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Category: Cultural Marxism/Critical Race Theory/DEI

Jul 25 2024

Black Barbi With Down Syndrome

Being a totalitarian ideology, DEI applies to everything — even children’s toys:

Barbie has unveiled their newest Blind Barbie Doll and Black Barbie Doll with Down syndrome as part of its fashionista collection. This, as the country recognizes July as Disability Pride Month.

A disability is no longer something that you become stronger by striving to overcome. Like sexual perversion, it is now something you are encouraged to take pride in, wallow in, and exploit to achieve favoritism. A disability has become something to fetishize.

Hat tip: Liberty Daily.

Jul 24 2024

Joy Reid Tells Blacks to Vote As They’re Told

There is no sane reason to vote for Kamala Harris. So the media will resort to an insane reason: vote for the (partially) black woman or you are a racist.

As you would expect from a spinoff of Joe “You Ain’t Black” Biden’s administration, the Cackling Kamala campaign will apply this racial bullying with particular force on blacks, who according to liberal ideology are not individual people but instances of a collectivist borg that is racially obligated to vote Democrat:

[Yesterday] Joy Reid of MSNBC told black Americans that they would “look real crazy” if they chose not to vote for Harris.

All they can sell Harris on, aside from the liberal sacrament of abortion, is race and gender.

“You’re gonna look real crazy being on the other side of that line, particularly as a person of color, but really as anyone who claims to have any connection to the culture,” the repellent Reid said in a tone of condescension.

Kamala continues to be DEI incarnate. What Kimberly Cheatle was to Secret Service directors, Harris would be to presidents.

Female gender does not count for Amy Coney Barrett, just as nonwhite race does not count even for a kook like Amber Rose, because absolute conformity to moonbattery is required to activate “oppressed” privilege.

On a tip from WDS 2.0.

Jul 19 2024

Public Schools Subordinate Math to Cultural Marxism

As a judge recently ruled, a public school is not a marketplace of ideas. It is for indoctrinating children in a single set of ideas that dominates the entire curriculum. For example, mathematics are subordinated to Critical Race Theory in liberal jurisdictions like Pittsburgh:

The district is paying $52,000 to Nth Education Partners for a series of eight, two-hour long virtual workshops where “participants will reflect on the instruction and pedagogy that supports schools in moving toward justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion in math classrooms,” according to the district.

A guide published by Nth Education Partners explains why math should be all about Critical Race Theory:

“Many believe the myth that math is the most neutral or unbiased subject. This misconception often leads to confusion about how racism, oppression, or social justice is relevant to the field of mathematics. Our objective here is to reveal the invisible structures and norms that uphold systems of oppression in mathematics education and make them visible.”

Unsurprisingly, the district has low test scores in math, despite blowing $36,000 per year per student.

Pennsylvania System of School Assessment (PSSA) exams … are given to third and eighth graders. In 2023, 60% of the third graders and 82% of the eighth graders were not proficient in math.

It would make more sense to test them in Democrat ideology.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

Jul 18 2024

Microsoft Backs Away From DEI

Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle embodies not only the incompetence that nearly killed Trump but also DEI, the lunatic implementation of Cultural Marxism that has been taken to such obviously pernicious extremes that even Microsoft has had enough:

Microsoft sparked internal revolt after it fired its diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) team, leading the program’s leader to slam the company’s ‘changing business needs.’

The tech giant’s move was exposed in an email obtained by Business Insider, which appears to show the DEI internal team leader criticizing the fact diversity was ‘no longer business critical.’

Microsoft joins a number of tech companies in walking back DEI commitments that were made in the wake of the Black Lives Matter protests in 2020, including Google, Meta and Zoom.

Even Big Tech is getting fed up with the prevailing moonbattery. Fairness and merit may yet be reinstated.

On tips from Dennis G and KirklesWorth.

Jul 14 2024

The Three Stoogettes

Not all jobs are appropriate for either gender. DEI could get people killed:

If the percentage of female agents seems remarkably high, it could be due to the usual Biden Regime emphasis on discrimination against sexually normal white men.

On a tip from WDS 2.0.

Jul 14 2024

Know Them by Their Heroes

A healthy society requires heroes to reinforce self-respect and serve as inspirational models. The Founding Fathers are ideal examples. To systematically destroy a society, social engineers replace heroes with the lowest scum they can find. This erodes self-respect and discourages constructive behavior.

If you would like to have a street named after you in a jurisdiction that has succumbed to moonbattery, start with a strongarm robbery of a convenience store, attract the attention of police by walking down the middle of the street, and then get yourself shot by attacking a police officer and trying to take his gun — like liberal demigod Michael Brown:

A new St. Louis board bill calls to rename part of a street near City Hall after Michael Brown Jr., nearly a decade since his death in Ferguson, Missouri.

Alderman Rasheen Aldridge formally introduced Board Bill 69 on Friday, which would create an honorary street name of “Michael O.D. Brown Way.”

The idea is to encourage more behavior like Michael Brown’s. He counts as an unarmed black man shot by a white police office, making him a rare and precious asset to those struggling to prop up the liberal narrative.

On a tip from Steve T.

Jul 13 2024

Morbidly Obese Crybully Makes Further Demands

People who achieve morbid obesity — which is usually accomplished through the deadly sins of gluttony and sloth — now qualify as oppressed in accordance with our state religion, Cultural Marxism. That places them in a position to make imperious demands:

Jae’lynn Chaney, 27, posted a TikTok video from Hawaii where she said that all pools should have handrails to ensure inclusivity.

Chaney a.k.a. “JaeBae” has previously demanded free extra seats on airplanes.

Travel by air is already unpleasant these days. JaeBae manages to make it worse:

Her recent antics include getting stuck in a revolving door at Chicago O’Hare Airport. She also blasted a staff member at Seattle-Tacoma Airport for refusing to push her up a ramp in a wheelchair – even though she can walk.

She also insists that all Uber and Lyft drivers provide seatbelt extenders.

Per the rules of Cultural Marxism, those who resent her bullying are likely to get bullied even worse for being fatphobes.

On a tip from Steve T.

Jul 10 2024

BIPOCs Hardest Hit by Drying Great Salt Lake

Cultural Marxism/Critical Race Theory/DEI/moonbattery is a totalitarian ideology. Despite its cramped narrowness, everything imaginable is shoehorned into it. For example, allegedly human-caused drying of the Great Salt Lake in overwhelmingly Caucasian Utah is further evidence not only in support of the global warming hoax but also that politically favored BIPOCs are oppressed.

From an actual scientific abstract:

Lake desiccation is a global problem associated with increased human water use and climate change.

As with all things related to the natural world, humans have caused devastation with their greedy insistence on utilizing resources and their hesitation to submit to sufficiently suffocating government.

Like other drying lakes, Utah’s Great Salt Lake (GSL) is producing health-harming dust.

As with all things related to anything, put-upon BIPOCs are hardest hit:

We estimate social disparities in dust fine particulate matter (PM2.5) exposures…

Experts can find social disparities anywhere. They just have to look hard enough. Government grants help provide motivation.

Dust PM2.5 exposures would increase as GSL levels drop (e.g., from 24.0 μg m−3 to 32.0 μg m−3). People of color and those with no high school diploma would experience disproportionately higher exposures…

The Great Salt Lake water level is all about social justice:

Racial/ethnic disparities would be reduced if GSL water levels rose.

Conclusions: Whites are privileged, nonwhites are oppressed. That’s all you need to know on any topic whatsoever.

On a tip from Barry A.

Jun 28 2024

Biden Regime Conception of Military Readiness

No one has more of an interest in Biden holding on to power than America’s foreign adversaries. Taking on a country that conflates sexual perversion with “military readiness” will be a cakewalk:

During a DoD Pride event for the Association of LGBTQI+ Service Members in June, [Deputy Secretary of Defense Kathleen] Hicks discussed listening to the needs of service members, including LGBTQ individuals, as a Pentagon priority vis-à-vis military “readiness,” a term which refers to the ability to deter potential adversaries, defend national interests and ensure that armed forces can meet their missions.

It isn’t all about turning the military into a San Francisco bathhouse. It is also important to train servicemembers to despise the country they signed up to defend on the grounds that it is full of racist white people:

Hicks said in 2022 that it was essential for “warfighting success” to have training throughout the military regarding “unconscious bias,” a key term found in critical race theory (CRT).

“Unconscious bias” refers to beliefs and attitudes that need to be rooted out through brainwashing because they do not comply with CRT/DEI.

The Department of Defense has proclaimed that diversity is a “strategic imperative critical to mission readiness and accomplishment.”

The ChiComs must be relieved that they will not be up against a meritocracy. Again we see that they are getting their money’s worth out of the Big Guy.

On a tip from Barry A.

Jun 24 2024

Profiles in DEI: Christina Peterson

Personnel is policy. Only a moonbat could like the policy that effectively results when people are placed in positions of authority over us on the basis of DEI instead of more meaningful qualifications — which is the most likely explanation for Christina Peterson being a probate judge in Douglas County, Georgia:

Peterson, 38, was cuffed and placed in the back of a cop cruiser early Thursday for battery against a police officer.

Cops said she interfered with a police officer trying to de-escalate a situation in which a security guard working at Red Martini Restaurant and Lounge attempted to escort another woman outside, according to 11 Alive News.

Peterson was allegedly intoxicated during the 3 a.m. incident, during which she pushed the officer in the chest twice, swiped at his hands, and refused to identify herself. She is of course a Democrat.

Peterson, who took office in 2020, was previously found guilty of “systemic incompetence” by a judicial panel in April, according to Fox 5 Atlanta.

In her defense, Peterson is a left-wing black woman.

PARENTAL WARNING: Our diverse nomenklatura’s vocabulary is not recommended for children’s ears:

On tips from WDS 2.0 and Jack D.

Jun 23 2024

Obesity Pushed by Ivy League and Big Pharma

The liberal establishment has been trying to expand the Cultural Marxist coalition by politicizing obesity. As with most things pernicious, the Ivy League takes part:

The Brown University course, titled “The F-Word: Examining the Science, Culture, and Politics of Fatness,” will take place over one week, from July 8-12, and will introduce students to “Fat Studies,” which the course page describes as an “emerging academic field.” […]

The course will make students examine “the pathologization of fatness in the medical community and the rising prevalence of eating disorders, as well as how fatphobia intersects with other systems of oppression.”

Brown is hardly the only college to encourage students to embrace obesity as a means of achieving cherished “oppressed” status.

Cultural Marxists create and expand aggrieved identity groups to array against normal people, on the principle that a house divided against itself cannot stand. After America collapses into squabbling factions, a new society can theoretically be imposed, enabling leftists to achieve absolute power.

Other than sinister Frankfort School types, who could possibly want to promote obesity, which is a risk factor for type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, metabolic syndrome, fatty liver diseases, some cancers, breathing problems, osteoarthritis, gout, diseases of the gallbladder and pancreas, kidney disease, pregnancy problems, fertility problems, sexual function problems, and mental health problems? Big Pharma could:

A new report and database published by Baron Public Affairs last month outlines pharmaceutical sponsorships for trade organizations promoting obesity as a chronic disease warranting health care coverage rather than a preventable symptom of underlying metabolic dysfunction. One such group with funding from major drug manufacturers Novo Nordisk, Eli Lilly, and Boehringer Ingelheim is the Obesity Action Coalition (OAC), an organization at the center of the far-left movement for “body positivity.”

Pfizer and Amgen have also contributed.

An obesity nonprofit determined to radically destigmatize obesity on behalf of the pharmaceutical industry is akin to Big Tobacco funding a front group to destigmatize smoking.

Except that smoking isn’t politically correct — unless you smoke something that makes you passive and stupid.

Pharmaceutical companies operating in a $4.5 trillion health care industry have an obvious incentive to market supposed “game changer” weight-loss drugs to a chronically overweight population that is fighting a losing war against obesity.

The drugs were developed to treat type 2 diabetes.

Common side effects of the medications include nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. Some users have reported more severe gastrointestinal issues, such as pancreatitis and stomach paralysis, and the latter condition recently provoked a lawsuit against Eli Lilly and Novo Nordisk.

Then there are the potential psychiatric effects of taking drugs that work by suppressing dopamine. But then, mental illness is another moneymaker for Big Pharma that has been furthered by leftist social engineers.

On tips from WDS 2.0 and Steve T.

Jun 17 2024

UK Theaters and Drama Schools Promote Obesity

Never mind that it is an avoidable condition virtually guaranteed to damage your health and shorten your life. Morbid obesity is promoted by the establishment, now that fat people have joined the Cultural Marxist coalition of the oppressed. The wokest sectors of society lead the way.

From the UK:

Theatres and drama schools have been offered “plus-size inclusivity training” to tackle “fatphobia” and help the industry become “more inclusive for bigger bodies”.

Ruth Anna Phillips, a “plus-size director” who runs workshops to address “anti-fat bias”, told The Stage earlier this month that “one drama school had already agreed to provide the size inclusion training for its staff.”

“Inclusion training” is what we used to call “political indoctrination.” Those who undergo it are instructed as to what they are required to believe — or at the very least, pretend to believe.

Lock your refrigerator; here comes the Malcolm X of the body positivity movement:

Ms Phillips is co-founder of Inclusion Collective, an organisation that provides training in “creative wellbeing”, “body positivity” and “inclusive movement”, among other areas. Her website contains resources on “fat activism” – “advocacy for the rights and dignity of fat people, combating discrimination” and “the body consciousness scale”, among other materials.

As usual, the moonbattery is funded by the government:

[Arts Council England] records show [Phillips] was awarded £10,479 last year, which she used to develop her project “body acceptance and inclusion”.

If militant fat people continue to follow the game plan that secured privileged status for blacks, we will soon reach the Fat Lives Matter stage. Waddling mobs will protest their oppression by looting grocery stores.

On a tip from Steve T.

Jun 07 2024

Obese Woman Named Miss Alabama

It was only a matter of time before the liberal fad of glorifying obesity reduced beauty contests to tasteless farce:

Plus-sized model, Sara Milliken, 23, is making headlines after being crowned Miss Alabama over the Memorial Day weekend.

The media is playing its predictable part by screeching self-righteously that Milliken is a victim of “cyberbullying” by nasty bigots who don’t believe in the woke principle of giving the prize to someone who conspicuously does not deserve it in the name of identity politics.

She was overjoyed when she bagged the top prize in the National American Miss pageant – however, her happiness was short-lived as vile trolls quickly began taunting the winner about her appearance.

When we inevitably get a 300-lb Miss America, the pageant will reap the same harvest as Sports Illustrated, the dying magazine that became best known for plastering transsexuals and fat women across the front of its swimsuit issue.

Obesity contributes significantly to a long list of major health problems. The establishment encourages it because the morbidly obese have been enlisted in the Cultural Marxist coalition. People who let their weight get out of control are now entitled to precious victim status. In addition to their many other crimes against political correctness, members of the core population of normal people are now guilty of thin privilege.

At another level, the establishment’s promotion of obesity as beauty reveals the true essence of liberal ideology, which can be summed up in a single word: depravity.

Here’s hoping Miss Alabama addresses her weight problem before it takes years off her life.

Meanwhile, in Maryland:

Bailey Anne is not only the first man to be named Miss Maryland but also the first Asian! He’s not obese though.

On tips from Mike B, Ed McAninch, DCGere, seaoh, and ABC of the ANC.

Jun 03 2024

Pro-Hamas Goons Block LGBT Parade in Philadelphia

Cultural Marxism (or as it is called these days, “liberalism”) is like a wrecking ball — useful only for demolition. It cannot be used as a basis for a stable society, because the belligerently aggrieved identity groups that have been exploited to tear down the old society will inevitably go after each other’s throats in their lust for power. It is happening already:

Hundreds of anti-Israel protesters crashed a gay pride parade in Philadelphia on Sunday, bringing the celebratory march to a halt.

Grab some popcorn:

No matter what happens, liberalism will not prevail. Either there will be a massive backlash that purges society of all things left-wing, or civilization will collapse into warring factions of wannabe tyrants. There are no other possible outcomes.

On a tip from StephaneDumas.


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