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Apr 11 2023

Chicago and the Democrat Death Spiral

Chicago epitomized the Democrat Death Spiral when it crossed the Rubicon by electing leftist maniac Brandon Johnson. Allysia Finley explains how the DDS works:

Chicago is functionally bankrupt. Its high crime and taxes are driving away businesses like Citadel, Boeing and Tyson Foods. Despite some of the highest property taxes in the country, its pension funds are in a death spiral. Scads of people are moving out. A net 175,000 people left Cook County between 2020 and 2022.

Mr. Johnson’s margin of victory was about 20,000 votes. How many of the city’s expats would have voted for moderate reformer Paul Vallas? Therein lies an enormous problem for Chicago and other big cities: Left-wing policies are driving away the types of voters and businesses needed for a course correction.

Voters start by electing relatively moderate Democrats, but as the inevitable consequences of Democrat policies drive out hard-working and law-abiding voters, people like Vallas become unelectable because they are not irresponsible enough the please the remaining population. Consequently,

America’s big cities are increasingly steered by the interests of government unions and those who depend on the government dole.

As the last regular people run screaming from Chicago, Democrats will come up with a candidate to the left even of Brandon Johnson, who successfully ran on a platform of enabling criminals, demonizing the police, and jacking taxes ever farther into the stratosphere. That candidate will displace the relatively moderate Johnson, assuming there is anything left of the city but a smoking ruin.

Democrats have settled on Chicago for their 2024 convention. You can see why.

On a tip from Varla.

Apr 11 2023

Global Warming Blamed for Home Runs

Blindered ideologues can apply their dogma to absolutely anything. For example, the climate cult proclaims that alleged global warming has caused baseball players to hit too many home runs:

Hotter, thinner air that allows balls to fly farther contributed a tiny bit to a surge in home runs since 2010, according to a statistical analysis by Dartmouth College scientists published in Friday’s Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society. They analyzed 100,000 MLB games and more than 200,000 balls put into play in the last few years along with weather conditions, stadiums and other factors.

Scientists tend to find what the government pays them to find.

“Global warming is juicing home runs in Major League Baseball,” said study coauthor Justin Mankin, a Dartmouth climate scientist.

Maybe now people will be convinced that global warming effects them in some tangible way.

The natural and unavoidable fluctuation of the climate may really affect home runs. But there are more important factors:

The biggest is the ball and the size of the stitches … and MLB made slight adjustments to deaden the ball prior to the 2021 season. Others include batters’ recent attention to launch angle; stronger hitters; and faster pitches.

Never mind that. We are expected to panic because according to the Experts’ reliably wrong models, if we continue using the fossil fuels we require to survive, and if these fuels cause global warming as per liberal ideology, one day there may be way too many home runs, oppressing pitchers with inflated ERAs.

On tips from Jack D and Steve D.

Apr 11 2023

Professor Eric Stewart Appears to Be Race Fraud

Not all of the racial fraud in academia relates to phonies claiming privilege by pretending not to be white. Florida State University Associate Professor and 2005 W.E.B. Du Bois Fellow Eric Stewart looks black enough. Yet he appears to be a race fraud:

The Florida Standard reports that Eric Stewart, a fellow of the American Society of Criminology, has had six studies retracted in recent years, after being accused of falsifying data first in 2019 by a professor named Justin Pickett from the University of Albany.

Stewart’s focus has been on racial data and research. That’s where the grant money is.

Pickett says he asked that a study he was involved with be retracted because the data was altered to the point of mathematical impossibility.

The study reported that as populations of black and Hispanic Americans grew, the public desire for discriminatory sentences also grew. However, Pickett later noticed that the sample size of the study somehow grew from 500 to over 1,000 and the number of counties polled dropped from 326 to 91.

Sometimes you have to cook the numbers so they come out politically correctly. That’s how we know math is racist.

Stewart responded by squealing that Pickett “essentially lynched me.”

Pickett told the Florida Standard that there is a “huge monetary incentive to falsify data and there’s no accountability. If you do this, the probability you’ll get caught is so, so low.”

Even so, academics have not been able to fabricate a factual framework for Critical Race Theory to rest upon that passes the laugh test. But at least they are trying. That proves they are good people, not lynchers like Pickett.

On a tip from Mr. Freemarket.

Apr 11 2023

Springsteen Guitarist Wants to “Exterminate” Republicans

Looks like the attitudes of limousine leftist Bruce Springsteen have rubbed off on his musicians:

Springsteen’s veteran E-Street band guitarist Steven Van Zandt issued a call to fans and supporters on social media Sunday to “Exterminate the (Republican) cockroaches.”

Don’t hold back, liberal elitists. Tell us what you really think of half of the American population.

Van Zandt explains why he deleted his original tweet calling for Republicans to be exterminated:

“To avoid spending half my day deleting Foxsucking scumbag Russian bots and MAGOTT cockroaches like you! Go take away some women’s rights, keep some Black people from voting, go harass a Trans event, go shoot some kids, do what Republicans do best and get the f[***] outta my feed!”

The reference to shooting kids comes in the aftermath of a transsexual terror attack on a Christian school that resulted in the murder of three 9-year-olds. Again we see that moonbats are not merely disconnected from reality but pointed 180° away from it.

Van Zandt previously ventured into politics after Springsteen demanded that men be allowed to use women’s bathrooms in North Carolina:

Springsteen announced he had abruptly canceled a show in Greensboro to protest North Carolina’s LGBT “bathroom law” and Van Zandt spoke to reporters about the band’s decision to pull the plug on its fans.

“It’s unfortunately the only way people understand. You have to hurt them economically in order to have them do the right thing morally, unfortunately,” Van Zandt told Rolling Stone backstage at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame induction ceremony in New York.

If you live in a part of the country where male perverts are not granted access to the ladies’ room, Steven Van Zandt wants to hurt you. Keep that in mind next time you go shopping for music.

In 2020, Springsteen proclaimed that he would leave the country that he famously denounced in the song “Born in the USA” if Trump was reelected. Maybe if the GOP prevails in 2024, he will leave and take Van Zandt with him. We can hope.

The Boss and the Big Guy.

On tips from Wiggins and Chris Neilson.

Apr 11 2023

Open Thread

Blaming guns for murder is like blaming forks for obesity. - Rush Limbaugh

Apr 10 2023

Bud Light Boycott Update

The boycott of Anheuser-Busch products in general and Bud Light in particular is crucial to prove there are limits to what LGBT militants can bully corporations into ramming down our throats. Fortunately, it has been going well:

A viral tweet, which has amassed over 4.4 million views and 88,000 likes, is one such example of the hurdles that Anheuser-Busch could now be facing in its post-Mulvaney landscape.

Twitter user @Floridagirl0850 announced: “We just refused our #Budlight orders for my liquor store. We are pulling it from our shelves. We are not the only ones according to our reps. They said it’s bad.”

Responses to the tweet suggest massive support, to the chagrin of leftist social engineers who are accustomed to calling all the shots.

This battle will not be over quickly. At Anheuser-Busch, poking its customers in the eye on behalf of the LGBT community was part of a deliberate marketing strategy:

Shortly before Bud Light was besieged by the Dylan Mulvaney controversy, the beer company’s vice president stressed the need to get away from the “out of touch” frat boy image to one of “inclusivity.”

Alissa Gordon Heinerscheid, the self-proclaimed “first female to lead the largest beer brand in the industry,” shared her disdain for Bud Light’s previous frat boy image during a recent podcast.

That is, her disdain for the brand’s customers, who will now be excluded in the name of inclusion.

Heinerscheid stressed a need to “evolve and elevate” the Bud Light brand.

“What does evolve and elevate mean? It means inclusivity,” Heinerscheid declared. “It means shifting the tone. It means having a campaign that’s truly inclusive and feels lighter and brighter and different. And appeals to women and to men. And representation is sort of the heart of revolution.”

As moonbats say, “The issue is never the issue. This issue is always the revolution.”

We’ll see whether revolutionary leftist ideology applies to selling beer. Maybe normal people don’t count any more, so Anheuser-Busch can focus exclusively on transsexuals and Heinerscheid’s fellow Harvard English majors. Or maybe this will blow up in their face so hard that other companies take notice.

It all depends on how long countermoonbats can go without buying Bud Light, Budweiser, and related brands. Forever should be easy.

Remember, if you drink Bud Light, this could happen to you:

On tips from Anonymous, Blackjack, Lyle, and Mr. Freemarket.

Apr 10 2023

Here Comes a War We Can’t Afford to Lose

Meanwhile, as communists make final preparations to conquer Taiwan…

China’s military is rehearsing the encirclement of Taiwan during three days of military drills. …

The exercises began hours after President Tsai Ing-wen returned from a trip to the United States.

The Taiwanese Defence Ministry said 71 Chinese military planes and nine ships crossed the Taiwan Strait median line.

The line is an unofficial dividing line between Chinese and Taiwanese territory.

…Commander in Chief Joe Biden prepares by ensuring that the Navy is a “safe space” for the sexually abnormal…

When a rainbow-colored Navy training video on the proper use of preferred pronouns surfaced last year, many people thought it was a joke. Sadly, many people were wrong.

Recently, a top Department of Defense official offered testimony to Congress that doubled down on the video’s underlying message: the armed services must be a “safe space” in which each and every member feels validated and affirmed on his and/or her journey of self-discovery. Remarkably, the video discussed how to make the Navy a “safe space” for people who wish to explore their gender identity. …

The DOD’s chief diversity and inclusion officer (CDIO) reportedly told the House Armed Services Committee that the “concerns young Americans have about safety are negatively impacting [military] recruiting.” The CDIO further claimed that potential recruits do not “feel safe reporting to work for fear of discrimination.”

…and passing out goodie bags to children at drag queen events on military bases.

By the way,

The U.S. has devoted millions of rounds of munitions to Ukraine since Russia invaded more than a year ago, draining U.S. stockpiles and setting off alarm bells in Congress and the White House on the state of America’s arsenal in light of higher-than-expected consumption rates in Ukraine. Senior leaders in the Department of Defense and military service branches, in statements to justify the Pentagon’s budget request for the coming year, warned that the U.S. has massive hurdles to overcome to rebuild to the level necessary to counter China, and remains vulnerable in the meantime.

Turns out giving all our ammo to a corrupt backwater country to fight a war that has nothing to do with us may not have been the best military strategy.

Even leftist hack Mark Milley has enough sense to get out before it hits the fan.

Nothing invites aggression like weakness. Rotted through with corruption, senility, and liberalism, Joe Biden is weakness incarnate. The power vacuum created by America’s self-induced decline will be filled violently.

On tips from Franco, ABC of the ANC, and Anonymous.

Apr 10 2023

Missing Persons Alert for Black Women and Children Only

As on Orwell’s animal farm, everyone is equal under moonbat rule, but some are more equal than others. Blacks are so equal that a California bill proposes an Ebony Alert system to report missing black women and children so they can be given priority over less favored identity groups:

In a release on the race-based crime bill, state senator Steven Bradford said that the bill would “address the often ignored or lack of attention given to Black children and young Black women that are missing in California.”

You know, like the White House needed to promote a Transgender Day of Visibility 4 days after the Covenant School Massacre because of the lack of visibility given to transsexuals.

The media will be encouraged to prioritize Ebony Alerts, missing women and children of other racial groups being less newsworthy.

Despite all the favoritism, blacks are systematically oppressed, according to the same people who tell us that men can be women. That is the justification for California preparing to give blacks $800 BILLION of other people’s money.

It pays to be extra equal, or as liberals put it, oppressed.

Bradford distributes privilege to his fellow oppressed persons.

On tips from Wiggins and R F.

Apr 10 2023

Open Thread

Talk of imminent threat to our national security through the application of external force is pure nonsense. Our threat is from the insidious forces working from within which have already so drastically altered the character of our free institutions - those institutions we proudly called the American way of life. - Douglas MacArthur

Apr 09 2023

Joe Biden’s Boss Keeps Him on Short Leash

Whoever is in charge of steering America straight off a cliff, it isn’t Joe Biden. Creepy Joe was infamously incompetent even before he became senile, and at this point probably cannot get his shoes on the correct feet without assistance. He was chosen as a figurehead because his cluelessness and morally vacuity make him easy to manage.

His puppeteers are too conspicuously sinister to face even an electorate debased enough to vote for Barack Obama. Who are they? Frequent visits to the White House by Alexander Soros, son of the 96-year-old George Soros, offer a clue:

Soros — who has worked to carry his father’s torch as he has assisted with fundraising efforts for the Democratic Party — traveled to the White House at least 14 times since October 2021 and had meetings with multiple officials in 2022, according to White House visitor logs

Who knows how often Biden meets with his masters during the excessive percentage of the time he is away from the White House on vacation?

Heritage Foundation Oversight Project director Mike Howell told Fox News Digital that the visits by Alexander Soros to the White House are concerning, as the Soros family “has done incalculable damage to our country.”

Other high profile Democrats Alexander Soros is known to meet with include Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, and Barack Obama.

He who pays the piper calls the tune. George Soros is far and away the #1 donor to the Democratic Party.

Soros has made his hostility to the USA clear. He has installed pro-criminal maniacs as district attorneys throughout the country (e.g., George Gascon [Los Angeles], Kim Foxx [Chicago], Larry Krasner [Philadelphia], Chesa Boudin [San Francisco], Kim Gardner [St Louis], Jose Garza [Austin]), deliberately creating a tsunami of violent crime intended to destabilize the country. Among them is New York’s Alvin Bragg, who has been taking a wrecking ball to our system of government with a brazenly political criminal prosecution of the leading opposition figure.

George Soros pushed $1 million to the Color of Change PAC, which turned around and spent big, backing Bragg’s candidacy.

Soros’ son Jonathan Soros, and Jonathan’s wife, Jennifer Allan Soros, also donated directly to Bragg’s campaign…

The contributions were also uncommon for the pair, as they generally do not get financially involved with district attorney races…

Bragg was placed in his position to perform a specific task: indict Trump on a ludicrous charge so as to ensure that Trump wins the primaries but loses the general election, at significant cost to our national cohesion and the integrity of the American system.

Too bad Bragg isn’t the highest official serving as a Soros cat’s paw. Control by Soros explains why every Biden policy is harmful to the country.

Soros broke the Bank of England and the Bank of Thailand. If his objective now is to break the United States, what better strategy than to put lowlife looters in a position to spend it to death, causing the economy to collapse under the burden of taxation, inflation, and debt?

On a tip from Anonymous.

Apr 09 2023

Biden Regime to Translate Obscene Dictionary of Depravity

There are many aspects to the leftist campaign to destroy America. The way they will destroy it economically is through grotesquely excessive wasteful spending resulting in a lethal triple whammy of debt, inflation, and suffocating taxation. Biden and his handlers are not so much an administration as a looting spree, comparable to a Black Lives Matter mob pillaging a Target. A grant to translate Homosaurus into Spanish gives an idea of what they have been spending our money on:

Biden’s National Endowment for the Humanities in January announced the $350,000 grant, which will see the University of Washington create a “Spanish-language version of the Homosaurus.” The dictionary, which features a dinosaur standing under a rainbow as its logo, defines hundreds of terms and phrases “relating to bisexuality, trans, gender, and intersex concepts,” according to its website. Examples include “anal fisting,” which the Homosaurus defines as the “sexual practice of inserting a fist into an anus,” [et cetera, ad nauseam].

Like the subject matter, many of the terms are obscene.

[F]eminist scholar Marika Cifor will oversee the Spanish translation, a project she says will take three years.

Why so long? Because, according to Cifor, a direct translation “doesn’t feel adequate and reinforces the centrality of the English language.” Like America, the English language is slated for erasure.

The obscene dictionary will alleviate oppression, or as Cifor puts it, help with the “basic struggles for information accessibility that many marginalized communities still face.”

As with most things LGBT, there is an emphasis on defiling children:

Homosaurus also includes terms that define minors under the age of 18, such as “bisexual boys,” “gay boys,” and “transgender children.” The dictionary, which sells children’s apparel bearing its logo, also defines “pederasts” as “adult men who have sexual and mentor/protégé relationships with adolescent boys” but says the term should only be used “in historical contexts.”

For current contexts, the politically correct destigmatized term is MAPs (minor-attracted persons).

It isn’t enough to spend us to death. Democrats have to do it by the most degrading, disgusting, and morally repugnant means possible.

On a tip from Chris Neilson.

Apr 09 2023

Open Thread

Good Friday and Easter free us to think about other things far beyond our own personal fate, about the ultimate meaning of all life, suffering, and events; and we lay hold of a great hope. - Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Apr 08 2023

Bud Light Blood in the Water

“Go woke, go broke” sounds good, but it isn’t working that way, because virtually all corporations are aggressively left-wing now and countermoonbats can’t boycott all of them. Radical leftists have made it clear than every enterprise is either with them or against them; companies have less to fear by being with them due to the relentless vindictiveness that characterizes progressives.

Matt Walsh offers a solution:

Who’s up first? Bud Light grinding the transsexual agenda in the face of customers who are overwhelming unlikely to like it makes Anheuser-Busch an obvious candidate.

Celebrities Kid Rock, Travis Tritt, and John Rich have already stood up to the woke lynch mob by expressing their disgust at Anheuser-Busch plastering female impersonator Dylan Mulvaney’s creepy face across beer cans to advance the LGBT agenda. A boycott is picking up steam:

Already the corporate clowns at Anheuser-Busch and Belgian parent company AB InBev have noticed the pushback:

Public outrage continues to grow over Bud Light’s partnership with a controversial transgender activist, and now, representatives from Budweiser have canceled an event featuring Budweiser’s iconic Clydesdale horses.

The Clydesdales were scheduled to appear at several events in Springfield, Missouri, sometime this week to help promote the Budweiser brand. …

According to a statement from Anheuser-Busch, Wil Fischer Companies, a Budweiser distributor in Missouri, elected to cancel the Springfield events “due to safety concerns for their employees.” The company did not elaborate on why Wil Fischer employees might be imperiled or whether the events would be rescheduled at a later date.

When they feel threatened, liberals reflexively pretend to be physically endangered so they can pose as victims. Recall that the White House reacted to a transgender terror attack on a Christian school in Nashville by lying that there is an “epidemic of violence against trans people.”

No one is calling for violence against Anheuser-Busch employees. The call is to drink any other brand of beer.

Already they are running scared. If you boycott one product in your life, make it Bud Light, Budweiser, and associated brands — and keep it up.

On tips from Mr. Freemarket and ABC of the ANC.

Apr 08 2023

Sergeant Convicted of Murder for Shooting Armed Moonbat

Kyle Rittenhouse being permitted to defend his own life from leftist Brownshirts is something our liberal rulers are not about to let happen again:

A U.S. Army sergeant was convicted of murder for fatally shooting an armed protester in 2020 during nationwide protests against police violence and racial injustice, a Texas jury ruled Friday.

Sgt. Daniel Perry was working for a ride-sharing company in July 2020 when he turned onto a street and into a large crowd of demonstrators in downtown Austin.

Something similar happened to James Fields in Charlottesville, Virginia, ending his life as a free man.

Perry, who faces life in prison, now awaits sentencing.

Perry’s attorneys said he had no choice but to shoot Foster as he approached Perry’s car with an AK-47 rifle, the Austin American-Statesman reported. Prosecutors said Perry could have driven away before firing his revolver.

What actually happened will never be known, assuming the immediate witnesses were all Black Lives Matter/Antifa type lowlifes. Police heard two separate volleys of gunfire.

Perry prevailed in the firefight, despite being outgunned. But no regular American is likely to prevail against a jury in Austin.

On a tip from Anonymous.


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