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Category: Leftist Violence

Jul 26 2024

Thank Biden/Harris for Pro-Hamas Vandalism

From the first day, the top priority of the Biden/Harris Regime has been to repeal all things Trump. Many of the effects of this have been insidious. As we were reminded by the Democrat base’s welcoming party for Netanyahu, other effects are obvious to the eye:

The Washington Times Senior Congressional Reporter Kerry Picket wrote that the “National Park Service on Thursday began removing graffiti and repairing statues … that protesters damaged the day before.”

The American flag torn down and burned so it could be replaced with the Palestinian flag is beyond repair.

Picket pointed out that graffiti spray-painted by rioters by protesters on the Christopher Columbus Memorial Fountain next to the Capitol grounds “will need several days of cleaning treatment, according to a Park Service worker.” …

“Former President Donald Trump issued an executive order in June 2020, during the [Black Lives Matter (BLM)] riots,” Picket noted.

She explained that the order had directed “federal law enforcement to prosecute individuals who damaged monuments and threaten[ed] to withhold funding from local governments that failed to protect their own statues from vandals.”

The Biden-Harris administration “rescinded that order on May 14, 2021.”

Consequently, pro-Hamas hooligans have repeatedly desecrated statues commemorating American heritage right across from the White House, secure in the knowledge that their behavior is approved.

The Biden/Harris Regime is on the side of leftist rioters. Harris made this explicit during the Black Lives Matter riots by openly raising funds to bail them out of jail so they could get back to their mayhem — which they did.

For Democrats, riots and vandalism are politics by other means. Being the bad guys confers certain advantages, which they eagerly exploit.

On a tip from MrRightWingDave.

Jul 21 2024

Educator Weighs In on Crooks Missing

Presenting an encapsulation of the Democrat viewpoint that is so succinct, it dispenses with words entirely:

This woman is a teacher at Colton Joint Unified School District in Colton, California.

A generation indoctrinated by moonbats like this will cancel America’s future.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Jul 21 2024

Moonbat Explains Why She Wants Trump Murdered

Trump escaping assassination by millimeters might have prompted critical self-examination among moonbats. But despite their characteristic narcissism, they lack the capacity for meaningful introspection. Even now, they call for Trump to be murdered while adopting their usual pose of sanctimonious empathy.

In the video below, a moonbat explains why she is a good person for wanting the once and hopefully future president killed for not sharing her moronic political views:

In their upside-down, inside-out world, these fiends are the good guys. If sanity could reach them, they would no longer be moonbats.

On a tip from ONE TOUGH S.O.B.

Jul 21 2024

Major Fire at First Baptist Dallas

They say war is politics by other means. The same may go for this:

A raging fire tore through a historic Texas megachurch Friday night, collapsing its red-brick chapel built in 1890.

The blaze began just after 6 p.m. in First Baptist Dallas’ secondary chapel known as the Historic Sanctuary, which is tucked between the church’s larger worship centers.

By the grace of God, no one was injured.

A week of vacation bible school for 2,000 kids ages 3 to 12 had just concluded earlier in the day.

Here’s what might have rendered the church highly combustible:

[Pastor Robert] Jeffress is a major evangelical support of former President Donald Trump, having joined his Evangelical Advisory Board and the White House Faith Initiative in 2016, PJ Media reported.

As Ian Fleming would say,

“Once is happenstance. Twice is coincidence. Three times is enemy action.”

Given the widespread arson and vandalism directed at American churches following the repeal of Roe v. Wade and the epidemic of church burnings in Canada inspired by a hate hoax, we are well past three times.

On a tip from Mr. Freemarket.

Jul 15 2024

Media Blames Trump and His Supporters

The apparatchiks comprising the Democratic Party–mainstream media axis of evil have never been more arrogant than following the assassination attempt on Trump they went out of their way to inspire. Their astonishing response has been to blame Trump and his supporters for allegedly inflammatory rhetoric.

Former Clintonista George Stephanopoulos discards whatever might be left of the media’s credibility:

ABC host George Stephanopoulos said Sunday on “This Week” that Donald Trump and his supporters have contributed to “violent rhetoric” while discussing yesterday’s assassination attempt on the former president.

Predictably, his cohost Martha Raddatz agreed:

“Absolutely, George. We were just looking back this morning at some of the things that former President Trump has said.”

Just as predictably, she fell back on the minor riot of 1/6/21, the closest thing left to a card they have to play:

“And let’s remember January 6th. In so many ways, for the campaign, January 6th will probably be in the background after yesterday’s event.”

Rather it will be in the foreground, no matter how irrelevant, for those who reside inside the liberal propaganda bubble.

Former Obama Communications Director and Biden Press Secretary and current MSNBC host Jen Psaki is on the same page:

“[The Republican] convention is starting and unless the programming changes, the rhetoric and how the programming is set up is not actually calming the tone or restoring civility.”

Being a moonbat, Psaki reflexively portrays herself as the victim:

“For anyone out there who has a platform who thinks the moment right now is to be political and attack the other party — you are feeding into the danger. You are making it more likely there’s retaliation. I’m incredibly scared. I’m scared for journalists.”

You would think someone had just shot her ear off.

Meanwhile, Democrats are sweeping their own rhetoric under the rug:

Biden is “pausing all outbound communications and working to pull down our television ads as quickly as possible,” a campaign official told The Wall Street Journal on Sunday morning.

The ads would have likely labeled Trump as an existential threat ahead of the 2024 election.

Hyperbolic Democrat rhetoric is likely to have inspired the assassination attempt — which is precisely why Stephanopoulos, Psaki, et al. are accusing conservatives of dangerous rhetoric.

This rhetoric often conflates Trump with dictators, including Adolf Hitler, and suggests he would end “Democracy” if elected.

Just on Friday, Biden appeared at a campaign rally in Michigan, where he labeled Trump a “threat to this nation.”

Democrats are counting on the public to forget everything they said prior to Saturday afternoon. But some remember that Oceania has not always been at war with Eastasia:

On tips from Wiggins, taxpayer22, and WDS 2.0.

Jul 15 2024

Street Violence May Be on Tap in Milwaukee

Despite whatever dutiful noises the liberal establishment may feel obligated to make for the sake of appearances regarding its abhorrence of the political violence it has gone out of its way to stoke, there will be plenty more to come. Some may occur in Milwaukee. The New York Post reports:

Milwaukee approved every RNC protest request, vetting no one — with the list including the ‘Chinese Communist Party’

One request gave the name “Former President, Donald J. Trump” and explicitly did not agree to abide by demonstration regulations, yet it was approved.

Did you like the Black Lives Matter riots that preceded Biden’s handlers taking power? Then you’ll love what they may have planned for the Republican National Convention:

The Post previously reported that RNC protest groups are holding a “bail-bond benefit” for “freedom fighters” this Sunday [i.e., yesterday], the day before the event begins.

No word on whether Kamala Harris will again participate in raising funds to bail out rioters so they can get back the wreaking havoc.

On a tip from WDS 2.0.

Jul 14 2024

Moonbats Melt Down Over Botched Assassination

There has been an outpouring of sympathy for the family of Corey Comperatore, the retired fire chief killed in yesterday’s attempt on Trump’s life. But won’t someone spare a tear for moonbats? They are psychologically unequipped to cope with disappointment:

More grief from tolerant liberals — please excuse the language:

Not all epitomes of the Democrat base are harmless. A similar sentiment was publicly expressed by Jenna Howell of the FBI.

You might think liberals are ghouls, to be so glum about a former president not having been murdered. But their viewpoint makes sense, given what they are told by their leaders:

It isn’t just the visibly unhinged Nasty Pelosi. A fish rots from its head:

On tips from Varla, TRUMP IN A BULLSEYE, Dr. Kufi Tutite, Jack D, Mr. Freemarket, and Wiggins.

Jul 14 2024

Watch Democrats Encourage Political Violence

For the sake of appearances, Democrats now pretend to abhor the violence they have instigated. But we have plenty of video indicating otherwise:

Leftism entails violence. In the end, there is no other way to impose it. That’s why unmitigated rule by the sort of people who comprise the Democratic Party always results in piles of corpses.

On a tip from WDS 2.0.

Jul 13 2024

Assassination Attempt on Trump

It had become beyond obvious that Democrats cannot win a fair election. They don’t have time to displace enough of the American population through illegal immigration. They tried banana republic style lawfare, but it only made the “convicted felon” more popular — and for good reason. They have laid the groundwork for large scale election fraud, but there are limits to what even Democrats can get away with. So now they are trying to kill him.

No one who has listened to the Democrat Party–mainstream media axis of evil shrieking hysterically that Trump is an Existential Threat to Our Democracy could be the least surprised. The Democrat base consists of misinformed, morally vacuous, mentally ill losers. They have been given their marching orders.

God help this country if this does not result in Trump winning in a landslide.

On tips from Varla, seaoh, MrRightWingDave, and Anonymous.

Feb 12 2024

Transsexual Maniac Genesse Ivonne Moreno

Recruit the certifiably insane into the Cultural Marxist coalition. Egg them on in their lunacy, affirming their delusions and offering precious victim status for flaunting their derangement. Pump them full of hormones. Nurture their paranoia with lies that they are put upon. Tell them Christians and conservatives are committing genocide against them. If local psychos are not violent enough, import more on an unvetted basis from the most violent countries in the world. Allow criminals to run loose no matter how many crimes they have committed. Then stand back and watch the fun.

The dust hasn’t settled, so details are unclear, but Genesse Ivonne Moreno seemed to cover most of the bases as he shot up Joel Osteen’s Lakewood Church in Houston yesterday:

Moreno, who has a lengthy criminal record and was born as a man – Jeffrey Escalante – from El Salvador, was killed after off-duty police officers at the church responded to the incident. …

The message “Free Palestine” also was written on the rifle used in the attack, investigators said. …

The shooting happened Sunday afternoon before the Houston megachurch’s 2 p.m. Spanish service was set to begin.

This is emblematic of the risk children are subjected to:

Moreno entered the church with a long rifle, wearing a backpack and a trench coat and accompanied by a 5-year-old child…

At last word, the child is in critical condition and not expected to survive.

Too bad for the media that Moreno will be so hard to characterize as a typical Trump supporter. Otherwise, the story would have been hyped into the stratosphere and exploited to attack our right of self-defense.

Please welcome Genesse Ivonne Moreno to the Transsexual Violence Hall of Horrors:

Genesse Ivonne Moreno
Elizabeth West
Thorsten Heinz P.
Steven Buchanan/Susan Monica
Dylan Butler
Kendall Stephens
Leion Butler
Jason Lee Willie
Audrey Hale
Kimbrady Carriker
Maya McKinney
Snochia Moseley
Anderson Lee Aldrich
Moses Lopez
William Whitworth
Shanu Varma
A guy calling himself Lara
Zion William Teasley
Jason Michael Hann
Cali Anderson
Dana Rivers
Vivian Ginger-Rain Shemansky
Linnea Pugmire
Mark Campbell
Paul S.

On tips from Varla, Wiggins, and WDS 2.0.

Feb 08 2024

Leftists Threaten to Target Patriots in Homes and Churches

The Black Lives Matter riots that were so exuberantly supported by the liberal establishment worked well for the Democratic Party in 2020. But in 2024, mostly peaceful protests may be more targeted:

Angry radical leftists staged a loud protest outside the Washington, D.C., headquarters of the conservative Heritage Foundation against its “Project 2025,” an initiative that aims to help conservative politicians end the power of the “Deep State” if and when Republicans prevail in the 2024 races for the White House, U.S. Senate, and U.S. House of Representatives.

The rally occurred January 27. Similar rallies will be allowed to escalate out of control if Trump continues to look likely to win.

The “Stop the Coup 2025!” protesters clearly sought to intimidate conservative staffers and politicians on Capitol Hill and throughout the nation’s capital, where memories of protests outside the homes of conservative Supreme Court Justices remain fresh in everyone’s minds.

That illegal exercise in intimidation was essentially abetted by the thugs comprising Biden’s Justice Department. Montgomery County police arrested a moonbat named Nicholas John Roske for attempted assassination. Even then, the Biden Regime did not back away from implicitly supporting these tactics.

“We need to go find out where they live, where they go to church, who they hang around with, and birddog they (sic) a—-,” one activist declared to the crowd.

Here’s what regular Americans are up against:

Bad enough having these moonbats in your neighborhood…

“It’s a horrific experience,” said one neighbor who described the protests. “They have drums, they have a megaphone, and they chant, they yell all kinds of things … They have told neighbors ‘f— you, f— your children,’ things like that – and so they’re abusive towards neighbors and intimidating.”

Worse still is having them run the increasingly intrusive federal Leviathan.

You can see why liberals are in a hebephrenic frenzy over Project 2025:

Heritage Foundation president Kevin Roberts … explained that he envisions the destruction of the administrative state, its vast political power, and the influence it holds over individual American sovereignty. “The only way to do that… is to diminish the number of unelected bureaucrats who are wielding that power instead of Congress,” he said.

Roberts stunned globalist leftists while simultaneously delighting conservatives last month while participating in a World Economic Forum (WEF) panel discussion — “What to Expect from a Possible Republican Administration?” — when he said the next Republican administration needs to reject “everything that’s ever been proposed at the World Economic Forum.”

Javier Milei isn’t the only countermoonbat willing to poke these demons in the nose. Imagine Trump — highly motivated by the corrupt establishment’s campaign against him — doing in the USA what Milei has been doing to restore freedom and prosperity in Argentina. Liberal backlash will make it clearer than ever why they do not want us to be able to defend ourselves.

On tips from Wiggins and WDS 2.0.

Jan 18 2024

Transsexual Arrested for Planning to Kill Transphobes

One reason regular Americans need to own guns is that whether legally or not, maniacs will own them — and you don’t want to rely on 911 to keep you safe in a country filling up with guys like Oregon’s Elizabeth West:

West was charged with making interstate threats based on the September 26 Facebook post to the group “Trans Woman Support Group,” which came as he said he believed he was about to be fired and was tired of “trans phobic assholes.”

Authorities found him in possession of 27 guns as well as “tens of thousands of rounds of ammunition.”

West’s approach to life has left him believing that “there really isn’t any point living any more,” so he planned to go out in a “blaze of glory” by murdering as many transphobes — i.e., people suspected of not affirming his womanhood — as possible.

That might be okay with the woke FBI. However, West is so nuts that he colored outside the lines:

The FBI did not arrest West after the September interview that was ultimately used to justify charges. Instead, it arrested him months later after checks of his social media exhibited racial hatred towards black people, immigrants, and Jews.

Only approved psychotic hatred is approved. The FBI used the “I’m going to mass murder transphobes” post as justification to arrest him for his true crime, expressing hostility against favored identity groups.

The affidavit references “far-right terror,” “white supremacy,” and “alt-right extremism,” portraying the madman as a conservative terrorist.

The Long March Through the Institutions has claimed the FBI:

The FBI has shown a pattern in recent years of labeling its targets as far-right white supremacist domestic terrorists, even when the facts indicate otherwise. It then cites statistics to say that white supremacist domestic terrorists are the biggest threat to the country.

Click through for outlandish examples of psycho moonbats characterized as conservative by the Democrat apparatchiks staffing the FBI.

It also has a pattern of ignoring serious crimes unless or until there was an anti-conservative angle.

Likeminded local media presents a guy arrested for plotting to kill transphobes as a right-wing woman. First paragraph from

The FBI has arrested a 56-year-old Cottage Grove woman accused of making threats online to harm Jews and Black people in posts displaying a Nazi flag and multiple guns.

Female pronouns are deceptively used throughout, although readers can easily figure out for themselves that they are being lied to because West is in fact not a woman.

The media and the Deep State both spin on behalf of the leftist agenda. At least the FBI locked up West before he could shoot any transphobes. However, his gruesome ravings about “Blood, death, self torture self hatred wicked thoughts of mass murder at the gloved hands of the veil mistress,” still get him inducted into the Transsexual Violence Hall of Horrors:

Elizabeth West
Thorsten Heinz P.
Steven Buchanan/Susan Monica
Dylan Butler
Kendall Stephens
Leion Butler
Jason Lee Willie
Audrey Hale
Kimbrady Carriker
Maya McKinney
Snochia Moseley
Anderson Lee Aldrich
Moses Lopez
William Whitworth
Shanu Varma
A guy calling himself Lara
Zion William Teasley
Jason Michael Hann
Cali Anderson
Dana Rivers
Vivian Ginger-Rain Shemansky
Linnea Pugmire
Mark Campbell
Paul S.

On a tip from WDS 2.0.

Jan 05 2024

Why Media Will Bury Dylan Butler School Shooting

Normally, a school shooting sends the media into an jubilant frenzy, as propagandists scramble to exploit the tragedy to attack our right of self-defense. Not this time:

The now-deceased suspected gunman who shot at least six victims—killing one, a sixth-grade middle schooler—at a small-town high school in Perry, Iowa, early Thursday morning has been identified by authorities as 17-year-old student Dylan Butler.

Butler’s social media imprint reveals why the media won’t find the bloodshed worthy of the 24/7 laser focus for days on end we have come to expect following school shootings:

An emoji of the gay Pride flag was featured in the TikTok page’s bio and an image of an anime girl was selected as the profile’s avatar. In another TikTok video, the account used the hashtag “genderfluid.” Using an identical profile picture on Instagram, user @DylanSayWhat212 identified as trans non-binary with “he/they” pronouns. However, the account has also since been scrubbed.

According to a series of Reddit posts that Butler appears to have authored, he interacted with transgender and “femboy” forums. …

Over on the platform X, formerly Twitter, the since-suspended account @DylanSayWhat212, under the screenname “Dylan Jesse,” professed his love for My Little Pony and “f*cking furries” while replying to a Happy Pride Month post.

From the viewpoint of the liberal establishment, guns in private hands are bad, but not as bad as driving children insane with transsexual ideology is good.

The reason the demonic Audrey Hale is not a household name is that she was pretending to be a man (and possibly taking male hormones) when she murdered six people including three 9-year-olds at the Covenant School in Nashville for being Christian. A similar dynamic will ensure Butler’s obscurity.

Matt Vespa predicts the Iowa story will be gone by Monday if not sooner:

There’s nothing here to weaponize against conservatives. The shooter was a genderfluid/transgender whackjob. With 2024 upon us, politicians aren’t going to be sticking their necks out for a gun control bill based on a transgender going insane. The media will write up the main points and move on because this shooting, yet again, does not comport with the narrative that pro-MAGA white supremacists are killing us all.

If only briefly, the media has no choice but to acknowledge what happened. So it provides the politically correct spin by portraying Butler as the victim — basically siding with him against his victims:

The AP published a piece with the headline ‘He got tired of the bullying,’ classmates say of shooter, and detailed how Butler had been “bullied relentlessly since elementary school.”

Nothing is beneath the Associated Press.

Transsexualism is literally a form of psychosis. Promote it among unstable youth while pushing a phony Cultural Marxist narrative of oppression…

…and the results are so predictable, they must be intended.

Please welcome Dylan Butler to the Transsexual Violence Hall of Horrors:

Dylan Butler
Kendall Stephens
Leion Butler
Jason Lee Willie
Audrey Hale
Kimbrady Carriker
Maya McKinney
Snochia Moseley
Anderson Lee Aldrich
Moses Lopez
William Whitworth
Shanu Varma
A guy calling himself Lara
Zion William Teasley
Jason Michael Hann
Cali Anderson
Dana Rivers
Vivian Ginger-Rain Shemansky
Linnea Pugmire
Mark Campbell
Paul S.

On tips from Jester, Wiggins, ABC of the ANC, and the Great Cornholio.

Sep 04 2023

Transgender Activist Destroys, Defecates in Teen Girl’s Car

Transphobes are all around us. They must be punished. Transgender activists are up to the job:

A Portland transgender social media activist with a violent criminal history has been charged for allegedly smashing up a teen girl’s car and defecating inside. The suspect allegedly told police the teen was “transphobic.”

On Aug. 27, 17-year-old Jade was confronted by a stranger after parking in the Hollywood neighborhood for a shopping trip. She walked away and upon returning to her vehicle later, found every window and light was smashed out, the interior smeared all over with feces and urine.

The car was declared a “biohazard” and effectively totaled.

Even in Portland, there are sometimes legal consequences:

Vivian Ginger-Rain Shemansky, 44, was located by the Portland Police nearby and was arrested.

Even though he had two arrest warrants for prior incidents when they picked him up, they let him loose the same day on “monitored pretrial release.”

On social media, Shemansky has long documented her [sic] gender transition with photos of her [sic] estrogen medication and posts about her [sic] gender affirming surgery. She [sic] also regularly denounced transphobia, fascism and racism.

The Multnomah County Sheriff’s Office refuses to say whether Shemansky is locked up with men or women during his brief incarcerations.

If you really want to know what a guy who would call himself Vivian Ginger-Rain Shemansky looks like, click here — or start your own collection of Vivian Shemansky mugshot trading cards by clicking here.

Transsexuals are psychotic by definition and characterized by a tendency toward violence (e.g., Maya McKinney, Snochia Moseley, Anderson Lee Aldrich, Audrey Hale, Moses Lopez, William Whitworth, Shanu Varma, “Lara,” Zion William Teasley, Jason Michael Hann, Cali Anderson, Dana Rivers). The liberal establishment eggs them on by pretending they are somehow “oppressed.” Our moonbattery-induced mental health and public safety crises will not improve if leftism continues to prevail.

Hat tip: Not the Bee.


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