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May 07 2023

Open Thread

The invisible government tends to be concentrated in the hands of the few because of the expense of manipulating the social machinery which controls the opinions and habits of the masses. To advertise on a scale which will reach fifty million persons is expensive. To reach and persuade the group leaders who dictate the public's thoughts and actions is likewise expensive. - Edward Bernays

May 06 2023

Maxine LaQueene, Transsexual Face of Smirnoff Vodka

If you find that lousy beer goes down better when associated with a female impersonator, you might also like to try lousy vodka:

Several recent Instagram posts from drag queen and trans woman “Maxine LaQueene” featured the official “Paid Partnership with Smirnoff” tags, denoting that the major liquor retailer has hired the biological male for promotional material.

Vodka isn’t all that Mr LaQueene promotes. There is also the Agenda:

In addition to being a promoter of drag and transgenderism, LaQueene is an outspoken LGBTQ activist who had recently been removed from the Texas state capitol building by police for disrupting a legislature vote on a trans bill.

The bill he was objecting to (Senate Bill 14) was drafted to “ban gender surgeries or other sex reassignment procedures being performed on children.” No one less evil than Josef Mengele would oppose the bill.

Having watched the carnage at Anheuser-Busch, Smirnoff is now keeping Mr LaQueene at arm’s length:

Smirnoff has denied having any current working relationship with LaQueene. In an email to Fox News Digital, a representative said LaQueene “is not currently a Smirnoff partner, and does not currently have any contract with Smirnoff.” LaQueen, the representative said, was one of the participants in a promotional campaign in the fall of 2022 but not now in 2023.

That they do not belligerently endorse him while denouncing their customers as bigots, transphobes, et cetera for not liking it is evidence that the Bud Light boycott is working and must be continued, lest they think the consumer rebellion against LGBTism is a temporary squall that can be ignored because it will blow over.

Unless this guy makes you thirsty, drink some other brand of vodka. There are plenty to chose from.

On a tip from Steve T.

May 06 2023

Ladies Poker Champion Is Bearded Man

After William “Lia” Thomas became the face of women’s collegiate swimming, he was called the “Jackie Robinson of trans sports,” having paved the road for others to follow. Anything a man can do, he can pretend to be a woman while doing, potentially stealing prizes from real women. This applies to all sports — even to poker:

A man won a women’s poker tournament at a Florida casino [last] weekend…

David Hughes, of Deltona, Florida, finished first in the $250 buy-in Ladies No-limit Hold’em (Re-Entry) event Saturday during the Seminole Hard Rock Poker Showdown at Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino in Hollywood, Florida.

Presenting the ladies champion:

Looks like Hughes might have been inspired less by Lia Thomas than by Avi Silverberg, who highlighted the lunacy of transsexualism by identifying as a woman just long enough to win a weight-lifting competition.

According to anti-discrimination laws, Florida casinos are not permitted to ban men from entering a women’s event.

At this point it is hard to believe that antidiscrimination laws were every anything but tyrannical and absurd.

Florida isn’t alone. Even in the gambling capitol,

Nevada also prohibits poker tournaments from barring men from entering women’s tournaments.

Then there is Atlantic City:

In 2009, Abraham Korotki, a former WSOP Circuit event champion, won the $300 buy-in Ladies No-limit Hold’em event at the Borgata Poker Open in Atlantic City.

According to liberal ideology, women do not exist in any meaningful sense. This is why the question “What is a woman?cannot be answered by a liberal. Since women have been canceled, why should they be allowed to have their own competitions?

On tips from Lyle and Bluto.

May 06 2023

Post-Covid Ghost Cities

The Democrat Death Spiral has been destroying American cities. Democrat policies drive out productive citizens, resulting in a population that elects increasingly left-wing Democrats, resulting in still more insane policies in a vicious circle. Eventually, no one is left but a core Democrat constituency living like rats and cockroaches amid decaying ruins (e.g., our formerly wealthiest city, Detroit). Covid tyranny has accelerated this tragic process:

The downtown areas of San Francisco, St. Louis, Portland, Oregon, and other North American cities remain deserted months after the pandemic waned, despite many urban areas bouncing back to life, new data show.

Researchers tracked smartphone use across 63 cities and found that San Francisco, which is battling waves of crime and homeless addicts on its streets, only has 32 percent of the activity that was recorded before the pandemic.

Other cities were able to put Covid behind them when people came back to work:

Salt Lake City has bounced back strongest, with 139 percent more cell phone activity nowadays than was seen before COVID-19 arrived…

This is about more than Democrats paralyzing local economies in the name of Covid:

The research adds to fears that soft-on-crime policies in ultra-liberal cities like San Francisco and Portland have driven up rates of lawlessness and other social problems, leading to an exodus of people as part of a longer-term decline.

A healthy city can recover from setbacks like the hysterical Covid overreaction. Cities run by moonbats tend not to be healthy.

On a tip from Dennis in Seattle.

May 06 2023

Open Thread

Men knew that if they devirginized a woman, they could end up dead within twenty-four hours. These controls have been removed. - Camille Paglia

May 05 2023

Let Them Loose and This Is What They Will Do

Possibly the best thing about living in Phoenix is the hiking. The mountains and desert let you leave the rot resulting from moonbattery behind — unless it comes after you:

The body of [29-year-old Lauren] Heike was discovered on a desert trail in the north Phoenix area on April 29. Investigators said Heike was attacked from behind and killed the day before her body was found.

She was stabbed 15 times. The motive, if any, is unknown.

Liberalism is not a victimless crime. It kills:

The overwhelming majority of interracial violence does not support the establishment narrative, because it is black on white. Consequently, stories like this tend to be ignored.

This precious life would not have been pointlessly snuffed out if her killer had not been at liberty. Based on overwhelming evidence, police have again arrested Zion William Teasley:

The 22-year-old served time in prison from July 2021 to November 2022. He had accepted a plea deal in 2020 for armed robbery, burglary, aggravated assault and kidnapping, court records show.

At the time of Lauren Heike’s murder, Teasley was on probation instead of in prison where he belonged.

Investigators suspect that the woman had been chased down over a barbed wire fence at some point during the ordeal based on the condition of her clothes. Her belongings were found scattered along the trail.

She was not likely to deserve this fate — any more than Teasley deserved to be at large.

If sanity is ever restored to this country, the liberals responsible for letting maniacs run free for twisted ideological reasons need to be held accountable as accessories to subsequent crimes.

On a tip from Varla.

May 05 2023

Paul Stanley Cravenly Caves to Child-Abusing LGBT Mob

Sometimes you can give progressives the benefit of the doubt by assuming they do not grasp the profound evil of their own ideology. This is harder to do with people who offer tepid resistance to liberalism, then revoke it in a cowardly attempt to appease the woke mob — like Paul Stanley of Kiss.

On Sunday, Stanley referred to the horrific practice of transsexualizing children — which leads to the ruination of their minds, their bodies, and their lives — as a “sad and dangerous fad.” He was credited with courage, given the rigidly intolerant degeneracy that characterizes the entertainment industry.

No one is praising Stanley for courage now:

It’s not as if he has no idea what transsexualism is doing to vulnerable children. Yet he parrots LGBT propaganda in defense of crimes against humanity, lest the depraved liberal establishment withhold its approval.

If only I were 13 years old again, I would have Kiss albums to throw in the garbage in disgust.

On tips from Chris Neilson, Lyle, and Varla.

May 05 2023

Leftist Viewpoint on Criminals Hurt by Citizens

Never let it be said that engages in viewpoint discrimination like the SEC. For the sake of fairness, let’s listen attentively as a San Francisco moonbat offers her take on criminals who get hurt by private security guards and law-abiding citizens now that local police have been marginalized in the aftermath of the Black Lives Matter riots:

Here’s what she is upset about:

San Francisco District Attorney Brooke Jenkins chose not to charge security guard Michael Earl-Wayne Anthony with murder for the April 27 shooting of black transgender 24-year-old Banko Brown, who police said was allegedly shoplifting at the time, according to The San Francisco Chronicle. Jenkins cited “credible evidence of reasonable self-defense” in the case, but some civilians at the Tuesday meeting held “Justice For Banko Brown” signs, and the woman with the buzzcut said she hated many of the board members “for the reasons that led up to” Brown’s death.

If only Soros-appointed terrorist offspring Chesa Boudin were still in office, she might have gotten the vindictive prosecution she wants — or if it had happened in New York:

A retired NYPD officer working as a Walgreens security guard says he was wrongfully charged with assault after he took down an alleged shoplifter who hit him in the head in a caught-on-video scuffle.

Tackling a shoplifting derelict who has whacked you hard enough to leave a welt is not a good idea in Manhattan under Soros-appointed DA Alvin Bragg.

The liberals who run major cities have allowed criminals to run amok, causing violence to skyrocket. Not everyone who gets hurt is an innocent victim. Those who asked for it are deified as martyrs, as exemplified in the case of the next George Floyd, Jordan Neely:

A 30-year-old homeless man who was acting erratically and antagonizing other passengers on the New York subway Monday afternoon was subdued by a 24-year-old former Marine and at least two others.

Neely had been threatening other passengers. Efforts to restrain him resulted in his death.

Radical leftists immediately rushed to impose a racial framework on the incident, retroactively canonize the career criminal, and rule Neely’s death a murder.

These radical leftists include Democrat lawmakers Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Ayanna Pressley and liberal media propagandist Joy Reid. For a summary of their arguments, refer to the video above.

Newsweek reported that Neely’s criminal record includes 42 prior arrests between 2013 and 2021, including four for assault. At the time of his death, he had one active warrant for felony assault in connection with an incident in 2021.

Since the authorities refuse to incarcerate sociopaths like Neely, private citizens must step forward to defend themselves and others. For this, leftists will try to do to them what they did to Derek Chauvin.

British commentator Carl Benjamin suggested a bias in the apoplexy over the incident, highlighting how the leftists keen to express their outrage in response to this incident were relatively silent “when a white woman was being raped by a black homeless man on the Philadelphia subway and dozens of bystanders did nothing.”

The idea of persecuting the Marine who defended other passengers from Neely is to make sure Americans cower like the bystanders in Philadelphia as we are terrorized into submission.

On tips from Wiggins, Jester, and Anonymous.

May 05 2023

Woke Kroger Goes Out of Its Way to Inflict Moonbattery

The targeted boycott against Anheuser-Busch for contemptuously ramming LGBTism down its customers throats has been working beautifully so far. Too bad obnoxious wokeism is too prevalent in the corporate world for it to be feasible to boycott everyone who deserves it. However, if a company goes out of its way to poke you in the eye, it makes sense to look for alternatives. Kroger comes to mind:

A nonprofit law firm is taking legal action against the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), alleging that the government agency illegally ignored Kroger shareholders who tried to protect employees from discrimination based on political ideology.

Needless to say, no company discriminates against employees for holding viewpoints favored by leftists. Intolerance only cuts one way in this country.

In December, Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark., scolded Kroger Chair and CEO Rodney McMullen for the company’s “woke” policies, noting the company paid $180,000 to settle a lawsuit filed by two former employees in Arkansas who claimed they were fired for refusing to wear aprons celebrating the LGBTQ+ community.

That’s not all:

Previously, Kroger provoked outrage from conservatives and patriotic customers when it recalled pro-American items from its shelves.

Additionally, Kroger announced that it will pay for travel expenses associated with having an out-of-state abortion, following the Supreme Court’s Dobbs decision.

Kroger companies include: Baker’s, City Market, Dillons, Food 4 Less, Foods Co, Fred Meyer, Fry’s, Gerbes, Jay C Food Store, King Soopers, Kroger, Mariano’s, Metro Market, Pay-Less Super Markets, Pick’n Save, QFC, Ralphs, Ruler, and Smith’s Food and Drug.

The progressives running Kroger have made it clear where they stand. Customers who can find a suitable alternative should make it clear where they stand as well.

On a tip from Marty.

May 05 2023

Open Thread

There will be, in the next generation or so, a pharmacological method of making people love their servitude, and producing dictatorship without tears, so to speak, producing a kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies, so that people will in fact have their liberties taken away from them, but will rather enjoy it. - Aldous Huxley

May 04 2023

Farcification of US Military Under Liberal Rule

The goal is not just to destroy the US military, but first to reduce it from one of our most revered institutions to a source of shame. How else to explain the use of a drag queen for Navy recruitment?

Yeoman 2nd Class Joshua Kelley, stage name Harpy Daniels, announced the Navy invited him to become the first “Navy Digital Ambassador” in a November 2022 social media post, highlighting his journey from performing on deck in 2018 to becoming a “leader” and “advocate” of people who “were oppressed for years in the service.”

He specifically cites the former Don’t Ask Don’t Tell policy (i.e., go ahead and be a pervert but don’t make a spectacle out of it because that would undermine cohesion) as what he means by being “oppressed.”

This moonbattery can be expected to compound the Navy’s recruitment problem by attracting dissolute degenerates while causing suitable candidates to turn away in revulsion.

Kelley said he was “hand selected as one of four Navy Digital Ambassadors” in a social media post. …

He first started performing on ships after a sanctioned MWR (Morale, Welfare and Recreation) lip syncing competition in 2017 while deployed on the USS Ronald Reagan aircraft carrier, Herzog wrote. Kelley “continues to slay in performances that boost morale and show support for LGBTQ+ service members.”

That’s how the Biden Regime has servicemen spending their time while the ChiComs tighten a noose around Taiwan.

Kelley said he faced harassment from outside the military after he was scheduled to perform at a Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) event at Langley Joint Air Force Base in the summer of 2022 that “caused an uproar to many conservatives and Christian extremists.”

Anyone who objects to sexual perversion rubbed in the public’s face is an “extremist,” according to the extremists calling the shots. Fortunately for “Harpy Daniels,” he has a safe haven from disapproval in today’s woke military.

The Navy is seeking to boost its size to 347,000 officers and enlisted sailors in 2024, up from the current 341,736 serving in fiscal year 2023, according to Navy Times.

Good luck with that. Maybe try putting up flyers in San Francisco bathhouses.

America prevailed in past wars because so many were motivated to face death for their country. When the USA stands less for liberty than for decadence, morale will be a problem. Gasps US Navy SEAL Team Six member Robert J. O’Neill, who took party in the mission that killed Osama bin Laden:

“Alright. The US Navy is now using an enlisted sailor Drag Queen as a recruiter. I’m done. China is going to destroy us. YOU GOT THIS NAVY. I can’t believe I fought for this bulls-t.”

Meanwhile, as the Pentagon intensifies its focus on promoting LGBTism, it flounders in front of countries that are essential in the struggle to contain China:

The Philippines’ president was on hand Wednesday as one of the U.S. Army’s best-known weapons missed its target — a decommissioned warship floating miles away in the South China Sea — during a live-fire exercise.

President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. observed from a tower as the High Mobility Artillery Rocket System, or HIMARS, fired six times at the Philippine navy corvette, invisible over the horizon, and a narrator over a public address system described the action down range.

Maybe if they painted the target to look like a Boy Scout’s behind, the sort of recruits they have been going after would be able to focus on it more effectively.

The mismanagement goes beyond recruitment:

The US Air Force is the biggest and most powerful air force in the world: but maybe not for long. The service is struggling through twin crises – one of money, another of belief in itself – that could narrow its aerial advantage. …

The USAF isn’t the only American armed service that’s shrinking while its Chinese adversary is growing. After wasting billions of dollars on ships that don’t work, the US Navy is contracting even as Xi Jinping’s fleet is expanding.

The problem isn’t that bureaucrats won’t spend money. It’s that they spend it stupidly.

The $400-billion [F-35 Lightning II] project has eaten the Air Force. …

Every dollar the USAF feeds the F-35 program is a dollar it can’t spend on planes that are affordable and reliable.

The USAF has ever fewer planes; the ChiComs build ever more. Meanwhile, the Chinese are hardening their bases from missile attacks in preparation for the invasion of Taiwan, while Americans have been withdrawing permanently based fighter squadrons from the area.

Alexander the Great weighs in on the topic of a military run by liberals:

I am not afraid of an army of lions led by a sheep; I am afraid of an army of sheep led by a lion. - Alexander the Great

An army of drag queens led by Commander in Chief Joe Biden would not frighten Alexander the Great, the ChiComs, or anyone else — except those of us relying on it for security.

On tips from Franco, seaoh, Jester, Anonymous, ABC of the ANC, Chuck A, and Varla.

May 04 2023

Biden Moves to Snuff Out Eternal Flame in Catholic Chapels

The Biden Regime has it in for Catholics, who continue to be targeted by the FBI. Now it has issued an ultimatum to the top-rated Catholic hospital network in Oklahoma, demanding the removal of a sanctuary candle:

Saint Francis Hospital South in Tulsa, OK, has kept the candle in question for fifteen consecutive years. The non-profit Saint Francis Health System, which runs the hospital, has kept the tradition of hospital chapels, complete with active sanctuary candles, since they were established in 1960. The network also operates the nearby St. Francis Hospital, which is the largest hospital in the state of Oklahoma.

The federal government never gives away our money for free. Every inflated penny comes with strings attached. Once people become dependent on it, the money becomes leverage to enforce tyrannical demands.

Saint Francis Hospital South, which serves much of the southeastern Tulsa area, is faced with losing accreditation to serve recipients of Medicare, Medicaid, or Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), if the Catholic organization does not comply with the administration’s demand.

Attorney Lori Windham sent a letter pleading with HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra to be merciful and not deny low-income patients life-saving healthcare.

Becerra is a self-described “committed Catholic.”

Yeah right. So is the radical abortion and transsexuality advocate Joe Biden. Democrats have only one religion; it is not Christianity.

The attack on First Amendment religious liberty is blatant:

“The Code of Canon Law requires that wherever the Blessed Sacrament is kept, a special lamp must shine continuously,” [Windham] writes. Therefore, if the candle is to be removed, in order to comply with Church doctrine, the Blessed Sacrament must be as well.

I thought the pretext might be global warming, but apparently Democrats are framing it as a safety hazard. If this flies, they might ban communion wafers in case someone chokes on one.

With today’s Democrats, politics is not just a matter of squabbling over policy. We are defending freedom from tyranny, good from evil.

On a tip from Franco.

May 04 2023

Now Global Warming Makes Volcanoes Erupt

Shriek moonbats, “It’s the Science!” To get an idea of what the liberal establishment means by “the Science,” consider the recent revelation that global warming causes volcanoes to erupt by making it rain.

We are told by the federal government and prestigious universities that global warming makes it not rain. Yet apparently global warming is to blame for it raining too much in Hawaii in 2018. That same year, the Kilauea Volcano erupted, creating 875 new acres of valuable land but also destroying 700 homes. Well-motivated researchers connected the dots in a study published by Nature, finding that Kilauea is more likely to erupt after it rains.

Key quote:

“Critically, as our climate continues to change, the occurrence of prolonged periods of extreme rainfall is predicted to increase in many parts of the world, increasing the potential for rainfall-triggered volcanic phenomena,” the study stated.

If you fail to vote for Democrats as they jack up taxes and inflate the currency to finance corrupt green boondoggles, wage war on the energy industry, and suppress natural gas, proper stoves, air conditioning, refrigeration, and nonmoronic vehicles, let it lie heavy on your conscience that you are making volcanoes erupt.

On a tip from Lyle.

May 04 2023

University of Texas Educrats Push Woke Vocabulary

Another word for “Liberalese” is “Orwellian.” When wokesters say one thing, they mean the opposite. For example, when they bark about the need to impose “inclusion,” what they mean is “exclusion.” Excluding those they hate in the name of tolerance transports progressives into a delirious ecstasy of vindictiveness. Some get so carried away that, apparently oblivious to the derisive laughter they inspire, they try to exclude the syllable “men” from the word “women.”

From the University of Texas at the moonbat foothold Austin:

The Office of Financial and Administrative Services at the university lists a glossary of terms on a webpage embedded within its “Diversity Commitment,” denoting them all as “language [that] matters.” Among the terms listed are “Wimmin,” “Womyn” and “Womxn,” which the glossary says are all alternatives to the traditional spelling of the word “Women.”

“Wimmin: A nonstandard spelling of the word ‘women’ used by feminists to avoid the word ending ‘-men,'” the University of Texas glossary of terms lays out.

The point of made-up words like “womxn” is “to get away from patriarchal language,” according to the University of Texas. Not being in favor of using such a foolish neologism is denounced in the harshest terms as “a very white thing.”

Maybe educrats are not oblivious to our laughter after all. The glossary has been deleted from UT’s Financial and Administrative Services website.

On a tip from Franco.


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