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Category: Cultural Marxism/Critical Race Theory/DEI

Feb 10 2025

Class Action Suit Hits Target for Moonbattery

Costco execs take note: now is not the time for doubling down on DEI and earning kisses from the likes of Al Sharpton. Americans are not in the mood for it. Ask Target:

Target was hit with a class action lawsuit [on January 31] after shareholders alleged the national retailer misled investors about the risks of its DEI initiatives, which led to consumer boycotts and its stock price to tank.

Tank it did:

Target’s stock price plummeted 22% on Nov. 20, 2024, destroying nearly $16 billion in market cap in a single day after the retailer reported disappointing earnings. The dive in prices came after Target became embroiled in a nationwide controversy surrounding its DEI and Pride initiatives.

Target has really shoved wokeness in customers’ faces:

The retailer faced severe backlash in 2023 after they sold “tuck friendly” female-style bathing suits and mugs displaying the term “gender fluid” as part of their Pride store displays. … Target’s sales fell 5.4% in the quarter ending Jul 2023, the first time its sales dropped in six years, according to the lawsuit.

Target’s LGBTification efforts have bordered on the satanic by involving products from Abprallen, which associates LGBTism with devil worship and advocates both.

In addition to misleading investors regarding the subordination of business interests to moonbattery,

Target allegedly had executives implement their DEI initiatives who had “disabling” conflicts of interest. Senior executive Carlos Saavedra and Vice President and Chief Food and Beverage Officer Rick Gomez both held positions at the LGBTQ rights organization GLSEN.

GLSEN (Gay, Lesbian, Straight Education Network) targets children for sexual corruption. This may appeal to the Democrat base but not to average shoppers.

Now Target is getting hit from both sides:

The company announced it was rolling back its DEI programs in January. In response, organizers of the Twin Cities Pride Festival have announced that the retailer is no longer welcome at the Minnesota parade.

The lesson for corporations: Stay out of the culture wars. Knock off with the social engineering. Stick to retail.

On a tip from Mr. Freemarket. Hat tip: Not the Bee.

Feb 06 2025

Not Even NFL Is Leftist Enough for USA Today

Is the NFL losing its laser-like focus on inflicting leftist politics on fans who just what to watch a football game in peace? USA Today thinks so and is not pleased:

Less than a day after Roger Goodell so eloquently amplified the NFL’s commitment to DEI to kick off another ultimate week of hype and excellence came word that the most popular sports league in the nation has decided to scrap its “End Racism” slogan from a marquee end zone spot during Super Bowl 59.

What a fumble.

“Choose Love” and “It Takes All Of Us” will be stenciled at the back of the end zones for the Super Bowl. Not good enough. USA Today demands that the USSR-style intrusive messaging explicitly state “End Racism.”

By now everyone knows that “End Racism” does not apply to the only prevalent form of racism in our country — the racism against whites that has become systematic under DEI. “End Racism” means “End Resistance to Race-Based Leftism.”

Super Bowl viewers will be subjected to an irritating ad featuring the ubiquitous Snoop Dogg, reminding us to hate hate:

This probably won’t be good enough for USA Today either. Even if it reminds us to focus on Cultural Marxism, the ad is not a sufficiently explicit endorsement of Critical Race Theory to placate the Thought Police.

On a tip from Franco.

Feb 04 2025

Los Angeles Assists Social Equity Drug Dealers

Los Angeles soaks up a lot of tax money. Its lack of preparation for the recent wildfires has caused some to wonder where all this money goes. The city’s Department of Cannabis Regulation helps answer that question:

The Department of Cannabis Regulation (DCR) is responsible for administering the commercial cannabis licensing and regulatory program established by the Los Angeles City Council.

Selling marijuana is a violation of federal law. But if Karen Bass et al. cared about federal law, LA wouldn’t be a sanctuary city for the illegal aliens that have been closing down its streets.

When liberals run the government, the issue is not the issue; the issue is bestowing privilege on favored groups. Unsurprisingly, the February 2025 CannaDispatch goes all out for Black History Month.

DCR offers free coaching, webinars, pro bono legal services, et cetera to aspiring drug dealers. It helps to be a Social Equity Individual Applicant (SEIA).

DCR expects to hold a SEIA Verification window in the upcoming months. SEIA Verification is a process where an individual may request to be verified as a Social Equity Individual Applicant based on the criteria set forth in Los Angeles Municipal Code section 104.20 to participate in the Social Equity Program.

A glance at the graphics reveals that the focus is on rewarding preferred skin color.

Why risk getting shot at on street corners by other drug dealers when taxpayers are eager to legitimize the occupation for those fortunate enough to qualify as Social Equity Individuals?

The government site keeps readers abreast of relevant news with headlines like these:

• L.A. City Council Debates Cannabis Equity: What Does This Mean for Local Entrepreneurs?

• From stoner chic to runway ready, cannabis couture is smokin’ hot

• Scientists Explore How Cannabis Affects Enjoyment Of Music Through New Study At Cannabis Lounge

It will not be easy to target the money flowing into LA in the aftermath of the fires so that it is not wasted on moonbattery.

On a tip from Mike B.

Feb 02 2025

Woke Three Musketeers Movie Bombs

The Disney formula of mixing a beloved classic with moonbattery to create an unwatchable remake does not make money. Yet the French decided to give it a try, wokifying The Three Muskateers into Toutes Pour Une. The result is as you might expect:

The heroine is no longer d’Artagnan, but Sara, a young girl who is shocked to discover that the three musketeers charged with looking after the Queen of France are in fact… women.

The Three Musketeers are no longer Frenchmen. They aren’t even Frenchwomen:

What are a wild Moroccan (Oulaya Amamra), a daughter of Algerians (Sabrina Ouazani), and a pudgy Congolese immigrant doing in the France of the good King Louis XIII?

Satisfying DEI quotas, what else?

French people don’t have to watch this crap, but they do have to pay for it with their taxes:

Toutes pour une received, the Destination Ciné X account explains, €2.6 million from France TV, €850,000 from the Centre National de la Cinématographie, €550,000 from the Île-de-France, Occitanie, and Provence regions, and €500,000 from European funds via Eurimages, for a total budget of €10 million.

Audience response:

With just 1271 admissions for 564 screenings, the film maintained a very respectable average of 2 spectators per screening.

Anyone who sat through it was probably a movie critic. But the important thing is to strike a blow against the patriarchy, not to entertain the unwoke masses.

On a tip from seaoh.

Feb 01 2025

DEI Dems Double Down on Dumb

It has long been public knowledge that the only qualification Kamala Harris has for office is her identity status as a Woman of Color. She is so conspicuously awful that, despite having the full force of the establishment behind her, she managed to lose to a guy the media has been demonizing for years. Democrats react to having shot themselves in the foot by reloading and taking aim at the other.

Via Modernity:

During the Democratic National Committee’s final chair candidate forum in DC, every single candidate to take over the chair agreed that Kamala Harris lost the election to Donald Trump because of “racism and misogyny.”

That’s right, Dems. This is a rotten country full of racists and misogynists, as proven by our refusal to vote as we are told. Keep running on that platform and America will be safe from you. Karen Bass would make a great 2028 presidential candidate.

It will be a big job getting a country back on track that has been run by people like this:

Let’s hope they enjoyed their pat on the head from MSNBC host Jonathan Capehart for answering politically correctly. That’s the consolation prize they get for being losers.

On a tip from Varla.

Feb 01 2025

Intersectional Start for Black History Month

Liberals bestow obsessive reverence upon both the black slaves of centuries past and drag queens. They have delightedly discovered that blacks invented drag:

In the United States, drag originated from the Black community in the 1800s when William Dorsey Swann, the first self-proclaimed drag queen, hosted private balls referred to as “drags,” in which men dressed in upscale women’s clothing. “Drag started with freed slaves,” says Lyta Blunt, who was voted best drag queen in Eugene.

That’s why his Haus of Blunt hosts a drag show with an all-black cast each month — but this month in particular:

To kick off Black History month, this month’s Vibrant! is 8 pm Feb. 1. …

“Drag is one of the earliest forms of Black liberation,” Lyta Blunt says. … “It’s important now more than ever to show up for queer and trans art,” Lyta Blunt says, “but I think it’s especially important to show up for people who are at those intersections [of race and sexuality].”

Hear that, Oregon liberals? You are virtually required to attend — if you want to prove you are not racist and transphobic.

On a tip from Mike B.

Jan 22 2025

Open Thread

Jan 19 2025

$89 Billion to Teach Kids Pernicious Rot in New York

New York City public schools are implementing a black studies curriculum called the Education Equity Action Plan, from pre-K to 12th grade, mandatory for all students in the USA’s largest school system. Jared Taylor is unimpressed regarding the effect the action plan is likely to have on test scores:

Senator John Cornyn (R-TX) must be happy about the pre-K lesson devoted to Juneteenth, the federal holiday he created in obeisance to Black Lives Matter race rioters.

Taxpayers are forced to pay for this toxic cultural Marxist BS through the teeth:

New York’s lavish pay, pension and health care plans pushed for by powerful teachers’ unions helped ramp up spending on school districts to a staggering $89 billion

For $89 billion, imagine how many cans of Raid you could buy. You might even have enough to clean out New York’s educracy, if not the teachers unions.

Teachers in New York State — who are not required to achieve basic literacy because that would be racist — make $92,696 per year on average for what is effectively a part-time job. This is a form of looting as surely as the mostly peaceful protests effectively advocated by John Cornyn.

On tips from ABC of the ANC and seaoh.

Jan 18 2025

Intersectional Fatphobia

Higher education offers access to arcane realms of knowledge. Via an Instagram post from its Pride Center, San Diego State University graciously provides a free introduction to the concept of intersectional fatphobia:

Fatphobia is the systemic discrimination and stigmatization of fat bodies.

Not even the media is woke enough to keep pace with universities:

There is a lack of positive representation for fat bodies in the media. Instead, they are often ridiculed and depicted as undesirable, lazy, immoral, etc., thus allowing for such perceptions to become the norm.

Viewing obesity as undesirable has always been the norm, if only because it is exceedingly unhealthy. But then, the same goes for homosexuality, which also has been designated for normalization by leftist social engineers.

Anti-fatness/fatphobia is intrinsically rooted in anti-Blackness, racism, classism, misogyny, homophobia, and many other systems of oppression.

Those who cannot grasp the interconnectedness may require an advanced degree in Intersectional Moonbattery. Such degrees are lavishly subsidized by taxpayers and have the added value of allowing students to prolong adolescence indefinitely, thereby avoiding the burdensome responsibilities of adulthood. Those who need to take out loans to finance their willful uselessness can rest assured that Democrats will force others to pay off the loans, Supreme Court be damned.

On a tip from Steve T. Hat tips: Campus Reform, Legal Insurrection.

Jan 16 2025

LAFD Missteps Let Fires Get Out of Control

Taxpayers give noisily lesbian Kristin Crowley $439,772 per year to promote DEI as chief of the LAPD. If you think that is expensive, consider the cost of having people like her in charge.

The New York Post reports:

Los Angeles fire bosses deployed just a fraction of its firefighters and trucks to the deadly Palisades Fire until it was already out of control — sending just five of the 40 available fire engines and holding back 1,000 firefighters, according to a damning new report.

A “domino effect of missteps” helped the crisis to become unmanageable.

Officials held off on ordering hundreds of available fire crews to remain on duty for a second shift last Tuesday, which would have doubled the manpower on hand, to help battle flames taking hold in the Pacific Palisades neighborhood, according to internal fire department records…

Despite being available, no extra engines were readied in the Palisades region prior to the fire breaking out there, according to the logs.

It is too early to tally the final cost, but…

The Palisades Fire, along the coast, has been blamed for eight deaths as the wildfires continue to destroy the area. The fires across the region caused up to $250 billion in damages.

Just as the leadership crisis continues in Los Angeles and California in general, the largest fires (Palisades and Eaton) are still not under control.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

Jan 13 2025

Biden Sues City for Not Electing Enough Hispanics

If Hispanics assimilate and regard themselves first and foremost as Americans, they cannot be deployed as part of the cultural Marxist coalition to tear the country to pieces. So the Biden Regime is suing Hazleton, Pennsylvania for not voting sufficiently Hispanic:

A Department of Justice (DOJ) lawsuit alleges that Hazleton, Pennsylvania’s city council elections violate federal law because not enough “Hispanic-preferred candidates” are winning – without defining what a Hispanic-preferred candidate is.

Here’s a working definition: Hispanic-preferred means Democrat-preferred.

The DOJ sued the majority-Hispanic town [last] Tuesday over its at-large election system in which voters across Hazelton vote to elect each district’s city council member, alleging it does not give Hispanics a fair chance at participation and violates a section of the Voting Rights Act that bans restricting voters based on race.

Unless Hispanics vote by race, they are racist. Meritless Garland manages not to choke on the irony.

Here’s why Democrats are sore:

“In the 2023 election for the city’s mayor, the incumbent Republican, Jeff Cusat, won in a landslide with 61% of the vote,” [former DOJ counsel Hans] von Spakovsky said. “The Democratic Hispanic who ran against him, Vianney Castro, received only 28% of the vote.”

Hazleton voted for former Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton in 2016 but chose Republican President-elect Donald Trump in 2020 by 55% and in 2024 by 62%.

The city became majority Hispanic in 2016.

Looks like voters also chose countermoonbats for the school board:

Left-wing voting activists also sued Hazleton last year to change the school board’s at-large election system, alleging it is unfair to Hispanics and violates the same law the DOJ cites.

Like blacks, Hispanics are regarded as Democrat property. If they do not vote as they are told, lawyers are deployed.

On tips from R F and Htos1av.

Jan 10 2025

Dry Fire Hydrants as Bureaucrats Gorge

There has been a problem with dry fire hydrants as Los Angeles burns. Governor Gavin Newsom won’t answer why — possibly because government personnel is why.

They say you get what you pay for. This does not hold true for bureaucrats like Janisse Quiñones:

The Los Angeles City Council [last May] confirmed longtime Pacific Gas and Electric executive Janisse Quiñones as the next general manager of the Department of Water and Power, at an annual salary of $750,000 — nearly twice as much as her predecessor.

She was nominated by none other than Karen Bass of the African junket. Her duties include making sure water comes out of the fire hydrants.

Janisse hails from Puerto Rico, earning her extra diversity points. Her pay tops even LGBT-certified Los Angeles Fire Chief Kristin Crowley:

Crowley’s 2023 pay was an absurd $439,772 — $412,493 base pay and $27,278 “other” pay.

Let’s hope Los Angelenos are enjoying their DEI government. They pay plenty for it.

On tips from R F, Htos1av, Tlabia Majora, taxpayer22, David Kight, and seaoh.

Jan 10 2025

LAFD Assistant Chief: Let Them Burn for DEI

Evidence accrues that DEI has played a part in the unpreparedness of LA bureaucrats to deal with predictable fires. It isn’t just Mayor Karen Bass and Los Angeles Fire Department Chief Kristin Crowley. Consider LAFD Assistant Chief Kristine Larson:

Larson was lauded as the first black woman to be hired on as an LAFD chief.

“You want to see somebody that responds to your house, your emergency, whether it’s a medical call or a fire call, that looks like you,” said Larson in the video [below].

Actually, most people want to see someone who can rescue them and put the fire out. Yet Larson dismisses non-DEI qualifications to be a firefighter:

“‘Is she strong enough to do this?’” she said in the voice of critics. “‘You couldn’t carry my husband out of a fire.’”

“Which my response is, ‘He got himself in the wrong place if I have to carry him out of a fire.’”

In other words, let him burn. Rescuing people who might be disabled and putting out fires are not important. Only moonbattery is important.

Americans will likely die so that liberals can shove this down our throats:

Had enough yet?

On tips from ABC of the ANC, DCGere, and WDS 2.0.

Jan 09 2025

Open Thread

On a tip from Wiggins.


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