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Category: Socialism/Communism

Oct 23 2022

Open Thread

Socialism of any type leads to a total destruction of the human spirit... - Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

Oct 22 2022

Open Thread

Socialism is precisely the religion that must overwhelm Christianity. … In the new order, Socialism will triumph by first capturing the culture via infiltration of schools, universities, churches and the media by transforming the consciousness of society. - Antonio Gramsci

On a tip from Jester.

Oct 19 2022

Open Thread

For government to give, it must first take away. - Rush Limbaugh

Oct 16 2022

Open Thread

Confiscation in any form is an unhealthy solution for a real disease. It amounts to telling men that because they are economically crippled, they must abandon all efforts to get well and allow the state to provide them with free wheelchairs. - Fulton J. Sheen

Oct 01 2022

Open Thread

Sep 20 2022

USA Less Free Than 1 Year Ago per Fraser Institute

As Big Government grows, economic freedom continues to decline:

Each year, the Fraser Institute releases a report entitled “Economic Freedom of the World,” a ranking of countries around the world by economic freedom. … The ranking is calculated using numerous factors, including size of government, respect for property rights, freedom to trade, monetary policy, and regulation.

“Economic freedom is about people being free to mold and shape their own lives,” in the words of James Gwartney, a coauthor of the report.

The United States slots in at 7th place, down one spot from last year. But the U.S.’s score dropped more significantly, down from 8.25 to 7.97 on the index’s 10-point scale. The reason why America lost only one spot in the rankings is because economic freedom around the world fell in 2020…

It would be nice to think that the Land of the Free would stand against this alarming trend. But the USA’s score is the lowest in 4 decades.

Atop the list are Singapore and Hong Kong, where freedom will soon be snuffed out by the ChiComs. Toward the bottom, we find Zimbabwe and Venezuela, two countries that appear to serve as models for Democrats.

Give Biden et al. a few more years and creeping socialism will push America out of the top 10.

On a tip from Mr. Freemarket.

Sep 20 2022

Open Thread

But, historians, and even common sense, may inform us, that, however specious these ideas of perfect equality may seem, they are really, at bottom, impracticable; and were they not so, would be extremely pernicious to human society. Render possessions ever so equal, men's different degrees of art, care, and industry will immediately break that equality. Or if you check these virtues, you reduce society to the most extreme indigence; and instead of preventing want and beggary in a few, render it unavoidable to the whole community. - David Hume

Sep 15 2022

Open Thread

Communism is the opiate of the intellectuals. - Clare Boothe Luce

On a tip from Jester.

Sep 10 2022

Open Thread

After the Soviet collapse, Marxism is a relic, a pathetic anachronism reduced to its last redoubts: North Korea, Cuba, and the English departments of the more expensive American universities. - Charles Krauthammer

Aug 27 2022

Open Thread

Socialists do not merely want a welfare state, they absolutely must have one. They must have a grovelling dependent class from which to obtain their daily opiate: an hallucinogenic euphoria which comes from the delusion of being superior to and more altruistic than all others. They must have 'the poor, huddled masses' in much the same manner as vampires must have the blood of their victims. - Edward Britton

Aug 01 2022

Francis Praises Cuba

John Paul II inspired millions by standing up to communism, a nakedly evil ideology that seeks to eradicate Christianity. Pope Francis has a different attitude:

“I love the Cuban people very much,” Francis said. “I also confess that I maintain a human relationship with Raúl Castro.” His reference to Raul Castro is like saying that although he loves the inmates in this prison, he gets along well with the warden responsible for their suffering. Adding to the confusion, the pope called Cuba “a symbol” and a country with “a great history.”

The most conspicuous feature of this “great history” is the communist revolution that reduced a prosperous country to one of the most miserable on earth.

The commentaries come a little over a year after the largest anti-government protests the country had seen in decades, asking for freedom from communism. The protests were so intense that many thought the end of the regime might be in sight. However, the communist regime brutally suppressed the peaceful demonstrations. Many protesters were subjected to arbitrary arrests, torture and draconian prison sentences. The Vatican and the West let that anniversary pass without commentary.

Western leaders are sympathetic to the Castro Regime, as they are in the process of inflicting similar systems in their own countries in the name of the climate. Francis apparently identifies with this Liberal World Order, if not with communist dictator Raul Castro himself.

Indeed, Cuba is a symbol. On the one hand, it symbolizes the continuation of communist tyranny, misery and brutality. For the West, Cuba is a painful symbol of its indifference and hypocrisy. Those who yet resist in Cuba are a symbol of Christian courage and long-suffering anticipating the day when they will be free to write the “great history” that awaits them.

Francis is a symbol too, personifying moonbattery and decline.

On a tip from Blackjack.

Aug 01 2022

Open Thread

Communism doesn't work because people like to own stuff. - Frank Zappa

On a tip from Jester.

Jul 30 2022

World Economic Forum: No More Private Cars or Phones

Independent transportation is crucial to liberty. That’s why progressives adore public transportation. It is why only Inner Party members will have private cars when the Liberal World Order has finished imposing utopia:

The World Economic Forum is calling for a global transition … away from private ownership of vehicles and other “idle equipment” in order to make a “clean energy revolution” possible.

It would be easy to laugh at the arrogant Dr Evil lookalike Klaus Schwab, except that his sinister WEF increasingly appears to be in the driver’s seat. Consider ostensible world leaders like Joe Biden, Justin Trudeau, and Mark Rutte. Which do they seem more responsive to, the needs of their people or the demands of Klaus Schwab?

Even the WEF acknowledges that left-wing “clean energy” fantasies will require more of certain metals than the planet has to offer. This is especially problematic because the WEF disapproves of mining. The solution: you can’t have your own car anymore.

Metals like cobalt, lithium and nickel are used not only in climate cult foolishness like electric cars and wind turbines, but also in phones and computers. So we will have to go without those too.

The [WEF] argues that private ownership of vehicles and electronic devices is wasteful and inefficient.

You will own nothing and you will be happy. Oligarchical collectivists actually mean this. How they plan to force us to be happy is unclear. Maybe Pfizer is working on pharmaceutical lobotomies that can be mandated or put in the drinking water.

On tips from Blackjack, Wiggins, Stormfax, and Mr. Freemarket.

Jul 29 2022

Open Thread

The way to crush the bourgeoisie is to grind them between the millstones of taxation and inflation. - Vladimir Lenin


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