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Category: LGBT

Mar 09 2024

Attack of the Trans Vegans

To be at the cutting edge of intersectional trendiness, declare yourself a trans vegan:

Trans veganism is a unique lifestyle that combines two seemingly different movements – veganism and transgenderism. However, upon closer inspection, one can see that these two movements share a lot of common themes, such as compassion, empathy, and equality. Both movements promote a vision of a more just, fair, and equitable world.

Even now, the leftist kooks comprising the establishment present themselves as bold rebels confronting oppression:

At the intersection of veganism and transgenderism, we find that both movements share a commitment to challenging the status quo and the dominant power structures that oppress individuals and groups. Veganism seeks to challenge the animal agriculture industry, which is notorious for its cruelty and exploitation of animals. Transgenderism, on the other hand, seeks to challenge the gender binary and the patriarchal structures that enforce gender norms and restrict personal expression.

Moonbattery is fungible. All forms of it can be applied under the banner of trans veganism, including Critical Race Theory…

[P]eople of colour and indigenous people are disproportionately affected by environmental degradation and the harmful practices of the animal agriculture industry.

…as well as the global warming hoax:

By consuming only plant-based products, trans vegans significantly reduce their carbon footprint, which has a positive impact on the environment.

The keystone of hardcore moonbattery is the concept of equity:

By adopting a vegan lifestyle, trans vegans further support the movement for animal rights and contribute to a more equitable society.

Only when the authorities have imposed equal outcomes not only between identity groups but between species will utopia be achieved.

After smugness, the most conspicuous characteristic of moonbats is their poor mental health, which makes this rich:

[T]he ethical and compassionate approach of trans veganism can also contribute to positive mental health.

The reasoning:

By promoting kindness towards animals and the environment, trans vegans can find greater meaning and purpose in their lives, which in turn can lead to greater happiness and contentment.

If their happiness and contentment derive from rejecting a normal human diet and pretending to be members of the opposite sex, it is no wonder moonbats are such miserable creatures. To the detriment of all of us, misery loves company.

On a tip from Mike B.

Mar 06 2024

Taxpayer-Funded Sex Parties

An update on the sort of things Big Government spends your money on:

The Republican-controlled House is set to approve a spending bill that as of Tuesday would earmark one million dollars in taxpayer money toward a Philadelphia-based LGBTQ group that hosts a monthly bondage, discipline, sadism, masochism (BDSM) “fetish” party.

Sen. Bob Casey, Sen. John Fetterman, and Rep. Brendan Boyle, all D-PA, had advocated for the earmark toward the William Way LGBT Community Center (popularly known as “WayGay”). Casey and Boyle are self-professed Catholics.

Other aggressive advocates of sin who proclaim themselves to be Catholic include Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi. The Church will have to start excommunicating these creeps if the term “Catholic” is to have any meaning.

Sometimes pushback works:

[F]ollowing much pushback from critics, both Casey and Fetterman requested that the Senate Committee on Appropriations remove the earmark from the spending package late Tuesday.

WayGay infamously features drag shows featuring children as young as 11. Its COO has been in the news lately:

On a tip from Franco.

Mar 05 2024

Doritos Brand Ambassador Is Transsexual Pedophile

Once moonbats start pulling on threads by questioning whether they are on the right path, their entire ideology will come unraveled. This leaves them with no choice but to keep doubling down. Budweiser laid waste to its formerly profitable Bud Light brand by associating it with gut-wrenchingly repulsive female impersonator Dylan Mulvaney, costing itself $1.4 billion. In the aftermath of this debacle, the suits at Pepsi are doing the same thing to Doritos by using cross-dressing pedophile Samantha Hudson to hawk its asbestos-coated tortilla shards:

Hudson, 24, has identified [him]self as ‘anti-capitalist’ and ‘Marxist’ in interviews, released a song critical of the Catholic Church and even said in one video that [he] is for ‘the abolition of [and to] destroy and annihilate the traditional monogamous nuclear family.’

Hudson has tweeted about wanting to do “thuggish things” to a child.

Another alleged post translates to: ‘In the middle of the street in Mallorca in panties and screaming that I’m a nymphomaniac in front of a super beautiful 8-year-old girl.’

According to Newsweek, [he] has also been accused of mocking sexual assault victims…

How edgy.

On tips from seaoh, the Great Cornholio, and WDS 2.0.

Mar 05 2024

Why the ChiComs Will Win if We Don’t Change Course

If the communist Chinese haven’t annexed the West Coast yet, it’s because they are following the advice of Napoleon:

“Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.”

The Chinese have no weapon in their vast arsenal that could reduce us to this:

Leo Hohmann has the whole video.

Space cadet Bree Fram is president of SPARTA, an advocacy group for Corporal Klinger types who have been allowed to infest the military. He is also a colonel in the Space Farce I mean Force who is paraded before the public to explain why pushing the LGBT agenda is a “national security imperative” according to the moonbats running the military.

The Chinese strategy is probably to let liberals finish destroying us, then come in and mop up.

On tips from WDS 2.0 and the Great Cornholio.

Mar 02 2024

Horrific Transgender Sex Crime in India

Love is love. No one should be oppressed over who and how they love. That would be judgmental. This is obvious to anyone whose opinions have been installed and are continually updated by the liberal establishment. Yet it is not understood in some benighted corners of the world, leading to harsh punishment:

A male predator has been sentenced to death by a Mumbai court after being convicted for the brutal murder of a three-month-old baby in a case that the judge described as “barbaric and inhuman.”

The pedophile killer is a male who claims to be a transgender “woman” and “identifies” as a “third gender.”

The perpetrator’s identity has not been disclosed in order to protect the victim.

It’s a little late to protect the victim.

According to prosecutors, the trans pedo abducted the baby girl, raped and sexually tormented her, before murdering the innocent child.

At the risk of belaboring the obvious, the sexually insane should not be egged on in their psychoses. Normalization of depravity leads down dark roads.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

Feb 28 2024

HIV+ Creep Feeds Chemically Induced Secretions to Baby

Government healthcare authorities officially approve of feeding to infants repugnant substances that men proclaiming themselves to be women are chemically induced to secrete from their nipples. Yet it still jolts the conscience to realize this is actually happening:

A trans-identified male residing in Canada who claims to be HIV positive and inserts progesterone rectally has been allegedly “breastfeeding” his child with the support of established medical clinics. Former men’s rights activist Murray Pearson, 52, who uses the name Margaret (Margie) Fancypants on social media, has been criticized after he shared an image of himself at a lactation clinic holding a young infant.

Liberalism has reduced children to props to be exploited by narcissistic freaks.

Disturbingly, Pearson has also revealed that he is HIV positive and is aware that the deadly virus can be transmitted through breastfeeding.

The risk to the baby is small price to pay for Pearson to be his “true self.”

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

Feb 27 2024

Transsexual Blasphemous Art

Now that the Catholic Church under Francis has begun blessing homosexual liaisons, expect erosion to proceed as in every other institution that has been infiltrated and subverted by moonbats. Before long, we may see the walls of churches adorned with the works of Río Edén:

[A]rtists like Edén are depicting saints and religious figures as visually queer through the inclusion of top surgery scars, breast augmentation, body hair, and other attributes, while also celebrating the divinity and queer sainthood of LGBTQ+ folx today.

Edén isn’t very good at art, as you can see…

…but he/she/it has more important qualifications:

Edén is a trans autistic person of color, with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD), Complex Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (C-PTSD), Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), and anxiety.

It isn’t easy to make a name for yourself as an artist, especially if you lack talent. Playing the transsexual blasphemy card helps:

Edén’s practice is not just about dismantling heteronormativity in religious art, but also about depicting LGBTQ+ individuals of color as divine, in a similar vein to trans performance and visual artist Mx. Zeloszelos Marchandt. In “Ecce Homo” (2023), for instance, Marchandt depicts himself as a Black, Indigenous, and trans Jesus.

We know what the Bible has to say throughout about homosexuality. Regarding transsexuality, refer to Deuteronomy 22:5:

A woman shall not wear anything that pertains to a man, nor shall a man put on a woman’s garment, for all who do so are an abomination to the LORD your God.

As for passing off sin and depravity as virtue, Isaiah 5:20 applies:

Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!

Just one more:

Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap.

On tips from Mike B and seaoh.

Feb 23 2024

Liberals Abuse the Word “Abused” to Abuse Children

Modern liberalism is based on postmodernism, which is based in turn on the psychotic notion that objective reality is irrelevant and that subjective reality can be controlled by manipulating language. The first postmodernist may have been Alice in Wonderland’s acquaintance Humpty Dumpty:

‘When I use a word,’ Humpty Dumpty said in rather a scornful tone, ‘it means just what I choose it to mean — neither more nor less.’

‘The question is,’ said Alice, ‘whether you can make words mean so many different things.’

‘The question is,’ said Humpty Dumpty, ‘which is to be master — that’s all.’

To advance their objectives of transsexualizing children, preventing birth, and undermining the family, our moonbat masters apply this principle to the word “abused”:

A recently-introduced bill in the state of Illinois would change the definition of “abused child” to include minors whose parents object to their children receiving puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, transgender surgeries, and abortions.

House Bill 4876, which was introduced in early February, also shields doctors from liability if they prescribe such treatments to minors who do not have parental consent — and empowers the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) to step in and, if they deem it necessary, remove children from their biological parents based on the new definition of an “abused child.”

If DCFS bureaucrats decide parents have committed “abuse” by protecting their children from transsexualization, punishment could go up to 15 years in prison and a $25,000 fine.

As MSNBC propagandist Melissa Harris lisped,

“[W]e have to break through our kind of private idea that kids belong to their parents, or kids belong to their families, and recognize that kids belong to whole communities.”

That is, kids belong to the depraved leftists who run the government.

We have gone down the rabbit hole. Turns out it leads straight to hell.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

Feb 22 2024

Infant-Killer Sues to Wear His Hijab

We previously encountered convicted baby-killer Jonathan Richardson when the ACLU demanded we pay for his sex change operation. Now he wants $150,000 to reward him for being oppressed because the prison wouldn’t let him wear a hijab:

Autumn Cordellionè, also known as Jonathan C. Richardson, is serving her sentence at the all-male state prison Branchville Correctional Facility, where she is confined to only hearing her hijab in her immediate sleeping quarters, according to a civil lawsuit filed in November.

All you need to know about the liberal establishment media is that even the relatively reasonable New York Post will lie to your face by calling this guy “she.”

“[I] was told that male Muslims could wear their kufis everywhere they went, but I couldn’t wear my hijab a females religious head ware because I was a male residing in a male institution even though I am a transgender woman, except in my bed area,” Cordellionè alleged in the complaint.

Mr. Cordellionè says he has been oppressed by a prison chaplain.

The prison cleric had allegedly tried to order Cordellionè against wearing the religious scarf because her official religious beliefs were listed as “Wiccan,” a form of paganism whose followers practice witchcraft and nature worship.

Authorities have good reason to deny the maniac something he might use to strangle people:

Cordellionè, who was convicted of strangling her 11-month-old stepdaughter to death in 2001, fired back, stating she practices several religions and she is an “Islamic practicing transwoman” who uses the hijab to cover her head and ears for “modesty purposes.”

Hard to believe he would strangle a baby. He looks like such a nice girl:

If Cordellionè is to be acknowledged as a woman, then it follows everyone should have to pretend he is a devout Muslim too.

Cordellionè claimed the chaplain violated her 14th Amendment rights by singling her out against wearing her religious garb because of her status as a transgender woman.

Once again, the ACLU is championing his cause, demanding he be given money and allowed to wear his hijab.

She also claimed he violated her Eight Amendment rights against cruel and unusual punishment by subjecting her to “harassment and ridicule” by other Muslim prisoners.

Also, the poor guy was excluded by oversight from the Transsexual Violence Hall of Horrors. Let’s correct that now — even if he didn’t strike the transsexual pose until almost 20 years after he should have been executed:

Jonathan Richardson/Autumn Cordellionè
Genesse Ivonne Moreno
Elizabeth West
Thorsten Heinz P.
Steven Buchanan/Susan Monica
Dylan Butler
Kendall Stephens
Leion Butler
Jason Lee Willie
Audrey Hale
Kimbrady Carriker
Maya McKinney
Snochia Moseley
Anderson Lee Aldrich
Moses Lopez
William Whitworth
Shanu Varma
A guy calling himself Lara
Zion William Teasley
Jason Michael Hann
Cali Anderson
Dana Rivers
Vivian Ginger-Rain Shemansky
Linnea Pugmire
Mark Campbell
Paul S.

On tips from Barry A and Bluto.

Feb 21 2024

Homosexual Intifada in Seattle

Following the horrific terror atrocities of October 7, leftists like Jon Stewart have gone out of their way to embrace Muslim terrorism, even attempting to merge Islam with their own malevolent ideology. As Alexander Solzhenitsyn said, “Evil people always support each other; that is their chief strength.” Good thing moonbats are already nuts, or cognitive dissonance would drive them mad:

After another pro-Hamas/anti-Israel march and rally that took over city streets that Seattle mayor Bruce Harrell ceded, the extremists plastered their signage around downtown Seattle. That’s when we started seeing a new flyer showing two men with faces covered with keffiyeh while embracing in a kiss. The pink-hued message says “Homo-sexual Intifada” in all caps.

Would this fly in Gaza?

Sure it would fly. Straight off a rooftop.

Under Hamas rule, being openly gay isn’t just a social taboo; it’s a fast track to execution. LGBT people face arrests, torture, and extrajudicial killings based purely on sexual orientation … with, ironically, gay Palestinians fleeing to Israel for refuge.

But Israel reminds leftists of America; therefore it is bad.

Maybe the posters indicate that LGBT militants are planning Hamas-style systematic rape, mutilation, and murder of innocent civilians to advance their political objectives through terror. It seems unlikely, but then people who would inflict “gender-affirming care” on children are capable of anything.

On a tip from Barry A.

Feb 21 2024

Scientific American: No Sex Change for Kids = Nazism

Like many formerly respected institutions, Scientific American allowed itself to be subverted by leftists. Painting woke propaganda with an ever thinner veneer of science has reduced it to farce (e.g., here, here, here, here, here). At this point, readers are led to believe that not subjecting children to sex change procedures is equivalent to Nazism:

In the past century, there have been three waves of opposition to transgender health care.

By “transgender health care,” they mean sex change procedures. Scientists don’t speak in euphemisms; liberal activists do.

In 1933, when the Nazis rose to power, they cracked down on transgender medical research and clinical practice in Europe. In 1979, a research report critical of transgender medicine led to the closure of the most well-respected clinics in the United States. And since 2021, when Arkansas became the first U.S. state among now at least 21 other states banning gender-affirming care for minors, we have been living in a third wave.

Not using chemicals and/or surgery to freakify children into horrific parodies of the opposite sex so as to recruit them into the LGBT community = Nazi policy.

Only time will tell whether Scientific American can push self-parody any further from here.

On a tip from Mike B.

Feb 20 2024

Girls Basketball Team Forced to Forfeit by Male Player

Moonbattery is killing every aspect of American civilization, some more quickly than others. Women’s sports are essentially already dead:

A Massachusetts charter school ended a girls’ varsity basketball game at halftime on February 8 after multiple players were injured by a trans-identified male on the opposing team.

The coach of the Collegiate Charter School of Lowell Girls’ Basketball Team made the decision to end the game against KIPP Academy “after watching a third player injured in the game,” a press release from the school states.

According to the press release,

“The players feared getting injured and not being able to compete in the playoffs.”

Not much point to playoffs if other teams are going to have male players.

One video of the game showed the biological male player, standing taller than the female players, ripping the ball out of a female Collegiate Charter School of Lowell player’s hands. She was seen clutching her back while she laid on the ground, grimacing in pain as team members surrounded her.

All you need to know about liberals is that they find this acceptable.

On tips from WDS 2.0, ABC of the ANC, and Jack D.

Feb 20 2024

Applied Socialized Medicine: Male Milk for Babies

Once healthcare has been socialized, it becomes a tool by which Big Government advances the leftist agenda. Here’s how Britain’s National Health Service inflicts transsexualism on innocent babies:

An NHS trust has said that breast milk produced by trans-women who were born as men is as good for babies as that produced by a mother who has given birth.

According to biology, “trans-women” are mentally ill men who dress in women’s clothes and sometimes subject themselves to induced teratosis through grotesque hormone treatments. However, biology has been overruled by woke bumper sticker slogans, according which “Trans-Women Are Women!”

In a letter to campaigners, the University of Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust (USHT), said that the milk produced by trans women after taking a combination of drugs, is “comparable to that produced following the birth of a baby”.

Comparable in that it is liquid and may even be white. Whether any sane person would feed artificially generated male milk to a developing baby is another question.

The hospital trust, which runs Royal Sussex County Hospital, Worthing Hospital and Royal Alexandra Children’s Hospital among others, was also the first in Britain to use the term “chestfeeding” in place of breastfeeding because it is considered by some to be more inclusive.

The well-being of children is less important than remaining at the vanguard of advancing LGBTism.

The proclamation that the freakish secretions of transsexuals are healthy for babies is not based on long-term data, because there is no long-term data. Never until the past few years has a society been sick enough to want men “chestfeeding” babies. Also, it would be unethical in the extreme to conduct studies that force children to ingest such a substance.

On tips from Steve T, Mr. Freemarket, Franco, and Chris Neilson.

Feb 16 2024

National Geographic Names Drag Queen Traveler of the Year

In better days, National Geographic could be found in every waiting room. But like other iconic publications (e.g., Sports Illustrated), it has fallen into decline. Nat Geo had to lay off all its staff writers and was pulled from newsstands. Why don’t people read it anymore? Because it is run by the sort of tasteless and obnoxious moonbats who would name drag queen Pattie Gonia a Traveler of the Year:

Pattie Gonia is a self-described “intersectional environmentalist, drag queen, and advocate for inclusivity in the outdoors” who works to “uplift LGBTQIA+ people and other underrepresented groups in the outdoors.”

We previously encountered Mr. Gonia when he was involved in a promotion of the LGBT agenda by the Democrat-controlled National Park Service.

The federal government can get away with ramming a depraved sexual agenda down the public’s throat because government is force. In contrast, nongovernmental entities have to interact with us on a voluntary basis, so repeatedly poking us in the eye sometimes has consequences.

That could be bad news for North Face, assuming any non-moonbats buy its products:

‘Hi, it’s me, Pattie Gonia, a real-life homosexual,” the activist says in a video for the 2023 North Face “Summer of Pride” campaign.

The issue is never the issue; the issue is always moonbattery — which Mr. Gonia repulsively personifies:

[Gonia] co-founded The Outdoorist Oath… The organization asks members to take an oath, which includes acknowledging climate change, committing to advocacy for environmental justice, and recognizing “that systemic oppression is real and that hatred, discrimination, and biases marginalize people.”

Outdoorist Oath seeks to promote inclusivity and raises awareness about conduct like “microaggressions in the outdoors.” The organization hosts activism workshops called “Stretch Sessions,” including sessions on white supremacy.

The global warming hoax, sexual depravity, transsexualism, Cultural Marxism, hatred of Caucasians — it is all one thing: moonbattery.

Underscoring that moonbattery is not merely foolish and nauseating but demonic, Outdoorist Oath came out with a statement in support of Hamas following the horrific terror atrocities of October 7. Maybe that’s what won over National Geographic.

Majority ownership of National Geographic is unsurprisingly held by Disney, which is evil.

But by all means subscribe to National Geographic and buy from North Face if you want this to be American culture:

On tips from Franco and WDS 2.0.


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