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Oct 27 2023

Open Thread

Disarm the people- that is the best and most effective way to enslave them. - James Madison

Oct 26 2023

Next After Voluntary Mastectomies

Considering that the sexually insane have their own genitalia cut off, it should come as no surprise that they do the same to their fingers.

Natasha Baggett, a 31-year-old mother of five from South Seattle, lost two fingers in a woodworking accident. This attracted unwanted attention:

”I thought not having my fingers would be the hardest part, but it’s actually dealing with these crazy people online.

”I was sickened to find out they also get a sexual kick from it. The images on their profiles are extremely disturbing once you realise that they have chopped off their own fingers.”

We see women proudly brandishing scars from voluntary mastectomies on the White House lawn. Chopping off your own fingers is no worse.

”They are not ashamed at all, they even post publicly about it and ask each other for advice on how to handle the pain after severing their own fingers.”

Why should they be ashamed? Shame has been abolished in favor of depravity.

On a tip from Mike B.

Oct 26 2023

Zionists Barred From Columbia Black Lesbian Film Event

Readers who side with Israel against the bloodthirsty barbarians laying siege to it may have to alter their plans for this weekend. Demonstrating support for the recent terror atrocities by Hamas, the Columbia University LGBT group LionLez forbids “Zionists” from attending a “Black Lesbian Film” event:

“It’s FREE PALESTINE over here. Zionists aren’t invited. See you soon, Lion Lez,” read the promotion for the Friday night showing of the two flicks, including one called “Shakedown” which “chronicles explicit performances in an underground lesbian club in Los Angeles.”

The missive, sent by group founder and leader Lizzy George-Griffin, also included a rambling message that noted “THE HOLOCAUST WASN’T SPECIAL,” according to a copy of the ad obtained by the Post.

No one who doesn’t agree that the Holocaust was no biggie is likely to be welcome at the event. In the aftermath of the horrific October 7 terror atrocities, Jews have fallen into disfavor at Ivy League institutions like Harvard, Cornell, Columbia, et cetera.

Too bad LionLez doesn’t show its perverted movies in Gaza. Watching moonbats flying off a rooftop would add zest to a bag of popcorn.

Thanks to race-based admissions, they don’t make Ivy League students like they used to:

On a tip from Jack D. Hat tip: Post Millennial.

Oct 26 2023

Prime Minister of Iceland Declares Herself Oppressed

No matter what heights of power they attain, allegedly marginalized members of the Cultural Marxist coalition will never admit they are not oppressed. On the contrary, the more victimhood works, the more it will be brandished. Barack Obama was made president mainly for being black; we were rewarded with the politicized racial animus that soon degenerated into Black Lives Matter. In Iceland, a woman is prime minister. Katrin Jakobsdóttir was not on the job Tuesday; she was on strike to protest being oppressed:

The prime minister of Iceland went on strike Tuesday in protest of gender discrimination.

Would Jakobsdóttir admit she isn’t oppressed if they made her Queen of Iceland? She would not.

The main grievance:

Women in Iceland earn approximately 10% less on average compared to their male counterparts, according to the World Economic Forum.

The WEF also tells us that we must eat larvae to please the climate and that we will own nothing and be happy.

Apparently Iceland has no real problems, so Jakobsdóttir focuses on a crisis that does not exist:

The widely debunked theory of a gender pay gap supposes that men and women earn the same amount of money for doing the exact same work. Total earnings often show a difference between genders without factoring in work hours, profession, or time lapses in a career.

Given that men tend to work more hours, gravitate to more remunerative professions, take fewer extended absences, et cetera, the miniscule 10% wage gap in Iceland suggests that women are being paid more for the same work compared to men.

Iceland consistently ranks at the top of equality indexes, however, including at the World Economic Forum where Jakobsdóttir wrote an article in 2017 boasting the country’s gender successes.

Maybe Iceland has a real problem after all. Its prime minister is in league with a sinister globalist cabal. She is listed as a WEF “agenda contributor.”

In 2020, the Icelandic leader said that in regard to “rebuilding and reimagining societies after COVID-19,” it was crucial to keep “gender & racial equality, democracy & social justice at the forefront.”

“Democracy” and “social justice” are ominous terms coming from Klaus Schwab acolytes.

At least Jakobsdóttir can explain away statistics showing the wage gap to be a load of crap. The algorithms were designed by men, who are sexists:

On a tip from R F.

Oct 26 2023

Mandatory Abortion

First, they demand we tolerate it. Next, they celebrate it and insist we do the same. Then, they make it mandatory:

A High Court judge in the UK has ruled that an 11-year-old girl who became pregnant after being raped must have an abortion, contrary to the wishes of the girl and her family.

The father was 14. Not an ideal family arrangement. But once the government has started forcing people to kill their own children, the slippery slope has become a cliff.

The girl, who is 15 weeks pregnant, said that the baby made her feel “special” and that she was “happy” to be pregnant. The girl’s mom initially said she supported her daughter’s desire to carry the baby to term. However, after being persuaded that their daughter’s chances of dying during childbirth were increased, the parents later consented to the abortion. If the parents did not agree, their child would have been removed from their custody by law enforcement and forced to have one.

In California, which is a sanctuary state for sexually mutilating children, liberals will confiscate children from parents who refuse to abuse them by pretending they are members of the opposite sex.

Already, politicized healthcare professionals want to inflict sex change operations on children over both parents’ objections.

To see where progressives will progress to next regarding abortion, look to Canada:

Dr. Louis Roy, from the Quebec College of Physicians, told the Commons’ Special Joint Committee of Medical Assistance in Dying (MAID) on Friday that his organization believes MAID can be appropriate for infants up to age one who are born with “severe malformations” and “grave and severe syndromes” for which their “prospective of survival is null, so to speak.”

If MAID can be applied as a solution to mental illness, long wait times, anorexia, PTSD, poverty, and needing a wheelchair lift, why not extend it to postnatal abortion? Why not do it over the parents’ objections?

If progressives keep progressing, we’ll soon be asking, why not kill the parents too for having the wrong attitude?

On tips from Lyle and ABC of the ANC.

Oct 26 2023

Open Thread

It was intended that when Newspeak had been adopted once and for all and Oldspeak forgotten, a heretical thought...should be literally unthinkable, at least so far as thought is dependent on words. - George Orwell

On a tip from American Human.

Oct 25 2023

Voice of America Won’t Call Hamas Terrorists “Terrorists”

It isn’t just the sympathetic BBC that tries to whitewash Islamic terrorists by not calling them terrorists. In the aftermath of the worst terror atrocity since 9/11, Voice of America provides Hamas with the same propaganda service:

In an email sent on Friday to the news service’s employees, VOA associate editor for news standards Carol Guensburg relayed the outlet’s policy for covering the October 7 terrorist attacks and the ensuing Israeli campaign against Hamas targets. She emphasized that VOA needs to maintain neutrality in its coverage…

An army of bloodthirsty barbarians are torturing, maiming, and decapitating children as part of a terror war of extermination against Western Civilization. To pose as neutral in this context is to side with the enemy.

Reporters and editors for the outlet may call Hamas’s slaughter of civilians on October 7 terrorist attacks or acts of terror, according to VOA guidance, which initially went out to staff on October 10. But VOA staff were instructed to “avoid calling Hamas and its members terrorists, except in quotes,” according to emails obtained by [National Review].

We wouldn’t want to stigmatize terrorists, would we? They might regard it as a microaggression.

Despite echoing the anti-American mentality of leftist Democrats, VOA is said to be editorially independent. However, it is funded on a coercive basis by US taxpayers. This funding must cease immediately.

Amazingly enough, there are pro-Hamas leftist propaganda platforms still more odious than VOA. Associated Press comes to mind:

While VOA’s guidance loosely resembles the AP’s order not to refer to terrorism, the AP goes even further, prohibiting the use of the word terrorism for the October 7 slaughter of civilians.

After all, one man’s terrorist is a liberal journalist’s freedom fighter.

Oct 25 2023

UFC Jumps Off Cliff After Bud Light

The people running professional sports care more about grinding moonbattery in our faces than they do about filling seats or making money. UFC provides further evidence by jumping into the ocean chained to an anchor called Bud Light:

The tie-up with Anheuser-Busch’s beleaguered brew — which has been slammed with sharp sales declines since its fleeting, ill-fated campaign in April with transgender influencer Dylan Mulvaney — is reportedly worth more than $100 million, according to MMA Fighting.

The Bud Light brand is so toxic due to its association with the repulsive female impersonator Mulvaney that Anheuser-Busch is paying stores $150 million to continue stocking their unwanted beer.

Maybe UFC will get away with this, the way the NFL, MLB, etc. got away with ramming Black Lives Matter down fans’ throats while rioters looted and destroyed. Or maybe stepping on a rake isn’t such a good idea:

UFC has locked itself into a 6-year deal. Its primary beer sponsor has been Modelo for the past 4 years.

Bud Light has been dethroned as the No. 1 beer in the US, losing its top spot to Modelo Especial, which experienced double-digit growth thanks to Bud Light’s demise.

Don’t expect logic when business decisions are dictated by moonbattery.

On a tip from KirklesWorth.

Oct 25 2023

BBC Weeps Over Gay Tax

Why is it that homosexual couples can’t have children, even though our rulers have dictated that their sexual liaisons are valid marriages? Is it because of biology? No, biology has been overruled in favor of LGBT doctrine. It is because of the gay tax, as revealed by the BBC:

In England, the NHS will fund in-vitro fertilisation (IVF) for heterosexual couples who have been trying for a baby unsuccessfully for at least two years and meet certain other criteria such as age and weight.

But same-sex couples are often expected to demonstrate their infertility before the NHS will fund IVF – and to do so must pay privately for between three and 12 rounds of artificial insemination.

This is denounced as a “gay tax” — possibly the first tax ever that liberals don’t like.

It is discrimination to require homosexuals to prove they are infertile, because it is irrelevant. Two members of the same sex can no more conceive a child than you could conceive one by having sex with a dog. That’s why homosexuality has been reviled for millennia as perversion. It’s why the Obergefell ruling is depraved. It’s why the moonbat activists at the Beeb demand taxpayer-funded test tube babies for their favorite identity group, knowing that any offspring produced will grow up messed up and almost certainly left-wing.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC. Hat tip: Not the Bee.

Oct 25 2023

Lesbian Nana Cop Wigs Out

Remember the British policewoman who presided over an autistic teen being manhandled and hauled off to jail in tears for allegedly committing homophobia by observing that she looked like her lesbian nana? This identity politics answer to a law enforcement officer is back in the news:

Note that the other officers are just standing around, seeing no need to pepper spray civilians in the face.

Not only does she help authorities meet gender quotas, not only is she apparently a belligerent hypersensitive lesbian, but she is also neurodivergent — i.e., crazy as an outhouse rat. She will go far as a public employee.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Oct 25 2023

Open Thread

[the framers of the Constitution] intended our government should be a republic, which differs more widely from a democracy than a democracy from a despotism. - Fisher Ames

Oct 24 2023

11-Year-Old Boy Paraded Before Perverts

Britain’s Daily News is conservative compared to most of the establishment media. Yet check out this coverage:

An 11-year-old transgender girl is ‘living her best life’ her mother insisted as the pair soaked up the applause at Orlando’s Come Out With Pride Festival on Saturday.

By “transgender girl,” they mean boy. Mendacious pronouns as in original. By calling him “her,” the media participates in what is being done to him.

Dempsey Jara became the youngest grand marshal in the event’s history as she paraded in an open top car through the streets of the Florida city at one of the world’s biggest Pride events.

Wearing pink heart-shaped sunglasses and a floral gown, she blew kisses to the crowd while clutching a puppy wrapped in blue bow, as her parents beamed in the back seat.

The piece soon veers into an attack on Ron (misspelled “Rod”) DeSantis over the highly necessary Parental Rights in Education Act, which protects children through third grade from being groomed by perverts in public schools.

Breitbart provides more accurate coverage of the appalling parade:

The parents of a little 11-year-old boy are dressing him up as a girl and allowing a bunch of perverts to exploit him as the grand marshal of Orlando’s Come Out with Pride Festival Parade.

As the saying goes… Having an 11-year-old transgender kid is like having a vegetarian cat… We all know who’s making the decisions here. …

Of course, [the boy’s] mom is a school teacher.

A society that tolerates this will not end well.

On a tip from Barry A.

Oct 24 2023

Newspeak Medical Dictionary Updates

Having been absorbed by the Left, the medical profession will be making fewer contributions to our health and longevity. To compensate, it now makes contributions to the Newspeak Dictionary:

Ilana Sherer, a pediatrician in Dublin, California, gave a presentation Sunday at the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) National Conference and Exhibition and called for more gender neutral terminology for body parts.

Her proposals, given during a workshop entitled ‘Discussing Gender and Sexuality in the Primary Care Office,’ included referring to the vagina as an ‘innie,’ ‘front hole,’ or ‘T-penis’ and the clitoris as ‘d*ck’ or ‘d*cklet.’

Pronouns as in original. “Ilana” Sherer looks like a guy. Less than wholesome characters have been infiltrating primary education as a result of the current emphasis on recruiting children into LGBTism. Let’s hope this alarming phenomenon does not extend to pediatrics.

She also proposed calling breasts ‘chest’ or ‘chesticles.’ For male anatomy, Dr Sherer recommended pediatricians call the penis ‘outie,’ ‘junk,’ ‘strapless,’ or ‘bits.’

Others suggest less informal LGBT-compliant vocabulary:

Some in the medical community have been calling for gender-neutral body terminology for years, recommending ‘upper body’ for breasts, ‘erectile tissue’ for penis and ‘internal gonads’ for ovaries.

Update your copy of Gray’s Anatomy accordingly.

If only the moonbattery stopped at vocabulary:

[Sherer] is board certified by the AAP, an organization to advance child health and well-being, as well as the profession of pediatrics, and serves on the organization’s Executive Committee for LGBTQ Health and Wellness. …

In August, the AAP voted to stand by its 2018 guidance that supports LGBTQ access to counseling, hormone therapy, puberty blockers and, occasionally, surgery for minors under 18 years old.

The concept “First do no harm” has been discarded in favor of the LGBT agenda where children are concerned.

On a tip from Ed McAninch.

Oct 24 2023

English Flag Suppressed as Racist in England

Liberals will leave no trace of the culture they are destroying. The English flag is now suppressed as racist in England because the Muslim colonists imported to displace the native population might find it offensive:

British police don’t permit displaying pictures of the small children kidnapped by Muslim terrorists, why would they allow either the English or British flag?

The authorities already side with Islamic colonists against the native population. Imagine the situation when Muslims achieve majority status. It will be like having Hamas in charge of Israel.

On tips from Wiggins, KirklesWorth, and Lyle.


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