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May 04 2023

Open Thread

When ancient opinions and rules of life are taken away, the loss cannot possibly be estimated. From that moment, we have no compass to govern us, nor can we know distinctly to what port to steer. - Edmund Burke

May 03 2023

Chelsea Clinton Advocates Child Porn in Schools

Even now, it is beyond belief that a well-known public figure would advocate exposing young children to explicit pornography in public schools. Yet we read this:

Chelsea Clinton this week defended a list of books marketed toward minors, claiming they are “vital” for children and that “attempted book bans” against the LGBTQ content are “harmful.”

Check out the book serving as an example:

As noted in the Community Notes, Gender Queer is hardcore porn focusing on children. It includes visual depictions of oral sex and adult–child sexual contact. It is the sort of obscenity that no civilization until ours would have tolerated. Yet our ruling class finds it “vital” that this filth be force fed to innocent children in the name of LGBTism.

When Joe Biden croaks about his opposition “banning books,” he is denouncing attempts to protect children from being exposed to books like Gender Queer at school.

One way or another, there will come a reckoning for what the liberal elite has reduced this country to.

On a tip from MrRightWingDave.

May 03 2023

Transsexualization Meets Infantilization at Portland State

Educrats have made impressive progressive in their efforts to infantilize and transsexualize the overgrown children in their care. At Portland State University, some students experience the violence of knowing there are people out there who are not fully on board with the LGBT agenda. These oppressed souls are coddled in their campus safe space with cotton candy and coloring books.

The following text apparently is not a parody of liberal snowflakery and intolerance, but was taken from a letter addressed to the “Campus Community” by PSU President Stephen Percy and Vice President for Global Diversity and Inclusion Ame Lambert:

Recent headlines have pointed out that anti-trans bill in legislatures across the country have doubled since last year, with 469 bills introduced and 38 new laws on the books in 13 states.

The main purpose of these laws is to protect children from horrific sex change procedures and from grooming by perverts who prey on them.

We recognize the toll this campaign, and the media that surrounds it, has on the queer and trans members of our community…

Assuming that PSU students are adults (if only in the legal sense), few of these laws would apply to them even if they lived in parts of the country where they are enacted. At worse, men might have to refrain from invading private facilities like locker rooms designated for women. But any resistance to anything LGBT anywhere is framed as an attack on all LGBTers everywhere. Unlike the normal people they incessantly bully, they have solidarity.

Please know that there are resources that all [i.e., transsexual crybullies and their woke allies] may find supportive in the current environment.

Many of these resources are provided by PSU’s Queer Resource Center (QRC). Among those planned:

“Trans and Gender Expansive Celebration and Community Hour” Monday-Friday 12pm – 1pm in the QRC. Cotton candy, temporary tattoos, and coloring will be available. Please bring your PSU ID.

It isn’t all cuddles and hugs. In the unlikely event that anyone who deviates from LGBT ideology dares open his mouth on campus, stern measures will be applied:

PSU community members who have experienced discrimination, harassment, or bias based on gender identity or sexual orientation are encouraged to make a report with the Office of Equity and Compliance.

Who would want to be called before the Office of Equity and Compliance?

No doubt turning down a transsexual hookup proposition would qualify as bias based on sexual orientation.

On a tip from Mr. Freemarket.

May 03 2023

Nordstrom Forced to Close San Francisco Stores

San Francisco has reached the point in the Democrat Death Spiral where it is becoming impossible to do business there. Consequently, Nordstrom is closing both its stores in this mecca of moonbattery:

The company’s chief stores officer notified employees in an email that “the dynamics of the downtown San Francisco market have changed dramatically over the past several years, impacting customer foot traffic to our stores and our ability to operate successfully.”

Those dynamics involve the homelessness and crime that result from liberal policy. Derelicts are lavishly subsidized. Shoplifting is effectively legal in San Francisco. Crime control consists of paying thugs not to shoot people.

One of the stores was at the Westfield mall, according to whose owner, “a growing number of retailers and businesses are leaving the area due to the unsafe conditions for customers, retailers, and employees.”

Even a company that would seem a natural fit for the kooky liberal elitists of San Francisco is bailing out:

In April, the Whole Foods in downtown San Francisco closed its doors just one year after opening due to deteriorating street conditions, namely increased drug use and crime, nearby.

Walgreens has been forced to close 17 stores in San Francisco.

No wonder a majority of San Francisco residents are considering leaving.

Unfortunately, with the same sort of people running the federal government, they will soon run out of places to go. Gavin Newsom will likely be our next president if Democrats are forced to abandon the Weekend at Biden’s shtick and Republicans nominate someone unelectable. He used to be Mayor of San Francisco.

On tips from Jack D and Wiggins.

May 03 2023

Biden Spends Our Money on Transsexual Pakistani Youth

Meanwhile, as banks continue to collapse under the staggering lunacy of liberal policy, inflation rots away our hard-earned savings, and the national debt skyrockets toward $32 TRILLION, the Biden Regime focuses spending on what is truly essential — like promoting transsexual depravity in Pakistan:

The Biden administration is offering a $500,000 grant to help teach the English language in Pakistan, in part by providing “intensive professional development courses for Pakistani transgender youth.”

Liar to Congress Antony Blinken and his bureaucracy stuffed with liberal cultural imperialists have a problem to fix:

The State Department’s human rights report for Pakistan … notes public venues in Pakistan were less likely to host “transgender events” than “religiously based anti-LGBTQI+ protests.”

Even in Pakistan, transsexual privilege can pay:

The program component that includes a focus on transgender youth accepts proposals from applicants “for a minimum of $25,000 and a maximum of $75,000 to implement: (1) intensive professional development courses for Pakistani transgender youth from the ages of 13-25, and (2) and intensive professional development courses for Afghan teachers, students, and young professionals residing in Pakistan.”

The Americans from whom the money is confiscated, mainly through inflation, stand to receive no benefit whatsoever. On the contrary, rubbing LGBTism in the faces of Muslims in the part of the world from which the September 11 attacks were launched is likely to get Americans killed. That’s the price of electing “leadership” that represents liberal ideology, not the American nation.

On a tip from Franco.

May 03 2023

Open Thread

May 02 2023

Vermont Offers Suicide Tourism

When all you have is moral degeneracy, you learn to monetize it. If blue states can bring in money through abortion tourism and transsexualization of children tourism, why not suicide tourism? Vermont gives it a shot:

Vermont on Tuesday became the first state in the country to change its medically assisted suicide law to allow terminally ill people from out of state to take advantage of it to end their lives.

Even Oregon sort of stops short of this for now:

Last year in a court settlement, Oregon agreed to stop enforcing the residency requirement of its law allowing terminally ill people to receive lethal medication. It also agreed to ask the Legislature to remove it from the law.

Crows suicide advocate Kim Callinan:

“Patients routinely travel to other states to utilize the best healthcare options. There is no rational reason they shouldn’t be able to travel to another state to access medical aid in dying if the state they live in doesn’t offer it.”

Turns out the slippery slope principle applies to allowing abortion advocates to redefine killing people as healthcare.

To see where we slide down the slippery slope from here, look to the Netherlands, where healthcare now includes aborting children age 1–12 years.

On a tip from Blackjack.

May 02 2023

Towering Transsexual Beats Up Real Girl

The main advantage of sacrificing your self-respect by declaring yourself transsexual is that the liberal establishment will bestow all manner of privilege upon you, including even license to invade the girls’ locker room. There are also physical advantages, which can come in handy in case the girls push back:

A transgender student “born male” who allegedly showed “his genitals” in a southern California high school girls’ locker room towered over a girl in a viral lunchtime fight caught on video last week.

The incident occurred at Martin Luther King High School in Riverside.

Small surprise that real girls might lose their temper. Via Fox11:

“He’s [in the] girls’ locker room, using girls’ restrooms,” said MLK student Aiden Vermeir said of the transgender student. “He spit on my friends that are girls, females. He shows his genitals in the locker room.”

Careful, Miss Vermeir. You don’t want to get brought up on charges of misgendering for referring to the guy as “he.” At the very least, you are likely to get denounced as a TERF by the liberal media and deplatformed by Google’s YouTube.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

May 02 2023

Rockers Have Qualms About Transsexualizing Children

During the heyday of Kiss back in the 1970s — when the band delighted rebellious teenagers and shocked parents with their outrageous makeup and outfits — who would have guessed that cofounder Paul Stanley would become an advocate for what has traditionally been known as sanity?

Although some clearly need treatment for mental illness, no one needs “reassignment” to the opposite sex at any age. However, calling the transsexualization of children “a sad and dangerous fad” takes guts in the current climate.

The liberal establishmentarians at Rolling Stone are incensed. They respond with doubletalk about sexuality versus gender identity, terms that are redefined on the fly as needed to prop up liberal nonsense.

Dee Snider, another outrageous rocker of yesteryear, backs up Stanley:

“You know what? There was a time where I “felt pretty” too. Glad my parents didn’t jump to any rash conclusions! Well said,” tweeted Snider.

Snider then watered this down by denouncing “the Right” for considering the LGBT fetish for transing kids to be a “fetish” and deliberately instilled gender confusion to be “confusion.” This is unsurprising, considering that Snider is a confirmed moonbat, who backs gun control, calls conservatives “MAGAT fascists,” et cetera.

That a self-described “libtard” in the decadent entertainment industry like Dee Snider would support Stanley in deviating from LGBT orthodoxy suggests liberals have pressed their advantage too far in the Culture War. Setting children on a path that will destroy their bodies, their minds, and their lives by transsexualizing them is so self-evidently wrong that it could cause fault lines even among leftists, hopefully instigating some true believers to question the whole diseased ideology.

On tips from Varla, StephaneDumas, and Ed McAninch.

May 02 2023

LGBT Bully Dictates to Alaska Airlines on Uniforms

Because LGBT bullies continue to dictate the terms of our culture, Alaska Airlines flight attendants must now wear androgynous uniforms:

A gender discrimination lawsuit filed by Alaska Airlines flight attendant Justin Wetherell (they/them) in the state of Washington has been resolved after the state attorney general’s office accepted a consent decree. As part of the agreement, Alaska Airlines is required to abolish gender conformance rules on flight attendant uniforms.

Justin took issue with the fact that Alaska Airlines’ policies forced flight attendants to choose either a “male” or “female” uniform and did not allow any mixing between the two.

Adding insult to injury,

As part of the decree, the airline was also ordered to pay $70,000 and $40,000 in legal fees to Wetherell and the ACLU, respectively.

It pays to align yourself with the identity group atop the cultural Marxist totem pole of power. Wetherell deserved to get fired for repeatedly calling in sick because not having his custom gender affirmed caused him anxiety. Instead, the entire company is forced to kneel in obeisance before him and change the uniform policy for all flight attendants so as to comply with his imperious demands.

Believe it or not, the “L” in ACLU stands for “Liberties,” even though the organization exists to snuff out liberty by imposing the leftist agenda through lawfare.

You can see why a sane company would not be in a big hurry to hire members of the pathologically self-centered, implacably demanding LGBT community.

On a tip from R F. Hat tip: Independent Sentinel.

May 02 2023

Open Thread

In reality, Kyoto was a huge transfer of resources from the United States to the Third World, under the guise of environmental protection. - Charles Krauthammer

May 01 2023

How to Get in Trouble for Desecrating a Flag

There was no chance of moonbats getting in trouble for ripping up the Bible and the Thin Blue Line version of the American flag at SatanCon over the weekend, despite their juvenile faux-rebel posturing. In contrast, desecrating a flag representing the ideology of our ruling class has brought in the NYPD Hate Crimes Task Force:

Police say the incident took place on the morning of April 15, when a suspect entered a building on West 95th Street and defecated on a Pride flag.

The man is also said to have taken a second Pride flag and wiped his backside with it before running off on Amsterdam Avenue.

The description given of the suspect is only helpful in that it describes him as wearing shoes that don’t match. To learn what he looks like, you have to watch the accompanying video: black guy, apparently a derelict. No doubt he is insane; you would have to be to publicly disrespect sexual depravity in a place like New York.

On a tip from Wiggins.

May 01 2023

New York Moves Toward Banning Natural Gas

Natural gas is an ideal source of energy; it is efficient, plentiful, and good for the environment because it burns so cleanly. So it will come as no surprise that the leftists who run New York intend to ban it:

Gas stoves will soon become toast in New York, under a controversial new handshake deal between Democratic Gov. Kathy Hochul and Albany lawmakers that would make that state the first in the US to ban natural gas.

The pending budget deal mandates all new buildings under seven stories be fully electric by 2026 with larger structures following three years later.

With a straight face, we are told this will prevent the climate from continuing to fluctuate the way it always has and always will. Specifically, Hochul says banning gas stoves will protect New York from hurricanes and excessive snow. Her estimation of her constituents’ intelligence is not high.

Hochul notably has kept gas stoves in her own Buffalo home and the Executive Mansion in Albany while pushing for the gas ban in future buildings through the state budget process.

The point, as with the war on nuclear energy, is to make electricity prohibitively expensive, even while making us increasingly reliant on it by mandating inferior electric stoves, electric cars, et cetera.

This will add to the burdens already imposed by green energy efforts, including a 2022 state law signed by Hochul that will ban the sales of gas automobiles by 2035.

You have to wonder how blatantly hostile Democrats would need to be toward those they rule before people will cast off their liberal media brainwashing and start pushing back.

On tips from Chuck A and Wiggins.

May 01 2023

SatanCon Offers Preview of Democratic National Convention

The Democratic National Convention won’t be held until August 2024 in the hellscape Democrats are making of Chicago, but the Satanic Temple offered a preview over the weekend with SatanCon:

A group of Satanists cheered as two leaders opened SatanCon 2023 on Friday with a formal ceremony renouncing “symbols of oppression” by ripping up a Bible and a “Thin Blue Line” flag representing police.

The symbolism is not subtle. They want to destroy morality, tradition, and order, so as to impose their will upon the cultural ruins. The Democratic Party platform could not be described more succinctly.

The 3-day event sold out in liberal Boston. Underneath the cheesy horror movie trappings, it was state of the art liberalism:

“Sins of the Flesh: Satanism and Self-Pleasure” was taught by Eric Sprankle, a “sexuality studies” professor at Minnesota State University-Mankato. “Reclaiming the Trans Body: A/theistic strategies for Self-Determination and Empowerment,” was offered by Devi B. Dillard-Wright, a transgender woman who served as University of South Carolina-Aiken Associate Professor of Philosophy until July 2022.

Another event included “Hellbillies: Visible Satanism in Rural America,” which will be taught by Ash Schade, a transgender man who made headlines when he had a baby “after hooking up with someone on Grindr,” according to The College Fix.

The Satanic Temple even raises money on the promise that it will spend the cash helping to get babies aborted, just like the Democratic Party.

Climate change encourages leftists to posture self-righteously while inflicting tyranny and poverty out of hostility to the human race, but progressives are progressing beyond that. Satanism is the ideal cult for our times. It allows the woke to drop the increasingly tedious charade of pretending to mean well so they can get straight to the meat and potatoes, or rather, the depravity and hatred of humanity.

For those who couldn’t wait for the convention in Chicago.

On tips from Barry A, Wiggins, and Old Man BEIJING Biden.


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