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Jan 02 2024

Lt Col Bree Fram Stars in LGBT Version of Star Wars

The nice thing about LGBTism is that it allows even those burdened with pale skin to join the privileged ranks of the “marginalized.” Career benefits are obvious. Making a pageant of being psychosexually insane has allowed Bree Fram to become a Lieutenant Colonel in the Space Force — or as America’s adversaries are likely to call it, the “Space Farce”:

For a guy to climb the ranks in the US military under Democrat rule, it takes more than showing up in a dress. Fram doesn’t just walk the walk; he talks the talk:

“So inclusion is a national security imperative. We fight today and we are going to fight in the future using brainpower. And if that brain, who’s going to revolutionize the way we fight in space, we fight in cyber, just happens to be in a trans body, you should want them all serving alongside me and for your organizations, it’s the same way. Those perspectives that we get from a diverse set of individuals. It’s been talked about on stage a lot regarding the science behind high performing teams. We need those perspectives, but it’s inclusion that actually drives that because you can bring people in and if they don’t feel safe to speak up, if they don’t feel safe to bring their full selves to work, you’re not going to get the value of the diversity. So for us, it is absolutely critical to drive our future success as an organization and potentially on the battlefield.”

He won’t be much use in a war except to the USA’s enemies, but no one can doubt Fram’s credentials as a space cadet.

Bringing moonbattery like this to public attention is how Chaya Raichik recently got herself suspended by the leftists running Fakebook again:

If Fram is going to star in Star Wars as reenacted by our repurposed military, it ought to be in the cantina scene. George Lucas never imagined a creature more freakish.

On tips from Woodlandcamo, Anonymous, and ABC of the ANC.

Jan 02 2024

Family Terms Banned From Newspeak Dictionary

A central objective of leftists dating back to Karl Marx has been the destruction of the most basic structure holding together human civilization, the family. Black Lives Matter made this goal explicit, before it was removed for strategic reasons during the George Floyd riots. Progressives have embraced postmodernism, according to which power is wielded through language. So it should come as no surprise that social engineers are erasing familial relationships from the Newspeak Dictionary.

Goodbye “brother” and “sister”:

‘Brother’ and ‘sister’ could be banned from official documents and other public communication and be replaced by the term ‘siblings’, under updated anti-discrimination laws in one Australian state.

“Anti-discrimination” refers to the overhauling of society to remake it according to the specifications of LGBT activists.

[New South Wales] is overhauling its Anti-Discrimination Act of 1977 next year and preliminary submissions are already pouring in for what could be a highly contested battle between differing lobbyists.

That battle is between those who want to delete any word deemed to be an obstacle to LGBTism and those who want to preserve the English language and civilization in general.

Goodbye “husband” and “wife”:

The Methodist Church in Great Britain released an “Inclusive Language Guide” this month advising Methodists to avoid using gendered terms such as “husband” and “wife” because such allegedly assumes what is not “the reality for many people.”

At least moonbats provide some comic relief by using the term “reality” in the context of pretending there is no difference between men and women.

Tellingly, British Methodists also want to erase the word “insane.” To avoid cancelation for thoughtcrime, you are commanded to say “neurodiverse.” Don’t forget to keep a straight face.

Before long, the word “family” itself will be deleted from the Newspeak Dictionary.

On tips from ABC of the ANC and Franco.

Jan 02 2024

Iowa Judge Imposes Filth on Children

As recently as 2008, the pernicious not to mention blasphemous concept of homosexual marriage was rejected by the public even in California. So it was imposed by gay California judge Vaughn Walker and then by left-wing social engineers on the Supreme Court. With the help of the media, this top-down revolutionary change is now at least superficially supported. Now on to the next agenda item — using public schools to submerse children in LGBT indoctrination and explicit homosexual pornography:

A federal judge in Iowa on Friday blocked a law intended to keep sexually explicit books out of schools and prevent elementary school students from being taught gender ideology in the classroom.

To be “taught gender ideology” entails grooming the most vulnerable children for recruitment into the dysfunctional LGBT community.

Judge Stephen Locher, appointed by President Joe Biden, ruled that an Iowa law, approved by Republican Governor Kim Reynolds earlier this year, was “unreasonable” and “puritanical.”

Being puritanical is encouraged in the context of adhering to political correctness. But when it comes to moral decency, puritanism is to be eradicated.

As Reynolds observes,

“Instruction on gender identity and sexual orientation has no place in kindergarten through sixth grade classrooms. And there should be no question that books containing sexually explicit content — as clearly defined in Iowa law — do not belong in a school library for children,” she said. “The fact that we’re even arguing these issues is ridiculous. The real debate should be about why society is so intent on over-sexualizing our young children.”

We know why: because the depraved sexual corruption of children is a core aspect of the liberal agenda. The question is how to stop them.

On a tip from MrRightWingDave.

Jan 02 2024

Open Thread

Compliments of Chuck A.

Jan 01 2024

California Expands Medical Insurance for Illegal Aliens

Illegal aliens have suffered oppression, because to obtain extravagantly expensive medical care at our expense, they have had to sit around clogging up the emergency room — until now:

Undocumented adults [i.e., illegal aliens] between the ages of 26 and 49 in California will qualify for health insurance under the state’s Medi-Cal program beginning Monday, provided they meet eligibility requirements for the program, which is designed to insure low income residents.

If you thought the first eligibility requirement for this taxpayer-funded benefit would be being in the country legally, think again.

This move expands the state’s health insurance coverage to include all undocumented immigrants—the state previously only covered undocumented children, those between 19 and 25 and those 50 years and older.

This expansion—which was approved in legislation in May—will make around an additional 700,000 undocumented residents eligible for health insurance, according to California State Sen. María Elena Durazo.

Note that this is a rosy estimate from a Democrat. Actual numbers will be higher and climb rapidly.

The same is true for the cost. Open your wallets, American citizens. Someone has to pay for this:

The California Health and Human Services Agency will provide $835.6 million in funding between 2023 and 2024, and $2.6 billion annually to expand Medi-Cal to residents regardless of immigration status.

Where California will get the money is unclear. Productive citizens are escaping Democrat rule for places like Texas and Florida. The erstwhile Golden State already has a $68 billion deficit.

Before long, a federal bailout will be required. For a longer term solution, we can put Gavin Newsom in charge of the whole country. Then he can provide free healthcare for all non-Americans everywhere, and pay for it through inflation by printing more money.

Participation in the program won’t hurt a person’s immigration status because the Department of Homeland Security and the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services doesn’t consider receipt of health, food or housing benefits a part of the public charge determination, the release says.

You read that correctly.

Democrats are deliberately importing massive numbers of illegal aliens who will vote for a living while sponging off the welfare state. We have already seen that illegal aliens make heavier use of welfare than people who are in the country legally.

Within the lives of many of us, California produced Governor Ronald Reagan. Now look at it. This horrific transformation was accomplished by encouraging mass immigration, much of it illegal. So naturally Democrats are throwing their successful strategy into overdrive.

On tips from Bluto and Ed McAninch.

Jan 01 2024

Lunar Moonbattery

Who owns the moon? Given their high position in our Cultural Marxist caste system, maybe Indians do:

Navajo Nation President Buu Nygren has asked NASA to delay a scheduled launch to the Moon that could include cremated remains.

Nygren says he recently learned of the Jan. 8 launch of the Vulcan Centaur carrying the Peregrine Mission One. The lander will carry some payloads from a company known to provide memorial services by shipping human cremated remains to the Moon.

They forgot to get Nygren’s approval first.

He noted the Moon is sacred to numerous Indigenous cultures and that depositing human remains on it is “tantamount to desecration.”

Indians didn’t like it when the ashes of scientist Eugene Shoemaker were deposited on the moon in 1998.

Then-Navajo Nation President Albert Hale said the action was a gross insensitivity to the beliefs of many Native Americans. NASA later apologized and promised to consult with tribes before authorizing any similar missions in the future.

Apologizing out of political correctness when you didn’t do anything wrong tightens the garrote around your neck.

Looks like cremains may remain earthbound. How sacred the moon is to Indians doesn’t matter. The important thing is that “indigenous” people are nonwhite and therefore sacred to the federal bureaucracy.

But what if the cremains are from someone who based his/her/its identity on perverted sexual practices? That would trump Nygren’s indigenousness.

On a tip from Steve T.

Jan 01 2024

Open Thread

The Russian Bolsheviks have discovered that truth does not matter so long as there is reiteration. They have no difficulty whatever in countering a fact by a lie which, if repeated often enough and loudly enough, becomes accepted by the people. - Winston Churchill

On a tip from Anonymous.

Dec 31 2023

Lithium-Ion Batteries Burst Into Flames on Cargo Ship

Finally, some good news where electric vehicles are concerned. These batteries were out to sea when they burst into flames, rather than in cars in sleeping family’s garages:

A cargo ship carrying burning lithium-ion batteries remained anchored off the coast of Unalaska Saturday, as marine firefighting experts continued responding to the situation.

The 410-foot Genius Star XI reported the fire to the Coast Guard early Thursday morning while traveling to San Diego, and was directed to Dutch Harbor, where it arrived Friday.

The ship remains two miles offshore, and a one-mile safety zone around the vessel is being enforced.

You can see why Chevrolet has warned customers to park their EVs 50 feet away from the nearest vehicle.

Lithium-ion batteries pose particular dangers because they are hard to extinguish, emit toxic fumes and carry the risk of exploding.

Fortunately for the atavistic weather gods worshiped by our moonbat rulers, our safety is not a concern, so the campaign to force us into unsafe, unreliable, and economically insane EVs can continue.

The weather gods will understand about the smoke coming off the burning ship. They know that the important thing with liberals is intentions, not results.

On tips from Dr. Kufi Tutite and Steve T.

Dec 31 2023

Entertainment Diversity: Castration as Pornography

If you think the LGBT community looks sick on the surface, dig down a few micrometers. There you will find activists like Marius Gustavson:

A former queer activist from Norway has pleaded guilty in a London court after carrying out castrations and livestreaming the footage as pornography to a paying audience over a span of six years. Marius Gustavson, 46, uploaded recordings of the illicit surgeries to his ‘Eunuch Maker’ website, netting up to £200,000 from subscribers.

The idea is to turn men into eunuchs, or as they are fashionably known among the gender-diverse, nullos/smoothies.

Gustavson was in a leadership position at a Norwegian trans activist lobbying group prior to relocating to England to carry out his clandestine genital mutilation surgeries. From 2001 through 2007, Gustavson was Chairman of the Board for the Buskerud chapter of The Norwegian Organization for Sexual and Gender Diversity, now known as FRI (foreningen for kjønns- og seksualitetsmangfold). During this time, FRI, Norway’s oldest and largest LGBT organization, went by the name ‘The National Association for Lesbian and Gay Liberation,’ or LLH.

FRI successfully lobbied the UN’s World Health Organization to remove fetishism, sadomasochism, and fetishistic transvestitism from the International Classification of Diseases, just as homosexuality was removed from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, putting those who indulge in it on track for normalization, to be followed by privileged “oppressed” status.

A society that encourages depravity will have no shortage of it:

The endeavor was part of a larger network of men who aided Gustavson and performed fetishistic amputations and other procedures for sexual gratification. …

A website owned by Gustavson,, sold graphic videos of castrations and amputations. Registered in 2016, it also offered the option of paid monthly memberships for streaming videos of penectomies.

Castration isn’t just for recruiting children via “gender-affirming care.” It also has entertainment value for members of the identity group at the top of the woke caste system.

Separately, Gustavson also pleaded guilty to making and distributing two indecent videos of a child between January 2017 and January 2020.

But of course only a bigot would oppress him with judgmentalism. Love is love.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

Dec 31 2023

Open Thread

Compliments of Chuck A.

Dec 30 2023

RINO Mike DeWine Enables Transsexualizing Children

To the list of moonbats who approve of castrating children on behalf of sexual perversion we can add Ohio’s RINO Governor Mike DeWine:

DeWine announced Friday that he vetoed a bill that would have banned gender transition medical treatments for minors, such as puberty blockers, hormone replacement therapy and surgery.

The legislation would have also barred boys claiming to be girls from competing in girls sports.

DeWine is attempting to placate decent people by positioning himself as too squeamish for lopping off children’s healthy body parts. Yet he gives a thumbs up to chemical castration. He is unfit for public office or to be left alone with a child.

At least DeWine has his reasons. A coward always finds it easier to go with the prevailing wind, even if it is blowing directly out of hell. Plus there is this:

DeWine … received thousands of dollars in donations from donors who provided transgender medical services or opposed efforts to ban the procedures for minors.

A review of donations from 2018 to 2023 found that the governor received $40,300 from the Ohio Children’s Hospital Association (OCHA), Cincinnati Children’s, Nationwide Children’s Hospital and ProMedica Children’s Hospital, all of whom support transgender medical care.

By “transgender medical care,” they mean horrific sex change procedures inflicted on innocent children to advance the LGBT agenda.

On tips from Bluto and Chris Neilson.

Dec 30 2023

Biden Spends to Promote Queer Muslims in India

Despite onerous taxation, the national debt is rocketing toward $34 trillion. Inflation caused by excessive government spending continues to gnaw away at our savings and our standard of living. Here is where some of the money is going:

The State Department is providing financial support to a “queer” Muslim organization in India so it can provide “LGBTQI” people in the regions with a platform to write, according to a grant listing.

Outside of Disney, it would be hard to imagine a more pernicious institution than the US State Department.

The grant was disbursed in September to Creating Resources for Empowerment and Action, a Soros-funded feminist group that advances “the sexual rights of all people,” and went on to fund the Queer Muslim Project, which is an “online platform for queer, Muslim and allied voices” based in India.

India is well known for Islamic violence, despite the attempt to avoid it by splitting off Pakistan and Bangladesh into separate countries. Provoking Muslims with gratuitous depravity is not constructive. The “queer Muslims” Democrats egg on are likely to get chucked off rooftops and have their corpses pelted with rocks.

As we learned on 9/11, resentment sometimes follows us home. Yet promoting sexual depravity around the world is an explicit policy of the Biden Regime.

On a tip from Franco.

Dec 30 2023

LGBT Groomer of the Day: Jeffrey Marsh

In former times, people like Jeffrey Marsh had mobs with torches and pitchforks to deal with.

Under moonbat domination, they are running our elementary schools, and not liking it can get you canceled.

Once again we see that TikTok — which has been instrumental in popularizing Osama bin Laden among Generation Z — may be the most devastating weapon in communist China’s formidable arsenal.

Previously we saw Mr Marsh sporting eye shadow and a 5 o’clock shadow in an ad for “organic” tampons by a company called L. We are living in a surreal horror movie.

On a tip from Anonymous.

Dec 30 2023

Open Thread

Remember: Bureaucracy elevates conformity ... Make that elevates 'fatal stupidity' to the status of religion. - Frank Herbert


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