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May 01 2023

LGBTism Featured at Formerly Christian Schools

Sexual deviants used to tell us they just wanted to be left alone to live their lives. Then they gained political power, compliments of the liberal establishment. Leaving people alone is no longer on the agenda. There is to be no refuge from LGBTism, even in Christian schools.

Villanova is a Catholic university — and yet:

Jennifer Joyce teaches the Core Literature and Writing Seminar Class at Villanova, ENG 1975-020, titled Narratives of Belonging in Contemporary Irish Literature. The specific class is one of several options for students who are required to take the core seminar, though students may be forced to take the class if the other class options have been filled.

On Tuesday, Joyce led discussions of the play “Scorch” by Stacey Gregg.

The play advocates transgenderism and includes a homosexual sex scene involving minors.

A student reports being…

“…uncomfortable throughout the whole discussion as the teacher offered no opportunity for dissent and was oblivious to the members of the class who were clearly [made] uncomfortable by this transgender sex scene.”

Not reading the material would result in failing a quiz.

Meanwhile Baylor, the largest Baptist university, hosted an extravaganza called Queer Sex Ed.

Check out the Planned Parenthood logo in the corner of an ad for the event. Planned Parenthood snuffed out 383,460 lives last year. This is about as Christian as a satanic black mass.

Villanova and Baylor have been infiltrated and subverted, in accordance with progressive strategy.

On tips from Franco.

May 01 2023

Open Thread

Richard Nixon got kicked out of Washington for tapping one hotel suite. Today we're tapping every American citizen in the country, and no one has been put on trial for it or even investigated. We don't even have an inquiry into it. - Edward Snowden

Apr 30 2023

Why Indecent Exposure to Minors Should Not Be Felony

As the bumper sticker slogans that pass for thoughts among moonbats often remind us, no one should be judged for who they love, because love is love. That means that sexually exposing yourself to children should not be a felony. In Colorado, a majority of Democrat lawmakers concur. State rep Leslie Herod (D-Of Course) presents the reasoning:

Leslie Herod is revered as the “first gay African-American to be elected to Colorado’s state legislature.” Be sure to celebrate her historicalness.

LGBTism is not only a useful sledgehammer for smashing Christianity. It also serves as the tip of the spear for normalizing pedophilia.

Maybe Colorado is not yet lost. HB23-1135, making indecent exposure in the presence of a child a class 6 felony, passed thanks to unanimous Republican support, despite Herod’s objections.

On a tip from DCGere.

Apr 30 2023

Alternative Police Secure West Hollywood

As we learned from Democrats during the Black Lives Matter riots, we don’t need local police, because they only serve to make people feel unsafe. After defunding the police, we can replace them with social workers or safety ambassadors, a.k.a. security ambassadors. Let’s see how effectively the latter maintain public order in the gay mecca West Hollywood:

On a tip from Wiggins.

Apr 30 2023

Do It Yourself Transsexualism/Transableism

Those unwilling to go whole hog and sever their own body parts to take part in transsexualism and transableism can still enjoy these phenomena vicariously:

A Norwegian man who had his own genitals, nipple and leg amputated appeared in a U.K. court this week accused of livestreaming the castration of other men on his “eunuch maker” website. Marius Gustavson, 45, along with eight others, is alleged to have performed extreme “body modifications” — including the removal of men’s penises and testicles — and streamed the clips for paying subscribers, the Westminster Magistrates’ Court in London heard.

Gustavson … and eight other men were said to be part of a subculture of genital “nullification,” in which men willingly have their genitals removed to become “Nullos.”

Gustavson’s personal goal was to “look like a Ken doll down there.”

Sounds fashionable. As the media would shriek, what kind of bigot would hate him for wanting to live as his true self?

The movement is not new, and the case playing out in the U.K. isn’t the first high-profile incident related to it. In 2012, Japanese artist Mao Sugiyama, 23, had his genitals removed and then cooked and served them to paying guests at a banquet.

As is often the case with sexual boundary-pushers, children have been brought into it:

The charges against Gustavson include the removal of a man’s penis, the clamping of another’s testicles and the freezing of a man’s leg, which required amputation, the London Magistrates’ Court told CBS News on Wednesday. Gustavson was also charged with making and distributing an indecent image of a child.

Children’s hospitals that perform “gender-affirming care” will be unimpressed to learn that they made about $246,000 on these activities, during which Gustavson employed a castration tool of the type used on cattle.

Thanks to the rejection of conventional values, it is a sick world and getting sicker. If you want to see how far this can go, try not pushing back against liberalism and find out.

On a tip from Jack D.

Apr 30 2023

Next After Transsexualism: Transableism

Just when it seemed nothing could be more depraved than encouraging the mentally unstable to believe they are members of the opposite sex, we come to the next chapter of our descent into madness. They call it transableism:

Transableism is a newer term for BIID, or “Body Integrity Identity Disorder,” in which a person actually “identifies” as handicapped.

Transsexuals have managed to place themselves at the center of society and the top of the cultural Marxist power structure. Maybe a name change will bring similar luck to transablists.

If Dylan Mulvaney is a woman because he says he is, then it should be just as easy to become quadriplegic, thereby qualifying for various government benefits. But there is a downside:

The point of “changing the identifier” from a psychiatric condition (BIID) to an advocacy term (transableism) is to “harness the stunning cultural power of gender ideology” to the cause of allowing doctors to “treat” BIID patients by “amputating healthy limbs, snipping spinal cords or destroying eyesight,” according to Evolution News and Science Today…

In a culture that surgically severs healthy organs from children to support the delusion that they are members of the opposite sex, this makes perfect sex. Consider the teenager who died after doctors tried to repurpose part of his bowel as a pseudovagina. Putting out a patients’ eyes would actually be less insane, because the patient really would be blind, as desired. No one will ever make a boy into a girl or vice versa.

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) notes on its website, “Those with BIID desire the amputation of one or more healthy limbs or desire a paralysis.”

Before long, insurance companies will be forced to cover this. No doubt California, Minnesota, and other states will declare themselves transable sanctuaries where runaways deranged by social media can escape their parents long enough to get limbs amputated so as to be their true selves.

In one case of BIID, Jørund Viktoria Alme, 53, a senior credit analyst in Oslo, Norway, identifies as disabled and uses a wheelchair, even though [he] has no physical handicap.

This fits smoothly with transgenderism:

Alme is also transgender, according to Alme said on the morning TV program “Good Morning Norway” in 2022 that it had been a “lifelong wish” to have been born “a woman paralyzed from the waist down,” the same source noted.

Jane Orient, a general internist in Tucson, notes that transgenderism and transableism are both delusional disorders, and that surgically pandering to these delusions violates the Hippocratic Oath:

“Mutilating the body is an objective harm even if makes the patient subjectively feel better.”

Not that they are likely to feel better anyway. However, these days the emphasis is not on patients’ well-being. It is on making money and complying with woke ideology.

On a tip from Chris Neilson.

Apr 30 2023

Open Thread

Nothing can do men of good will more harm than apparent compromises with parties that subscribe to antimoral and antidemocratic and anti-God forces. We must have the courage to detach our support from men who are doing evil. We must bear them no hatred, but we must break with them. - Fulton J. Sheen

Apr 29 2023

Down the Slippery Slope We Slide

You thought nothing will ever be more grotesque and depraved than doctors killing patients by attempting to turn their intestines into pseudovaginas so they can pretend to be women?

So long as Satan reigns in hell, progressives will always find a way to progress.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Apr 29 2023

What Speaking Truth to Power Looks Like

Ever wonder what happened to Seymour Hersh and his revelation that the Biden Regime very likely committed an act of war by bombing the Nord Stream pipelines? So does Jose Vega:

Vega attended a panel discussion at the Columbia Journalism Review, which featured editors from The New York Times, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, and Reuters. The panel was titled “Fault Lines – a Panel on Building a Democratic Press,” but it quickly turned into a moment of reckoning for these media giants.

During the discussion, Vega seized the microphone and challenged the editors on their lack of coverage and misreporting on critical issues like the Nord Stream pipeline destruction. He called out their hypocrisy in trying to silence investigative journalist Seymour Hersh and questioned if their publications had any remaining credibility.

Preening liberal establishmentarians like to pretend they speak truth to power. Vega actually does:

Vega appears to be a Lyndon LaRouche guy with a few wacky views, but at least he gets good questions asked. This isn’t easy to do when the media has degenerated into a branch of the government.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

Apr 29 2023

Planned Parenthood Given $670.4 Million of Our Money

You can’t say no one benefits from Democrat rule. In fiscal year 2021–2022, the abortion mill Planned Parenthood received $670.4 million in coercive funding from American taxpayers, a large percentage of whom regard the organization as not merely pernicious but satanic.

That is more taxpayer funding than ever before in its history. This is unsurprising, given that we have never been forced to live under an administration that so belligerently disregards the wishes of citizens who are not leftists.

During the same year, Planned Parenthood killed 383,460 babies, its second highest total yet. American taxpayers were forced to pay $1,792 per child’s scalp — or crushed skull, as the case may be.

Compounding the deviltry, much of the money is funneled back into the Democratic Party. Like the green energy industry, Planned Parenthood serves largely to launder taxpayer money for Democrats.

The evil committed by Planned Parenthood doesn’t stop there. It also gives children hormone injections and puberty blockers to prevent their normal development and to set them on course for horrific sex change surgery.

On a tip from MrRightWingDave.

Apr 29 2023

Biden Regime Plans All-Electric Military Fleet

Lest you think there is any chance of the USA prevailing in the inevitable war with China under Democrat rule, consider that Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm is pushing for an all-EV military:

Granholm said that she supports electrifying the Department of Defense’s (DOD) non-tactical vehicle fleet by 2030, during an exchange with Republican Sen. Joni Ernst of Iowa, at a Wednesday hearing of the Senate Armed Services Committee.

Under Democrat control, the Pentagon is not worried about defeating communists. Its objectives are to promote homosexuality and antiwhite race hate and to pretend to control the weather:

The U.S. Army is currently committed to electrifying its light-duty non-tactical vehicle fleet by 2027, with hybrids bridging the gap to full electrification by 2035, according to the Army’s 2022 Climate Strategy. The Army is also seeking to cut greenhouse gas emissions by 50% from 2005 levels by 2030, and hit net-zero emissions by 2050.

At last a use will be found for the vast numbers of EV charging stations Biden has inflated our currency to install. Currently they may serve largely as hangouts for bums, but after the ChiComs invade, our armed forces can use them to keep vehicles charged while retreating.

The outlandishly expensive, unreliable, far from durable, combustion-prone batteries that help make electric vehicles economically absurd depend heavily on materials from China:

China owns many of the rare minerals needed to produce EV batteries. Moving the United States armed services to an all-EV fleet is tantamount to making the military dependent on China. China occupies a bottleneck position when it comes to the minerals needed for EV batteries.

Let’s hope the ChiComs don’t think to cut off our supply after Biden et al. weakness-signal their way into WWIII.

Democrat policy applied to the Air Force.

On a tip from Franco. Graphic compliments of Chuck A.

Apr 29 2023

Open Thread

The best we can hope for concerning the people at large is that they be properly armed. - Alexander Hamilton

Apr 28 2023

Dylan Mulvaney Wants You Arrested

Dylan Mulvaney comes across as a parody of a transsexual, so it isn’t easy to take him seriously. Yet the liberal establishment that showers fortunes upon him (through more than a dozen belligerently woke corporations like Anheuser-Busch and through academia) has appointed him primary figurehead for an ideology that as a threat to freedom is very serious indeed:

Mulvaney would love the impending South African law that could mean 8 years in prison for committing “hate speech.” When Democrats introduce their own version of it, they should employ Mulvaney to promote it, considering what a good job he has done of selling Bud Light.

In 1984, it isn’t enough for Winston Smith to say 2 + 2 = 5. The authorities do not let him out of Room 101 until they are convinced his mind has been so broken that he actually believes it. Because many are cowardly enough to outwardly submit to LGBTism while inwardly aware that it is a depraved lie, Democrats need to develop a means to determine who really is psychotic enough to believe this guy is a woman so they can put everyone else in gulags.

On a tip from Chris Neilson.

Apr 28 2023

Mad Hungarian Learns of Another Protected Group

His antics (combined with first class talent) made Al Hrabosky, a.k.a. the Mad Hungarian, fun to watch as a relief pitcher back in the 1970s. He is still an entertaining guy, thanks to his sense of humor. But his fellow sports analysts are not amused:

During the postgame show on Wednesday night, Hrabosky offered up a “suggestion” for St. Louis’ broadcast team which was to change their hotel room to the bottom floor because they “might jump” if they’re staying on a higher floor.

The 9–16 St Louis Cardinals are not doing as well as when Hrabosky was on the team during his heyday.

The co-host handled the horrendous, unfunny joke in stride, but you could tell she was definitely annoyed by Hrabosky’s remarks.

Apparently suicides are yet another protected group. Why not? Protected status is awarded on the basis of being perceived as defective, and wanting to kill yourself is certainly a defect.

The Outkick story scolds Hrabosky for whole paragraphs and then ends with this:

If you or someone you know is having thoughts of suicide, please contact the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline by calling or messaging 988.

Behold the Mad Hungarian’s thought crime:

Let’s hope his broadcast career survives.

This is why comedy usually isn’t funny anymore. You can have moonbattery or you can have a sense of humor; you can’t have both.

On a tip from Wiggins.


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