

Now if only more parents would apply appropriate pushback. Hide the Pride provides tools to get started.

On tips from Ed McAninch, KirklesWorth, and Jester.

Jun 14 2023

Watch 4th Grade LGBT Indoctrination Ceremony

Had enough LGBTism yet? If not, watch this:

Nice of them to cut off the video before we could hear what “love” now means.

This is what they teach kids these days instead of the three R’s.

In what healthy civilization would children that age even know what lesbian, gay, bisexual, et cetera mean?

The USA is turning into North Korea, except centered on sexual perversion instead of Marxism.

Give us the child for eight years and it will be a Bolshevik forever. - Vladimir Lenin
Or a perverted degenerate forever, as the case may be.

On a tip from DCGere.

Jun 14 2023

Drinking Water Offends the Climate

Eventually liberals will ban all food because it is produced through agriculture, which offends the climate. This will leave us to subsist on water. But wait; the climate doesn’t want us drinking water either. From Germany:

The “non-profit” association “a tip:tap” recently commissioned a remarkable study on the climate damage caused by sparkling water. Somebody must have noticed that sparkling water equals carbon dioxide equals CO2 — which is essential for life (on Earth), but deemed a “climate killer” and thus as a trace gas, an alleged “environmental toxin”…

Okay, we’ll have to give up seltzer, or else the weather will get mad. What about mineral water?

The result of the study followed as expected: it now also declares drinking mineral water to be a climate sin. Because: Its consumption in Germany consumes around 1.5 times as much CO2 as the entire domestic German air traffic, calculate the green flunky scientists. Even during its production, mineral water requires many more process steps than tap water because it has to be cleaned after treatment and bottled under higher standards. In addition, the production of the bottles, the transport to the supermarket and the way home from there drive emissions even further up. Overall, according to the study, mineral water produces 202.74 g of CO2 equivalents per liter — tap water, on the other hand, only 0.35 g.

Consequently, leftists are demanding that only tap water be allowed.

No doubt it will soon be discovered that tap water also oppresses the climate.

They might let us collect rainwater, except that our very existence is offensive.

On a tip from R F.

Jun 14 2023

Media Shrieks as LGBT Blitzkrieg Begins to Stall

The gathering backlash is already putting a crimp in sin celebrations. The media responds with hamfisted spin:

A spike in anti-LGBTQ rhetoric and threats has taken a heavy toll on pride celebrations in the United States this year, organizers say — especially in states where politicians want to curtail rights.

Having your rights curtailed in this context means being asked not to stage obscene performances in front of children or subject them to hardcore homosexual pornography in school.

This month’s celebrations in Houston, the largest pride event in conservative Texas, have been scaled back due to rising insurance and security costs…

The change was first announced in January as Texas lawmakers prepared bills restricting gender-affirming health care and drag performances. Now, pride planners across the US and Canada say they are facing higher bills because of anti-LGBTQ disinformation and hate.

At long last, the Culture War blitzkrieg is getting bogged down in resistance.

Florida has become a hotspot, with Governor Ron DeSantis, a Republican running for president, signing bills this spring banning youngsters from drag shows and restricting how they learn about the LGBTQ community.

That is, DeSantis has been protecting children from obscene performances and from homosexual grooming in school.

“I didn’t realize there was going to be that much of a real shake-up,” said Carrie West, president of Tampa Pride, which in May canceled an outdoor festival after some sponsors said they were worried about running afoul of the new laws.

They say sunlight is the best disinfectant. More from the Sunshine State:

In April, the advocacy group Equality Florida issued an advisory warning for LGBTQ people traveling to the state.

The NAACP, whose leader Leon W. Russell lives in Florida, pulled a similar stunt, inviting similar guffaws.

Pride organizers in St. Cloud, outside Orlando, later canceled this year’s event due to a “climate of fear.”

Pretending to be victimized is the kneejerk response of predators when they encounter resistance. But by now no one outside the liberal bubble buys the bullying perverts as victims narrative.

Kristina Bozanich, a photographer who spearheads the celebration, told AFP the drag performers “didn’t feel safe” after DeSantis signed the Protection of Children Act, which prohibits admitting children into “adult live performances.”

How any decent person could defend subjecting children to adult live performances is left unexplained.

Further south in Port St. Lucie, where an annual pride parade was canceled in April over legal concerns, there has been blowback for others who promote events.

“I did post on one of the Port St. Lucie regular pages on Facebook about our pride party, and people just started making remarks about grooming kids,” said PJ Ashley, president of the nonprofit Sanctuary of the Treasure Coast.

Such remarks are examples of what the author means by “disinformation and hate.” Fortunately, the liberal media has expended the last of its credibility and is taken seriously only by moonbats who seek refuge from reality in an ideological echo chamber.

On a tip from Lyle.

Jun 14 2023

Pushback: Biological Reality Gains Ground

Despite the establishment’s attempt to manufacture consent, normal people are not on board with the sick liberal agenda:

Over the course of the radically pro-transgender Joe Biden administration, Americans of all stripes are shying away from gender ideology, proclaiming the biological reality of two sexes, and shunning the use of “preferred pronouns,” a recent survey found.

The online PRRI poll, which was conducted March 9–23 with more than 5,000 adults and has a ±1.5 percent margin of error, found a significant increase between 2021 and 2023 of Americans across various demographics embracing the fact that humans are either male or female.

In 2021, 59 percent of Americans said there are only men and women, while 40 percent believed there are “many gender identities.” By 2022, 62 percent believed in two sexes, while 35 percent believed in many gender identities. This year, the divide increased again, with 65 percent of Americans saying there are only two sexes and 34 percent saying there are many, the survey found.

That more than one person in a hundred would deny we are created male or female is alarming evidence of a mental health crisis. But at least the movement is in the right direction — despite the establishment pulling out all the stops to push the other way.

On a tip from Barry A.

Jun 14 2023

Open Thread

The bigger the information media, the less courage and freedom they follow. Bigness means weakness. - Eric Sevareid


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