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Category: Democrats

Jul 12 2024

Sensible Talk From John Kerry?

Back in 2004, this website was created primarily out of horror that the treasonous lowlife John Kerry was nearly elected president of the USA. But give credit where it is due; in the video below, he talks a lot of sense:

Oh wait, this video is from 2018. Although almost everything he said would apply perfectly to Joe Biden, Hanoi John was referring to Trump —who was our best president since Reagan.

On a tip from WDS 2.0.

Jul 10 2024

Maxine Waters Wig Malfunction

Is Joe Biden fit for office? Let’s ask his fellow antediluvian left-wing corruptocrat Maxine Waters, the 86-year-old ranking member of the House Financial Services Committee whose name is synonymous with bank fraud. But first wait until she is done dealing with her wig malfunction:

The Democratic Party is past its expiration date.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Jul 08 2024

Why Dems Aren’t Worried About Alienating Voters

Some might wonder why Democrats are willing to take a political hit by leaving the border open. If they would take more than the most insolently phony measures to defend the country, it would quell some anger over the devastation the invasion has been wreaking. Why don’t they care what the American people think of them heading into an election?

Liberal Axios admits the answer:

They can’t wait for the demographic transformation to do to the whole country what it has done to the state that not that long ago elected Ronald Reagan governor twice. The Democratic Party is as hostile to the United States as its allies in Iran, and it’s too late to keep people from knowing it. The Great Replacement has to happen right now.

It would be crazy for Americans to vote for Democrats at this point, but for unlawful invaders from the Third World it makes perfect sense. Democrats allow them to enslave us via the welfare state.

On a tip from Anonymous.

Jul 05 2024

Roots of the Struggle Against Reality

It is not true that prior to a few years ago no one could have imagined an ideology as demented and depraved as the one currently imposed on us by the liberal establishment. As far back as the 1970s, Monte Python had already developed core principles that have become fundamental to today’s Democratic Party platform:

Life of Brian could not be made today. It would be regarded as sacrilegious against the ruling class religion.

On a tip from Varla.

Jul 03 2024

Biden Can’t Win But…

The liberal media has largely given up trying to gaslight us regarding Joe Biden’s alarming mental condition. Yet the Democratic Party appears to be stuck with him as its candidate. Therefore, Democrats are unlikely to win a fair election. Polymarket currently gives Trump a 63% chance of winning, Biden a 9% chance. However, this does not mean Biden will be vacating the White House in January.

A fair election and smooth transition of power might be too much to hope for when the establishment consists of frenzied militants like actress Lea DeLaria:

DeLaria, who played Bing Boo on Netflix’s Orange is the New Black, literally and emphatically called upon President Joe Biden to assassinate former President Donald Trump this week in response to the Supreme Court ruling on presidential immunity.

DeLaria applied the usual barrage of obscenity and Hitler references to make her case that Trump should be assassinated.

Hollyweirdos tend to be flaky nitwits. But then, so do powerful Democrats:

“This is not a normal election where you want to win and if you don’t, you cooperate and do the best you can for the country and hope to win the next time. This is something that is undermining our democracy. He must be stopped. He cannot be president!” [former Speaker of the House Nancy] Pelosi said about former President Trump.

Preparations have been made. A major objective of the contrived overreaction to January 6 was to convey the message that Americans who make too much noise about rigged elections will be punished severely.

Buckle up. Leftists worship power. They will not relinquish it readily.

On tips from WDS 2.0, MrRightWingDave, and KirklesWorth.

Jul 03 2024

Jake Tapper Compares Democratic Party to Ingsoc

Maybe change really is in the air at CNN. It was just a joke about Michelle Obama’s gender reveal, but Jake Tapper quoting 1984 in the context of Democrat tactics is more surprising and for real:

Tapper called out the Democratic Party for engaging in a “discernible pattern” of lying to the public. He argued that party officials want Americans “to not believe what you saw and what you heard with your eyes and with your ears on Thursday night.”

Tapper correctly pointed out that this Orwell quote applies to their attempts to deny Biden’s senility even in the aftermath of his debate performance:

The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.

Before long, Tapper and his audience will figure out that this applies just as well to everything Democrats demand we believe, from trans men being women to privileged identity groups being oppressed to their spending being sustainable to hurricanes occurring because taxes aren’t high enough.

On a tip from Varla.

Jun 25 2024

Democrats Are Driving Off Jews

We can actually ascribe a positive outcome to Biden’s trainwreck of a presidency, if his pro-Hamas stance has convinced Jews to stop voting Democrat:

Alarm is rising in Democratic circles that the turmoil set off by the October 7 attack by Hamas and Israel’s bloody war launched in response is becoming yet another weight on President Joe Biden’s reelection, with warning signs flashing over Jewish voters’ support for the president.

Just in terms of raw numbers, Jews…

…make up enough of the population to be determinative in tight battleground states of Pennsylvania, Michigan, Georgia, Wisconsin and Arizona…

Possibly more importantly, they tend to be well situated, giving them outsized influence and resources.

Multiple Jewish elected Democrats and Democratic voters told CNN about being disappointed and abandoned by progressive allies, of feeling “politically homeless” both because they think Biden hasn’t done enough and because they worry he can’t control his own left.

Meanwhile, in Democrat-dominated Los Angeles, as Biden plots to import still more Palestinians,

Biden belatedly responded with some duckspeak that notably did not call for punishing the pro-Hamas mob.

On a tip from seaoh, Anonymous, and KirklesWorth.

Jun 24 2024

Future of Democratic Party’s Wheels Come Loose

Former DNC Chair Thomas Perez and the liberal media have both christened ultraleft congresscritter Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez as the Future of the Democratic Party. As the doddering figurehead Joe Biden crumbles to dust, the future is becoming the present. Buckle up:

The physical audience for her unhinged performance was laughably miniscule. But thanks to social media, she’s got the whole world talking about how good she is at imitating teenagers from housing projects. From Australia:

Karl Marx got one thing right. History repeats itself, first as tragedy, second as farce:

On tips from Wiggins and StephaneDumas.

Jun 19 2024

George Soros Comes After Talk Radio

Top Democrat donor George Soros has set his sites on talk radio:

Soros, 93, pumped $400 million into Audacy in February, a network which reaches 165 million monthly listeners and includes a handful of conservative shows from hosts including Sean Hannity, Dana Loesch, Mark Levin, Glenn Beck and Erick Erickson.

Soros would like to be in a position to muzzle these voices with a crucial election coming up.

However, to take control Soros Fund Management needs help from the FCC as the money funneled into buying the bankrupt network comes from abroad.

No worries. Soros is already renting the Executive Branch. His servant Joe Biden does not hesitate to take money from foreigners hostile to American interests.

Under existing FCC rules, foreign company ownership of US radio stations is not allowed to exceed 25% — but a filing acquired by The Post details Soros’ asking the commission to make an exception.

Considering how much money Soros has given to the Democratic Party — and also considering his likely motive in going after Audacy — he should have no problem getting the exception.

Presumably to help destabilize the USA and lay the groundwork for a gun grab, Soros has done his part to drive up the rate of violent crime by installing pro-criminal district attorneys throughout the country (e.g., Alvin Bragg [New York], George Gascon [Los Angeles], Kim Foxx [Chicago], Kim Ogg [Houston], Larry Krasner [Philadelphia], Chesa Boudin [San Francisco], Kim Gardner [St Louis], Marilyn Mosby [Baltimore], Monique Worrell [central Florida], Jason Williams [New Orleans], Pamela Price [Oakland], Jacqueline Sartoris [Cumberland County, Maine]). Imagine someone this malevolent exerting control over the airwaves.

On a tip from Stormfax.

Jun 17 2024

Father’s Day in Chuck Schumer’s World

At least attempts by our moonbat rulers to pass for normal Americans provide comic relief:

If only they could make deplorable Republicans eat the ruined burgers and then clean the grill after Schumer flips them with the cheese already on. Then again, the cheese won’t make much of a mess so long as he doesn’t light the grill.

Democrats want to ban using gas to cook food because it offends their weather gods. They also oppose meat and dairy products on the grounds that the climate wants us to eat insects instead. Schumer expiates his gastronomic sins by making sure we know his daughter is an LGBTist who has been making a mockery of holy matrimony. Good thing yesterday wasn’t National Grandparents Day.

On tips from R F, Mr. Freemarket, and KirklesWorth.

Jun 09 2024

Democrat Base on Display at White House

Even Joe Biden’s handlers are competent enough to realize they need to tack toward the center coming into an election. But the Democrat base won’t let them. Meet the Democrat base:

The Blaze reports:

Pro-Palestinian activists demanding an end to the war in Gaza staged a massive protest that surrounded the White House, and there were smoke bombs ignited. Progressives vehemently demanded that President Joe Biden be arrested for war crimes for the U.S. involvement in the Israel-Hamas War.

By “end to the war,” they mean unconditional surrender to Hamas in response to the October 7 terror atrocities. Biden has mainly sided with Hamas (see e.g. here, here, here, and here), but has lamely tried to play both sides so as not to alienate Jewish donors. Not good enough for the maniacally pro-Jihadist Democrat base.

The protest was planned in part by Code Pink. The Muslim–moonbat alliance is riding high. If only they would bring their “Fags 4 Hamas” sign to Gaza.

[Julio] Rosas reported that anti-Israel protesters were holding a banner that read: “Jihad of victory or martyrdom.”

Anyone who remembers 9/11 understands the implications. The plane brought down at Shanksville, Pennsylvania would have hit either the Capitol or the White House if not for the heroes on board. As it was, Jihadists crashed a jet into the Pentagon. Then there are the 2,600 killed at the World Trade Center.

Rosas also reported from the ground that the protesters “formed a mob and chased U.S. Park Police and Secret Service out of Lafayette Square after officers apparently tried to arrest someone.” He noted that law enforcement was forced out of the park and retreated to “the boundaries of the protest.”

American civilization will collapse if leftists are not turned back soon. It will happen the way Ernest Hemingway described bankruptcy: gradually, then suddenly.

On tips from Anonymous and seaoh.

Jun 04 2024

Anti-Car Democrat Is Scofflaw Driver

No one is above the law,” sneers the conspicuously corrupt figurehead of the liberal establishment, by which he means, “We own the law.” Democrats do not regard law as applying to themselves, as you can confirm by visiting a jurisdiction where they have achieved total hegemony — like New York City:

Assemblywoman Emily Gallagher (D-Brooklyn) — who has demonized drivers for years as she calls for “safer streets” — has racked up at least 46 traffic tickets totaling over $4,000 over the past two-and-a-half years, a review of public records by The Post found.

The socialist pol’s 2014 White Buick Encore was caught on camera blowing through a red light in the Bronx in November 2022, and ticketed for parking in front of fire hydrants at least six times, according to city records.


The scofflaw lawmaker backed a bill known as “Sammy’s Law,” which allows the city to lower speed limits to as low as 10 mph on some streets.

That’s why the system of government where Democrats prevail is known as “anarchotyranny.”

On a tip from R F.

Jun 03 2024

Moonbat Mayor Michelle Wu Effectively Legalizes Crime

As a dying city swirls down the maelstrom of the Democrat Death Spiral, it will degenerate into such a state of political decay that it finds itself ruled by ultramoonbats like Boston Mayor Michelle Wu.

Crime in Boston has not yet reached the woke levels of more diverse cities like Detroit and Memphis. But Wu is working on that:

Wu has argued for charges including shoplifting and disorderly conduct to be beyond the reach of prosectors along with other serious crimes including the receiving of stolen property and even driving with a suspended license.

But Wu’s progressive outlook goes even further with the 39-year-old seemingly comfortable with offenders that commit ‘quality of life’ crimes getting off scot free.

They include the breaking and entering of property, wanton and malicious destruction of property, minor’s in possession of alcohol and drug possession including the distribution of marijuana and non-marijuana types.

Back in the day, Rudy Giuliani used policies based on the broken windows theory to clean up New York City. Having diametrically opposite objectives, Wu has thrown such policies into hard reverse.

Boston will become unlivable as predictable consequences follow. This is not a bug but a feature. Anyone unlikely to vote for Wu will get the hell out of there.

Speaking of voters,

Wu has been ripped over a “tone-deaf” and “unserious” plan to give kids as young as 11 and undocumented migrants voting rights when it comes to deciding how millions of dollars in public funds are doled out.

The city’s new participatory budget voting process, which will go into effect in July, gives ordinary Bostonians the ability to decide how a portion of the city’s budget will be spent, the Boston Herald reported.

Putting children and illegal aliens in charge of how taxpayers’ money is spent ought to speed the death spiral along nicely.

On the positive side, Wu is Boston’s Historic First Woman of Color Mayor. Next, the march of progress will bring us to Boston’s Historic First Trans Woman of Color Mayor.

On tips from ABC of the ANC, Ed McAninch, and Eddie_Valiant.

May 30 2024

Introducing the Mentally Retarded

Back in the day, grownups were a position to provide the public with instructional films to help people make sense of nearly incomprehensible phenomena like Democrats (and the honorary Democrats you can spot in the video below):

On a tip from seaoh.


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