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Search: Brett Kavanaugh

Jun 29 2022

California AG Releases Addresses of Gun Owners

Moonbat ideology has no basis of morality other than political correctness, which is determined by whatever helps the Party increase its power. This frees up Democrats to employ tactics that regular Americans would recoil from. For example, California’s Attorney General — a position previously held by top Biden Regime officials Kamala Harris and Xavier Becerra — just doxed thousands of gun owners:

Files leaked from the database included the home addresses, full names and dates of birth for every gun owner in the state, according to The Reload. …

California Attorney General Rob Bonta issued a press release Monday announcing, “new and updated firearms data available through the California Department of Justice (DOJ)’s 2022 Firearms Dashboard Portal.”

It isn’t only burglars who might find this information useful. Terror tactics employed by the leftist thugs comprising Antifa and Ruth Sent Us emphasize the weaponization potential of personal information. When Nicholas John Roske got hold of Justice Kavanaugh’s address, he showed up at his house intending to kill him, no doubt egged on to violence by prominent Democrats.

“Today’s announcement puts power and information into the hands of our communities by helping them better understand the role and potential dangers of firearms within our state,” Bonta said of the dashboard.

If only California voters understood the potential dangers of letting liberals have power.

Currently the Firearms Dashboard Portal is down, and authorities are “investigating.” Maybe it was all just a mistake. Or maybe, when they overstep and someone calls them on it, they step back — for now.

On a tip from Lyle.

Jun 24 2022

Roe v. Wade Overturned

Prepare for the liberal media to go full nuclear. Roe v. Wade has been overturned at last:

“We hold that Roe and Casey must be overruled,” Justice Samuel Alito wrote for the majority in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, a case concerning a Mississippi law that, with few exceptions, bans abortions after 15 weeks. …

Emphasizing that abortion “presents a profound moral question,” Alito’s opinion finds that the Constitution “does not prohibit the citizens of each State from regulating and prohibiting abortion.”

Reasons Alito,

“It is time to heed the Constitution and return the issue of abortion to the people’s elected representatives.”

Kudos to the sane Supremes for not backing down after leftists tried to intimidate them by leaking the ruling in advance:

[Alito’s] words were unchanged from a draft of this opinion that was leaked to Politico in May.

This leak resulted in threats to the justices that were backed by the Biden Regime, even after an attempt was made on Justice Kavanaugh’s life.

Roe v. Wade gave the Supreme Court the power to legislate by fiat by inventing “rights” out of thin air. Overturning it is a victory not only for the children whose lives will be saved and for basic morality, but for our system of government, which is supposed to be a Constitutional republic.

However, it is a major defeat for liberals, so put some cotton in your ears in preparation for their shrieks of rage.

Whether the threatened riots will materialize on a Black Lives Matter scale remains to be seen, but there has already been leftist violence…

An anarchist group called Jane’s Revenge firebombed at least two pro-life pregnancy centers, claimed responsibility for the vandalism of several more, and made terrorist threats of more violence to come.

…and there will be more.

Expect Democrats to amplify calls to pack the Supreme Court with leftist apparatchiks, effectively abolishing it by rendering it irrelevant.

The road ahead looks rocky, but if Americans have the guts to stand up to liberals the way the Supreme Court has done, the USA will prevail.

On tips from Anonymous, Ed McAninch, and Marty.

Jun 09 2022

Moonbats Demand Abortion and Communism

Considering how gung ho they are about killing babies, think what they would do to you. “Pro-choice” communists call for abortion, bloodshed, and communist revolution between classes indoctrination sessions at Syracuse University:

To quote graduate student Katie Mott of the Party for Socialism and Liberation in the video above, “Peaceful protests aren’t getting us much” — despite her fellow leftists currently controlling the White House and Congress.

She must have meant that peaceful protests are not getting them what they want as quickly as they want it. That’s why progressives resort to what their drovers in the media call “mostly peaceful protests” — the kind where things get broken and people get hurt.

“Will there be some bloodshed?” asks Katie. “Certainly.”

She knows her socialist history.

This should clarify why the media/Democrat Party axis of evil has launched a jihad against gun rights. When communism works as intended, all the bloodshed is on one side.

Since the Syracuse event occurred last month, liberals have escalated to an aborted (so to speak) assassination attempt on a Supreme Court justice.

If leftists continue to consolidate power, a lot of people will end up dead.

Hat tip: Not the Bee.


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