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Mar 15 2023

Failed Signature Bank Also Obnoxiously Woke

Unsurprisingly, other banks run by moonbats are following Silicon Valley Bank down the crapper. Next to discover the truth of the maxim “Get woke, go broke” was Signature Bank:

Signature Bank was closed by regulators on Sunday, the second massive bank failure in three days.

The New York-based bank faced a crisis of confidence after midsize lender SVB Financial Corp. was seized by regulators on Friday. … The failure is the third-largest in U.S. history.

Second largest is Silicon Valley Bank.

Signature board member Barney Frank, the former congressman who formed one half of the landmark Dodd-Frank financial law after the 2008 financial crisis, said Signature suffered a bank run of billions of dollars on Friday.

Taxpayers are on the hook:

Signature customers will get all of their deposits back, including money above the $250,000 limit for federal deposit insurance, banking regulators said.

Because not even Democrats can confiscate other people’s money as fast as they fling it to the four winds, they will bail out the customers at least in part with money that does not exist. Like the Inflation Reduction Act, this will drive inflation even higher, resulting in more economic havoc, resulting in more bank failures.

A joint move by the Federal Reserve and Treasury Department took the extraordinary step of designating SVB and Signature Bank as a systemic risk to the financial system, giving regulators flexibility to backstop uninsured deposits.

The end goal of encouraging banks to invest irresponsibly in sophomoric moonbattery, then swooping in to seize control and bail out investors with taxpayer money, is to incrementally nationalize the banking system.

Here’s what Signature Bank focused on rather than sound investments:

A seminar on gender-neutral pronouns hosted by Signature Bank just months before its collapse … featured its chairman Scott Shay along with corporate consultant on gender issues Finn Brigham.

Video of the seminar, which goes for more than an hour, shows Brigham and Shay delivering a lecture about ‘pronouns’ with the ultra-woke company seizing the opportunity to laud their title as the ‘first bank in the United States to have an openly gay man on the board.’

That would be the conspicuously homosexual Democrat Barney Frank. Yet other Democrats tell us that these banks are failing not because of their reckless monetary policy, but because part of Dodd-Frank was repealed.

Brigham, who works as director of project management for the Manhattan-based nonprofit Callen-Lorde Community Health Center – an LGBTQ health clinic – identifies as a ‘genderqueer trans masculine person.’

Too bad they didn’t bring on someone who identifies as a competent banker. But they were too busy wallowing in gag-inducing crap like this:

On a tip from THOUGHTCRIMINAL2084.

Mar 15 2023

Drew Barrymore Brings the Cringe

If you thought nothing could be as disgusting as Chick-fil-A Chairman Dan Cathy pandering to the woke bullies who demonize his company by bending down to clean the sneakers of a smirking rap performer, you were right. But Drew Barrymore has come close. On Monday she literally fell to her knees before Dylan Mulvaney, who attained his 15 minutes of fame by viciously ridiculing women.

At least now some will become aware that Drew Barrymore has her own talk show. Via Daily Wire:

Mulvaney was on the show to discuss the popular TikTok series “Days of Girlhood,” which documents the influencer’s “transition process.”

Barrymore kneeled in front of Mulvaney’s chair while the influencer discussed being disliked and trying to “combat the hate.”

If there is one person we can all agree to dislike, it should be Dylan Mulvaney, whose schtick is apparently contrived to make him as repulsive as possible. Well, all of us except Drew:

If this really is our culture now, the ChiComs are invited to stop goofing around with manmade pandemics and break out the nukes.

Mulvaney’s tasteless parody of a woman has gotten him listed as a “Power Woman” by Forbes and even invited to the White House.

You can see why liberal social engineers have been so successful at convincing self-hating adolescents to become transgender. Kids are told that if they pretend to be a member of the opposite sex, they no longer have to be who they are, but instead can be someone the rest of the world will kneel before. At least, the liberal world kneels.

Drew Barrymore played a feminist zombie in the Netflix show Santa Clarita Diet. Considering that transgenderism has killed feminism, the casting turns out to be appropriate.

Mar 15 2023

Open Thread

When the people are afraid of the government, that's tyranny. But when the government is afraid of the people, that's liberty. - Thomas Jefferson

On a tip from Occam’s Stubble.

Mar 14 2023

Transsexual Daycare Worker Charged With Molesting Baby

It used to be that sexual depravity was a liability when looking for a job in child care. In the Age of Wokeness, it is a résumé-enhancer. The results have been as you would expect:

A trans-identified male is awaiting arraignment on charges of sexually abusing a baby while working at a daycare center.

By “trans-identified male,” they mean a man who says he is a woman.

Maria Childers, 25, had been employed at the Explore Learning Academy in Paducah, Kentucky when the abuse is said to have occurred last November. Police became involved in February of this year after the Kentucky Department for Community Based Services (DCBS) received an anonymous tip from someone working inside the academy.

Small surprise that the tip was made anonymously. Someone didn’t want to lose their job for being a transphobe.

Police also interviewed the director of the Academy, who appeared to have been aware of Childers’ behavior with the baby, but had only given him a “write up” for making inappropriate comments towards the infant.

The sexually diverse get kid glove treatment from those higher up. But this time it wasn’t enough:

Childers has been charged with first-degree sexual abuse of a victim under the age of 12…

In addition to molesting babies, Childers’ hobbies include playing dress-up:

The alleged predator has a limited social media history, with a largely barren Facebook only showing photos of Childers wearing a blue costume dress similar in style to that commonly associated with the main character in classic children’s tale, Alice in Wonderland. Childers appears to be in a classroom in the photos taken, and there is a small child visible in one of the snaps also donning a costume.

He should have sent his résumé to the Department of Education. With the Biden Administration’s emphasis on diversity, the Facebook page alone would get him hired, despite his racial impediment.

On a tip from Franco.

Mar 14 2023

Girls’ Team Banned for Not Playing Against Team With Boy

Liberals shriek that we must let men play on women’s sports teams because “tolerance.” Here’s what they mean by tolerance:

The Vermont Principals’ Association, which oversees school athletics, said Monday afternoon that Mid Vermont Christian School in Quechee will no longer be eligible to participate in sports and other sponsored activities.

This draconian punishment was inflicted because the private Christian school forfeited a girls’ basketball game rather than play against a team that reduced the concept of girls’ sports to farce by having a boy on it.

Mid Vermont violated the organization’s anti-discrimination and gender identity policies, the organization told the school in a letter of ineligibility. Those policies allow athletes to play on the team that is “consistent with their gender identity” and prohibit discrimination “based on a student’s actual or perceived sex and gender.”

Leaving aside the blasphemous aspect of transsexualism, Mid Vermont Christian had good reason to refuse to play Long Trail School:

Mid Vermont Christian’s head of school, Vicky Fogg, said in a statement last month that the school believed “playing against an opponent with a biological male jeopardizes the fairness of the game and the safety of our players.”

However, if our woke overlords gave a flying damn about women’s safety, they would not impose their ideology by placing men in women’s prisons.

Jay Nichols, the executive director of the Vermont Principals’ Association, said the organization’s 15-member executive board was unanimous in its decision.

Everything is to be unanimous in liberal utopia. The fate of Mid Vermont Christian illustrates what happens to those who don’t go along.

Nichols said he could not remember any prior instances of a school being barred from sporting events. There is no existing appeals process, he said.

Again we see that the word “tolerance” means zero tolerance for anyone who resists the grotesque leftist agenda.

On a tip from Franco.

Mar 14 2023

Wales Plans to Erase Historical Heroes for Being White Men

After Rome fell, its great heritage was not erased. Remnants of the Roman Empire stand to this day. But the British Empire was brought down by a more merciless enemy than barbarian hordes. It was rotted to death from within by leftists, who are incapable of grace or respect. Having vanquished the empire that did more than any other to advance the human race, they will leave no two stones standing one atop another:

Statues of “old white men” such as the Duke of Wellington and Admiral Lord Nelson could be hidden or destroyed to create the “right historical narrative”, according to Welsh government guidance.

Britain is part of Europe, so its heroes have been Europeans. Consequently, they must be erased in accordance with the politically correct historical narrative, according to which white people are evil for their dominant role in pulling the human race up from savagery.

Historical statues that often glorify “powerful, older, able-bodied white men” may be “offensive” to a more diverse modern public, according to guidance which is expected to be finalised this month.

Admiral Nelson lost an arm in combat, but was too great a man to be spared, despite not being entirely able-bodied. He has been denounced as not having a 21st century attitude toward the slave trade.

The government’s “best-practice” advice states that … authorities could “conceal commemorations” and “discretely box monuments or enclose them creatively in new artworks”.

Even if the vermin currently in charge hide the statues or defile them, at least these treasures might survive in case a better generation emerges. Or they might not:

Alternatively, “offensive or unwanted items” could be relocated or destroyed, the advisory documents state…

The planned vandalism is motivated largely by self-directed racial hate. The custodians of British tradition aim to destroy “colonial myths about white superiority,” as they bleat that “relative preponderance of white historians over other identities can skew understanding.”

Nothing is more likely to skew understanding than a preponderance of leftists applying George Orwell’s dictum: “Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past.” The ideologues in charge have decreed that Europe is to have no future.

Leftists utilize the weaponized hurt feelings of supposed victims as a cudgel with which to smash everything precious. According to Welsh bureauweenies,

existing monuments “can be offensive to people today who see them in a different light”, including as “aggressors who conquered peoples to expand the British Empire”.

What could be more offensive than to see progressives erase the British Empire from history? It’s like watching the Mona Lisa get eaten by maggots.

It isn’t just Wales. Inspired by Black Lives Matter bullies, London’s Metropolitian Police compiled a “contentious statues” list that included Winston Churchill himself.

If there had been no Churchill, and Britain had been conquered by the Nazis, the destruction of its heritage would have been less complete.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

Mar 14 2023

Open Thread

Remember, whenever a Republican leaves one side of the aisle and goes to the other, it raises the intelligence quotient of both parties. - Clare Boothe Luce

Mar 13 2023

Student Arrested After Saying Men and Women Differ

Look around at woke America under President Brandon and you might be tempted to say it can’t get any worse. Then look to the north and you will see that it can. Quoting the Bible to back up incontrovertible biological fact in the context of defending women from perverts can get a student dragged off from his Catholic school in handcuffs in the moonbat police state Canada:

[Josh] Alexander was a student at a Canadian Catholic high school in Ontario until he spoke his mind over concerns of men in women’s restrooms at the institution.

Distinguishing men from women and believing God created only two genders, he suggested, eventually led authorities to arrest and charge him for the offense.

He came on Tucker Carlson to explain:

“Female students complained to me that they were concerned because males were using their washrooms. This turned into a debate at the school. I stated my opinion on it, and I used Scripture to back it up,” Alexander said.

“They removed me from the building for the remainder of the year and, when I attempted to attend class, I was arrested and charged,” he continued.

He wanted to make his case to school administrators, but they refused to give him a hearing. Maybe if he tried wearing gargantuan prosthetic breasts

His lawyer James Kitchen keeps up Alexander’s spirits with a lively sense of humor:

“[W]e think there’s been religious discrimination on the basis of Josh’s Christian religious beliefs, so we’re going to file a complaint to the Ontario Human Rights Commission.”

If only Alexander were Jewish and lived in 15th century Spain, he could bring his complaints to the Inquisition. Its views on religious liberty were comparable to those of the leftists who impose their agenda through Canada’s Orwellian Human Rights Commissions.

As noted earlier, because Alexander is enrolled at the supposedly Catholic school, he is not allowed to attend other schools, limiting his future career prospects. Under totalitarianism, the ideologically noncompliant are marginalized.

On tips from Varla and Wiggins.

Mar 13 2023

Fauci Risibly Clings to Natural Occurrence Narrative

Anthony Fauci used his power to prop up the story that Covid occurred naturally, rather than being designed in a ChiCom lab with funding that he helped provide. That narrative is crumbling, with even the Deep State admitting that Covid probably came from the Wuhan Institute of Virology, as we have known for years. Even as the walls close in, Science Personified still tries to spin his way out:

“A lab leak could be that someone was out in the wild, maybe looking for different types of viruses in bats, got infected, went into a lab and was being studied in the lab and then came out of the lab,” Fauci told anchor Jim Acosta.

Cue the laugh track:

“But if that’s the definition of a lab leak Jim, then that’s still a natural occurrence.”

The comparably slippery Bill Clinton told us that it all depends on what the definition of “is” is. Fauci tinkers with the definitions of “gain of function” and “lab leak.”

He also made a point of noting that no investigative agency tasked with investigating the origins of the virus by President Biden in 2021 found evidence of nefarious activity at the lab.

An incompetent, senile president who has been bought off by our Chinese communist adversaries found no nefarious activity in their bioweapons program. What a relief.

As for being held accountable for committing a federal crime by lying to Congress about his role in creating Covid, Fauci is indignant:

“I mean, prosecute me for what? What are, what are they talking about? I mean I wish I could figure out what the heck they were talking about. I think they’re just going off the deep end,” he told Acosta.

Someone as conspicuously in love with his own public image as Anthony Fauci must study every word of his own press coverage. He knows very well what he will be prosecuted for if integrity is returned to DC. But let’s have Ted Cruz explain it anyway:

On tips from Steve D and Varla.

Mar 13 2023

Thieves Try to Escape in Electric Car

Electric vehicles are actually good for something besides showcasing enviromoonbat piousness. They assist police when thieves try to use them as getaway vehicles.

From Georgia:

Gwinnett County North Precinct officers were responding to a dispatch call notifying them of a theft in the area.

When officers arrived at the scene, they were told that the suspects fled in a Tesla. …

The suspects were discovered a short ways from the scene of the crime charging the vehicle.

In addition to stolen goods, police uncovered 2 pounds of suspected marijuana, helping to explain the choice of getaway vehicle.

Even thieves need to read If they had known about Xaviar and Alice Steavenson, who tried to drive a rented Tesla from Orlando to Wichita and found they had to charge it six times a day, they would have been forewarned.

On a tip from Mr. Freemarket.

Mar 13 2023

Genderqueer Witch Conducts Teacher Training

Children’s education has been subverted by weirdos:

A school district in Colorado hired a self-proclaimed “genderqueer shapeshifter” and “witch” to conduct staff training on “transgender” issues.

According to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request from Parents Defending Education (PDE), the Thompson School District hired Silen Wellington, a “transgender” activist, to conduct the training.

Agenda items included “ways to be inclusive of non-heterosexual orientations” — exactly what children need to focus on as Chinese communists race past us in math skills.

The training would also cover “sex assigned at birth vs. gender identity vs. gender expression” and “defining words such as: dysphoria, dead name, transitioning, intersex, asexual, aromatic, Two-Spirit, queer, nonbinary,” as well as something called “neopronouns.”

Instead of teaching kids the basics of biology, government schools teach them that biology isn’t relevant. Students will have to take remedial college classes to learn how to read and write, but at least they know their neopronouns.

Regarding Willington’s main qualifications to tell teachers how to teach,

According to the Epoch Times, Wellington practices witchcraft, blood rituals, “magical activism,” and polyamorous relationships.

Even some white people qualify as diverse.

Meet a genderqueer shapeshifting witch with a nail through the top of his/her/its ear who is helping indoctrinate children to embrace sexual depravity on behalf of the leftist agenda:

On a tip from Mitchell B.

Mar 13 2023

Open Thread

Equality of talents, of education, or of wealth can not be produced by human institutions. - Andrew Jackson

Mar 12 2023

Jane Fonda Calls for Murder to Defend Abortion

If female moonbats would kill their own babies, imagine what they would do to you. Pro-abortion fanatic Jane Fonda spells it out:

How else to defend killing people but with murder?

It’s okay; later she said it was “hyperbole.”

Hanoi Jane — infamous for posing with communist antiaircraft guns used to kill Americans — has fittingly aged into a loose cannon, sloppily letting spill what she really thinks. Earlier, she admitted to viewing Covid as “God’s gift to the Left.” (Actually, the gift was provided by the Chinese Communist Party and its friend Tony Fauci.)

On a tip from Mr. Freemarket.

Mar 12 2023

Climate Mental Health

Whereas most will agree that the climate fluctuates, belief in the global warming hoax is a psychiatric condition. Kamala “Heartbeat Away” Harris confirms it while jabbering about “climate mental health”:

We can’t count on the kooks at CNBC for investment advice, but moonbattery is their area of expertise, so let’s hear what they say:

It’s called climate anxiety, and it’s a real mental health condition that can take time to address, according to Portland, Oregon-based environmental psychologist Thomas Doherty. At the Aspen Ideas Festival in Aspen, Colorado … Doherty spoke about the “learning curve” it takes to combat the anxiety, or even despair, stemming from climate change.

The guy is getting paid to be an “environmental psychologist.” I was going to say, “Only in Portland and Aspen,” but that would be wishful thinking.

Both the United Nations and the American Psychological Association (APA) have found that humans are increasingly at risk of climate change-induced mental health issues.

The UN and APA are likewise expert in the field of moonbattery.

In 2021, a global study found that 45% of people between the ages of 16 and 25 said climate anxiety was affecting their daily lives.

The percentage of people whose daily lives are affected by climate change itself is more like zero. But those who enjoy wallowing in neurosis can still seize on it to make themselves miserable.

Too bad they make others miserable too. Small children do not know better than to take enviromoonbattery seriously. Inflicting distress by submersing them in politically motivated gloom is not healthy, as we saw when Rep Katie Porter (D-CA) used global warming doctrine to instill in her daughter an affective disorder.

Nonetheless, schools are required by law to indoctrinate children with this toxic ideology in Connecticut and soon Oregon.

On tips from Mr. Freemarket, Ed McAninch, and Jack D.


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