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Jun 09 2023

No Escape From the Marginalized

The liberal ruling class tells us that sexual perverts are “marginalized.” This means that the brand of leftism dedicated to reorienting society around their proclivities is rammed down your throat everywhere, even in the least appropriate settings, including elementary schools…

…law enforcement offices…

…and even Cracker Barrel:

If The Waltons were still on TV, John-Boy would come out as transsexual.

No one could possibly think Cracker Barrel customers want sexual deviants shoved in their faces. But if anyone in charge cared what customers want, Anheuser-Busch and Target would not be losing money by the $billions.

The Land of the Free is now the Home of the Depraved — until sufficient pushback reverses the social engineering.

On tips from Wiggins and Franco.

Jun 09 2023

Arson More Likely Than Global Warming

Air conditions in the Northeast have been the next best thing to a school shooting for the liberal propagandists who run the media. They have predictably hyped the smoggy skies as evidence that draconian measures are required to confront the nonexistent climate crisis. However, the Canadian forest fires that produced the pollution might not have been caused by our failure to abolish transportation. As with California wildfires, poor forest management likely had more to do with it than minor climate fluctuations. The rising tide of lawlessness might have played an even bigger role:

The Toronto Sun has learned Quebec police are investigating the possibility that the smoke creating poor air quality in southern Ontario and making downtown skylines disappear may have been the result of arson. …

The actual cause is yet to be determined. We do know, however, that previous forest fires in places like Fort McMuray or in Nova Scotia are suspected to be caused by humans.

Multiple acts of arson might have been coordinated.

“As we speak, we think that certain elements that stand out may suggest that these fires may be linked. There are a few things that seem suspicious,” Mayor Isabelle Lessard told the local le Quotidien newspaper. “The SQ [provincial police service Sûreté du Québec] is investigating in order to make validations, then to see what is happening and if there is a criminal cause behind it, but we are still in validation.”


This narrative has not made as many headlines — and is polar opposite to what the likes of U.S. Senator Chuck Schumer and Rep. Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez and Environment Minister Steven Guibeault have been saying.

Moonbat demagogues are predictably spouting nonsense like this:

The Canadian wildfires are unprecedented in the same way the profligate spending blowout Democrats mislabeled the Inflation Reduction Act reduced inflation. An example from 243 years ago, long before there was a modern economy to blame:

On May 19, 1780, the sun came up as usual, but then the skies over New England darkened as far north as Portland, Maine, and as far south as New Jersey. …

The Dark Day inspired terror, panic and puzzlement. Men prayed and women wept. Thousands left off work and took to taverns and churches for solace. Children were sent home from school. Bewildered chickens went to their roosts, frightened cattle returned to their stalls, the night birds whistled and frogs peeped as they did at midnight.

If Twitter had been around, moonbats would have been barking hysterical tweets.

In the 19th century, historian Joseph Dow figured out the cause: smoke from extensive forest fires mixed with fog.

On tips from Lyle.

Jun 09 2023

Open Thread

You will smile here at the consistency of those democratists who, when they are not on their guard, treat the humbler part of the community with the greatest contempt, whilst, at the same time they pretend to make them the depositories of all power. - Edmund Burke

Jun 08 2023

LGBTification of Girl Scouts

The innocence of Girl Scouts fills moonbats with a burning need to corrupt them:

Scouts can earn the rainbow-striped LGBTQ+ Pride Month segment of the multicultural community celebration patch by participating in LGBT educational activities and activism. Those activities include participation in pride celebrations and completion of educational assignments about gay and transgender activism.

An example of a “pride celebration” would be this. “Educational” refers to indoctrination into sexual depravity as a political ideology.

No doubt girls can earn special patches by having lesbian sex or proclaiming themselves to be boys.

No society that allows the corruption of children will survive for long or deserves to.

On tips from Jack Bauer, ABC of the ANC, Mr. Freemarket, and R F.

Jun 08 2023

California Moves to Further Encourage Shoplifting

When the leftists running California effectively legalized shoplifting, the inevitable result was such a looting spree that major retailers like Walgreens and Nordstrom have been shutting down operations. Now the state’s Democrat rulers have corrected their course. They realized that even if the police allow shoplifting, sometimes store employees step in to prevent it. No problem created by liberals is so awful that they cannot make it worse through more legislation:

The State Senate passed a new bill this week that supporters say would help keep employees safer from workplace violence. One aspect of the bill would prohibit companies from forcing their employees to confront shoplifters and require more training for workers.

State Sen. Dave Cortese says Senate Bill 553 is another step in the fight against workplace violence.

Liberals define violence they don’t like as speech and speech they don’t like as violence. By “workplace violence,” Cortese (a Democrat, of course) could be referring to employees asking looters to refrain from stealing the merchandise.

Unsurprisingly, the California Retailers Association does not support this latest facilitation of crime by Democrats. CRA president and CEO Rachel Michelin observes that “it will open the doors even wider for people to come in and steal from our stores.”

Even the establishment media is starting to figure out that the liberal rule it installed is not sustainable:

Government has few legitimate purposes. Among them is the defense of property rights. Unfortunately, we don’t have a government; its place has been taken by a mob of looters who have no more respect for property rights than the shoplifters emptying the shelves at Home Depot.

On tips from Brian Brandt, Eddie_Valiant, and Chris Neilson.

Jun 08 2023

The Flag We Live Under

The media yells that those who orient their lives and their personal identities around indulging in sexual perversion are “marginalized.” Meanwhile, in reality:

To the extent liberals are able to impose a world government, things will not go well for Christians, or for children who have been designated for transsexualization.

As the LGBT flag is the One World Government flag, it is also the flag the US military salutes under liberal rule:

Comments Benny Johnson,

This cult is actively disgracing our military and replacing the American flag like we are a conquered people.

We must be a conquered people. There is no chance that any decent population would tolerate the transsexualization of children or the ramming down their throats of degeneracy and depravity if they had control of their country.

Fortunately, conquered people have been known to throw off their rulers.

On tips from Wiggins.

Jun 08 2023

Denver Proposal Attacks Food Processing

Denver leftists are waging the War on Food at the local level:

A proposed citizen-initiated Denver ordinance to ban any facility where livestock animals are killed to produce food could cost hundreds of workers their jobs as well as create a larger ripple effect into the state’s economy if it successfully makes it onto the ballot and passes. …

The proposal, titled “Prohibition of Slaughterhouses” is currently in the signature gathering phase and would prohibit “the construction, maintenance, or use of” any meat processing facilities in Denver beginning January 1, 2026…

The motive for this malice is to appease liberal climate gods, who don’t like it when we eat a normal human diet.

The legislative intent of the proponents includes seeking an increase in plant-based protein sources, as well as pushing the claim that livestock is a major contributor to climate change, though no explanation is provided as to how pushing existing meat processing outside of Denver city limits would reduce greenhouse gas emissions. If enough signatures are gathered it would appear on the April 2024 municipal election ballot.

You can have moonbat rule or you can have food. You won’t have both for long.

On a tip from R F.

Jun 08 2023

Diversity Knifes French 3-Year-Olds

Suppressing gun rights doesn’t work. Maybe defending the border to prevent foreign conquest by mass immigration is worth a try. From France:

Several children, all around the age of three, have been stabbed in a lakeside playground attack in France by a man wielding a knife in the French Alps town of Annecy. …

Four young children and an adult were injured, according to police. That number could be subject to change as the situation evolves.

Two of the children suffered life-threatening injuries while the other two are slightly hurt, police said. They added that the adult also suffered life-threatening wounds. …

The alleged attacker is said to be a Syrian national, police sources told local media.

This one didn’t have the body count of prior acts of multicultural outreach by France’s Arab conquerors. In 2015, Muslims killed 17 at the offices of Charlie Hebdo and 130 in the synchronized attacks that included the Bataclan nightclub in Paris. The next year on Bastille Day, Tunisian Mohamed Lahouaiej-Bouhlel killed 84 in Nice with a truck. However, the age of the Annecy victims may cause this to stick in people’s minds.

Eventually even a country as rotted through with leftist ideology as France starts to push back. Either that or it just dies.

On a tip from Bluto.

Jun 08 2023

Open Thread

[I] can't actually imagine a time in which the need for more diversity would ever cease. Affirmative action has been an issue since segregation practices. The question is not when does it end, but when does it begin [..] When do people of color truly get the benefits to which they are entitled? - Eric Holder

Jun 07 2023

Chris Christie Worse Than We Knew

Ronald Reagan’s 11th Commandment was excellent advice: “Thou shalt not speak ill of thy fellow Republican.” The last thing we want is to help moonbats by firing on each other instead of the enemy while they destroy the country. But what to do when Republicans are moonbats themselves?

Chris Christie has joined the herd of GOP also-rans who are helping to secure Trump’s nomination by diverting votes from Ron DeSantis. Christie stands no chance of winning the nomination himself, which is a blessing, considering his appraisal of past presidents:

Christie admonished George Washington while praising the foreign policy of former President Woodrow Wilson, who has been regarded as one of the worst presidents in history mostly due to his insistence in involving America in World War I and his failure to negotiate a fair peace with Germany, which could have prevented World War II.

Wilson, who opposed the US constitution, has been called the world’s first fascist dictator. Mussolini acknowledged him as a role model. Only Hitler himself was more responsible than Wilson for causing the greatest cataclysm in world history, WWII.

“In 1917, when Europe was at war and dictatorships were taking over the entire continent, and America had followed the admonition of George Washington since its founding to stay out of foreign entanglements, Woodrow Wilson said, ‘no, if America allows Europe to go under dictatorship, we will be next,’” explained Christie. “Franklin Roosevelt said the same thing 24 years later when Hitler and Mussolini and Hirohito decided that dictatorship is what was going to rule the world.”

Few fault Roosevelt for standing up to the Nazis and imperial Japanese. But FDR did more than even Wilson to increase the power of the federal government at the expense of liberty.

George Washington is the gold standard by whom all other leaders should be judged. Comparing the father of our country unfavorably to the personification of federal hypertrophy disqualifies Christie for public office.

Christie’s rhetoric is particularly alarming in light of the recklessly belligerent views some hold regarding Ukraine, a situation that could easily escalate into WWIII if we continue to butt in where we have no business.

As Politico reported, “recent polling suggests the former New Jersey governor is deeply unpopular with Republican voters. He has the highest unfavorable ratings of any candidate in the field. Sixty percent say they would not support him under any circumstances. No other contender has numbers even close to that bad.”

Maybe Christie is angling for his own show on CNN.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Jun 07 2023

Reparations Math

Now that education has succumbed to the Long March Through the Institutions, the subject is never the subject; the subject is always moonbattery. This applies even to math:

High school students will learn about the causes of racial inequality and discuss reparations for slavery as part of a new “reparations math” curriculum developed by the creators of the controversial 1619 Project.

The 1619 Project has been pushed by the odious New York Times, flagship publication of the liberal establishment. It provides a fictional alternative version of American history, in which Americans — specifically America’s core population — are the bad guys. The American Revolution was fought to secure slavery, not liberty, because the oppression of blacks is at the root of everything, in accordance with Critical Race Theory.

When they apply this theory to astronomy, as they already have to history and math, students will learn that if a piece of rock orbits some undiscovered planet on the far side of the universe, it does so not because of gravity but because privileged blacks feel themselves to be oppressed.

The 1619 Project Education Network provides a lesson summary of what teenagers are to learn under “Reparations Math and Reparations History”:

Students apply math skills, research into historical wealth gaps in the U.S., and an analysis of different reparations models to an investigation into whether or not reparations should be paid to the descendents of enslaved people in the U.S.

In other words, 2 + 2 = Cough up your money, Whitey!

This toxic ideology is imposed throughout the country:

Educational materials related to the 1619 Project have been widely taught since its release in August 2019. A report by John Murawski of RealClearInvestigations in 2020 noted the 1619 Project curriculum had been adopted in over 3,500 classrooms across all 50 states, mostly through “administrative fiat” rather than a public review process.

Black conservative Carol Swain, who used to teach law and political science at Vanderbilt, observes the obvious:

“The curriculum materials for math are clearly geared towards politicizing the youngest minds.”

Ian Rowe, another black conservative, notes that the curriculum “is pure indoctrination designed to perpetuate an ideology of black dependency and retribution for historical and presumed present day racial victimization.”

Unfortunately, dissident voices who favor historical reality and black self-respect will be denounced as Uncle Toms and drowned out by a mob of parasites shouting, “Gimme!”

On tips from ABC of the ANC.

Jun 07 2023

Eric Adams Wants to Quarter Illegal Aliens in Private Homes

Eric Adams, floundering left-wing mayor of the sanctuary city New York, wants to quarter some of the millions of unlawful invaders his party has invited across the undefended border in private homes:

Adams didn’t offer up specifics on how the plan would work – including how much New Yorkers could potentially receive per night to cover the cost of hosting a migrant. …

He did say, however, that the city would pay places of worship a nightly rate of about $125 for each asylum seeker – which is cheaper than the $380 it costs to put up a migrant household – including a family with kids or just single adults – in one of its shelter hotels.

Considering that 2,200 invaders showed up at NYC shelters last week alone, taxpayers will have to cough up plenty.

After the last taxpayer escapes New York, programs like this will have to go federal. Then taxpayers won’t be needed; Joe Biden can just print the money.

Harboring aliens is a federal crime (Title 8 US Code § 1324). But laws are irrelevant under rulers who recruit illegal aliens as police officers and dispense free drug fiend paraphernalia via vending machines.

NYC Council Republican leader Joe Borelli posted on social media: “What are the goals? When do we stop paying? What is the off-ramp?”

The only off-ramp is the total overthrow of liberal rule.

On tips from Wiggins and Chris Neilson.

Jun 07 2023

Open Thread

Among the cancers devouring the American body politic, one of the most virulent involves liberals who play the race card as carelessly as children playing 52 Pickup. - Deroy Murdock

Jun 06 2023

Not What They Stormed the Beaches For on D-Day

Don’t click to watch this video unless you really want to see what we are required by our moonbat rulers to embrace:

Of course there were children in attendance. Like many of these events, it was explicitly billed as family friendly:

A gay Pride Parade in California billed as fun for “the whole family” caused a stir online after graphic videos from the parade were shared on social media.

West Hollywood had a three day “WeHo Pride” event last weekend featuring concerts, a street fair, a “Women’s Freedom Festival,” and a “dyke march.” The event ended with a “WeHo Pride Parade” on Sunday, which was billed as appropriate for the entire family.

“The WeHo Pride Parade will step off at noon on Sunday, June 4th along Santa Monica Blvd. from Crescent Heights to San Vicente and is a colorful and entertaining event for the whole family. Last year’s parade drew out tens of thousands of spectators to the streets of West Hollywood!” the website states.

The parade was yet another manifestation of the ideology that is relentlessly rammed down our throats by the degenerate left-wing ruling class through the schools, the media, big business, and the government.

You can be arrested for failing to “respect” these disgusting spectacles:

No heroes, not even those who stormed the beaches on D-Day 79 years ago, can save a country once and for all. Each generation is responsible for saving it. If people don’t step up when their courage is required, their country will be destroyed, as we have been witnessing.

On tips from Varla and KirklesWorth.


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