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Jun 06 2023

Free Crack Pipes in NYC Vending Machines

Our moonbat overlords can apply the principle of anarchotyranny to anything — from police recruitment that encourages illegal immigration to vending machines that force taxpayers to subsidize the violation of drug laws:

Big Apple officials unveiled a street vending machine Monday that covers it all when it comes to catering to drug-users, offering free handy paraphernalia such as crack pipes and lip balm — and also Narcan for overdoses.

The lip balm “can be used to smoke crack and crystal meth.” Naturally the free goodies also include condoms.

The vending machine, one of four set to be placed in some of the city’s most drug-infested neighborhoods, swaps out what would be more typical offerings such as candy bars and potato chips for the drug-related freebies to try to combat the surge in overdoses in the five boroughs, city Health Department bigs said.

The machines cost taxpayers $11,000 apiece, party supplies not included.

While the first machine does not include syringes, future ones may include them, [Health and Mental Hygiene Commissioner Ashwin] Vasan said.

New York’s Health and Mental Hygiene Commissioner uses public funds to facilitate recreational drug use, during a drug crisis that has been leaving people “in a catatonic state and with conditions that eat their flesh off.”

Once again we see that liberal rule entails the absolute inversion of sanity.

On tips from THOUGHTCRIMINAL2084 and Ed McAninch.

Jun 06 2023

Illegal Alien Police Officers

The system of government moonbats seek to impose is known as “anarchotyranny.” It combines tyrannical government overreach with contempt for rule of law, as liberal Illinois demonstrates by recruiting illegal aliens as police officers:

A bill aimed at clearing a path for recipients of a federal immigration program to become police officers — and at the same time helping departments that say they are struggling with recruitment — is moving forward with bipartisan support in the Illinois Legislature, but only after being amended to make clear that potential hires need to get federal approval to carry a gun.

The federal immigration program is DACA, which applies specifically to people who are in the USA in violation of American law.

Federal law generally bars noncitizens from carrying guns unless it’s for “official use,” meaning police officers who are not U.S. citizens would not be allowed to carry the weapons off-duty, according to a spokesperson for the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.

The Illinois legislators want the federal government to change the rules so that people who are in the country illegally can carry guns legally even when not on duty as police officers.

The measure’s Democratic sponsor in the House is state Rep. Barbara Hernandez, whose aim is to help recipients of the federal Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, or DACA, become police officers while also giving law enforcement agencies another option for recruiting.

Recruiting has been a problem because Democrat authorities aggressively side with criminals against law enforcement. This alarming phenomenon has been taken to the last extreme in Chicago, whose leftist fever swamps spawned the community organizer who went on to push DACA as the 44th president. Maybe the recruitment and morale problems will be mitigated when the cops themselves violate the law just by being here.

Multiple states including of course California allow illegal aliens who qualify for Obama’s DACA program to be police officers.

The legislation passed 101-0 in the Illinois House on March 24 and is now before the Senate, where it already has two sponsors.

Update: The bill has now passed both houses.

The next logical step is to enlist convicts as police officers rather than incarcerating them. This will have the desired effect of reducing the prison population. It could be how Dim and Billyboy got jobs as bobbies in A Clockwork Orange.

On a tip from Dr Kufi Tutite.

Jun 06 2023

Nearly One Third of Gen Z Want Telescreens in Homes

Add telescreens to the many things George Orwell accurately predicted in 1984. Cameras have not yet been installed in our homes so that Big Government can eradicate privacy entirely and monitor everything we do. But they are coming soon — with the support of a populace so degraded by moonbattery that it can no longer grasp essential concepts like freedom and dignity:

In a newly released Cato Institute 2023 Central Bank Digital Currency National Survey of 2,000 Americans, we asked respondents whether they “favor or oppose the government installing surveillance cameras in every household to reduce domestic violence, abuse, and other illegal activity.”

Appallingly, 14% of Americans favor the idea. Among the generation that stormed the beaches of Normandy 79 years ago today, it would have been close to 0%. Otherwise, there wouldn’t have been much point to D-Day.

The news gets worse:

Americans under the age of 30 stand out when it comes to 1984‐style in‐home government surveillance cameras. 3 in 10 (29 percent) Americans under 30 favor “the government installing surveillance cameras in every household” in order to “reduce domestic violence, abuse, and other illegal activity.” Support declines with age, dropping to 20 percent among 30–44 year olds and dropping considerably to 6 percent among those over the age of 45.

No doubt young liberals would argue that privacy is racist and homophobic, because it allows people to express unapproved thoughts. You can’t expect them to have more respect for the Fourth Amendment than they do for the First.

With each passing generation, the relentless attack social engineers call Critical Theory eats away at the foundations of society.

The deliberately engineered demographic transformation also comes into play. Nine percent of whites favor in-home surveillance cameras, compared to 25% of Hispanics and 33% of blacks.

It isn’t enough to conserve what’s left. There needs to be a dramatic reversal or America is doomed.

On a tip from Jack Bauer.

Jun 06 2023

Transsexual Felon Awarded Half $Million

They don’t make social justice jackpots in Minnesota like they do in New York. Being a woman of color who was late for work 47 times is worth $11.25 million in NYC. But a guy calling himself Christina Lusk was only able to collect $495,000 for being a cross-dressing felon in Minnesota, despite transsexuals occupying the top tier of the liberal caste system:

A Minnesota transgender inmate is being moved to a women’s prison and will receive a vaginoplasty as well as $495,000 to settle a discrimination lawsuit against the state Department of Corrections. …

Lusk, who was arrested in 2018 and is serving a sentence until 2024 for a felony drug offense, sued the Minnesota DOC last year in part because it deferred Lusk’s request for a vaginoplasty, or “bottom surgery.”

In addition to sex-change surgery, taxpayers owe Lusk half a $million also because other criminals made fun of him for being a freak, instead of revering him as the rest of us are expected to do.

“Inmates would heckle her, heckle her roommates… call her ‘it,’ that sort of thing,” Gender Justice legal director Jess Braverman said, according to FOX 9. “And then there were staff who would say things to her, such as, ‘You know, you’re a man in a men’s prison. I’m not going to treat you like a woman. I’m not going to use your proper name and pronouns.’”

No doubt this qualifies as cruel and unusual punishment — unlike the punishment inflicted on women in women’s prisons who are locked up with male perverts.

In January, the Minnesota DOC joined 10 other states and the District of Columbia in establishing a policy by which inmates can be transferred to facilities that match their gender identity.

Women are getting raped and even impregnated due to these psychotic policies. A progressive might argue they deserve it for being TERFs who insensitively refuse to acknowledge that their rapists are women too.

On a tip from Franco.

Jun 06 2023

Open Thread

It is only people with a sense of personal responsibility who can help others. It is only people with a sense of personal responsibility who can be helped in a lasting way. - Eric Sevareid

Jun 05 2023

Biden Managed to Fall Down Wearing These

As previously noted here and here, there is nothing remarkable about the aptly decrepit figurehead of the rotting liberal establishment taking a tumble — unless you consider what he had on his feet for his latest pratfall:

The Western Journal notes that…

…these are similar to the kind of heels the late Michael Jackson used to use — in a bit more pronounced fashion — to keep himself upright during difficult dance maneuvers.

Biden shares with the erstwhile King of Pop a supremely creepy interest in children, but they have little in common in terms of agility.

If Biden’s handlers know that he needs special shoes to help prevent him from falling down, they also know that he is too old to be running for reelection. But “Dr” Jill, Barack Obama, George Soros, and the rest of the team will run him anyway.

On a tip from Blackjack.

Jun 05 2023

Antiwhite Discrimination Applied to Access to Water

Racial quotas have long discriminated against the whites who built South Africa regarding jobs. Now these will be applied to access to water:

Hot on the heels of newly-gazetted draft Race Quotas designed to ban entire groups of South Africans from employment in certain sectors and provinces, the ANC government has now also gazetted race quotas that will determine access to water on the basis of skin colour. …

The draft regulations, published by Minister of Water Senzo Mchunu on 19 May, introduce race quotas for the allocation of water use licences, which are vital to the survival of businesses in sectors such as agriculture, forestry and mining.

Under the ANC’s new water race quotas, applicants that use more than 250 000 m3 or withdraw more than a set minimum amount from streams need to meet strict racial quotas in order to get access to water – the single most critical resource required for life, livestock, agriculture and industry. Depending on the size of their water need, farmers or companies that have not “allocated” between 25% and 75% of its shares to what the regulations call “blacks,” will be denied access to water.

Once again, South Africa’s farmers take it in the teeth:

The consequences will be particularly devastating for the farmers who feed us all. 60% of South Africa’s water resources are currently used by agriculture to grow the food we all eat.

We know how this will turn out because similar race-based policies were applied to farms in Rhodesia, the erstwhile Breadbasket of Africa that is now the starving basket case Zimbabwe.

Under these water race quotas, livestock will be left to die from thirst because a farmer has the “wrong” skin colour. Fields will go fallow because those who till it are “undesirable.”

Blacks will starve too, but it is worth it to them to poke white farmers in the eye.

Speaking of farming in the Rainbow Utopia,

Former South African rugby star Lukas van Biljon is said to be ‘broken and devastated’ after his father died from gunshot wounds in a horrific farm attack in South Africa.

Tragic Andre van Biljon, 70, was blasted three times in the chest at midnight on Saturday and his son, ex-Springbok hooker Lukas, 47, was stabbed repeatedly with a knife.

Although authorities are effectively on the side of the criminals, two of the attackers were actually captured — because local farmers set up a roadblock and caught them.

Farmers in South Africa are under daily threat with 333 brutal attacks throughout the country last year which resulted in 55 horrific murders of men, women and children.

The attacks are usually highlighted by the cruelty inflicted with women often raped and both men and women first tortured with hot irons, power tools and boiling water.

Most victims are then mercilessly shot dead with stabbing and strangulation the second and third causes of death.

South Africa provides context for the plan openly advocated by leftists like Joe Biden to make whites a minority in the USA.

On tips from Occam’s Stubble, R F, and ABC of the ANC.

Jun 05 2023

Bible Removed From Utah Schools

It’s not as if we didn’t see this coming. The tolerant, open-minded liberals who rule over us have managed to ban the Bible in Utah’s second largest school district:

Officials in the Davis district – a 72,000-student district north of Salt Lake City – removed the religious text from elementary and middle schools but will keep it in high schools.

A committee with the district reviewed The Good Book after a complaint by a parent, and district officials say the committee is made up of parents, teachers and administrators.

There was also a complaint to remove the Book of Mormon from younger students’ libraries.

Such complaints come in response to countermoonbat attempts to remove homosexual child pornography from public schools, which liberals have characterized as book banning.

Even if the objective was only to make an idiotic point, denouncing the Bible as vulgar and violent resulted in the book that has provided the moral framework for Western Civilization for the past 2,000 years being removed from schools.

Liberals will shift their emphasis to the many passages in the Bible proscribing homosexuality when they ban the Bible at the federal level on the grounds that it is hate speech. Be sure you have a secure place to hide yours when we get to the point of Cultural Revolution-style house-to-house searches.

On tips from Barry A and Ed McAninch.

Jun 05 2023

Green Crony Capitalists Seize South Dakota Farmland

The War on Food is escalating in Europe. Meanwhile, back in the USSA,

Farmers in South Dakota are facing egregious intimidation tactics by a private company that wants to use eminent domain to confiscate valuable farmland for carbon-capture pipelines. …

Carbon capture is a process that traps carbon dioxide produced by ethanol plants and pipes it to remote locations for underground storage.

Ethanol is a tragic waste of agricultural resources that are wastefully diverted to create an inferior version of gasoline. Its main purpose is to help corrupt politicians buy votes in farm states.

Among the few who actually benefit from capturing harmless carbon emissions at stratospheric expense are green crony capitalists:

Two companies are planning pipelines through South Dakota’s Corn Belt: Summit Carbon Solutions wants to build the Midwest Carbon Express and Navigator CO2 Ventures is proposing the Heartland Greenway.

These companies are for-profit enterprises that also stand to gain a federal tax credit of $50 per ton of CO2 sequestered.

That’s why Summit is suing 80 South Dakota landowners to seize their property through eminent domain.

The biggest beneficiary is Big Government, which gets bigger still when we get smaller by losing our property rights.

On a tip from R F.

Jun 05 2023

Open Thread

Someone has said the best nursing home is the U.S. Senate. - Ernest Hollings

Jun 04 2023

How Feds Outsource Censorship

Until such a time as Democrats can pack the Supreme Court and thereby render the Constitution moot, the First Amendment limits the political censorship that can be imposed directly by the federal government. So censorship is outsourced to NGOs and the leftist authoritarians who control universities — although taxpayers still pick up the tab:

The State Department-funded Global Disinformation Index paid the University of Texas at Austin to conduct research for a heavily scrutinized report that took aim at conservative media outlets, documents show.

GDI has come under scrutiny from Republican lawmakers and watchdogs following multiple Washington Examiner reports starting in February on its covert operation of feeding conservative website blacklists to advertisers with the intent of shutting down disfavored speech. The self-styled British “disinformation” tracker steered $90,810 to UT-Austin’s Global Disinformation Lab for a December 2022 report that alleged the “riskiest” websites were the New York Post, the Blaze, RealClearPolitics, and other conservative websites, according to contracts obtained by the Washington Examiner.

The New York Post is risky, all right. It broke the Hunter Biden laptop story, which implicated Joe Biden in influence peddling to our communist Chinese adversaries right before the 2020 election — which he would have lost if Big Tech, the Deep State, and the liberal establishment media had not aggressively acted in concert to keep this “disinformation” from the public.

It is not only through state-funded schools like University of Texas that authoritarians force us to finance the suppression of our own free speech.

The State Department and a nonprofit group that it funds called the National Endowment for Democracy granted roughly $960,000 between 2020 and 2022 to GDI — which has resulted in GOP members of Congress, including House Oversight and Accountability Committee Chairman James Comer (R-KY), launching investigations. The NED has since announced it won’t grant any more money to GDI, while the State Department has defended its grant.

The State Department is under the control of a slimy mollusk who had a notable role in Biden’s election campaign — specifically in the suppression of the Hunter Biden laptop revelations.

The State Department used to confront America’s enemies abroad. However, our worst enemies now operate within our own borders.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

Jun 04 2023

Cows Are Casualties in Leftist War on Food

The last time utopian oligarchical collectivist authoritarians had this much wind at their backs, Stalin and Mao each starved millions of their own subjects to death. This makes the unfolding War on Food by conspicuously evil globalists like John Kerry alarming in the extreme.

Animals are collateral damage in this war. Leftists used to denounce the anthropocentrism of not granting animals the same rights as people. Now, their weather gods demand the killing off of cows:

Ireland’s government is pushing plans to slaughter a staggering 200,000 healthy cows to fight so-called “global warming,” according to reports. …

To slash the nation’s “emissions,” the government wants to gut the national dairy herd by 10 percent.

According to ruling class ideology, bovine flatulence is offensive to the climate.

[M]ultiple reports confirm that the cows will be “culled,” costing taxpayers €200 million ($215M) per year over the next three years to meet green agenda emissions targets.

There is no sane reason to believe that killing cows will have any perceptible effect on the weather, not that there is anything wrong with the weather anyway. It will however have an effect on food prices.

Ireland is not the only country succumbing to malevolent green tyranny.

The revelation is just the latest in a series of troubling moves from Western nations to green agenda goals dictated by the World Economic Forum (WEF) and the United Nations (UN).

Take for example the world’s #2 agricultural exporter:

The Dutch government shut down 3,000 productive farms to comply with “global warming” goals.

Across the border,

Germany ordered farmers to slash fertilizer after the Dutch farms were shut down to comply with global warming standards.

Moonbats are not merely insufferably full of crap. They want to hurt us. They have been putting themselves in a position to do it on a scale that will be remembered for centuries.

On tips from Mr. Freemarket, seaoh, and StephaneDumas.

Jun 04 2023

White Male Pilots Are “Useless” to RAF

After the Battle of Britain, the world stood in awe of the Royal Air Force, which staved off Nazi invasion against overwhelming odds. Great cultures produce great men to defend them. Such men have no place in cultures that are not worth defending. The RAF isn’t looking for heroes anymore. It is looking for pilots who are not British men:

A newly leaked email from Jan. 19, 2021, revealed that Squadron Leader Andrew Harwin, who worked in the Officer and Aircrew Selection Center, expressed concern to recruiter colleagues “that the boards have recently been predominantly white male heavy,” reported the Telegraph.

“If we don’t have enough BAME [black, Asian, minority ethnic] and female to board then we need to make the decision to pause boarding and seek more BAME and female from the RF [recruitment force],” continued the letter.

In a society experiencing liberal decay, the purpose of the military is not to win wars, but to advance sexual perversion and discriminate against white men.

Harwin reportedly further indicated it would be preferable to limit the number of trainees admitted to courses than to have too many pilots with undesirable racial traits.

Being a European in a European country is regarded as an undesirable racial trait by the moonbats in charge.

“I don’t really need to see loads of useless white male pilots, let’s get as focused as possible, I am more than happy to reduce boarding if needed to have a balanced BAME/female/male board,” he wrote.

The pilots who saved Britain from the Nazis would today qualify as “useless,” because few if any of them would have served the purpose of not being white men.

Despite admitting in a second letter to canceling two boards because they comprised white men, Harwin noted that “the pot for BAME and female is drained. … The demand signal needs to go back to RF to focus now on sending all the BAME and female they have.”

This policy has had the desired effective of stalling recruitment of white male pilots.

Following the revelation that pilots may have had their careers stymied or ended on the basis of their race, the RAF announced that 31 white pilots would be compensated, reported the Times.

But it’s only taxpayers’ money, so no lesson has been learned. RAF bureauweenies squeak that they will “continue doing everything we can to increase our recruiting intake from under-represented groups within the provisions of the law.” Or outside the provisions of the law, until someone makes an issue of it.

Down in hell, Hitler is kicking himself for not waiting a few decades, for when invading Britain would be a cakewalk.

On tips from Steve T and Mr. Freemarket.

Jun 04 2023

Toilets Denounced as Racist

The countless precious blessings whites have bestowed upon the world include flush toilets. That means toilets are racist. Weep the propagandists at the Guardian:

America invested in sanitation systems throughout the 20th century – but it often left out communities of color, and they’re still trying to catch up. This video explains how specific policies caused these inequities, and talks to some of the people who still lack proper sanitation systems in 2022.

Baizuos who enjoy wallowing in racist self-hatred will want to click through and watch the video.

Others may note that if it weren’t for whites, no one would have flush toilets. Or refrigeration. Or air travel. Or internal combustion engines. Or modern agriculture. Or modern medicine. Or limited government. Or computers. Or anything else that makes being human much more pleasant than it was before the rise of European civilization.

On a tip from seaoh.


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