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Category: Socialism/Communism

Oct 19 2024

Open Thread

Socialism is a new form of slavery. - Alexis de Tocqueville

On a tip from Straight Shootr.

Sep 22 2024

Open Thread

Socialism is precisely the religion that must overwhelm Christianity. … In the new order, Socialism will triumph by first capturing the culture via infiltration of schools, universities, churches and the media by transforming the consciousness of society. - Antonio Gramsci

On a tip from Jester.

Sep 18 2024

Collective Debt Resistance

Our Democrat rulers have run up a massive debt through irresponsible spending with no plans to pay it off. We can do this too, by applying collective debt resistance.

A commie explains:

Just as workers have potential collective power over capital in the form of their employer, and tenants in the form of their landlord, debtors can also wield this kind of collective power when they organize against their creditors.

Think of the possibilities:

The millions of people being crushed by medical debt could organize locally to demand hospitals cancel their bills. Or they could start a national medical debt strike to advance the cause of universal healthcare.

This will advance universal healthcare (a.k.a. socialized medicine) because hospitals will go bankrupt if people stop paying their bills. In their place, we will get free government hospitals, run by people like Kamala Harris. If you get sick, maybe your veterinarian can help you.

Lots of people have credit card debt. Fortunes could be saved if we all just stopped paying our bills. Our credit cards won’t work anymore after the banks collapse, but in the meantime we can have whatever we want for free!

Collective debt resistance can also liberate oppressed criminals:

And people with debts in the criminal punishment system could organize to challenge fines, fees and other costs associated with incarceration, demanding the abolition of a system that extracts on so many levels.

You think no one could be dumb enough to vote for Kamala? Think again.

On a tip from Mike B.

Sep 06 2024

Open Thread

Communism doesn't work because people like to own stuff. - Frank Zappa

Sep 04 2024

Maduro Moves Christmas

Given that Hugo Chavez and Nicolas Maduro have reduced the formerly richest and most stable country in Latin America to a miserable basket case, why does the USA have politicians eager to emulate them? Because the goal of leftists is not the well-being of the country; it is to maximize power. Madura has so much power, even Christmas bends to his will.

Via El País:

Hours after the Attorney General’s Office ordered the arrest of opposition candidate Edmundo González Urrutia on terrorism-related charges and in the middle of a profound political crisis, the Chavista leader took advantage of his television program to announce a change in the festive calendar. “It is September and it already smells like Christmas. And that is why this year, in homage to you, in gratitude to you, I am going to decree the advancement of Christmas to October 1,” Maduro said.

Christmas in October. You see what wonders socialism can achieve.

Not having to wait so long for Christmas may help keep people’s minds off the oil-rich nation no longer being able to keep the lights on:

The Venezuelan president addressed his supporters while recalling the massive blackout last Friday, which affected around 80% of the country.

President Kamala might do away with Christmas altogether, considering how vehemently she has denounced it. She could replace it with Kwanzaa, which she says her family has celebrated since long before it was invented.

On a tip from Anonymous.

Aug 20 2024

Defending Economic Freedom From Moonbattery

With the USA on the brink of succumbing to Marxism, we may need to remind ourselves what we stand to lose. In this classic clip, the legendary countermoonbat Milton Friedman defends economic liberty from the recently departed Phil Donahue:

Fast forward to now. Here’s what will happen if Kamala Harris is able to impose her promised price controls on food.

Capitalism offers independence and opportunity. Marxism offers slavery and 100 million corpses. Most of the victims were killed by starvation.

We had better choose wisely. You can vote your way into socialism, but as Venezuelans have been learning, you may have to shoot your way out of it.

On tips from Wiggins and Jester.

Aug 19 2024

Watch Kamala Proclaim She Will Confiscate Patents

Hell yes this woman, raised in a Marxist household, is a communist. Watch in horror as she proclaims she will disregard property rights to seize patents from their rightful owners on behalf of all-powerful Big Government:

The result will be the same as her prescription drug price controls: an end to innovation.

Ironically, if progressives consolidate control, progress will stop. When a society stops growing, it starts dying.

On a tip from seaoh.

Aug 18 2024

What Communist Kamala Means by “Freedom”

Kamala Harris makes it more obvious by the day that she is a Marxist:

Not only has she promised price controls on food that would inevitably result in Soviet-style shortages, she has advocated socialized medicine and the abolition of private health insurance. Yet her campaign stresses the word “freedom,” which no one who has read The Gulag Archipelago would associate with her ideology.

Harris and those trying to install her in power really do want freedom, so long as it serves their purposes — just not freedom for you:

Kudos to the Trump campaign for focusing on bringing to light what the media hides behind hype.

Hat tip: Liberty Daily.

Aug 15 2024

Kamala Harris Threatens Price Controls on Food

Kamala Harris has a solution to the skyrocketing food costs caused by her party’s wasteful spending and war on energy — price controls:

Harris will call for a federal ban on food and grocery price gouging as part of a broader set of proposals intended to reduce consumer costs, her campaign said in a preview of the first policy speech of her nascent presidential bid.

“Price gouging” is what Marxists call letting the free market determine prices.

Profit margins are notoriously low in the grocery industry. That’s okay; if Democrats drive supermarkets out of business, government grocery stores can take their place.

As anyone with even a grade school grasp of economics understands, price controls mean shortages.

Eat up while you can. When Marxists kill by the millions, the main cause of death is starvation.

On tips from ABC of the ANC and Wiggins.

Aug 13 2024

Chicago Moves Closer to Government Grocery Stores

Due largely to rampant shoplifting resulting from the collapse of law & order under liberal rule, grocery stores have been forced to closed in the moonbat dystopia Chicago. Pro-criminal Mayor Brandon Johnson responded by suggesting that the government provide grocery stores. This great leap forward toward communism is advancing:

[A] feasibility study created for the city describes a municipal grocery model as “necessary, feasible, and implementable.”

The study recommends the city pursue some version of a municipally owned store or stores — and finds such stores could even turn a profit.

Walmart can’t turn a profit in parts of Chicago that have succumbed to the Democrat Death Spiral. Yet we are asked to believe moonbat bureauweenies can do it — even though making a profit is morally wrong according to their Marxist ideology.

[C]ity policy chief S. Mayumi “Umi” Grigsby said internal and external working groups will now work on finalizing a proposal for a store or stores. The city would then be ready to apply for funding for such a project, including from a new $20 million state grocery initiative.

From such relatively tiny acorns grow massive black holes of government waste. As Chicago runs out of money and government grocery stores spread to other cities, the feds will step in with funding, printing currency as necessary to cover the five-finger discounts.

Like everything else pushed by Democrats, this makes no sense economically but plenty sense in terms of exerting power.

It was through control of food that Stalin was able to subjugate Ukraine during the Holodomor. Communism ran up its 20th century body count of 100 million primarily by imposing starvation.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Aug 08 2024

Communist Kamala

Why do they call Cackling Kamala a communist? Here’s why:

It will take legions of Winston Smiths to stuff down the memory hole all the video documentation that Kamala Harris is a Marxist kook profoundly hostile to the basic principles that define America.

Letting these people consolidate power will not work out any better here than it did in Russia. The body count will not be lower.

Hat tip: Liberty Daily.

Aug 04 2024

Communists Are Winning the Cold War

The Cold War did not end with the collapse of the USSR. Rather, the enemy moved its main base of operations from Russia to America, having taken effective control of our universities and media. It is implementing a strategy devised by the KGB that consists of four stages: Demoralization, Destabilization, Crisis, and Normalization.

Demoralization is how we got to where we are now. If Democrats prevail in November, we will move from Destabilization to Crisis.

This 1984 video of former KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov explaining what is being done to our country is worth another look in light of radical leftists like Kamala Harris taking control:

The only silver lining to Democrats consolidating power is that many of them will meet a fitting end when the revolution starts eating its own.

On a tip from taxpayer22.

Jul 21 2024

Exorbitantly Expensive Free Lunch in Colorado

“There is no free lunch,” as the time-honored saying goes. Whatever leftists declare must be free will end up costing us all more than we can afford, even if most of us get no benefit. Consider the free lunch bestowed in Colorado:

When Colorado voters approved “Healthy School Meals for All” two years ago, organizers behind the ballot initiative estimated the program would cost $115 million in its first year.

The actual costs significantly exceeded that — $166 million…

From here the cost will continue directly upward.

“I don’t know why the costs have gotten so out of control,” said state Sen. Barbara Kirkmeyer, R-Brighton, who serves on both the legislature’s appropriations and Joint Budget Committee.

I know why. Because the market for free stuff is infinite, and because Big Government is involved. People do not spend other people’s money wisely.

No worries; liberals have a solution:

Given the actual cost of the program, supporters are seriously considering whether to put another ballot measure before voters to ask for more money.

Then they will ask for more money after that. Then more after that. People will vote for it, on the grounds that it will be mostly others who have to pay.

On a tip from R F.

Jul 11 2024

Open Thread

Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery. - Winston Churchill

On a tip from Anonymous.


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