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Jun 11 2023

2023 Condensed Into 25 Seconds

If you think you can stomach America in the year 2023 condensed into a 25-second video clip, go ahead and click View. Not for children or those with weak hearts:

If only she had been brandishing a Pride Progress flag, and the Prius had featured a Coexist bumper sticker, this would have been perfect.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Jun 11 2023

Bible Verses for Celebrating Pride Month

Since this is the Pride Month, as the liberal establishment does not allow us to forget for an instant, let’s see what the King James Bible has to say about pride. A few examples:

[F]or in pride is destruction and much trouble, and in lewdness is decay… —Tobit 4:13

Every one that is proud in heart is an abomination to the LORD: though hand join in hand, he shall not be unpunished. —Proverbs 16:5

Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall. —Proverbs 16:18

A man’s pride shall bring him low: but honour shall uphold the humble in spirit. —Proverbs 29:23

For many great miseries shall be done to them that in the latter time shall dwell in the world, because they have walked in great pride. —2 Esdras 8:50

Pride is hateful before God and man: and by both doth one commit iniquity. —Ecclesiasticus 10:7

The beginning of pride is when one departeth from God, and his heart is turned away from his Maker. —Ecclesiasticus 10:12

For pride is the beginning of sin, and he that hath it shall pour out abomination… —Ecclesiasticus 10:13

Neither spared he the place where Lot sojourned, but abhorred them for their pride. —Ecclesiasticus 16:8

Lord God of heaven, behold their pride, and pity the low estate of our nation, and look upon the face of those that are sanctified unto thee this day. —Judith 6:19

The wicked, through the pride of his countenance, will not seek after God: God is not in all his thoughts. —Psalms 10:4

They come against us in much pride and iniquity to destroy us, and our wives and children, and to spoil us. —1 Maccabees 3:20

Here’s how pride turns out:

For, behold, the day cometh, that shall burn as an oven; and all the proud, yea, and all that do wickedly, shall be stubble: and the day that cometh shall burn them up, saith the LORD of hosts, that it shall leave them neither root nor branch. —Malachi 4:1

It is not by accident that leftists named a central pillar of their ideology after one of the Seven Deadly Sins.

Regarding the activities that the proud are encouraged to take pride in,

And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet. —Romans 1:27

Even as Sodom and Gomorrha, and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh, are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire. —Jude 1:7

If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them. —Leviticus 20:13

As for the increasingly prominent transsexual aspect of LGBTism,

But from the beginning of the creation God made them male and female. —Mark 10:6

You can see why moonbats would like to ban the book that has provided the moral framework for Western Civilization for the past 2,000 years.

Jun 11 2023

Solar Power Production Plunges After Canada Fires

Among the numerous downsides of politically fashionable “green” technologies is that they are not dependable. Forest fires broke out in Canada, possibly due to arson as the country degenerates into anarchotyranny. Here’s the effect the smoke has had on US solar production:

Solar farms powering New England were generating 56% less power during periods of maximum demand than they did the previous week, according to the region’s grid operator.


The reduced production did not result in any power outages, mainly because solar power is not a prominent source of electricity in the area.

Solar power accounts for approximately 3% of New England’s electricity, compared to 52% from natural gas and 26% from nuclear.

Imagine if people were heavily reliant on solar, as Democrats intend for them to be. Most everything would stop. The lights would go out. Their overpriced electric cars would take them nowhere. No doubt government offices would still have power though.

On a tip from Bluto.

Jun 11 2023

Megan Fox and Her Three Sons

Moonbat, actress, and single mom Megan Fox showcases her three sons:

Fox actually sends her sons to school in girls’ clothes, so that they might be laughed at by other children, earning her victim points to display before the media. As reported 2 years ago,

Fox has been milking the media for free publicity by complaining that her 8-year-old son showing up for school wearing a dress has not been received by the other kids with the politically required enthusiastic approval.

You’ve heard of Munchausen syndrome by proxy. Fox enjoys oppression by proxy.

What are the odds of these boys growing up psychologically stable?

It is awful enough that the degenerate kooks infesting Hollyweird sometimes raise children. Worse still, they are presented as role models, influencing parents throughout the country.

A healthy society has heroes; in their place, we have celebrities.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Jun 11 2023

Open Thread

Freedom prospers when religion is vibrant and the rule of law under God is acknowledged. - Ronald Reagan

Jun 10 2023

Hillary Clinton Celebrates Injustice of Trump Indictment

It wasn’t enough to indict Donald Trump and possibly throw him in prison for being the leading candidate of the opposition party, as is the practice in banana republics. The charges had to be outrageously unjust and hypocritical, so as the provoke maximum outrage. That’s why they indicted him for something leading Democrats Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton are at least as guilty of but face no punishment for doing.

Because injustice is the point, they don’t try to hide it. On the contrary, they rub it in our faces:

Hillary Clinton, the former Secretary of State and Democratic presidential nominee, shamelessly celebrated the indictment of former President Donald Trump by capitalizing on her infamous “But Her Emails” controversy.

Clinton took to Twitter to promote the sale of limited-edition merchandise, including hats, emblazoned with the phrase that became a rallying cry for Trump’s supporters during the 2016 election.

Shrillary not only violated any laws Trump did by keeping classified documents in her house, she compounded them by using BleachBit to destroy subpoenaed evidence. This brazen obstruction of justice in open contempt for Congress and the rule of law dwarfs anything Trump is accused of doing. That’s the joke that has her cackling like a witch on Halloween:

Why are Democrats going out of their way to enrage the public with this gross display of injustice heading into an election year? Maybe they have been reading Sun Tzu:

If your opponent is of choleric temper, seek to irritate him.

In other words, if your enemy has a temper, set it off, so that he will act out of anger instead of sound strategy.

The Democrat strategy is no secret. They already used it in the 2022 elections to great success by donating over $40 million to Trumpian candidates during GOP primaries. Trumpian candidates allowed Democrats to place cognitively disabled psychiatric patient John Fetterman in the Senate and to install leftist kook Katie Hobbs as Governor of Arizona.

The more outrageously unjust the treatment of Trump, the more Republicans will rally around him, the more likely he is to win the 2024 nomination.

However, non-Republicans are sick of Trump. His indictment pulls back the tent flap on a circus that will leave independents begging for any election result that will make him go away.

Once Trump has been positioned to win the GOP nomination, all Democrats have to do is pull a switcheroo and dump the conspicuously loathsome Biden before the election, ostensibly for health reasons.

Trump wins the nomination but loses the general election — and Congress goes down with him. That’s the game plan. That’s why he was indicted, and why Shrillary is gloatingly selling her hats.

On a tip from StephaneDumas.

Jun 10 2023

Anthony Bass Thrown Off Blue Jays

The sad tale of Toronto Blue Jays pitcher Anthony Bass demonstrates how progressives have managed to induce a state of terror whereby normal people just keep their heads down and hope it goes away rather than speak out against society being forcibly reengineered to center on LGBTism.

As discussed earlier, Bass issued a groveling apology for having shared a video on social media that criticizes the LGBT agenda from a biblical perspective. Here’s follow-up:

The Toronto Blue Jays cut pitcher Anthony Bass on Friday, one day after the right-handed reliever said he didn’t think an anti-LGBTQ social media post he shared last month was hateful.

The move came hours before Bass was set to catch a ceremonial first pitch from Toronto LGBTQ activist leZlie Lee Kam before Friday’s game against Minnesota as the Blue Jays begin their fourth annual Pride Weekend celebration.

No doubt the dubious honor of catching the pitch was a reward for publicly betraying his beliefs in favor of the sick gods of LGBTism.

Fans sneered at Bass for his cowardice, possibly causing him to backslide slightly toward political incorrectness:

Bass, who was booed by Toronto fans in his two home appearances since the apology, spoke to members of the media before Thursday’s win over Houston, saying he stood by his “personal beliefs.”

However, he also continued to grovel before the alphabet thugs:

He also said he is “working hard” to educate himself, including meeting with the executive director of activist group Pride Toronto.

Not good enough. The liberal establishment requires absolute ideological compliance with the LGBT agenda. If people are allowed to express any reservations whatsoever, the whole ideology will come unraveled.

On a tip from Bluto.

Jun 10 2023

Court Decrees Women-Only Spas Unconstitutional

With liberals on the bench, the Constitution says whatever they want it to say. The blessedly reversed Roe v. Wade decision was an obvious example. Here’s another:

A Seattle court has ruled that a female-only nude spa lacks the “constitutional right” to bar males from their facilities. The decision comes after the spa sued the Washington State Human Rights Commission (WSHRC), which had forced them to change their sex-exclusive policy due to the complaint of a transgender patron.

The spa is willing to let in men, but only if they have had sex change operations. A guy calling himself Haven Wilvich finds these terms unacceptable.

Wilvich had sought a membership at the Olympus Spa in January of 2020, but had been denied on the basis that he had not undergone “gender reassignment” surgeries and his penis was fully intact. …

The spa requires nudity in some of the areas, and, as such, has been reserved for female clientele.

You can see why the spa was not likely to get a favorable ruling from liberal authorities:

The owner of the spa, Myoon Woon Lee, and the spa’s president, Sun Lee, are of Korean heritage and modeled the spa after the tradition of jjimjilbang. They are also Christian, and cited their faith as a reason why they did not wish to accommodate males in the facility.

Let’s hope they aren’t from North Korea. Imagine the heartbreak if they escaped that hellhole seeking freedom only to end up on the Left Coast.

“We firmly believe it is essential for the safety, legal protection, and well-being of our customers and employees that we maintain adherence to this adaptation of a females-only rule,” Sun Lee wrote, also providing education on the cultural traditions of the jjimjilbang.

That’s fine with everyone, except liberal ideology dictates that men are female if they say they are. Consequently, WSHRC ruled that the spa is in violation of state “antidiscrimination” law by not letting perverts ogle the naked clientele.

The Pre-Finding Settlement required the spa to remove all references to “biological women” on their site, and provide staff with “inclusivity” training.

There is a reason that LGBTists denounce people with enough character to put up resistance as “bullies.” It is because they themselves are bullies.

Presenting Haven Wilvich, the bully on whose behalf women are no longer allowed to have their own spas:

On tips from Steve T and ABC of the ANC.

Jun 10 2023

Dr Greta Thunberg Graduates From High School

To get an idea of how much of a farce moonbattery is making of “higher” education, consider that Greta Thunberg, child prophet of the climate cult, was awarded a doctoral degree in theology from the University of Helsinki. She has now topped this with an even more notable academic achievement. Despite frequently playing hooky in the name of the climate, she has finally graduated from high school:

“Today, I graduate from school, which means I’ll no longer be able to school strike for the climate. This is then the last school strike for me,” Thunberg said in a post on social media.

A sad day for the climate. No doubt we will experience increased warming as a result.

On a tip from Lyle.

Jun 10 2023

Open Thread

The rule of law doesn't mean the police are in charge, but that we all answer to the same laws. - Edward Snowden

Jun 09 2023

University of Evansville Pride Camp for Teens

Many aspects of American culture will still survive after liberals have finished fundamentally transforming the country. For example, kids will still go to summer camp to make new friends and learn new skills. However, this tradition will be repurposed. Already, liberal parents can send their trophy LGBTeens aged 13–17 to University of Evansville Pride Camp:

Sessions/activities include:

• Telling your own story
• Biology of sex and gender: What is it? What is it not?
• Future of LGBTQ+ concerns in politics.
• Exploration of LGBTQ+ topics in various fields of study.
• A reflection room
• Outdoor games and activities

The activities are best left undescribed. Just be sure to get Junior checked for STDs afterward.

On a tip from Barry A.

Jun 09 2023

Germans Told to Reduce Meat Consumption by >90%

Nazi rule could not have been pleasant, but at least Germans were allowed to eat food when it was available. This will not be the case under envirofascists, according to whom a normal human diet offends the climate:

The German Nutrition Society (DGE) now recommends reducing meat consumption to 10 grams per day per person to combat global warming. … A sudden and radical renunciation: The average meat consumption of Germans is 109 grams per day, or about 763 grams per week. The population will therefore have to drastically change its eating behavior if it agrees to comply with this new strategy.

In the near future, Oktoberfest will feature celery sticks instead of brats — unless moonbats decide that eating plants oppresses them. By the way, brewing beer is also environmentally problematic.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

Jun 09 2023

No Escape From the Marginalized

The liberal ruling class tells us that sexual perverts are “marginalized.” This means that the brand of leftism dedicated to reorienting society around their proclivities is rammed down your throat everywhere, even in the least appropriate settings, including elementary schools…

…law enforcement offices…

…and even Cracker Barrel:

If The Waltons were still on TV, John-Boy would come out as transsexual.

No one could possibly think Cracker Barrel customers want sexual deviants shoved in their faces. But if anyone in charge cared what customers want, Anheuser-Busch and Target would not be losing money by the $billions.

The Land of the Free is now the Home of the Depraved — until sufficient pushback reverses the social engineering.

On tips from Wiggins and Franco.

Jun 09 2023

Arson More Likely Than Global Warming

Air conditions in the Northeast have been the next best thing to a school shooting for the liberal propagandists who run the media. They have predictably hyped the smoggy skies as evidence that draconian measures are required to confront the nonexistent climate crisis. However, the Canadian forest fires that produced the pollution might not have been caused by our failure to abolish transportation. As with California wildfires, poor forest management likely had more to do with it than minor climate fluctuations. The rising tide of lawlessness might have played an even bigger role:

The Toronto Sun has learned Quebec police are investigating the possibility that the smoke creating poor air quality in southern Ontario and making downtown skylines disappear may have been the result of arson. …

The actual cause is yet to be determined. We do know, however, that previous forest fires in places like Fort McMuray or in Nova Scotia are suspected to be caused by humans.

Multiple acts of arson might have been coordinated.

“As we speak, we think that certain elements that stand out may suggest that these fires may be linked. There are a few things that seem suspicious,” Mayor Isabelle Lessard told the local le Quotidien newspaper. “The SQ [provincial police service Sûreté du Québec] is investigating in order to make validations, then to see what is happening and if there is a criminal cause behind it, but we are still in validation.”


This narrative has not made as many headlines — and is polar opposite to what the likes of U.S. Senator Chuck Schumer and Rep. Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez and Environment Minister Steven Guibeault have been saying.

Moonbat demagogues are predictably spouting nonsense like this:

The Canadian wildfires are unprecedented in the same way the profligate spending blowout Democrats mislabeled the Inflation Reduction Act reduced inflation. An example from 243 years ago, long before there was a modern economy to blame:

On May 19, 1780, the sun came up as usual, but then the skies over New England darkened as far north as Portland, Maine, and as far south as New Jersey. …

The Dark Day inspired terror, panic and puzzlement. Men prayed and women wept. Thousands left off work and took to taverns and churches for solace. Children were sent home from school. Bewildered chickens went to their roosts, frightened cattle returned to their stalls, the night birds whistled and frogs peeped as they did at midnight.

If Twitter had been around, moonbats would have been barking hysterical tweets.

In the 19th century, historian Joseph Dow figured out the cause: smoke from extensive forest fires mixed with fog.

On tips from Lyle.


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