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Nov 17 2023

Moonbat–Muslim Alliance Attacks DNC Headquarters

The Democratic Party is under siege by its own leftward flank:

Protestors clashed with police outside of the Democratic National headquarters as pro-Palestine groups flooded the front facility and violence erupted.

Officers have already made at least one arrest for assault on an officer after 150 activists surged towards the Washington, DC, building on Wednesday night.

The incident left six police officers injured from cuts, pepper spray and being punched.

Mostly peaceful liberal protesters frequently attack police officers nowadays. Literally thousands were injured by the Black Lives Matter riots that enjoyed the enthusiastic support of the liberal establishment.

The protesters demand a “ceasefire” — i.e., surrender to Hamas in the aftermath of the horrific October 7 terror atrocities that featured children and their parents being tortured and murdered in front of each other.

Again we see that being on their side hardly protects an institution from leftist bullies. On the contrary, bullies push around those who are susceptible to being pushed. For example, campus protests abound because student hooligans know liberal educrats are likely to give in to even the most outrageous demands, so long as they come from the Left.

Many in the Biden Regime are already on board:

Four hundred government officials from 40 departments and agencies within President Biden’s administration signed a letter opposing the president’s handling of the Israel-Hamas war and demanded a cease-fire.

The Tuesday letter, first reported by the New York Times, includes officials from the State Department, White House, National Security Council and the Justice Department.

Biden has tried to take both sides simultaneously, officially siding with Israel while meanwhile giving $100 million to Hamas, launching a pro-Islam propaganda campaign, and scheming to depose Netanyahu.

Even this is not good enough for today’s Left, which demands total capitulation. Israelis are regarded as white-adjacent. Therefore, they are “colonizers,” despite living on land that has been theirs for millennia. Therefore, “From the River to the Sea” — i.e., they must be eradicated.

Note that who leftists really want to eradicate is regular Americans. This they will do soon after they have managed to disarm us.

With the staggeringly hypocritical projection that characterizes progressives, elected Democrats accuse Israel of “genocide” for resisting genocide.

Lest you thought it was even remotely possible to reason with a moonbat, listen as a fiend protesting in support of torturing children to death shrieks in outrage because a police officer allegedly shoved one of her comrades:

That’s what is taking over the Democratic Party, which has already taken over the media, the schools, and the government.

We are not arguing with opponents. We are staving off hordes of demons.

On tips from ABC of the ANC and Varla.

Nov 17 2023

Disqus Down

Sorry about the comments not working. Disqus is having system-wide issues. If it stays down much longer I’ll remove Disqus for the time being. If anyone knows of a good alternative that won’t leave me buried in comment spam, I’m all ears.

Nov 17 2023

Entertainment Industry Grooms Children

The entertainment industry deliberately targets children for emersion in sexual depravity.

Consider Disney, the whole purpose of which is to provide entertainment for kids. Transsexualism has been ruining children’s lives, resulting in psychiatric disorientation and chemical castration and setting them on course for sex change surgery and ruined lives. Employees at the Epcot theme park will promote it by wearing pronoun pins:

The initiative is first being rolled out for the custodial department, before it moves to every department at the park, employees said.

This is in keeping with the Disney agenda:

As Breitbart News reported, Disney along with Netflix put out more LGBTQ content than any other studio in Hollywood in 2022, according to a GLAAD report. …

In the past two years, Disney has fought Florida over its anti-grooming Parental Rights in Education law, created multiple transgender characters for its children’s shows, put gay characters at the center of its big-budget movies, and even launched an LGBTQ-themed apparel line.

Disney preps kids for the hardcore defilement the music industry has in store for them as they approach adolescence.

Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade has featured Kim Petras, a role model presented to youth by liberal cultural engineers. His focus on promoting degeneracy is not subtle:

Petras, the transgender German pop star, said he wants his gay fans to engage in sex during performances of his current concert tour, where children as young as eight are allowed to attend.

In a recent conversation published in Interview magazine, Kim Petras — who is a man but identifies as a woman — acknowledges that lewd and pornographic acts are taking place in full view.

“There’s definitely gay sex happening, which is lit,” Petras said. “In the crowd, and that’s the goal.”

Petras is going on a tour through the USA and Europe:

“And if you look at the show, it’s kind of inspired by Dante’s Inferno and the different levels of hell,” the singer said.

The innermost level of hell, deserving of Satan’s worst torments, is the destination of a society that tolerates companies like Disney and entertainers like Petras.

On tips from Barry A.

Nov 17 2023

Black Paraplegic Santa

Until social engineers have finished transforming Christmas into a pointless celebration of winter that will then be abandoned altogether, they repurpose it to promote their ideology. Santa Claus is now black and paraplegic:

As progress marches forward, next year paraplegic black Santa will be wearing a skirt and fishnet stockings.

Nov 17 2023

Open Thread

The gay rights activists who yell 'bigot' at those who disagree with them are the Imams of America's cultural ghetto. - Erick Erickson

Nov 16 2023

Biden Regime Schemes Against Netanyahu

Since the 1,400-year-old war between Islam and civilization flared up again with the terror atrocities of October 7, the Biden Regime has attempted to play both sides. Officially, it supports Israel. Yet it shovels massive amounts of our money at Hamas, has launched a pro-Islam propaganda campaign, and is attempting to overthrow the Israeli government so as to replace Netanyahu with someone weaker.

Biden’s handlers’ idea of a solution is to move control of Gaza from Hamas terrorists to PLO terrorists. Being no fool, Netanyahu is not on board. So he must be removed:

Sensing that Netanyahu is being hamstrung by his far-right coalition allies, the US has begun to ask about the possibility of a more moderate government being shuffled in, according to a former official.

“The diplomatic umbrella the US and other Western countries are providing Israel to continue operating in Gaza constricts, as civilian casualties mount,” a Biden administration official said on condition of anonymity. “Refusal to cooperate with — and even inhibiting — [our] efforts constrict that umbrella even more.”

Daniel Greenfield aptly describes this as…

…a fancy way of describing threatening to withdraw support from Israel unless Netanyahu rejects the results of a democratic election and forms a coalition with leftists with the aim of appeasing terrorists.

As Afghanistan learned, with friends like the Democrat-controlled USA, you don’t need enemies.

On a tip from WDS 2.0.

Nov 16 2023

New York’s Clean Slate Act Doubles Down on Anarchy

Evidently bail reform did not subject law-abiding citizens to a sufficiently stratospheric level of preventable violence, so Kathy Hochul and the rest of New York’s liberal rulers will now inflict the Clean Slate Act:

Hochul is expected to sign the Clean Slate Act on Thursday, which will automatically seal records after three years for anyone who committed a misdemeanor and after eight years for anyone who committed a felony (except Class A felonies) and is not a registered sex offender.

If you killed someone and accepted a plea deal or were convicted of manslaughter, you get a “clean slate.”

If you committed a rape alongside armed robbery and the rape wasn’t prosecuted to spare the victim (it especially happens with child victims), you get a “clean slate.”

A few people actually benefit from liberal rule — like Kim Crawford:

Crawford beat her 5-year-old because he broke the TV and then watched him suffer and die slowly for five days instead of getting him help so she did not get in trouble.

She got a manslaughter plea deal.

Clean slate for Crawford. She won’t be the only beneficiary:

Also getting a clean slate is a man who lured a cat in so he could punt it like a football — and taunted animal-rights supporters when he left the courtroom…

These two evil people and the many more like them will now be able to work around your home, your pets and your children without you or their employer ever knowing what they are capable of.

Unless they find out the hard way.

Local media supports the Clean Slate Act because its beneficiaries will tend to belong to the favored racial group that is most likely to have criminal records, like the examples given above:

Removing barriers to opportunities for formerly incarcerated New Yorkers is a matter of racial justice.

Meanwhile, Hochul squawks that New York needs to grow its own Stasi to monitor people’s opinions because she cares so much about public safety.

On a tip from Ed McAninch.

Nov 16 2023

Barbra Streisand Promises to Go Away if Trump Elected

As a special service to masochists, here’s a chance to be lectured on tolerance by a supercilious moonbat so bigoted that if regular Americans take control of the White House away from her fellow liberal elitists, she will deem the USA unfit to live in:

Give her credit for originality. This may be the first time anyone has described the cognitively challenged Joe Biden as “smart.”

If only Babs were not completely full of crap like everyone else at her lofty stratum of society, we might take her at her word and beg her to take Colbert with her when she leaves.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Nov 16 2023

Scholastic Says No More Opting Out of LGBT Kids Books

Even the most trusted institutions have been subverted by social engineers bent on corrupting children — including the book company Scholastic:

Scholastic promotes the LGBTQIA+ agenda. The company has long published books that embrace the movement. Its website includes a “Resource Guide” titled Read with Pride: Educator, Caregiver, and Advocate Resources for Supporting LGBTQIA+ Youth and Books.

At least Scholastic used to let individual school administrators opt out of the LGBT agenda by excluding books that promote sexual perversion. However, the forces of tolerance found this unacceptable:

A far-left website, The Intercept, titled its article, “Scholastic Makes It Easy to Ban Black and LGBTQ+ Books.” Another site, Popular Information, labeled the company’s practice as “Scholastic’s ‘bigot button.’” …

Similar coverage came from the ultra-liberal NPR, The New York Times, USA Today, Slate and others. Lest anyone think that the timing of these attacks was coincidental, all of the articles mentioned above ran on October 16 or 17, 2023.

The liberal media establishment is a coordinated campaign.

Because these days everyone always does,

Scholastic caved in to the pressure. The company wrote a groveling press release that stated its new position.

Not listing the books that promote homosexuality/transsexuality to little kids caused “feelings of exclusion.” So there will be no more opting out.

Once upon a time, attempting to sexually corrupt children was punished as a crime. Then it was tolerated. Now it is mandatory.

On a tip from Blackjack.

Nov 16 2023

Worse Than George Soros

The one nice thing about living in a gerontocracy is that antediluvian Methuselahs like Democrat Party owner George Soros and his toady Joe Biden won’t be around for much longer. Now for the bad news — successor Alex Soros could be even worse:

The elder Soros named his self-proclaimed “more political” son Alex as the new leader of the Open Society Foundations in June. This follows after Alex was chosen to lead his father’s enormous political action committee — Democracy PAC — in 2022. Alex then oversaw at least $32,648,000 spent during the midterm elections to support leftist candidates.

George Soros has denounced the USA as a “threat to the world.” The Democratic Party’s primary bankroller’s goal of destroying America could explain most and possibly all Democrat policy.

The Soros strategy of installing ultraleft, pro-criminal DAs across the country — e.g., Alvin Bragg (New York), George Gascon (Los Angeles), Kim Foxx (Chicago), Kim Ogg (Houston), Larry Krasner (Philadelphia), Chesa Boudin (San Francisco), Kim Gardner (St Louis), Marilyn Mosby (Baltimore), Monique Worrell (central Florida), Jason Williams (New Orleans), Pamela Price (Oakland) — has been tearing our cities apart, presumably with the objective of creating enough violent chaos to serve as pretext for a gun grab that would in turn make all things possible regarding the radical left agenda.

Yet Alex…

…could well be more radical than his father on everything from abortion to climate change to the weaponization of race to demonize his political opponents.

Impossible? Consider this:

• Alex Soros Led Father’s Super PAC, Which Spent $32 Million to Help the Left and Defeat Republicans in the 2022 Midterms

• Sits on Boards of Radical Leftist Institutions Pushing to Overhaul Global Academia

• His Personal Foundation Gave Over $4 Million to 10 Radical Leftist Groups

• 47% of His Foundation Funding Went to Radical Groups

• Established Ties with Top Democrats, 43 Major World Leaders

• Unhinged Hatred for the Right

NewsBusters has details.

Here’s what Alex has been up to lately:

Pete Buttigieg of the Biden Regime was reportedly present.

No one knows exactly why our government is stealing hundreds of $billions of our money and flushing it down the Ukrainian corruptocracy, but this provides a clue that it involves not only money laundering but the America last globalist agenda.

On tips from R F and Chris Neilson.

Nov 16 2023

Open Thread

Underlying most arguments against the free market is a lack of belief in freedom itself. - Milton Friedman

Nov 15 2023

Race as a Social Construct

Ack-shooally, drone pointy-headed overeducated moonbats, there is no such thing as race. All people are exactly the same. Racist white people made up the concept of race in order to be mean. Race is just a “social construct.”

When it comes to Hispanics, the stopped clock of leftism is correct. Presenting an example of race as a social construct:

Victims are Hispanic. Bad guys are white.

For an earlier example, refer to George Zimmerman, whom the media described as a “white Hispanic” while it demonized him for defending himself from an angelic black thug who was bashing his skull against the sidewalk.

On a tip from Lyle.

Nov 15 2023

Miss Universe Gets Woke and Goes Broke

Unless for laughs, no one who isn’t sick wants to look at men presenting themselves as women. That goes double at beauty pageants. Yet like every other institution moonbats have marched through, Miss Universe subordinated its purpose to woke ideology. Now it reaps its reward:

While the 2023 Miss Universe pageant, known for its inclusion transgender contestants, will still take place this Saturday, the JKN Global Group behind it filed for bankruptcy just days before the event.

Thai business tycoon and transgender activist Anne Jakrajutatip of the JKN Global Group bought the organization for $20,000,000 in 2022. …

This year’s Miss Universe pageant is slated to feature at least two transgender people who identify as women for the first time, Miss Portugal, a flight attendant named Marina Machete, and Rikkie Kollé, who is the first transgender Miss Netherlands. This follows Spain’s Ángela Ponce, who was the pageant’s first trans contestant overall in 2018, but did not advance to the finals.

Jakrajutatip himself is a transsexual. Evidently he thought he could use Miss Universe to bend the world to his deviancy.

“Trans women [i.e., men who masquerade as women] are women, full stop,” the Miss Universe Organization told CNN in October, following Miss Portugal’s crowning.

On the contrary, two plus two is still four. Full stop.

If liberal culture warriors were less arrogant, they would take a lesson from Miss Universe’s demise and stop attempting to reengineer our basic conception of reality while ramming disgusting forms of perversion down our throats. Even if some people can be cowed into swallowing LGBTism, it will rot in their stomachs until they eventually barf it back up.

Humanity has evolved over many thousands of years. It will not be reengineered by a single generation of presumptuous sickos.

On tips from ABC of the ANC and Ed McAninch.

Nov 15 2023

Cloward–Piven and the Open Border

The Cloward–Piven strategy assumes communism can be imposed on the USA via the welfare state. Sociologists Richard Andrew Cloward and his wife Frances Fox Piven believed that if everyone qualified collected the maximum amount of welfare benefits, the cost would be so massive that it would collapse the economy. Out of the ruins, a new Soviet Union could be imposed, given that we have been conditioned to turn to the source of our problems (i.e., Big Government) for help when these problems get out of control.

The strategy has been working, as the unsustainable national debt confirms. But Democrats are impatient. So Biden’s puppeteers used the border to throw Cloward–Piven into overdrive:

The excuse that migrants came here to work and contribute to our society does not match the statistics. As the NY Post recently reported, only 2% of 139,500 migrants in New York have applied for work permits, and thousands more are on their way to our cities to live off the welfare state.

New York received an influx of 2,800 additional people last week alone. There are 65,500 people living in shelters throughout the city at the expense of the taxpayer, and the mayor believes the city will spend of $2 billion this year on funding.

Welfare payments to foreign invaders are more generous than the Social Security payments we receive after involuntarily paying into the pyramid scheme our whole lives, confirming that the federal government is not our friend.

The average retiree is expected to live on $1,555 per month, which is not enough to live in any US city.

Meanwhile, migrants are receiving a one-time payment of $2,275 and at least $1,225 per month which is more than they likely ever earned from their country of origin. Their room and board is on the taxpayers’ tab and there is no urgency for these people to enter the workforce. In fact, it seems as if they are encouraged to continue milking the welfare system to become utterly dependent on the state.

Of course. That is precisely what Democrats import them for.

Opening the border and providing logistic support for the ensuing largest invasion in human history constitute treason. The migrants are in effect enemy troops brought in to occupy the country. The more seemingly helpless, the more effective they are in this new form of warfare.

The nuclear arsenal that the USA amassed to prevent communism from being imposed from abroad is useless now that the threat originates from within. Democrats are overthrowing our system of government and systematically destroying the American nation.

On a tip from WDS 2.0.


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