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Jul 02 2022

$4 Million to Be Forgiven for Friends Cast Being White

About Catholics defines an indulgence as “remission (removal) of temporal punishment for sin in response to certain prayers or spiritual works.” The corrupt buying and selling of indulgences helped launch the Reformation back in the 16th century. Yet the practice continues to this day, having been revived by our state religion, Critical Race Theory. Marta Kauffman is paying $4 million to remit punishment for the sin of creating a sitcom about white people:

Kauffman has pledged $4 million to African and African American studies as she apologised for the lack of diversity on ‘Friends’.

The 65-year-old, who created the sitcom with David Crane, 64, gave the donation to her alma mater, the Boston area’s Brandeis University, to create an endowed professorship.

Her Marta F Kauffman ’78 Professorship in African and African American Studies will support a distinguished scholar with a concentration in the study of the peoples and cultures of Africa.

That is, her indulgence payment will fund racist demagogues along the lines of Ibram X. Kendi of nearby Boston University.

Kauffman said she felt “embarrassed” ‘Friends’ featured a predominantly white cast.

Crawling in self-abasement before the vengeful gods of CRT, Kauffman bleats,

“Admitting and accepting guilt is not easy. It’s painful looking at yourself in the mirror.”

Her fellow moonbats will not forgive her. They never do. Forgiveness has no place in their religion.

On tips from Franco and Chris Neilson.

Jul 02 2022

Open Thread

There are a lot of homely women in women’s studies. Preaching these anti-male, anti-sex sermons is a way for them to compensate for various heartaches - they’re just mad at the beautiful girls. - Christina Hoff Sommers

Jul 01 2022

Dutch Push Back Against Green Tyranny

As the impending attack on the Permian Basin makes clear, we can’t rely on the Supreme Court to prevent our rulers from imposing a Liberal World Order that will resemble what the Khmer Rouge did to Cambodia. Eventually, pushback against green tyranny is our responsibility. Farmers have figured this out in Holland:

Nitrogen makes up 78% of the atmosphere. But if harmless carbon dioxide can be a pollutant, nitrogen can too. Next, progressives might declare light to be a pollutant.

Manure really is a pollutant, but it is useful for fertilizing crops and for dumping in front of the buildings where leftist bureaucrats fester:

Manure can also be deployed against other agents of the state:

The alternative to escalating this pushback will be planned mass starvation. The green agenda cannot be inflicted without millions of us dying. Even if we could live off a diet of insects, there is no way windmills and solar panels will generate enough energy to prevent total economic collapse. As we can see from their hebephrenic reaction to Roe’s repeal, the woke ruling class regards human life itself as a pollutant.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

Jul 01 2022

Transphobic Simpsons Episode

It’s a good thing that all media is getting digitized, because otherwise it would be impossible to erase everything American culture has produced up to the current moment, which must be done to protect powerful identity groups from offense. Until recently, humor was permissible. This resulted in infractions against political correctness, including a 2007 episode of The Simpsons, in which Bart becomes a superhero inspired by Batman.

Via WND:

“Bartman” dispatches numerous foes, including “Poison Lenny” — Homer Simpson’s friend Lenny dressed as Batman enemy Poison Ivy, with a long red wig and thigh-high stripper boots.

“No villain is safe from me!” Bartman declares.

Lenny responds, “I’m not a villain. I’m a transvestite!”

“Explain that to your maker!” Bartman says, throwing the transvestite against a high voltage electrical box, where the shock illuminates his skeleton.

Then Lenny gets shot by a cop.

Maybe the thought police will refrain from putting this episode down the memory hole. It is as close as they will find to evidence that the LGBT lobby deserves power for being oppressed:

On a tip from Dragon’s Lair.

Jul 01 2022

EPA May Shut Down Permian Basin

Despite the big win in the Supreme Court against the green tyranny Democrats inflict undemocratically through the EPA, the Biden Regime’s war on domestic energy production continues to escalate:

[T]he Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced it may soon issue a ruling declaring that vast parts of the Permian Basin are in “non-attainment” status under the agency’s ozone regulations. If such a declaration is made, it will constitute a direct governmental assault on what is by far America’s most active and productive oil-producing region and its second most-productive natural gas area. The Permian currently accounts for fully 43% of total U.S. daily oil production and is home to almost 40% of the nation’s active drilling rigs according to the Enverus daily rig count.

But… but… the Supreme Court said Democrats had to stop using the EPA as a wrecking ball to destroy the energy industry, and had to instead pass laws through Congress, which would force them to face the wrath of voters. Or maybe not:

Thursday’s decision by the Supreme Court of the United States in the West Virginia v. EPA case is not expected to impact the agency’s ability to set standards on ozone levels and enforce them. If anything, it seems likely the agency, at least under a Biden presidency, will seek to become more aggressive in this realm as a backdoor means of continuing to force coal-fired power plants out of business and, as in this case, hamper the domestic oil and gas industry.

Placing the Permian Basin in non-attainment status would force a significant reduction in the region’s rig count, severely limiting the domestic industry’s efforts to increase U.S. oil production at a time when the global oil market is already severely under-supplied.

Never mind Biden’s mendacious noises about increasing domestic production. Literally from his first day in office, he has done everything in his power to cripple it.

Biden guaranteed in advance that he would abolish the fossil fuels that are the lifeblood of the economy and that we require to survive:

In an astonishing manifestation of mass suicidal stupidity, people actually voted for Biden anyway. Those who did deserve what’s coming. The rest of us don’t.

Texas Governor Greg Abbott is enraged:

“The EPA’s process could interfere in the production of oil in Texas which could lead to skyrocketing prices at the pump by reducing production, increase the cost of that production, or do both,” The Governor wrote Biden this week. “Your administration’s announced action is completely discretionary. Thus, you have the power to stop it.”

But Biden won’t stop it; here’s why:

Don’t let them insult your intelligence by claiming this is about their scapegoat Vladimir Putin. We have our own oil; we don’t need Russia’s. Biden sent energy prices skyrocketing well before the invasion of Ukraine.

At a phony surface level, the Liberal World Order means everybody is in NATO except Russia. At the more meaningful level that impacts our lives, the Liberal World Order means that while John Kerry flies across the planet on a private jet, regular Americans take an electric bus — except during brownouts. We are told to believe this will improve the weather.

It could not be more obvious that our liberal rulers do not mean us well. If the media were not on their side, Biden deliberately forcing up energy prices would be on the front page of every paper.

On tips from Marty and Varla.

Jul 01 2022

Open Thread

If I had my way, sporting guns would be strictly regulated, the rest would be confiscated - Nancy Pelosi

Jun 30 2022

Good News From the Entertainment Establishment

The liberal entertainment establishment would rather impose its twisted ideology than make money by pleasing audiences. This creates the impression that we live in a sick, dying society comprised of sheer moonbattery. But the contrived woke culture portrayed on screens is not our real culture. One indication of this is that if a movie slips through that doesn’t pander to political correctness, audiences stampede to see it:

As the patriotic anticommunist Walt Disney spins in his grave, Disney keeps doubling down on its depraved radical left stance. Maybe Disney will succeed in its mission to sexualize, homosexualize, and transsexualize American children. Or make it will drive itself out of business.

On a tip from KirklesWorth.

Jun 30 2022

Young Mom Executed in New York City

New York City is no longer part of the civilized world:

A manhunt is on for the person who fatally shot a young mother in the back of the head in a chilling point-blank execution while pushing her baby in a stroller on the Upper East Side of New York City, just a few yards away from a playground.

Children at the playground witnessed the murder, which occurred in an upscale neighborhood not far from Gracie Mansion, where the mayor lives.

Here’s who they are looking for:

The shooter was described as a male wearing a black hooded sweatshirt and black pants. Police offered no further description of the killer.

We also know that the killer is black. Otherwise, they would have mentioned his race.

End stop and frisk, marginalize the police, glorify criminals, egg on violence, let lunatics run loose, and what else would you expect?

The lame joke serving as mayor predictably blames the incident on the existence of guns, confirming that he will do nothing constructive to mitigate the rising tide of violence:

‘More guns in our city means more lives lost,’ Mayor Eric Adams said during a news conference at the site of the shooting.

As if there were no guns in NYC when Rudy Giuliani was mayor and the city was quite safe.

The main reason violence is out of control in New York is that criminals do not fear consequences. If law-abiding citizens were also armed, that might change. One Bernie Goetz does more for public safety than every Eric Adams type who ever lived. The shooter had no reason to fear that witnesses would be anything but helpless.

Adams’ outfit did not fix the problem.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Jun 30 2022

Blasphemy: Pelosi Given Communion in Vatican

The first pope was aptly named, because Peter means rock, and the Catholic Church has stood as solid as a rock for 2 millennia, withstanding all manner of storms. But can it endure the insidious corrosion from within that leftists have used to subvert virtually every other institution? Or will it be subordinated to a depraved, anti-Christian ideology? Let’s hope this is not up to Pope Francis.

Because she is an extreme advocate of abortion who has soaked herself in innocent blood, Nancy Pelosi was denied communion by her archbishop, Salvatore Cordileone. But not by Francis:

Pelosi met with Pope Francis and received Communion on Wednesday while attending a Mass presided over by the pope.

This happened in St Peter’s Basilica. Thankfully, she did not receive communion from Francis himself, which would have been the ultimate blasphemy short of Satan taking communion.

Pelosi and her husband Paul also received a blessing from Francis during her visit, according to one of the Mass attendees.

She made a further mockery of the spectacle:

Pelosi spoke about the necessity of preaching the gospel with actions, not just words.

According to her words, Pelosi is a Catholic. According to her actions, she is a radical proponent of both abortion and the belligerently anti-Christian LGBT agenda.

Pelosi responded to being barred from communion by her own archbishop by implying that the Church is hypocritical and denouncing Cordileone as a homophobe — possibly the worst insult imaginable from her liberal point of view. Francis has effectively sided with her.

Meanwhile, the government represented by Pelosi taunts the Vatican with open disrespect by displaying the LGBT flag at the US embassy there:

On tips from Blackjack and Ed McAninch.

Jun 30 2022

Open Thread

There is a kind of dictatorship that can come about through a creeping paralysis of thought, readiness to accept paternalistic measures by government, and along with those measures comes a surrender of our own responsibilities and therefore a surrender of our own thought over our own lives and our own right to exercise the vote. The free system gives the right to every citizen to do something for himself. Because he has the right, the opportunity is always there. - Dwight D. Eisenhower

Jun 29 2022

UK Police Investigate Playground Insults

Moonbat rule means anarchotyranny. That means that while professional shoplifters ply their trade without consequence, the police investigate 11-year-olds for calling each other names:

On a tip from KirklesWorth.

Jun 29 2022

Publicity Stunt Reduces January 6 Commission to Farce

Move over, Christine Blasey Ford. Democrats have a new star witness — Cassidy Hutchinson:

Watching CNN analysis Jeffrey Toobin accuse Trump of attempting to “strangle” a Secret Service agent is especially rich, considering that Toobin is best known for choking a chicken in front of coworkers.

Trump’s lead Secret Service agent is reportedly ready to confirm that her testimony is a crock of lies. However, pretending to take this woman seriously allows the media to run hyperbolic headlines like the one splashed across the front of the Wall Street Journal this morning:

Trump Knew Mob Was Armed, Sent It to Capitol, Staffer Says

If there had been any significant presence of firearms among the alleged insurrectionists, the media would have been grinding it in our faces for the past year and a half. CNN is reduced to squealing that bear spray and even flagpoles should count as arms — in the context of a supposed attempt to overthrow the US Government.

However, since most people don’t read beyond the headlines, the intended impression has been created.

On tips from Occam’s Stubble and KirklesWorth.

Jun 29 2022

California AG Releases Addresses of Gun Owners

Moonbat ideology has no basis of morality other than political correctness, which is determined by whatever helps the Party increase its power. This frees up Democrats to employ tactics that regular Americans would recoil from. For example, California’s Attorney General — a position previously held by top Biden Regime officials Kamala Harris and Xavier Becerra — just doxed thousands of gun owners:

Files leaked from the database included the home addresses, full names and dates of birth for every gun owner in the state, according to The Reload. …

California Attorney General Rob Bonta issued a press release Monday announcing, “new and updated firearms data available through the California Department of Justice (DOJ)’s 2022 Firearms Dashboard Portal.”

It isn’t only burglars who might find this information useful. Terror tactics employed by the leftist thugs comprising Antifa and Ruth Sent Us emphasize the weaponization potential of personal information. When Nicholas John Roske got hold of Justice Kavanaugh’s address, he showed up at his house intending to kill him, no doubt egged on to violence by prominent Democrats.

“Today’s announcement puts power and information into the hands of our communities by helping them better understand the role and potential dangers of firearms within our state,” Bonta said of the dashboard.

If only California voters understood the potential dangers of letting liberals have power.

Currently the Firearms Dashboard Portal is down, and authorities are “investigating.” Maybe it was all just a mistake. Or maybe, when they overstep and someone calls them on it, they step back — for now.

On a tip from Lyle.

Jun 29 2022

100th Arrest for Professional Shoplifter

One nice thing about our revolving door system of justice under liberal anarchotyranny is that it enables aspiring career criminals to set new records that previously would have been imaginable. This ought to make Guinness World Records:

A “professional booster” with an alleged penchant for shoplifting at Manhattan retailers notched what could be her [???] 100th bust over the weekend — and was released without bail yet again on Sunday.

Michelle McKelley, 42, was arrested late Saturday for allegedly pocketing $125 worth of goods from a CVS in Lower Manhattan, and then was freed under the state’s soft-on-crime criminal justice reforms.

Prosecutors said in Manhattan Criminal Court Sunday that McKelley has failed to appear in court 27 times on her multitude of past arrests — and has five other pending cases.

McKelley can’t be locked up thanks to New York State’s 2019 bail reform.

The intelligentsia in its irresponsible bleeding heart righteousness decided that there were too many people in prison. We live with the escalating consequences, as the price of everything goes up, merchandise has to be locked away behind Plexiglas, and the atmosphere of arrogant lawlessness drives violence ever upward.

On a tip from Wiggins.


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